• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stack Temperature

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A study on temperature characteristic of the gases supplied to SOFC system by utilizing the ship exhaust gas (선박 배기가스 활용에 따른 SOFC 시스템 공급가스의 온도특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Kyun
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.822-828
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    • 2013
  • Since the operating temperature of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) is high, the heat management of the gases supplied to fuel cell system is important. In this paper, the temperature characteristic of the gases supplied to the anode and the cathode of the fuel cell is studied in case of utilizing the waste heat contained in the ship exhaust gas as a heat source to heat up the fuel, gas and water supplied to a 500kW SOFC system for a ship power. For the fuel cell system proposed in this paper, the temperature of gases supplied to the anode and the cathode was the highest temperature at 963K when the exhaust gas of the fuel cell was utilized as the heat source for gases supplied to fuel cell system instead of utilizing the ship exhaust gas. In addition, the engine power did not effect on the temperature of gases supplied to the fuel cell stack.

Study on Application of the Preserving Valuation Index for Environmental Management of a Stack Room (서고환경관리를 위한 보존성 평가지수 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Dai-Hyun;Shin, Hyun-Chang
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.31
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    • pp.139-161
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    • 2012
  • Donald K. Sebera model can quantitatively compare the preserving environment by calculating the preserving valuation index with changing only the temperature and humidity. In this study, Donald K. Sebera model was used in order to compare and evaluate the preserving valuation index on the best condition and the worst condition in the temperature and humidity range of public records management act. As the results, the preserving valuation index in the best conditions was larger 2.47 times than the worst conditions within the preserving environment permitted in public records management act. Also, the influence of the humidity on the preserving valuation index of a paper archives as decreasing the activation energy for the hydrolysis reaction was larger rather than temperature. Thus the preserving valuation index can easily evaluate the suitability of the temperature and humidity conditions for preserving a archives. Therefore it can be used as useful tool for preservation of archives on change of the temperature and humidity.

Analyses of Larg Cell Area MCFC System Dynamics (대면적 용융탄산염 연료전지 시스템 동특성 분석)

  • 강병삼;고준호;이충곤;임희천
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.592-604
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    • 1999
  • The steady state and dynamic characteristics of large cell area MCFC stacks were analyzed to solve the problems such as temperature difference generated in stacks and pressure difference between anode and cathode. Manipulated variables (current density, duel utilization rate, oxidant utilization rate) and controlled variables (temperature difference, anode and cathode pressure difference) which had an important effect on the MCFC stack performance were determined using operation results of two types of MCFC stacks (5kW (3,000 $\textrm{cm}^2$, 20 ea). 3kW (6,000 $\textrm{cm}^2$, 5ea)). The stability and transfer function representing system dynamics were obtained by steady state gain rate which showed the relative change between MVs and CVs. The transfer function was a 3$\times$3 matrix and a typical first order system without time delay. The optimal operating condition of large cell area MCFC stacks could be determined by analyzing dynamic characteristics. In case of a 5 kW MCFC stack, pressurized operation with recycle flow should be used to control the outlet temperature less than 68$0^{\circ}C$ and to control the MCFC system effectively. MIMO control or decoupler should be used to remove the interaction between MVs and CVs. This result will be used as important data in determining the control structure design and operation mode of large cell area MCFC systems in the future.

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Penetration Characteristic of CFRP laminate shell by the curvature -A focus of fracture mode by the penetration- (곡률을 고려한 CFRP 복합재 적층쉘의 관통특성 -관통에 의한 파괴모드를 중심으로-)

  • 조영재;김영남;심재기;양인영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.1434-1439
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    • 2004
  • CFRP composite materials have wide application in structure materials of airplane, ships, and aero space vehicles because of their high strength and stiffness. This paper is to study the effects of curvature and orientation angle on the penetration characteristics of CFRP laminate shell. They are staked with 8 Ply specimens [0$_2$/90$_2$]$_{s}$, [0/90$_2$/0]$_{s}$ and the stacked of outer plates degree with 12 Ply specimens [0$_3$/90$_3$]$_{s}$, [0$_2$/90$_2$/0]$_{s}$ and [90$_3$/0$_3$], [90$_2$/0$_2$/90]S. They are manufactured to varied curvature radius (R=100,150,200mm and $\infty$). They are cured by heating to the appropriate harding temperature(13$0^{\circ}C$) by mean of a heater at the vaccum bag of the autoclave. Test specimens were prepared with dimensions 100mm$\times$140mm. When the specimen is subjected to transverse impact by a steel ball, the velocity of the steel ball was measured both before and after impact by determining the time for it to pass two ballistic-screen sensor located a known distance apart. In general, kinetic energy after impact-kinetic energy before impact rised in all specimens. This study observed a fracture mode inside the specimen after a penetration test using a digital camera and it examined a fracture mode and a penetration mode to stack of outer orientation angle and curvature.rvature.

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Wafer-level Vacuum Packaging of a MEMS Resonator using the Three-layer Bonding Technique (3중 접합 공정에 의한 MEMS 공진기의 웨이퍼레벨 진공 패키징)

  • Yang, Chung Mo;Kim, Hee Yeoun;Park, Jong Cheol;Na, Ye Eun;Kim, Tae Hyun;Noh, Kil Son;Sim, Gap Seop;Kim, Ki Hoon
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.354-359
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    • 2020
  • The high vacuum hermetic sealing technique ensures excellent performance of MEMS resonators. For the high vacuum hermetic sealing, the customization of anodic bonding equipment was conducted for the glass/Si/glass triple-stack anodic bonding process. Figure 1 presents the schematic of the MEMS resonator with triple-stack high-vacuum anodic bonding. The anodic bonding process for vacuum sealing was performed with the chamber pressure lower than 5 × 10-6 mbar, the piston pressure of 5 kN, and the applied voltage was 1 kV. The process temperature during anodic bonding was 400 ℃. To maintain the vacuum condition of the glass cavity, a getter material, such as a titanium thin film, was deposited. The getter materials was active at the 400 ℃ during the anodic bonding process. To read out the electrical signals from the Si resonator, a vertical feed-through was applied by using through glass via (TGV) which is formed by sandblasting technique of cap glass wafer. The aluminum electrodes was conformally deposited on the via-hole structure of cap glass. The TGV process provides reliable electrical interconnection between Si resonator and aluminum electrodes on the cap glass without leakage or electrical disconnection through the TGV. The fabricated MEMS resonator with proposed vacuum packaging using three-layer anodic bonding process has resonance frequency and quality factor of about 16 kHz and more than 40,000, respectively.

Study on the Characteristics of Low-pressure Automotive Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell System Efficiency with Blower Configuration (블로워 구성 변경에 따른 상압형 자동차용 고분자전해질형 연료전지 시스템의 효율 특성 연구)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2018
  • Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) system receives great attention as a promising power device for automotive applications. For the wide commercialization, the efficiency and performance of automotive PEMFC system should be further improved in terms of total system (stack and balance of plant [BOP]). Air supply module, which is a major part of the BOP, greatly affects the efficiency of automotive PEMFC system. In this paper, a systematic study on the low-pressure automotive PEMFC system was made in an attempt to enhance the net system efficiency. This study mainly presents an investigation of the effect of blower configuration (1-blower and 2-blower) on the net system efficiency of automotive PEMFC system. For this purpose, the effect of operating pressure and cathode stoichiometry on the system efficiency was investigated with stack temperature under the fixed net system power condition. Results indicate that 1-blower system is better in system efficiency over 2-blower system under an air stoichiometry of 2. However, 2-blower system is better in system efficiency under an air stoichiometry of 3. The simulation results show that the optimum operating strategy needs to be established for various blower system configurations considering blower performance maps.

Design and Development of 600 W Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (600 W급 연료전지(PEMFC)의 설계 및 제작)

  • Kim, Joo-Gon;Chung, Hyun-Youl;Bates, Alex;Thomas, Sobi;Son, Byung-Rak;Park, Sam;Lee, Dong-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2014
  • The design of a fuel cells stack is important to get optimal output power. This study focuses on the evaluation of fuel cell system for unmaned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Low temperature proton exchange membrane (LTPEM) fuel cells are the most promising energy source for the robot applications because of their unique advantages such as high energy density, cold startup, and quick response during operation. In this paper, a 600 W open cathode LTPEM fuel cell was tested to evaluate the performance and to determine optimal operating conditions. The open cathode design reduces the overall size of the system to meet the requirement for robotic application. The cruise power requirement of 600 W was supported entirely by the fuel cell while the additional power requirements during takeoff was extended using a battery. A peak of power of 900 W is possible for 10 mins with a lithium polymer (LiPo) battery. The system was evaluated under various load cycles as well as start-stop cycles. The system response from no load to full load meets the robot platform requirement. The total weigh of the stack was 2 kg, while the overall system, including the fuel processing system and battery, was 4 kg.

A study on the comparison of the performance of a heat pump system with air and water heat sources (공기열원 및 수열원을 이용한 열펌프 시스템의 성능특성에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Won-Bin;Park, Youn-Cheol
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.7
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    • pp.563-568
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    • 2016
  • In this study, experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of a heat pump system. A heat pump system with an air as heat source is adapted as reference. The developed system uses a plate heat exchanger an evaporator to absorb heat from a stack of fuel cell driven electric vehicles. Hence, the system functions as a water source heat pump system. The results indicated that the; power consumption increased with the rotational speed of the compressor. A system performance($COP_h$) of 2.03 at an electronic expansion valve(EEV) openings of 25% and a compressor speed of 1200 rpm was observed in the reference system. However, at the same compressor speed, the $COP_h$ of the water source heat pump system corresponded to 9.42 at an EEV openings of 75%. It was found that the water source heat pump system exhibited the highest performance at a water temperature of $50^{\circ}C$.

Emission Characteristics of VOCs in Drying Process for Plywood Manufacturing (합판 제조용 목재 건조공정에서의 휘발성 유기화합물(VOCs) 배출특성)

  • Jang, Jeong-Gook;Kim, Mi-Ran
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.1381-1390
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    • 2008
  • Emission characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were investigated in the flue gas emitted from wood drying process for plywood manufacturing. The moisture content of raw timber was average 48%, and its density was $831.55kg/m^3$. But the moisture content of dried wood is needed less than around 10%, thus the moisture contents of flue gas should be remarkably high(about 18.2 V/V%). Therefore, the vapor in flue gas is equivalent to 320 ton-vapor/day when 1100 ton-wood/day is treated in the wood drying process. The temperature of flue gas ranges from $140^{\circ}C\;to\;150^{\circ}C$ in each dryer stack with exception of the input site of wood(about $110^{\circ}C$). The velocity of flue gas in each stack ranges from 1.7 to 9.7m/sec. In order to assess the concentrations and attribution rate of odorous compounds, it was analyzed about 40 VOCs in the flue gases. It was found that the major odorous compounds were 8 compounds, and the concentrations of major VOCs(ppm) were as follows; benzene: $0.054{\sim}0.052$, toluene: $1.011{\sim}2.547$, ethylbenzene: $0.472{\sim}2.023$, m,p-xylene: $0.504{\sim}3.245$, styrene: $0.015{\sim}0.148$, o-xylene : $0.271{\sim}1.097$, ethanol: $11.2{\sim}32.5$, ${\alpha}$-pinene: $0.908{\sim}10.578$, ${\beta}$-pinene: $0.982{\sim}14.278$. The attribution rate of terpenes (${\alpha}$-pinene, ${\beta}$-pinene) was about 60.56%, and that of aromatics and alcohols was about 22.77%, and 16.67%, respectively. It is suggested that the adequate control device should be used to control both the water soluble and non-soluble compounds because both compounds were mixed in flue gas.

Implementation of CoAP Protocol for USN Environment (CoAP 프로토콜 구현과 USN 환경 적용)

  • Min, Kyoung-Ju;Kim, Yong-Woon;Yoo, Sang-Keun;Kim, Hyoung-Jun;Jung, Heo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.1189-1197
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    • 2011
  • To manage sensing information such as temperature, humidity and so on efficiently, it is need to use special purpose protocol. In this reason, IETF WG proposed CoAP protocol, and it is on Internet draft. If it is possible to work on a specific protocol, sensor end-nodes and network devices will be managed efficiently. However, end-nodes have restricted resources, it is hard to applying to CoAP protocol directly. In this paper we analyse a CoAP protocol stack for USN. To verify this protocol quickly, at first we implemented CoAP protocol stack over PC environments. After the logical verification, we applied this protocol to the USN environment. To do this, we ported CoAP protocol to Cygwin environment, and proposed solutions for hardware dependencies, and it is verified through experiments.