• Title/Summary/Keyword: TRIPs

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Globalization and Independency of Populist Nations' Welfare Policies: Focusing on the Influences of Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies on the Korean Government's Policy on the Pharmaceutical Industry (세계화와 국민국가의 복지정책 자율성: 다국적 제약자본이 우리나라 제약정책 결정에 미친 영향을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Su-Yun;Kim, Young-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.5-30
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    • 2005
  • Globalization has conflicting effects on pharmaceutical policies. A change into a 'populist competitive nation' due to globalization strengthens policies to reduce drug manufacturing costs while the WTO's TRIPS Agreement that is affected by multinational pharmaceutical companies increases drug manufacturing costs by bolstering the patent rights on new drugs. Currently, the independency of populist nations' policies to reduce drug manufacturing cost is being compromised because multinational organizations(such as the European Union) which represents the interests of the multinational pharmaceutical companies put restrictions on the pharmaceutical policies of populist nations for purposes of promoting the industrial goals of the multinational companies. Korea is no exception. Up until the late 1990s, the main feature of the pharmaceutical policies in Korea was keeping the drug price at the cost level based on a growth-driven ideology, and this was Korea's unique policy tools as a developing nation. However, the increase in the power of multinational pharmaceutical companies currently infringes on the independency of Korea's pharmaceutical policies. Expensive imported drugs were originally covered by the national health insurance plan, but starting from 1999 such drugs began to be covered by the plan. After separation of medical and pharmaceutical services, the use of expensive drugs was increased, and the Korean government planned to introduce the reference price policy in order to contain the cost of the national health insurance plan. However, due to pressures from the U.S. government as well as multinational pharmaceutical companies, implementation of the policy has been postponed. In addition, due to a pressure from the U.S. government, a working group was created which would affect the health care policy of the Korean government. Discussions so far on globalization was about whether the change into populist competitive nations due to globalization resulted in the reduction of welfare spending. However, this study shows not only the reduction of health care cost through policies to reduce drug manufacturing costs but increase in welfare spending by raising the strengths of multinational pharmaceutical companies that are for-profit providers of welfare service. While focusing on the contradictory effects of globalization on pharmaceutical policies of a nation, this study looked at how these conflicting effects end up promoting the interests of multinational pharmaceutical companies by examining the Korean case.

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The current state and prospects of travel business development under the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Tkachenko, Tetiana;Pryhara, Olha;Zatsepina, Nataly;Bryk, Stepan;Holubets, Iryna;Havryliuk, Alla
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.12spc
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    • pp.664-674
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    • 2021
  • The relevance of this scientific research is determined by the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the current trends and dynamics of world tourism development. This article aims to identify patterns of development of the modern tourist market, analysis of problems and prospects of development in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods. General scientific methods and methods of research are used in the work: analysis, synthesis, comparison, analysis of statistical data. The analysis of the viewpoints of foreign and domestic authors on the research of the international tourist market allowed us to substantiate the actual directions of tourism development due to the influence of negative factors connected with the spread of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Economic-statistical, abstract-logical, and economic-mathematical methods of research were used during the process of study and data processing. Results. The analysis of the current state of the tourist market by world regions was carried out. It was found that tourism is one of the most affected sectors from COVID-19, as, by the end of 2020, the total number of tourist arrivals in the world decreased by 74% compared to the same period in 2019. The consequence of this decline was a loss of total global tourism revenues by the end of 2020, which equaled $1.3 trillion. 27% of all destinations are completely closed to international tourism. At the end of 2020, the economy of international tourism has shrunk by about 80%. In 2020 the world traveled 98 million fewer people (-83%) relative to the same period last year. Tourism was hit hardest by the pandemic in the Asia-Pacific region, where travel restrictions are as strict as possible. International arrivals in this region fell by 84% (300 million). The Middle East and Africa recorded declines of 75 and 70 percent. Despite a small and short-lived recovery in the summer of 2020, Europe lost 71% of the tourist flow, with the European continent recording the largest drop in absolute terms compared with 2019, 500 million. In North and South America, foreign arrivals declined. It is revealed that a significant decrease in tourist flows leads to a massive loss of jobs, a sharp decline in foreign exchange earnings and taxes, which limits the ability of states to support the tourism industry. Three possible scenarios of exit of the tourist industry from the crisis, reflecting the most probable changes of monthly tourist flows, are considered. The characteristics of respondents from Ukraine, Germany, and the USA and their attitude to travel depending on gender, age, education level, professional status, and monthly income are presented. About 57% of respondents from Ukraine, Poland, and the United States were planning a tourist trip in 2021. Note that people with higher or secondary education were more willing to plan such a trip. The results of the empirical study confirm that interest in domestic tourism has increased significantly in 2021. The regression model of dependence of the number of domestic tourist trips on the example of Ukraine with time tendency (t) and seasonal variations (Turˆt = 7288,498 - 20,58t - 410,88∑5) it forecast for 2020, which allows stabilizing the process of tourist trips after the pandemic to use this model to forecast for any country. Discussion. We should emphasize the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that many experts and scientists believe in the long-term recovery of the tourism industry. In our opinion, the governments of the countries need to refocus on domestic tourism and deal with infrastructure development, search for new niches, formats, formation of new package deals in new - domestic - segment (new products' development (tourist routes, exhibitions, sightseeing programs, special rehabilitation programs after COVID) -19 in sanatoriums, etc.); creation of individual offers for different target audiences). Conclusions. Thus, the identified trends are associated with a decrease in the number of tourist flows, the negative impact of the pandemic on employment and income from tourism activities. International tourism needs two to four years before it returns to the level of 2019.

Research on an aristocratic officer's travels in the mid Chosun Korea by analysing Yu Hee-chun's diary (일기(日記)를 이용한 조선중기 양반관료의 여행 연구)

  • Jung, Chi-Young
    • Journal of Korean Historical Folklife
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    • no.26
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    • pp.71-106
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    • 2008
  • The objective of this research is to reconstruct an aristocratic officer's travels by analysing Yu, hee-chun's diary, Miamilgi. Yu had kept his diary for eighty three months, from October 1567 to May 1577, and there were twenty six times of travel logs which are analysed in this research. As a result of the analysis, his travels can be divided into official travels and private travels. Sixteen times of official travels were comprised of inspection tours for parishes as a superintendent of Jeonra province, trips to supervise maintenance works of royal tombs and to worship the tombs, to carry out the sanjae (rituals in the mountains) as a second minister of the ministry of rites. It was difficult for him to have private travels as he continually served as a royal officer. He had got only 10 times of private travels during the eighty three months for maintaining the ancestor's tomb and worshiping the ancestors, for recuperating himself and his wife, and for constructing his new house. All of these travels were long-distance ones. In terms of his travel routes, he frequently used royal main trunks, e.g. 'Haenamro' (from Seoul to Damyang), which were maintained by the royal government. The main reason of his frequent using of trunk lines was that convenience facilities such as the royal post stations (Yeok) and royal inns (Won) were equipped well in these roads so it was easy to get horse change services and lodging and boarding. The fact that main trunks were chiefly straight lines and the shortest way was rather secondary reason. On the other hand, when he was a superintendent of Junra province, he had four times of round inspection on all parishes of Junra province, following the tour routs covering all over the province. As he was incumbent royal officer, he started his travel by getting a permission from the king. Simultaneously, he made ready some travel items. Among the items, horse was most important one for the journey. After finishing all the preparing processes before the departure, he had special farewell ceremony for the King, Sookbae, and had a small party with his friends called Jeonbeul. Main transportation means for his travel was horse, and many kinds of horses such as royal government's horse, Yeokma, local government's horse, Swema, as well as his private one were used. Additionally, he used a palanquin while he was doing inspection trip as a superintendent of Junra province. Yu was incumbent officer so he mostly lodged in local government guest houses. If he could not find out any local guest house, he was lodged in royal inn, and in his relatives houses or irregularly in buddhist temples. Most meals were supplied by local royal governments. The activities in his journeys were varied on his travel objectives. In his private journey, it was the main activities that maintaining ancestor's tombs and having a memorial service. During the trip, he visited his relatives. His official trips, on the other hand, had a regularity. Main activities were dealing with public works, and visiting Hyanggyo (country public school). However in the midway, he visited his relatives and had a journey to scenic places.

Factors Influencing Leisure Satisfaction Among Elderly with Economic Burden and Health Problems: Focusing on Leisure Activities (경제적 부담과 건강 문제를 겪는 노인들의 여가만족 요인에 관한 연구: 여가활동을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Seokho
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.197-216
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to suggest leisure activities and policy-level support in the light of the characteristics and needs among the elderly by examining constraint factors of leisure activities among the elderly. Data of 3887 elderly with the age of 65 and above with economic burden and health problems from the 6th Korean Retirement and Income study were used for the statistical analyses. Hierarchical linear models were tested by entering factors stepswise; demographic factors(age, gender, marriage status, single household, region, living expenses, health status) in the first step, leisure factors(leisure time, leisure motivation) in the second step, and lastly leisure activity factors(desired leisure activities, undesired leisure activities) in the third step. The results were as follows: First, major factors that constrict leisure activities of the elderly were financial burden and health problems. Second, there were significant differences among three(financial constraint, health constraint, and financial and health constraint) groups. Financial constraint group was the highest in the level of leisure satisfaction but leisure time was the shortest. The major reason to do leisure activities of the financial constraint group was to keep relationships with families and friends. In terms of desired leisure activities, health constraint group wanted resting, financial constraint group wanted hobbies and entertainment, and the financial-and-health constraint group wanted social activities. Third, financial constraint group demonstrated higher levels of leisure activity satisfaction when they wanted to take care of pets or gardens; however, they showed lower levels of leisure activity satisfaction when they wanted to domestic trips for desired leisure activities. In case of health constraint group, they demonstrated lower levels of leisure activity satisfaction whether or not they wanted resting like watching TV or listening to the radio. And, the showed higher levels of leisure activity satisfaction when they wanted social activities such as participation in religion or social gathering organizations. For the financial-and-health constraint group, whereas they showed lower levels of leisure activity satisfaction when they wanted walking around or watching TV, and domestic trips for desired leisure activities, they demonstrated higher levels of leisure activity satisfaction when they wanted entertainment doing the game of go, or chess, and hobbies like hiking and social activities. Practice and policy level suggestions to offer leisure activities that meet the needs of the elderly were made based on the study results.

A Study on the Effect of Elementary Pre-service Teachers on Conceptual Acquisition and Perception Change of Strata and Rocks after Geological Exploration (초등예비교사들의 지질답사를 통한 지층과 암석 개념습득 및 인식변화에 대한 연구)

  • Yong-seob Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.319-327
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    • 2023
  • This study involved 22 students in one class of 4th year science intensive course at B College of Education. We investigated the changes in the acquisition of knowledge in the field of geology and the perception of geological exploration among pre-service teachers. For this study, a period of four weeks was designated for a semester to a geological field trip. For the geological exploration, the Geoparks of City B (Geumjeongsan Mountain, Amnam Park, Igidae, Dusong Peninsula, Jangsan, Taejongdae, and Hwangnyeongsan Mountain) were designated. The concept of geology and rocks has been extracted from the concepts that can be found in the Geopark. The composition of the group was composed of one group of four members autonomously. The other two of the pre-service teachers joined a group of friends with whom they had an affinity. After the geological field trip, the materials were organized by group and PPT presentations were made during the lecture time where all the members could listen. The extent to which the pre-service teachers acquired the concepts of geology and rocks after conducting the geological field trip was interpreted as the result of pre- and post-statistical processing. In addition, we interpreted what kind of perception the pre-service teachers had after the geological field trip as a result of the statistical processing before and after. Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: First, it was effective for the pre-service teachers to acquire the concepts of strata and rocks after the geological field trip. The reason for this is that the experience of the pre-service teachers in conducting geological field trips has changed their perception of geological field trips. In addition, it is interpreted that these results were obtained because the pre-service teachers had a high level of interest in geology and rocks. Second, the pre-service teachers were able to gain confidence after the geological field trip. This reason is interpreted as the fact that they were able to gain confidence in geological exploration by exploring and experiencing the sites of the Geopark for each group.

A Study on Jeong Su-yeong's Handscroll of a Sightseeing Trip to the Hangang and Imjingang Rivers through the Lens of Boating and Mountain Outings (선유(船遊)와 유산(遊山)으로 본 정수영(鄭遂榮)의 《한임강유람도권》 고찰)

  • Hahn, Sangyun
    • MISULJARYO - National Museum of Korea Art Journal
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    • v.96
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    • pp.89-122
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, I argue that the Handscroll of a Sightseeing Trip to the Hangang and Imjingang Rivers by Jeong Su-yeong (1743~1831, pseudonym: Jiwujae) is a record of his private journeys to several places on the outskirts of Hanyang (present-day Seoul) and that it successfully embodies the painter's subjective perspective while boating on these rivers and going on outings to nearby mountains. Around 1796, Jeong Su-yeong traveled to different places and documented his travels in this 16-meter-long handscroll. Several leaves of paper, each of which depicts a separate landscape, are pieced together to create this long handscroll. This indicates that the Handscroll of a Sightseeing Trip to the Hangang and Imjingang Rivers reflected the painter's personal subjective experiences as he went along his journey rather than simply depicts travel destinations. The Handscroll of a Sightseeing Trip to the Hangang and Imjingang Rivers features two types of travel: boating and mountain outings on foot. Traveling by boat takes up a large portion of the handscroll, which illustrates the channels of the Hangang and Imjingang Rivers. Mountain outings correspond to the sections describing the regions around Bukhansan, Gwanaksan, and Dobongsan Mountains. Jeong Su-yeong traveled to this wide span of places not just once, but several times. The fact that the Hangang River system are not presented in accordance with their actual locations shows that they were illustrated at different points. After visiting the riversides of the Hangang and Namhangang Rivers twice, Jeong Su-yeong delineated them in fourteen scenes. Among them, the first eight illustrate Jeong's initial trip by boat, while the other six scenes are vistas from his second trip. These fourteen scenes occupy half of this handscroll, indicating that the regions near the Hangang River are painted most frequently. The scenes of Jeong Su-yeong's first boating trip to the system of the Hangang River portray the landscapes that he personally witnessed rather than famous scenes. Some of the eight scenic views of Yeoju, including Yongmunsan Mountain, Cheongsimru Pavilion, and Silleuksa Temple, are included in this handscroll. However, Jeong noted spots that were not often painted and depicted them using an eye-level perspective uncommon for illustrating famous scenic locations. The scenes of Jeong's second boating trip include his friend's villa and a meeting with companions. Moreover, Cheongsimru Pavilion and Silleuksa Temple, which are depicted in the first boating trip, are illustrated again from different perspectives and in unique compositions. Jeong Su-yeong examined the same locations several times from different angles. A sense of realism is demonstrated in the scenes of Jeong's first and second boating trips to the channels of the Hangang River, which depict actual roads. Furthermore, viewers can easily follow the level gaze of Jeong from the boat. The scenes depicting the Imjingang River begin from spots near the Yeongpyeongcheon and Hantangang Rivers and end with places along the waterways of the Imjingang River. Here, diverse perspectives were applied, which is characteristic of Imjingang River scenes. Jeong Su-yeong employed a bird's-eye perspective to illustrate the flow of a waterway starting from the Yeongpyeongcheon River. He also used an eye-level perspective to highlight the rocks of Baegundam Pool. Thus, depending on what he wished to emphasize, Jeong applied different perspectives. Hwajeogyeon Pond located by the Hantangang River is illustrated from a bird's-eye perspective to present a panoramic view of the surroundings and rocks. Similarly, the scenery around Uhwajeong Pavilion by the Imjingang River are depicted from the same perspective. A worm's-eye view was selected for Samseongdae Cliff in Tosangun in the upper regions of the Imjingang River and for Nakhwaam Rock. The scenes of Jeong Su-yeong's mountain outings include pavilions and small temple mainly. In the case of Jaeganjeong Pavilion on Bukhansan Mountain, its actual location remains unidentified since the pavilion did not lead to the route of the boating trip to the system of the Hangang River and was separately depicted from other trips to the mountains. I speculate that Jaeganjeong Pavilion refers to a pavilion either in one of the nine valleys in Wooyi-dong at the foot of Bukhansan Mountain or in Songajang Villa. Since these two pavilions are situated in the valleys of Bukhansan Mountain, their descriptions in written texts are similar. As for Gwanaksan Mountain, Chwihyangjeong and Ilganjeong Pavilions as well as Geomjisan Mountain in the Bukhansan Mountain range are depicted. Ilganjeong Pavilion was a well-known site on Gwanaksan that belonged to Shin Wi. In this handscroll, however, Jeong Su-yeong recorded objective geographic information on the pavilion rather than relating it to Shin Wi. "Chwihyangjeong Pavilion" is presented within the walls, while "Geomjisan Mountain" is illustrated outside the walls. Handscroll of a Sightseeing Trip to the Hangang and Imjingang Rivers also includes two small temples, Mangwolam and Okcheonam, on Dobongsan Mountain. The actual locations of these are unknown today. Nevertheless, Gungojip (Anthology of Gungo) by Yim Cheonsang relates that they were sited on Dobongsan Mountain. Compared to other painters who stressed Dobong Seowon (a private Confucian academy) and Manjangbong Peak when depicting Dobongsan Mountain, Jeong Su-yeong highlighted these two small temples. Jeong placed Yeongsanjeon Hall and Cheonbong Stele in "Mangwolam small temple" and Daeungjeon Hall in front of "Okcheonam small temple." In addition to the buildings of the small temple, Jeong drew the peaks of Dobongsan Mountain without inscribing their names, which indicates that he intended the Dobongsan peaks as a background for the scenery. The Handscroll of a Sightseeing Trip to the Hangang and Imjingang Rivers is of great significance in that it embodies Jeong Su-yeong's personal perceptions of scenic spots on the outskirts of Hanyang and records his trips to these places.

Taxonomic Study on Korean Aphyllophorales (I) - on some unrecorded genera and species - (한국산 민주름버섯목의 분류학적 연구 (I) -수종 미기록속과 종에 대하여-)

  • Jung, Hack-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.23 no.3 s.74
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    • pp.266-274
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    • 1995
  • Fresh fungi were collected during field trips to mountain areas throughout the country from May to October of 1994. Through the observation and identification of specimens belonging to the Aphyllophorales, two genera, Botryohypochnus and Vesiculomyces, and seven species, Botryohypochnus isabellinus, Phanerochaete laevis, Vesiculomyces citrinus, Gloeoporus pannocinctus, Junghuhnia luteoalba, Inonotus andersonii, and Inonotus hispidus, were confirmed new to Korea and are registered here with descriptions.

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Region-wide Road Transport CO2 Emission Inventory (지역단위 도로교통 탄소배출 인벤토리구축 방법론)

  • Shin, Yong Eun;Ko, Kwang Hyee
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 2013
  • Due to its excessive $CO_2$ emissions, road transport sector becomes a target for emission reduction strategies. Although precise and reliable emissions inventories are necessary for evaluating plans and strategies, developing the region-wide inventory is a difficult task mainly because of a lack of data including travel patterns and modal volumes in the reginonal context. Most existing inventory methodologies employ fuel sale data within the target region, which ignores actual regional traffic patterns and thus not suited to its geographical context. To overcome these problems, this study develops region-wide $CO_2$ emissions inventory methodology by utilizing the Korea Transport DB (KTDB). KTDB provides a number of useful information and data, such as road network with which one can identify in and out trips over the entire region, traffic volumes of various modes, distance of travel, travel speed and so on. A model of equations that allow the computation of volume of $CO_2$ emitting from the road transport activities within the target region is developed. Using the model, numerical analyses are performed for the case of Busan Metropolitan City to demonstrate the applicability of the developed model. This study is indeed exploratory in the sense that using the existing data, it develops the $CO_2$ emissions inventory methodology which can produce better results than those from conventional fuel sales methodology. This study also suggests further reresarch directions to develop more refined methodologies in region-wide basis.

The analysis of game outcomes based on UIPM shooting match data in the modern pentathlon (UIPM 세계대회 기록을 통한 근대5종 사격 유형 및 특성 비교)

  • Park, Jong-chul;Lee, Seung-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.523-529
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to collect official world records for a total of five years from 2015 to 2019 from the modern pentathlon world competition database to reveal the impact of shooting types and characteristics on the record. To that end, the entire shooting spree was analyzed for all male and female athletes participating in the UIPM Level 1 World Cup and World Championships. According to the study, the number of round trips and the number of cars increased, the number of shooting accumulation deteriorated, the best record in the first round trip 3rd round, and the worst record in the fourth round trip 5th round. In addition, the deviation values are accumulated according to the fire recording or without success of the first step round trip by 9 percent in accordance with the growing number of the deviation is an increasing trend is, is that over time. Modern pentathlon at the success of the first step is more important and as fire can just hit first step in the event of great effect in reducing record. Based on these studies, the factors and characteristics that affect shooting accuracy are identified, and follow-up research linked to track records is necessary to match the characteristics of the combined competition.

Development of KOPRI's Experiential Field Trip Programs for the Spread of Polar Science Culture (극지과학문화 확산을 위한 극지연구소 체험형 견학 프로그램 개발)

  • Jung, Chanmi;Choi, Kyoulee;Baek, Eunjoo;Paik, Hee Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2020
  • The goal of this study is to develop a hands-on type polar field trip program to inform the importance of the recent polar research and to contribute to the spread of polar science culture. For this purpose, the direction of program development and field trip course were established based on the current Korea Polar Research Institute tour program and research exhibition facilities analysis. Based on this, a total of 6 types field trip programs were developed, including one basic tour program and one optional experience program for the overall introduction of polar research institutes and polar science fields, and four optional experience programs for each education participant that enables field trips and professional experiential learning activities by polar science field. The developed program was revised and supplemented through a total of two trials, and a field trip program manual was produced, including guidance scripts, experience kits, activity sites, and instructor guides for each field trip. At the end, a follow-up study was proposed based on the significance and research results of the developed program.