• Title/Summary/Keyword: Teaching methodology

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Development and Effect of Learning Materials of Earth Science Using Simplifying Condition Method (단순화 조건법을 이용한 지질 연대 분야의 학습 자료 개발과 그 효과)

  • Kim, Jong-Hee;Jeong, Hui-Gyeong;Kim, Sang-Dal
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.495-507
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was three-folded to suggest the Simplifying Conditions Method (SCM) as a means of task analysis and sequencing of instructional content, to develop teaching-learning materials by analyzing part of the geological time scale of the earth science and finally to analyze the effectiveness of this method. SCM began by simplifying a complex task into the basic components by eliminating various complexities, which produced a simple representative of the entire task. The next step was to relax conditions on the basic version one by one, thereby gradually introducing progressively more complex tasks to the students. This sequential strategy enabled students to understand the task holistically and to acquire authentic skills from very onset of the course. Moreover, Early mastery of skills enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of instruction. The result of this study revealed that instruction through SCM was more effective in developing students' self-directed learning characteristics and academic achievement than instruction through sequential task analysis methodology.

Preferences of Malaysian Cancer Patients in Communication of Bad News

  • Eng, Tan Chai;Yaakup, Hayati;Shah, Shamsul Azhar;Jaffar, Aida;Omar, Khairani
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.2749-2752
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    • 2012
  • Background: Breaking bad news to cancer patients is a delicate and challenging task for most doctors. Better understanding of patients' preferences in breaking bad news can guide doctors in performing this task. Objectives: This study aimed to describe the preferences of Malaysian cancer patients regarding the communication of bad news. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in the Oncology clinic of a tertiary teaching hospital. Two hundred adult cancer patients were recruited via purposive quota sampling. They were required to complete the Malay language version of the Measure of Patients' Preferences (MPP-BM) with minimal researcher assistance. Their responses were analysed using descriptive statistics. Association between demographic characteristics and domain scores were tested using non-parametric statistical tests. Results: Nine items were rated by the patients as essential: "Doctor is honest about the severity of my condition", "Doctor describing my treatment options in detail", "Doctor telling me best treatment options", Doctor letting me know all of the different treatment options", "Doctor being up to date on research on my type of cancer", "Doctor telling me news directly", "Being given detailed info about results of medical tests", "Being told in person", and "Having doctor offer hope about my condition". All these items had median scores of 5/5 (IQR:4-5). The median scores for the three domains were: "Content and Facilitation" 74/85, "Emotional Support" 23/30 and "Structural and Informational Support" 31/40. Ethnicity was found to be significantly associated with scores for "Content and Facilitation" and "Emotional Support". Educational status was significantly associated with scores for "Structural and Informational Support". Conclusion: Malaysian cancer patients appreciate the ability of the doctor to provide adequate information using good communication skills during the process of breaking bad news. Provision of emotional support, structural support and informational support were also highly appreciated.

Study on the Teaching/Learning Methodology in WBI (웹 기반 학습에서의 교수-학습 방법에 관한 연구)

  • 민용식;안창훈
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.341-356
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    • 2001
  • In this study, we develope a WBI(Web Base Instruction) program to do the student oriented learning using WWW and analyze the result. The 127 students who took part in the experiment were divided into two groups, an experimental group of 85 subjects and a comparative group of 42 subjects. This experiment was performed for four periods, and a formative test was conducted to measure achievement for two groups. The average and the standard deviation of scores for the experimental group are 84.9 and 16.82 respectively, and the comparative group 77.5 and 14.39. Experimental results shows that the academic achievement for the experimental group is more significant than that of the comparative group at the 0.0024(P$\le$0.05)of the result "t-test" under the 91~95$\%$ confidence interval of the level of significance. This fact says that practicing the WBI programming has an effect on the improvement of the students' academic achievement.hievement.

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Effectiveness of Video-Record Method on Fundamental Nursing Skill Education - Focused on Intramuscular Injection Practice - (기본간호학 실습교육에서 비디오 녹화학습의 효과연구 - 근육주사 실습교육을 중심으로 -)

  • Yeun Eun-Ja
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.86-96
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    • 1999
  • Effectiveness of the videotaped-record learning method in teaching intramuscular injection skill was investigated using an experimental research methodology. Data was collected from 57 female students attending Fundamental nursing class from two depts. of nursing in Chung-ju and Seoul. The subjects were assigned to two groups, the experimental group of 30 and the control group of 27. The independent variable was videotaped-record learning method and the dependent variable were the degree of knowledge achivement, nursing skill achivement, competence on practicing intramuscular injection skill and satisfaction about the learning method. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square test, t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient with SPSS-PC program. The results were summarized as follows ; 1. There was statistically significant difference between the experimental group and control group in knowledge achievement about intramuscular injections (t=4.721, P=.000). 2. There was statistically significant difference between the experimental group and control group in nursing skill achievement(t=3.542, P=.001). 3. There was no statistically significant difference between the experimental group and control group in competence on practicing intramuscular injection skill (t=.627, P=.533). 4. There was statistically significant difference between the experimental group and control group in satisfaction about learning method(t=4.708, P=.000). 5. There was significant correlation between nursing skill achievement and knowledge achievement(r=.233, p<.05). In conclusion, this study suggests that videotaped-record learning method is an effective learning method for achieving intramuscular injection skill as a basic nursing skills. Therefore, further study with more developed research design and other fundamental nursing skill practice will be needed to investigate the effectiveness of videotaped-recored learning method.

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The Development of an Education System for Preventing Inappropriate Information on the Internet (인터넷상의 유해정보 예방교육 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Hee-Soon;Lee, Jae-Mu
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to develop an education system to protect elementary school students from inappropriate information and verify the effect of the program. It was deemed necessary that an education system be developed for the cultivation of appropriate information selection and self-censorship of inappropriate Internet information. To this time, however, schools have not placed great importance on this concept because of the lack of the documents and the teaching strategies. Our system gives support on three levels to a learning course according to collected documentation. The learner receives not only feedback activities and results from others and the teacher, but also counsel from the teacher about difficulties. The system implementing this methodology indicated that both the students' recognition of harmful information and their moral values were improved as the result of applying the system in a local elementary school.

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Factors Affecting Students' Satisfaction Level in Computer Classes Offered as Extracurricular Activities in Commercial High Schools (컴퓨터 특기적성 교육의 만족도 영향요인 탐색 : 상업계 고등학교 학습자를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Mi-Ryang;Shin, Hyun-Deok
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2005
  • Teaching ICT skills in extracurricular activity classes of commercial high school helps to bridge the digital divide of the students at the minimum cost, and gives them a chance of getting ICT-related licenses. The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of satisfaction and planned behavior toward computer classes, offered as extracurricular activities in commercial high schools. A survey methodology was used to investigate a proposed model of influence, and regression analysis was used to analyze the results. The hypothesized model was largely supported by this analysis, and the overall results indicate that the intention to participate in the class is mostly influenced by the expected social effect, individual impact and playfulness from the class. In addition, it was found that the learning environment influences the level of playfulness and social effect, and that the contents quality has some impact on the level of the ease of study and playfulness. Useful suggestions for promoting computer classes as extracurricular activities in commercial high schools are also provided.

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Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Experiences of Nursing Students in Medical Terminology Classes (의학용어 수업에 참여한 간호대학생의 직소 협동학습 경험)

  • Lee, Yunju;Yang, Jeongha
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 2019
  • Background: This study was conducted to identify the experiences of nursing students students who participated in jigsaw cooperative learning in medical terminology classes. Methods: Data were collected through in-depth individual interviews and analyzed using the Colaizzi phenomenological analysis methodology. Results: Six categories emerged through experiences of jigsaw cooperative learning of nursing students. The specific categories are 'two contrasting emotions that exist under consciousness', 'progression towards self-directed learning', 'resurrection of community spirit', 'facing the growing self', 'realistic limits', and 'co-operation that has risen above consciousness'. Conclusion: Jigsaw cooperative learning enhances nursing students' self-directed learning and community consciousness. It is a very useful teaching and learning method that encourages growth through community spirit and cooperation. In the future, we propose a study using jigsaw-cooperative learning in various classes.

A Feasibility Study on Adopting Individual Information Cognitive Processing as Criteria of Categorization on Apple iTunes Store

  • Zhang, Chao;Wan, Lili
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2018
  • Purpose More than 7.6 million mobile apps could be approved on both Apple iTunes Store and Google Play. For managing those existed Apps, Apple Inc. established twenty-four primary categories, as well as Google Play had thirty-three primary categories. However, all of their categorizations have appeared more and more problems in managing and classifying numerous apps, such as app miscategorized, cross-attribution problems, lack of categorization keywords index, etc. The purpose of this study focused on introducing individual information cognitive processing as the classification criteria to update the current categorization on Apple iTunes Store. Meanwhile, we tried to observe the effectiveness of the new criteria from a classification process on Apple iTunes Store. Design/Methodology/Approach A research approach with four research stages were performed and a series of mixed methods was developed to identify the feasibility of adopting individual information cognitive processing as categorization criteria. By using machine-learning techniques with Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and Singular Value Decomposition, keyword lists were extracted. By using the prior research results related to car app's categorization, we developed individual information cognitive processing. Further keywords extracting process from the extracted keyword lists was performed. Findings By TF-IDF and SVD, keyword lists from more than five thousand apps were extracted. Furthermore, we developed individual information cognitive processing that included a categorization teaching process and learning process. Three top three keywords for each category were extracted. By comparing the extracted results with prior studies, the inter-rater reliability for two different methods shows significant reliable, which proved the individual information cognitive processing to be reliable as criteria of categorization on Apple iTunes Store. The updating suggestions for Apple iTunes Store were discussed in this paper and the results of this paper may be useful for app store hosts to improve the current categorizations on app stores as well as increasing the efficiency of app discovering and locating process for both app developers and users.

The Effects of an English Lecture for a Korean Business Student: Enhancing Understanding and Learning Outcomes (유통기업을 위한 대학의 영어전공강의 성과분석: 이해도 제고와 학습성과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Myoung-Sook;Kang, Shin-Ae
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - This study investigated the effects of lectures in the English medium (EML) on understanding and learning outcomes. Sixty percent of EML lectures in Korea also use Korean for further support. Thus, this situation needs to clearly distinguish the specific impacts of the EML classes on learning outcomes. Here, we use the same English materials, including PowerPoint slides and video content, given in the Korean and English lectures. The difference between the lectures becomes only whether the lecture is delivered in Korean or English. Thus, we can clearly identify whether the language difference makes any difference in learning outcomes. Research design, data, and methodology - Our sample consisted of 91 students taking an international business course the spring of 2015. All course materials, including textbooks, PowerPoint slides, exams, video, and support content, were presented in English. Survey data and exam results were used. Students filled out their student identification number and name, so we could match the surveys against the exam results. Results - First, results show that whether the lecture was delivered in English or Korean was an important factor when students chose the class. Second, English proficiency related to international business and general English levels were higher in the English class than in the Korean class. However, the understanding of key concepts and reading abilities of international business newspapers were the same for students in both classes. Third, teaching materials and lectures were the most important material for the understanding of key concepts in the business major. Fourth, the exam results showed no difference in performance of the students in the English versus the Korean class. This shows that EML classes were not necessarily detrimental to the understanding of major concepts of the lecture. Thus, it is important that researchers carefully design empirical settings to study the effectiveness of EML. Conclusions - The English lecture can be as helpful for enhancing knowledge in the business major as the Korean lecture. For further research, various English lecture forms can be considered to distinguish the effects of the English lecture.

A Comparative Study on Fashion Design Education in Europe and Korea -Focus on the Educational Cases in the UK, France, Italy and Korea- (유럽과 한국의 패션디자인 교육에 관한 비교연구 -영국, 프랑스, 이태리, 한국의 교육사례를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.35 no.10
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    • pp.1199-1214
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    • 2011
  • This study suggests the direction of fashion design education suitable for Korea by comparing the fashion design educational systems and the curricula of the main fashion institutions in Europe and those of some universities in Korea. For this, 6 fashion schools in UK, France and Italy and 12 four-year-course universities in Korea were sellected. At first, the educational systems of the nations above and the information about the selected institutions were examined through literature reviews. Then, case studies were performed about the curricula and the other characteristics of the selected fashion design courses by each website or leaflet as well as additional interviews with their course directors or graduates. The results of this study are as follow: First, Korean fashion design education system needs to be specialized and subdivided with a curriculum centered on fashion design. Second, a foundation course needs to be developed to raise a broad and creative approach for design as well as to discover each student's aptitude. Third, the curricula about design process and research methodology need to raise a problem-solving individual of ability. Fourth, a project-based fashion design education is required by a specialized education as well as multi-disciplinary programs. Fifth, an industry- related and market-based fashion design education is asked through internships, professional teaching staff, industry-sponsored projects, seminars and professional design critics. Sixth, English and technology needs to be added to the curricula to develop global professionals. Finally, a cultural fashion design education based on Korean identity is required to develop the Korean fashion industry into a higher value-added business.