• Title/Summary/Keyword: Technical high school

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A Study on the Improvement Plan for Activation and Analysis of BIM Education in Specialized High School (특성화 고등학교 BIM 교육 현황 분석 및 활성화를 위한 개선방안)

  • Jung, Ji-Won;Kim, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2017
  • In order to meet current AEC(Architecture, Engineering, Construction) industrial demand, BIM related NCS(National Competency Standards)'s study module in architectural design and construction has been created and it has been applied into the NCS-based curriculum of Specialized High Schools and Meister High Schools from March 2016. Therefore, the goal of this study is to identify the limitations BIM education in the Specialized High School and to find out the improvement plan for activation. Analysis of previous research literature and current education curriculums in the Specialized High School, and questionnaire survey of related teachers have been conducted. Finally, this paper investigated the case of BIM education in 'S' Technical High School where BIM education is carried out. This paper suggests the following three points in conclusion: 1) Updated curriculum reflecting NCS and industrial demand is necessary, 2) Continuing BIM education for teachers and financial support is necessary to get the qualified teaching capacity, 3) Curriculum reflecting BIM's possibilities needs to be developed across the interdisciplinary subjects to maximize its effect.

Prevalence of Drug Abuse and Smoking and Dietary Behavior of Male Students at Technical High School

  • Kim, Sun-Hee;Han, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.939-948
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    • 1998
  • To investigate the relationship between eating behavior and the prevalence of adolescents drug abuse and smoking, this survey was conducted among 349 male students(mean age ; 16.0 $\pm$0.9yrs) at technical high schools in Kyunggi-Do. It was shown that 58.7% of total subjects were smoking and 11.2% were abusing drugs. Drug abusers weighed Less than non-abusers especially, student smokers were 2.7kg lighter than non-smokers despite the same height. Although parents' education showed no relationship with drug abuse, educational level of student smokers' fathers was significantly lower than that of non-smokers' fathers. Drug abusers and smokers showed significantly higher incidence of runaway from home, absence from school without notice, and parents' divorce than non-abusers and non-smokers. Drugs abused were sleeping pills(n=20), bonds and butane gas(n=9), marijuana(n=3), tranquilizer(n=3), morphine and cocaine(n=2), and pep pills like amphetamine(n=2) 76.9% of the drug abusers had their first experience in junior high school and 81% of the smokers stared smoking as early as in junior high school. Also, 44% of the smokers reported that they smoke daily. The drug abusers tended to have more irregular eating habits than the non-abusers. The smokers showed irregular mealtime, ate either too fast or too slow, and especially, often skipped lunch or dinner. The drug abusers and smokers took little vegetable in their meals and often ate bread or noodles instead of rice for staples. In addition, they preferred taste to nutrition when they had meals. The smokers tended to ingest smaller amount of calcium source such as milk or dinner food and fish with bone although they consume more volume of total foods than the non-smokers. All subjects took less in calorie, calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin E, riboflavin, and folic acid than the Recommended Dietary Allowance Those findings suggest that drug abuse and smoking cause bad eating habits that influence unbalanced nutritional state. Therefore, nutrition education should be provided to the adolescents so that they can recognize the disadvantages of drug and smoking and its relation to dietary relation. (Korean J Nutrition 31(5) : 939-948, 1998)

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The Development and Application for Multimedia Rich Project Based Learning (멀티미디어 기술을 활용한 프로젝트 학습 전략 개발 및 적용)

  • Lee, YoungMin;Ryu, JinSon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.213-232
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is that after developing and applying multimedia rich project-based learning methods in a Korean Special high school(Industrial and Technical Area), to provide how the learners recognize the effectiveness for it and to obtain the implication from effectiveness which they recognized. This study was conducted as action research based on a high school situation. The study included 100 participants in two classes purposively selected from 9 classes at 450 student high school. Data were collected through observations, surveys and interview. Results indicated the multimedia rich project-based learning allowed students to understand the contents of major subject overall, improve the handling skill for computer multimedia and be better at investigating and organizing skill for subject content. Also, it allowed them to improve interaction among students and participation, motivation, satisfaction, interest and confidence for learning. And there was close cooperation with and among group members to create better products.. Finally, the flexibility in the project-based learning environment allowed the participants to make decisions about their abilities, resources, and plans. Recommendations and implications for teacher educators as well as inservice and preservice teachers are also presented.

Seismic behavior of high-strength concrete flexural walls with boundary elements

  • Kim, Seung-Hun;Lee, Ae-Bock;Han, Byung-Chan;Ha, Sang-Su;Yun, Hyun-Do
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.493-516
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    • 2004
  • This paper addresses the behavior and strength of structural walls with a concrete compressive strength exceeding 69 MPa. This information also enhances the current database for improvement of design recommendations. The objectives of this investigation are to study the effect of axial-load ratio on seismic behavior of high-strength concrete flexural walls. An analysis has been carried out in order to assess the contribution of deformation components, i.e., flexural, diagonal shear, and sliding shear on total displacement. The results from the analysis are then utilized to evaluate the prevailing inelastic deformation mode in each of wall. Moment-curvature characteristics, ductility and damage index are quantified and discussed in relation with axial stress levels. Experimental results show that axial-load ratio have a significant effect on the flexural strength, failure mode, deformation characteristics and ductility of high-strength concrete structural walls.

A Study on the Job Specifications of Teachers Working at Secondary Level Technical Vocational Education Institutes (중등단계 공업계열 직업교육기관 교사의 직무 인식)

  • Lee, Chan-Joo;Lee, Byung-Wook
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.30-52
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the duties of teachers working at secondary level technical vocational education institutes, and analyze job importance, difficulty and frequency of performance perceived by teachers. For deducing the duties of teachers working at secondary level technical vocational education institutes, they were theoretically devised by reviewing related legislations & regulations and domestic & overseas literatures. The devised duties were reviewed by 16 current teachers and 3 education experts to be revised and supplemented to complete the job model. Based on this, development of research tool was finalized, and questionnaires were used as the research tool. The results of this study are as follow. First, the job categories of teachers working at secondary level technical vocational education institutes consisted of 7 categories that are subject instruction, student instruction, class management, curriculum organization & administration, school affairs & administrative duties, PR & field practical training and expertise enhancement. Based on the CFA, they consisted of 46 sub-factors in 10 categories with 3 categories of lesson preparation & planning, lesson administration and academic evaluation for subject instruction, and 2 categories of extracurricular student guidance and school life guidance for student instruction, and class management, curriculum organization & administration, school affairs & administrative duties, PR & field practical training and expertise enhancement. Second, job importance perceived by teachers working at secondary level technical vocational education institutes was found to be high overall with 4.10, while above average in difficulty with 3.45 and average in frequency of performance with 3.12 (1-3 times a month). As for categories with high job importance, they were found to be in the order of academic evaluation (4.32), lesson preparation & planning (4.28), expertise enhancement (4.27), lesson administration (4.26), school life guidance (4.25), class management (4.17) and PR & field practical training (4.12). In regards to categories with high job difficulty, they were found to be in the order of PR & field practical training (4.07), curriculum organization & administration (3.73), expertise enhancement (3.55), school life guidance (3.48), academic evaluation (3.35) and extracurricular student guidance (3.22). As for categories with high frequency of job performance, they were found to be in the order of class management (3.88), lesson administration (3.77), school life guidance (3.52), school affairs & administrative duties (3.40) and lesson preparation & planning (3.17).

A Study on the Implementation of Vocational Home Economics Program at Senior High School (고등학교 가정계 직업 교육 프로그램 운영에 관한 연구)

  • 장명희;윤인경
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 1995
  • This study aims at seeking how to activate and operate vocational home economics curriculum efficiently. We collected data from school district offices in the nation and questionaries to 37 high school teachers in charge of vocational home economics, 30 teachers in charge of vocational course, 305 students of vocational school, and 135 students on vocational course for the recognition of and request for vocational home economics curriculum. Collected data were analysed by frequency, percentage, and X(sup)2, and SPSS/PC(sup)+ program are used for the statistical analysis. Followings are the outcomes of this study. 1. The number of classes in which vocational home economics is operated has been on the rise since 1986. As for curriculum of vocational high school, 79 classes for clothing, tourism, and childhood education are being operated in 8 schools. 2. Teachers acknowledge vocational training should keep complete and sustaining education and that it should aim ar conduction education which enables students to acquire technical knowledge and to seek a gob. Both teachers and students admit vocational home economics should be carried out so that vocational training can be combined with general education. 3. Teachers put more emphasis on its major field than that general field. As for laboratory classes, teachers complained about the financial lack, while students need for field practice for the purpose of opening the way for combing theory with practice and proposing for scientific study of industrial sites. As for the contents, students considered the technical course size appropriate and they though it is desirable that the ratio of practical class should be increased by more than 60% of that of the current class ratio.

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A Study on On-The-Job Training Effects Based on the Perceptions of Employees from the Specialized High School (특성화 고교 출신 취업자의 인식에 기초한 현장 실습 효과 연구)

  • Ahn, Jae Yeong;Lee, Byung Wook
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.145-161
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data necessary to improve the planning and operations for an effective on-the-job training (OJT) by analyzing educational effects and deciding on a career for employment (DCE) effects of OJT based on the perceptions of employees from the specialized high school (SHS). The survey was performed with 301 employees who are working in the industrial institutions including the OJT, among the nation's specialized technical high school graduates. 240 questionnaires were analyzed. The major results of this study are as following. First, the effects of OJT are as following. The OJT have educational effects such as the improvement of job ability and adaptability to workplace, refinement of working life, and career guidance. However, the OJT almost don't have educational effects for contents in relation to the majors in SHS. The OJT had basic DCE effects on graduates, and consistently have had them since they graduated from SHS. Second, the difference of OJT effects by employees' background variables is as following. By the gender, the OJT have more educational effects and DCE effects on male than female. By the types of career decision before taking part in the OJT, the OJT has more educational effects and DCE effects on employees with a high degree of career decision. By the working life satisfaction, the higher working life satisfaction, the higher OJT effects. Therefore, the OJT should be operated to make students feel satisfied with the OJT in order to correspond with the purpose of specialized high school - cultivating talent in specific areas.

The Effect of Social Support from Teachers and Friends on Career Maturity of Technical Meister School Students (교사와 친구의 사회적 지지가 마이스터고 학생의 진로성숙도에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Kyung-Il;Kim, Seo-Jeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.420-431
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of social support from teachers and friends on the career maturity of students at technical meister high schools. The Social Support Scale adjusted by Kim, Hye-Jin(2006) and the Career Maturity Attitude Inventory Scale produced by Lee, Ki-Hak(1997) were administered. The data from 194 were ultimately included to analyze. Corrlational coefficent and multiple regression analysis were performed using SPSS 21.0 statistical package. The results were as follows. First, perceived teachers' social support was higher than friends. Second, the effect of teachers' social support on career maturity was not significant but the effect of social support from friends was found. Among sub-factors of social support from friends, emotional and informative support were found significant effect on career maturity. The implication of these results were discussed in terms of career counseling and education of technical meister high schools.

A Study on The Safety Awareness of Technical High School Student in Chemistry Major (화학전공 특성화 고등학생의 안전의식에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Young-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.617-625
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to elucidate the safety consciousness of high school students in chemistry-related departments in terms of disaster safety education, degree of safety education knowledge, and the relationship between safety consciousness and safety education knowledge. The subjects were 469 students attending technical high schools in Gyeonggi and Chungcheongnam-do. For the results, students responded that their level of safety consciousness (3.44) was better than that of others (2.85). In addition, safety regulations were considered in relation to others. Safety education at school was cited as necessary, but respondents were not interested in the education contents. Students had been receiving safety education at school, but they cited that the use of protective equipment in class was not performed well. Disaster awareness was positively (+) correlated, and safety and fire safety awareness were found to be significant. The results of this study can be used as basic data for safety education to improve disaster safety education. It is necessary to develop an education program to raise safety awareness and to develop an education manual. Based on this study, future studies should be conducted.

The Teaching Competency and Educational Needs of Electricity·Electronic·Communication Technical Teachers (전기·전자·통신 계열 공업교사의 교수능력과 교육요구)

  • Lee, Myunghun;Na, Seungil
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.177-202
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the present teaching competency level and the educational needs of electricity electronic communication technical teachers. The population was electricity electronic communication technical teachers, 750 teachers were sampled for this study. A survey questionnaire consisted of teaching competencies scale including 3 domains based on Performance-Based Teacher Education Modules. The professional competencies scale consisted of 5-point Likert-type 30 items for them to rate the importance and also to indicate the teaching competency level. A questionnaire was mailed to the sample and 443 returned questionnaires were analyzed after data cleaning. The educational needs of teachers were calculated by using the Borich's needs assessment formula. The findings of this study were as follows. 1) electricity electronic communication technical teachers perceived all the thirty competencies as highly important ones. 2) They perceived that their current teaching competency level was just beyond the ordinary level but was lower than the good level. 3) The highest needs were 'determining learning level & interests of students', 'applying problem solving techniques', 'reconstructing lesson contents', 'establishing lesson objectives'. 4) They have a different level of educational needs on the competencies according to their gender, terminal education level, year of teaching experience, practical work experience, school type(national public school/private school), and school location.