Parent material, climate, topography, biological factors, and time are considered five soil forming factors. This study was conducted to elucidate the effects of several environment factors on soil distribution using quantitative analysis method, called soil series estimation algorithm in the soils of Jeju Island. We selected environment factors including mean temperature, annual precipitation, surface geology, altitude, slope, aspect, altitude difference within 1 $km^2$ area, topographic wetness index, distance from the shore, distance from the mountain peak, and landuse for a quantitative analysis. We analyzed the ranges of environment factors for each soil series and calculated probabilities of possible-soil series for certain locations using estimation algorithm. The algorithm can predicted exact soil series on the soil map with correctness of 33% on $1^{st}$ ranking, 62% within $2^{nd}$ ranking, 74% within $5^{th}$ ranking after estimating using randomly extracted environment factors. In predicted soil map, soil sequences of Entisols-Alfisols-Andisols on northern area and Alfisols-Ultisols-Andisols on western area can be suggested along increasing altitude. More modeling studies will be needed for the genesis process of soils in Jeju Island.
Objectives : The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of Catalpa Ovata on the collagen-induced arthritis in the lewis rats. and we infere the effects of Catalpa Ovata on the rheumatoid arthritis in the human body. Methods : We investigated the effect of Catalpa Ovata on the Collagen-induced arthritis in Lewis rats via morphology, histology and serology as an experimental group, a control group, and a normal group. We feed Catalpa Ovata. only to an experimental group. Results : According to this research, the abnormal finding In Moire topography was 53.7% (1,018 students), and students needed X-ray re-examination were 11.2% (213 students). Students diagnosed scoliosis by X-ray re-examination were 1.8%. According to statistical analysis, interval between vertical base line of pelvis and vertical base line of neck, gap between left distance and right distance to the vertical base line of pelvis and difference of contour lines have strong correlations with deformity degree of the body surface examined by Moire. Conclusions : 1. The weight of an experimental group were lower than control group with statistically significant at 15 days later. 2, The paw edema volume of an experimental group were lower than control group at 10 days, 15 days later. but couldn't be found meaning. 3. The size of the tarsal joint of an experimental group were lower than control group at 5 days, 10 days, 15 days later, but couldn't be found meaning. 4. The volume of tumor necrosis factor-a at an experimental group were lower than control group with statistically significant. 5. The volume of interleukin-$1{\beta}$ at an experimental group were lower than control group with statistically significant. 6. An experimental group and a control group were showed ankylosing osteoarthritis, but an experimental group compared with a control group, alleviated In the fibrous ankylosis, destruction of articular cartilage and destruction of subchondral bony tissue. According to the above results, it might be considered that Catalpa Ovata has the suppression of the advance of the Collagen-induced arthritis and that result were presumed to bo connected with suppression of volume of the tumor necrosis $factor-{\alpha}$ and $interleukin-1{\beta}$ in the blood.
Jung, Song Hie;Kim, A Reum;Lim, Bong Soon;Seol, Jae Won;Lee, Chang Seok
Journal of Ecology and Environment
Background: Cliffs are a major plant habitat around the coastal area, but in contrast to sand dunes and salt marshes, they have been little investigated in Korea. There are simple descriptions of cliff vegetation in studies on island vegetation, but there is no published paper, which addressed sea cliff vegetation synthetically. Furthermore, the coastal area where this study was carried out was designated as a conservation reserve. Even though, this area is exposed to intense recreational use such as trekking in these days. This study aims to clarify spatial distribution and structure of vegetation along the environmental gradient on coastal cliff and plateau in the Janggi peninsula (Homigot) located on southeastern Korea. Further, this study has also another objective to prepare a restoration plan to protect this conservation reserve from intense human disturbance. Results: Landscape elements were arranged in the order of sea cliff risen directly on the sea, seashore, coastal cliff, and plateau covered with relatively deep soil in a coastal area of the Janggi peninsula (Homigot), southeastern Korea. Vegetation was sampled at 59 plots arranged from the sea cliff through the seashore and coastal cliff to plateau. The sea cliff, seashore, and coastal cliff, which compose the coastal landscape, were dominated by the seashore spatulate aster (Aster spathulifolius Maxim.) community, dwarf sand sedge (Carex pumila Thunb.) community, and seashore spatulate aster (Aster spathulifolius Maxim.) community. On the plateau corresponding to the ridge of the coastal cliff, black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) community, golden rain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata Laxmann) community, east Asian hackberry (Celtis sinensis Pers.) community, sawleaf zelkova (Zelkova serrata Makino) community, and Korean oak (Quercus dentata Thunb.) community were established in the mentioned order along distance from the sea. Stand ordination showed a vegetation sequence from the seashore through the cliff to the plateau, consistent in its overall pattern among sites. This was dominated by topography. There is evidence for the importance also of salinity, drought and of soil depth. Conclusion: The lack of scientific interest in cliffs to date is in striking contrast to the commonness of cliffs around the whole national territory and to the attraction cliffs have had for humans throughout history. Cliffs provide a unique habitat, rarely investigated from an ecological viewpoint. Cliffs may represent an invaluable type of ecosystem, consisting of some of the least disturbed habitats on earth and contributing more to the biodiversity of a region than their surface coverage would indicate. Although this coastal area where this study was carried out was designated as a conservation reserve, this area is in danger of severe disturbance due to excessive recreational use. We recommended a restoration plan to protect this area from such a disturbance.
The distributions of the temperature and salinity in Kamak bay which has two channels and three sea bottom topographic parts were studied by taking the detailed hydrographic data at the ebb and flood during four seasons from May, 1988 to Feb., 1989. The general pattern of the distributions of characteristics which the temperature and salinity has in Kamak bay is basically formed by the topography and sea water movement of the bay. The changes of these distributions by seasons mainly come from the heating and cooling of the sea surface and the increase of the run-off. The bay has three remarkable water masses and the their general characteristics are follows: the inner bay water has a stagnation character influenced by the inland and the concave of the sea bottom in the north west, Yosu harbor water has an estuary character of the low salinity caused by the run-off of Somjin river and Yon Tung brooklet in the north east, and the outer bay water has an out-sea character, as it is located near by the big mouth in the south of the bay. The distributions of those water masses at the ebb and flood show some different features due to the flow patterns, and the daily changes of oceanic conditions at the vicinity of Hangdae-ri are so big that it may influence the habitation and production of the living things in the bay.
Heavy snowfall events have occurred frequently in the Yeongdong region but understanding of these events have trouble in lack of snowfall observation in this region because it is composed of complex topography like the "Taebaek mountains" and the "East sea". These problems can be solved by quantitative precipitation estimation technique using remote sensing such as radar, satellite, etc. Two radars which are able to cover over Yeondong region were installed at Gangneung (GNG) and Gwangdeoksan (GDK). This study uses radar and water equivalent of snow cover to investigate the characteristics of radar echoes and the $Z_e-R$ relations associated with the 10 Yeongdong heavy snowfall events during the last 5 years (2010~2014). It was found that the heights which the probability of detection (POD) of snow detection by GNG radar is more than 80% are 3,000 m and 1,500 m in convective cloud and stratiform cloud, respectively. The vertical gradient of radar reflectivity is less decreased in convective cloud than stratiform cloud. However, POD by GDK radar are lower than 80% at all layers because the majority of Yeondong observational stations are more than 100 km away from GDK radar site. Furthermore, we examined $Z_e-R$ relation from the 10 events using GNG radar and compared the "a" and "b" obtained from these examinations at Sokcho (SC) and Daegwallyeong (DG). These "a" and "b" are estimated from radar echo at 500 m (SC) and 1,500 m (DG). The values of "a" differ in their stations such as SC and DG are 30~116 and 6~39, respectively. But "b" is 0.4~1.7 irrespective of stations. Moreover, the value of "a" increased with surface air temperature. Therefore, quantitative precipitation estimation in heavy snowfall events by radar echo using fixed "a" and "b" is difficult because these values changed according to those precipitation characteristics.
Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
A sensitivity analysis study was performed to examine the effects of cell size on a distributed non-point source pollution model. The model, AnnAGNPS, whiff is a modified version of USDA's AGNPS, was applied to Eung stream watershed, a tributary of Cheongmi stream located in the South Branch of Han River System. The model components and results, such as channel length, slope, land use, and delivery ratio, were analyzed according to the various cell sizes from 10 to 200 ha. As cell sire increases, channel length decreases due to short-circuiting of meandering creek. The decreased channel length has more significant effects on the model results than any other geomorphological change. When the effects of land use and soil distribution are excluded, sediment delivery loads increase due to shorter time to reach the outlet of the watershed in larger tell size. When those effects are included, however, sediment delivery loads decrease in larger fell size because the variety of land use types can not be inputted. The predominant land use in the applied watershed is forest with very low soil erosion such that the predicted sediment delivery might be much lower than real system. The cell size of 30 ha was determined to produce the most appropriate resolution. Surface runoff and non-point source loads of TN, TP and BOD were predicted and the results agree well with the field measurements. From this study, it was shown that the model results would be very dependent on variations of topography, land use, and soil distribution, as a function of cell size, and the optimum cell size is very important for successful application of distributed non-point source pollution model.
Kim, Seog-Ku;Kim, Young-Im;Kang, Sung-Won;Yun, Sang-Leen;Kim, So-Jung
Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
Growth in population and urbanization has progressively increased the loadings of pollutants from non-point sources as well as point sources. Accordingly, release of contaminants from non-point sources, released with surface runoff of rainwater, is influenced by atmospheric phenomena, geology, and topography. This makes the control of non-point source difficult. Therefore, this study intends to reveal the characteristics of runoff and particle size distribution to observe the fundamental characteristics of runoff. Experiments were carried out at inner road of research center. Average concentration of runoff ranged from 26.8 to 126.4 mg/L for SS and $COD_{Cr}\;15.3{\sim}117.7mg/L,\;TN\;0.07{\sim}5.16mg/L,\;TP\;0.06{\sim}0.49mg/L$ and heavy metals $0.00{\sim}0.29mg/L$. First flush, indicated wash off of pollutant at first rain, was observed for all types of pollutants. Most pollutants revealed a very close correlation with SS ($R^2=0.93{\sim}0.99$). After analyzing characteristics of particle, particle was finer than that from previously examined data.
The tsunami from the megathrust earthquake magnitude 9.3 on 26 December 2004 is the largest tsunami the world has known in over forty years. This tsunami destructively attacked 13 countries around Indian Ocean with at least 230,000 fatalities, displaced people 2,089,883 and 1.5 million people who lost their livelihoods. The ratio of women and children killed to men is 3 to 1. The total damage costs US$ 10.73 billion and rebuilding costs US$ 10.375 billion. The tsunami's death toll could have been drastically reduced, if the warning was disseminated quickly and effectively to the coastal dwellers along the Indian Ocean rim. With a warning system in Indian Ocean similar to that operating in the Pacific Ocean since 1965, it would have been possible to warn, evacuate and save countless lives. The best tribute we can pay to all who perished or suffered in this disaster is to heed its powerful lessons. UNESCO/IOC have put their tremendous effort on better disaster preparedness, functional early warning systems and realistic arrangements to cope with tsunami disaster. They organized ICG/IOTWS (Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System) and the third of this meeting is held in Bali, Indonesia during $31^{st}$ July to $4^{th}$ August 2006. A US$ 53 million interim warning system using tidal gauges and undersea sensors is nearing completion in the Indian Ocean with the assistance from IOC. The tsunami warning depends strictly on an early detection of a tsunami (wave) perturbation in the ocean itself. It does not and cannot depend on seismological information alone. In the case of 26 December 2004 tsunami when the NOAA/PMEL DART (Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami) system has not been deployed, the initialized input of sea surface perturbation for the MOST (Method Of Splitting Tsunami) model was from the tsunamigenic-earthquake source model. It is the first time that the satellite altimeters can detect the signal of tsunami wave in the Bay of Bengal and was used to validate the output from the MOST model in the deep ocean. In the case of Thailand, the inundation part of the MOST model was run from Sumatra 2004 for inundation mapping purposes. The medium and high resolution satellite data were used to assess the degree of the damage from Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 with NDVI classification at 6 provinces on the Andaman seacoast of Thailand. With the tide-gauge station data, run-up surveys, bathymetry and coastal topography data and land-use classification from satellite imageries, we can use these information for coastal zone management on evacuation plan and construction code.
The neccessity of hillside land reclamation for food production in Korea is no matter of question. Accordingly, the Government has launched some large scale hillside land reclamation projects. From the past experiences followings are pointed out as to the rational hillside land reclamation engineering methodologies. 1. It is observed that due to the shortages in labor and high wage, the machanization in hillside land reclamation will be an urgent subject. 2. There are several engineering methods for the reclamation of hillside lands; contour terracing, improved contour terracing, bench terracing and sloping bench terracing. 3. Selection of suitable methods will demand the considerations on the topography, particularly degree of slope, and the land use after reclamation. For ordinary crops cultivation, slope should be low and contour terracing is to be recommended, to enable the introduction of machines. In case of grass land development, after smoothing the land surface, improved contour terracing might be selected. And for the orchard development, sloping bench terracing with the construction of roads between the terrace will be suitable.
The effects of meteorological and reclaiming conditions on the reduction of suspended particles are investigated using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model with the k-$\varepsilon$ turbulence closure scheme based on the renormalization group (RNG) theory. Twelve numerical experiments with different meteorological and reclaiming conditions are performed. For identifying the meteorological characteristics of the target area and providing the inflow conditions of the CFD model, the observed data from the automatic weather station (AWS) near the target area is analyzed. Complicated flow patterns such as flow distortion, horse-shoe vortex, recirculation zone, and channeling flow appeared due to the topography and buildings in the domain. Specially, the flow characteristics around the reclamation area are affected by the reclaiming height, reclaiming size and windbreak height. Reclaiming height affected the wind speed above the reclaiming area. Windbreak induces more complicated flow patterns around the reclaiming area as well as within the reclaiming area. In front of the windbreak, flow is distorted as it impinges on the windbreak. As a result, upward flow is generated there. Behind the windbreak, a secondary circulation, so called, a recirculation zone is generated and flow is reattached at the end of the recirculation zone (reattachment point). At the lower part of the recirculation zone, there is a reverse flow toward the windbreak. Flow passing to the reattachment point starts to be recovered. Total amounts of suspended particles are calculated using the frictional and threshold frictional velocities, erosion potential function, and the number of surface disturbance. In the case of a 10 m-reclaiming and northerly wind, the amount of suspended particles is largest. In the presence of 5 m windbreak, the friction velocity above the reclaiming area is largely reduced. As a result, the total amount of the suspended particles largely decreases, compared to the case with the same reclaiming and meteorological conditions except for the windbreak The calculated suspended particle amounts are used as the emission rate of the dispersion model simulations and the dispersion characteristics of the suspended particles are analyzed.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
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② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
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제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.