• Title/Summary/Keyword: Suncheon city

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The Structure of the Plant Community in Seonamsagol(Valley), Jogyesan(Mt.) Provincial Park, Suncheon City (순천시 조계산도립공원 선암사골 계곡부 식물군집구조)

  • Kim, Jong-Yup
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.593-603
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to investigate the ecological succession sere and conservative value, and to provide the basic data for the planning of the Provincial Park Management in Seonamsagol(Valley), Jogyesan(Mt.) Provincial Park(altitude 884m), Suncheon City, Korea by analysing the structure of the plant community. Twenty plots(size is $20m{\times}20m$) were set up at an altitude of range from 315m to 480m. As a result of analysis of TWINSPAN which is one of the ordination technique, the plant communities were divided into four groups which are community I(Quercus variabilis community), community II(Q. serrata community), community III(Decideous broad-leaved plant community), and community IV(Carpinus tschonoskii community). The warmth index is $104^{\circ}C{\cdot}month$ based on the data of monthly mean temperature during the past thirty years(1981~2010), so we found out that the vegetation of the study site located in the South Temperate Climate Zone. We supposed that the ecological succession sere of the study site is in the early stage of developing from Q. serrata community to Carpinus tshonoskii community, however we should do a long-term monitoring to investigate the changes of the ecological succession each plant community, meanwhile Sasa borealis was dominant species in the shrub layer. The diameter at breast height of specimen tree is range from 20 to 55cm(average 36cm) and the height of that is range from 14 to 35m(average 23cm). The age of community I was 64 years old, that of community II was from 59 to 64 years old, that of community III was from 51 to 62 years old, and that of community IV was from 41 to 68 years old, thus the age of the study site is about from 38 to 72 years old. According to the index of Shnnon's diversity(unit: $400m^2$), community IV was ranged from 0.8452 to 1.2312, community III was ranged from 0.8044 to 1.1404, community II was ranged from 0.8221 to 0.9971, and community I was 0.8324.

Drinking Motives and Drinking-Related Problems among Korean High School Students (일 도시 고등학생의 음주동기와 음주문제)

  • Kang, Hae-Young;Shin, Kyung-Eun;Jang, Hyun-Ji;Na, Young-Hwa;Cho, Eun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate drinking motives and the drinking-related problems of Korean high school students at a city in Jeonbuk province. Methods: There were 657 students from two academic and two vocational high schools at J city in Jeonbuk province. The sample was collected using a stratified sampling method and the data was collected from June 30th to July 16th 2003. The study instrument used to examine drinking motive was a 20-item summated scale (Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ = .95) and for drinking-related problems was an 18 item summated scale (Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ = .91). The data was analyzed using SPSS/PC+ by percentage, x2-test, t-test and correlations. Results: 1. Drinking experience: Among the high school students, 74.3% of them had drinking episodes. Female students started drinking later (x2 = 12.857, p = .002) and had more drinking friends (x2 = 7.785, p = .020) than males. Vocational school students drank more frequently (x2 = 32.138, p = .001), had more heavy drinking episodes (x2 = 40.370, p = .001). 2. Drinking motives & Drinking-related problems: The mean score of drinking motives was $31.2{\pm}11.12$ out of 80 and that of drinking-related problems was $21.8{\pm}5.85$ out of 72 points. Neither score were stronger was significantly different according to gender and grade. On the other hand, both drinking motives (t = -4.077, p = .001) and drinking-related problems (t = -3.423, p = .001) were stronger in vocational school students than in academic school students. The correlation between drinking-related characteristics and problems were weak (from r = .286 to r = .520) but the correlation within the subcategories of drinking motives was high such as between enhancement and coping (r = .822) and enhancement and social motives (r = .822). Conclusion: The majority of Korean high school students start to drink during their junior high school days. Drinking motives and drinking-related problems were not serious but the drinking motives and the drinking-related problems are stronger among vocational school students. As a result, school-based health education and counseling programs should focus on solving drinking motives than on drinking-related problems.

Arrival Time Estimation for Bus Information System Using Hidden Markov Model (은닉 마르코프 모델을 이용한 버스 정보 시스템의 도착 시간 예측)

  • Park, Chul Young;Kim, Hong Geun;Shin, Chang Sun;Cho, Yong Yun;Park, Jang Woo
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2017
  • BIS(Bus Information System) provides the different information related to buses including predictions of arriving times at stations. BIS have been deployed almost all cities in our country and played active roles to improve the convenience of public transportation systems. Moving average filters, Kalman filter and regression models have been representative in forecasting the arriving times of buses in current BIS. The accuracy in prediction of arriving times depends largely on the forecasting algorithms and traffic conditions considered when forecasting in BIS. In present BIS, the simple prediction algorithms are used only considering the passage times and distances between stations. The forecasting of arrivals, however, have been influenced by the traffic conditions such as traffic signals, traffic accidents and pedestrians ets., and missing data. To improve the accuracy of bus arriving estimates, there are big troubles in building models including the above problems. Hidden Markov Models have been effective algorithms considering various restrictions above. So, we have built the HMM forecasting models for bus arriving times in the current BIS. When building models, the data collected from Sunchean City at 2015 have been utilized. There are about 2298 stations and 217 routes in Suncheon city. The models are developed differently week days and weekend. And then the models are conformed with the data from different districts and times. We find that our HMM models can provide more accurate forecasting than other existing methods like moving average filters, Kalmam filters, or regression models. In this paper, we propose Hidden Markov Model to obtain more precise and accurate model better than Moving Average Filter, Kalman Filter and regression model. With the help of Hidden Markov Model, two different sections were used to find the pattern and verified using Bootstrap process.

The Usage of Regional Folk Plants in Jeollanam-do (전라남도 지역의 민속식물 이용현황)

  • Park, Moon Su;Chun, Young-Moon
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted during two separate periods, from April to December 2008 and from April to November 2013, to identify the folk plants growing in Jeollanam-do which are used daily. A total of 1,200 questionnaires were distributed to 120 residents living in 14 counties and cities. From the results of the survey, 172 taxa of folk plants (77 families, 153 genera, 154 species, 2 subspecies, 14 varieties, and 2 forma) were identified. By regions, the city of Suncheon yielded 82 taxa, followed by 67 taxa from Gurye county, 65 taxa from Hampyeong county, 64 taxa from Jangseong county, 62 taxa from city of Naju, and 61 taxa from Jangheung county. Uses of the identified folk plants were: as edibles (117 taxa), for medicinal purposes (66 taxa), tea (15 taxa), for starch (6 taxa) for vegetable fat and oil (3 taxa), for nectar (2 taxa), for sap (2 taxa), for spice (2 taxa), for aroma (1 taxa), for fiber (1 taxa), and others (14 taxa). Thus, edible and medicinal uses of the plants appeared higher than other uses. The consistency of the local names of plants with the standard botanical nomenclature was 23.2% (40 taxa), while the proportion of local plant names analogous to the standard names was 18.6% (32 taxa). The consistency of the local plant names with the same plants in different cities and counties was 28.5% (49 taxa) and the proportion of local plant names analogous to each other in this category was 25.6% (44 taxa). Therefore, 54% of the folk plants growing in Jeollanam-do are known by location specific names. The usage types of the local folk plants were mostly collected through verbal communications.

Analysis of User's Impact on Vegetation Structure Changes and User's Psychology in Odongdo Island of Hallyo-Haesang National Park (오동도(梧桐島)에서의 이용객(利用客)에 의한 식생구조(植生構造) 변화(變化) 및 이용자(利用者) 심리분석(心理分析)에 관(關)한 연구)

  • Park, Myong Kyu;Lee, Kyong Jae;Park, In Hyeop
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.76 no.4
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    • pp.397-409
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    • 1987
  • This study was executed to analyze the user's impact on vegetation structure changes and user's psychology in Odongdo Island of Hallyo-Haesang National Park. Five sites were sampled for vegetation structure changes vi the study area according to the extent of impact observed. Also user's psychology was studied through questionnaire with the visitors and 366 answers were collected at random sampling in May, 1986. Evergreen broad-leaved forest, i.e. Machilus thunbergii, Cinnamomum camphora, and Camellia japonica forest, took possession of 32.5% (3.91ha) of total forest area when condisering the actual vegetation. Camellia japonica community covered 40.0% (4.72ha) and Sasa coreana community took possession of 41.8% (5.02ha). The area of environmental impact grade 3 and 4 area covered 44.3% of total forest area and it should be restored because self-repair seemed to be impossible. The evergreen broad-leaved forest was destoryed seriously with no younger trees in middle and lower layers by overuse impact and would be bared soon. So the preservation of autochthonous flora is required by the control of the number of users. It was shown that most of visitors come on holidays and Sunday and places which were favorably impressed were shown as the area of showing the sea and Camellia forest. Overall levels of satisfaction was comparatively low, consequently 55% of visitors were satisfied. This level of satisfaction was associated with number of users, landscape of forest and number of facilities.

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A Study on DGPS Framework and Performance Evaluation for High-Accurate Localization based on GPS/AGPS (GPS/AGPS 기반의 고정밀 측위가 가능한 DGPS 프레임워크 및 성능평가에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Ho-Seok;Jung, Se-Hoon;Oh, Min-Joo;Park, Dong-Gook;Sim, Chun-Bo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.927-938
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    • 2014
  • A number of crime and disease relief situation show a clear increasing trend in domestic and overseas country. In particular, we desperately need a fast location information sharing with high accuracy for dealing with this situation efficiently. In this paper, we propose a DGPS framework and performance evaluation based on Web service enable increase location accuracy using low-cost GPS or AGPS. The framework consists of mobile station to realize the final service by receiving the correction values that are created in the base station closest to the current position from DGPS server, base station system to transmit the correct values to DPGS server by installing at base point and DGPS framework working at DGPS server. Our framework is fundamentally designed to respond based on XML to service request. In addition, for performance evaluation, we make use of 3 sites of Level 2 city base-station among the base stations being operated in Suncheon-si. Through performance evaluation, we show that our framework outperforms about 10%~15% in terms of error improvement rate, compared with the existing schemes. And we have the advantage that various services can be expanded owing to receiving the correction values through mobile device such as, smart phone, smart pad, net-book by using XML based Web services.

Important-Satisfaction Analysis as a Management Strategy of Suncheon Bay Ecological Park (순천만 자연생태공원 관리를 위한 중요도.만족도 분석)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Kim, Bo-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2010
  • The coastal area is the place where two conflicting values provide opportunities for recreation, tourism and conservation of the natural environment. Most of these coastal areas have been disregarded in terms of tourism because of the high value placed on natural resources. Management strategy has usually been first on the priority list of natural. resources. However, due to the significant number of visitors, the Important-Satisfaction Analysis(ISA) was applied as a mean of complement since the 1970s. This study analyzed the difference between visitor satisfaction and the importance of the main management strategy targeting visitors to Sun-cheon Bay Ecological Park on weekdays and weekends. Results show that Sun-cheon Bay Ecological Park and the city government have paid a lot of attention and invested a lot of money, but efficiency of publicity didn't come up to their afford. Therefore, we should prepare information facilities, public education facilities and human power. Also needed are visitors' temporal-spacial control to set specific programs and a guide for information education control. It means visitors' company forms change depends on weekday and weekend. In addition, a breeding space for birds should be built for observation, education and exhibition to help meet visitor expectations. Visitors' positive satisfaction might be provided in establishing strategy as a very important measure in limited area. In conclusion, this study might be provided as preliminary data when the management strategy and related guidelines are established through the management priority of coastal regions where importance and satisfaction conflict.

Distribution and Management of Naturalized Plants in the Eastern Area of Jeollanamdo, Korea (전라남도 동부지역의 귀화식물 분포 및 관리방안)

  • Park, Moon-Su;Lim, Dong-Ok;Kim, Ha-Song
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.489-498
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to investigate the distribution status and urbanization index of the naturalized plants. For this purpose, 7 cities and counties in the eastern area of Jeollanamdo were selected and investigations were conducted on a total of 14 sites, during the period of March 2006 to November 2008. The naturalized plants were identified as 123; 22 families, 75 genera, 118 species, and 5 varieties. As for the urbanization index, Suncheon city had the highest level of urbanization (33.45%) and Gurye county the lowest level of urbanization (20.21%). Classification families were as follows: Compositae 40 kinds (30.1%) Gramineae 17 kinds (12.8%) and Leguminosae 14 kinds (10.5%). Major communities of naturalized plants consisted of 20 communities including Erigeron annuus community, Erigeron canadensis community, Alnus firma community, Amorpha fruticosa community, Oenothera odorata community, Bidens frondosa community, Coreopsis tinctoria community, Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior community etc. Invasive naturalized plants consisted of 5 taxa: Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior, Ambrosia trifida, Eupatorium rugosum, Paspalum distichum var. indutum and Paspalum distichum. The distributional characteristics of naturalized plants were divided on the basis of six areas associated with ecological characteristics of a habitat.

Factors Influencing on Musculoskeletal Symptoms of Care Workers in Long-Term Care Hospitals for Job Environment, Psychological Work Demand, Fatigue (요양병원 요양보호사의 작업환경, 심리적 업무요구, 피로가 근골격계 증상에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Jinyoung;Ha, Yeongmi
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.559-569
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to examine relationships among job environment, psychological work demand, fatigue, musculoskeletal symptoms, then to investigate the factors influencing musculoskeletal symptoms of care workers in long-term care hospitals. A total of 128 care workers recruited from three long-term care hospitals in S city. Self-reported questionnaire survey was conducted from April to May, 2020. The results were as follows: The musculoskeletal symptoms of the care workers were the sum of the frequency of symptom occurrence, duration of symptoms, and intensity of pain in the three parts of the shoulder, hand/wrist/finger, and waist. The average score was 11.41±9.50 points out of 42. According to the hierarchical regression analysis, their musculoskeletal symptoms were significantly influenced by working department(β=.18, p=.034), psychological work demand(β=.21, p=.013) and fatigue(β=.25, p=.003), explained 21.6% of the total variance(F=6.87, p<.001). Based on our results, in order to reduce musculoskeletal symptoms of care workers in nursing hospitals, it is necessary to develop and apply an intervention program that can reduce psychological work demand and fatigue in consideration of the severity of the patient in charge.

Analysis of Vegetational Community Structure and Phytosociological Changes During Eight Years of the Namsan Nature Park in Seoul (남산자연공원(南山自然公園)의 식물군집구조(植物群集構造) 및 8년간(年間)의 식생변화분석(植生變化分析))

  • Lee, Kyong-Jae;Park, In-Hyeop;Oh, Koo-Kyoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.76 no.3
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    • pp.206-217
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    • 1987
  • To investigate and analyze the vegetational structure, thirty sites were sampled with clumped sampling method and seventeen belt transects were sampled to analyze the vegetational change during 8 years(from 1978 to 1986)at the Namsan Nature Park in Seoul. Robinia pseudoacacia community of actual vegetation covered 29.39%, Quercus mongolica community 21.25% and Pinus densiflora community 17.58% of the Mt. Namsan forest. The degree of human disturbance of vegetation of 8, 7 and 6 area covered 43.2%, 7.8% and 30.8% respectively. The Quercus mongolica community at the northern slope and R. pseudoacacia community at the edge zone will keep their present structure. And P. densiflora community at the eastern and southern slope shall be succeeded to deciduous trees such as Q. mongolica. As to changes of plant community structure during 8 years, density of understory species, species diversity and Raunkiaer's frequency class A and E showed an increase and vegetation structure was developed to unification.

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