A Feasibility Study on Adopting Individual Information Cognitive Processing as Criteria of Categorization on Apple iTunes Store

  • Zhang, Chao (College of Business, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) ;
  • Wan, Lili (College of Business, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
  • Received : 2018.05.26
  • Accepted : 2018.06.28
  • Published : 2018.06.30


Purpose More than 7.6 million mobile apps could be approved on both Apple iTunes Store and Google Play. For managing those existed Apps, Apple Inc. established twenty-four primary categories, as well as Google Play had thirty-three primary categories. However, all of their categorizations have appeared more and more problems in managing and classifying numerous apps, such as app miscategorized, cross-attribution problems, lack of categorization keywords index, etc. The purpose of this study focused on introducing individual information cognitive processing as the classification criteria to update the current categorization on Apple iTunes Store. Meanwhile, we tried to observe the effectiveness of the new criteria from a classification process on Apple iTunes Store. Design/Methodology/Approach A research approach with four research stages were performed and a series of mixed methods was developed to identify the feasibility of adopting individual information cognitive processing as categorization criteria. By using machine-learning techniques with Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and Singular Value Decomposition, keyword lists were extracted. By using the prior research results related to car app's categorization, we developed individual information cognitive processing. Further keywords extracting process from the extracted keyword lists was performed. Findings By TF-IDF and SVD, keyword lists from more than five thousand apps were extracted. Furthermore, we developed individual information cognitive processing that included a categorization teaching process and learning process. Three top three keywords for each category were extracted. By comparing the extracted results with prior studies, the inter-rater reliability for two different methods shows significant reliable, which proved the individual information cognitive processing to be reliable as criteria of categorization on Apple iTunes Store. The updating suggestions for Apple iTunes Store were discussed in this paper and the results of this paper may be useful for app store hosts to improve the current categorizations on app stores as well as increasing the efficiency of app discovering and locating process for both app developers and users.



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