• Title/Summary/Keyword: Soil Model

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Impact of Changes in Climate and Land Use/Land Cover Change Under Climate Change Scenario on Streamflow in the Basin (기후변화 시나리오하의 기후 및 토지피복 변화가 유역 내 유출량에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Jin Soo;Choi, Chul Uong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2013
  • This study is intended to predict variations in future land use/land cover(LULC) based on the representation concentration pathway(RCP) storyline that is a new climate change scenario and to analyze how future climate and LULC changes under RCP scenario affects streamflow in the basin. This study used climate data under RCP 4.5 and 8.5 and LULC change scenario is created by a model that is developed using storyline of RCP 4.5 and 8.5 and logistic regression(LR). Two scenarios(climate change only and LULC change only) were established. The streamflow in future periods under these scenarios was simulated by the Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) model. Each scenario showed a significant seasonal variations in streamflow. Climate change showed that it reduced streamflow in summer and autumn while it increased streamflow in spring and winter. Although LULC change little affected streamflow in the basin, the pattern for increasing and decreasing streamflow during wet and dry climate condition was significant. Therefore, it's believed that sustainable water resource policies for flood and drought depending on future LULC are required.

Estimation of PM10 Source Contributions on Three Cities in the Metropolitan Area by Using PMF Model (PMF 모델을 이용한 수도권 내 3개 도시에서의 PM10 오염원의 기여도 추정)

  • Lee, Tae-Jung;Huh, Jong-Bae;Yi, Seung-Muk;Kim, Shin-Do;Kim, Dong-Sool
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.275-288
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    • 2009
  • The Korean government strengthened the environmental polices to manage and enhance Metropolitan Area air quality, and also has enforced "Special Act on Seoul Metropolitan Air Quality Improvement (SASMAQI)" issued in Dec. 2004. Recently government expanded the Seoul Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD) to the outskirts satellite cities of Seoul area through the "Revised Law Draft of SASMAQI". The SMAQMD has been alloted the allowable emission loads to the local governments on the basis of the carrying $PM_{10}$ capacity. However, in order to establish the effective air quality control strategy for $PM_{10}$, it is necessary to understand the corresponding sources which have a potential to directly impact ambient $PM_{10}$ concentration. To deal with the situations, many receptor methodologies have been developed to identify the origins of pollutants and to determine the contributions of sources of interests. The objective of this study was to extensively identify $PM_{10}$ sources and to estimate their contributions at the metropolitan area. $PM_{10}$ samples were simultaneously collected at the 3 semi-industrialized local cities in the Seoul metropolitan area such as Hwasung-si, Paju-si, and Icheon-si sites from April 15 to May 31, 2007. The samples collected on the teflon membrane filter by one $PM_{10}$ cyclone sampler were analyzed for trace metals and soluble ions and samples on the quartz fiber filter by another sampler were analyzed for OC and EC. Source apportionment study was then performed by using a positive matrix factorization (PMF) receptor model. A total of 6 sources were identified and their contributions were estimated in each monitoring site. Contribution results on Hwasung, Paju, and Icheon sites were as follows: 33%, 27%, and 27% from soil source, 26%, 26%, and 21% from secondary aerosol source, 11%, 11%, and 12% from biomass burning, 12%, 6%, and 5% from sea salt, 7%, 15%, and 19% from industrial related source, and finally 11%, 15%, and 16% from mobile and oil complex source, respectively. This study provides information on the major sources affecting air quality in the receptor sites and thus it will help to manage the ambient air quality in the metropolitan area by establishing reasonable control strategies, especially for the anthropogenic emission sources.

On the Reclamation Earthwork Calculation using the Hermite and Spline Function (Hermite와 Spline 함수를 이용한 매립토공량 계산)

  • Mun, Du-Yeoul;Lee, Yong-Hee;Lee, Mun-Jae
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.473-479
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    • 2002
  • The estimation of the volume of a pit excavation is often required in many surveying, soil mechanics, highway applications and transportation engineering situations. The calculation of earthwork plays a major role in plan or design of many civil engineering projects such as seashore reclamation, and thus it has become very important to improve the accuracy of earthwork calculation. In this paper the spot height method, proposed formulas(A, B, C), and chen and Line method are compared with the volumes of the pits in these examples. And we proposed an algorithm of finding a terrain surface with the free boundary conditions and both direction spline method drawback, i.e., the modeling curves form peak points at the joints. To avoid this drawback, the cubic spline polynomial was chosen as the methematical model of the new method. From the characteristics of the cubic spline polynomial, the modeling curve of the new method was smooth and matched the ground profile well. As a result of this study, algorithm of proposed three methods to estimate pit excavation volume provided a better accuracy than spot height, chamber, chen and Lin method. And the mathematical model mentioned makes is thought to give a maximum acccuracy in estimating the volume of a pit excavation.

The Effect of Slope-based Curve Number Adjustment on Direct Runoff Estimation by L-THIA (경사도에 따른 CN보정에 의한 L-THIA 직접유출 모의 영향 평가)

  • Kim, Jonggun;Lim, Kyoung Jae;Park, Younshik;Heo, Sunggu;Park, Joonho;Ahn, Jaehun;Kim, Ki-sung;Choi, Joongdae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.897-905
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    • 2007
  • Approximately 70% of Korea is composed of forest areas. Especially 48% of agricultural field is practiced at highland areas over 400 m in elevation in Kangwon province. Over 90% of highland agricultural farming is located at Kangwon province. Runoff characteristics at the mountainous area such as Kangwon province are largely affected by steep slopes, thus runoff estimation considering field slopes needs to be utilized for accurate estimation of direct runoff. Although many methods for runoff estimation are available, the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), now Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), Curve Number (CN)-based method is used in this study. The CN values were obtained from many plot-years dataset obtained from mid-west areas of the United States, where most of the areas have less than 5% in slopes. Thus, the CN method is not suitable for accurate runoff estimation where significant areas are over 5% in slopes. Therefore, the CN values were adjusted based on the average slopes (25.8% at Doam-dam watershed) depending on the 5-day Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC). In this study, the CN-based Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment (L-THIA) direct runoff estimation model used and the Web-based Hydrograph Analysis Tool (WHAT) was used for direct runoff separation from the stream flow data. The $R^2$ value was 0.65 and the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient value was 0.60 when no slope adjustment was made in CN method. However, the $R^2$ value was 0.69 and the Nash-Sutcliffe value was 0.69 with slope adjustment. As shown in this study, it is strongly recommended the slope adjustment in the CN direct runoff estimation should be made for accurate direct runoff prediction using the CN-based L-THIA model when applied to steep mountainous areas.

Application of SWAT-CUP for Streamflow Auto-calibration at Soyang-gang Dam Watershed (소양강댐 유역의 유출 자동보정을 위한 SWAT-CUP의 적용 및 평가)

  • Ryu, Jichul;Kang, Hyunwoo;Choi, Jae Wan;Kong, Dong Soo;Gum, Donghyuk;Jang, Chun Hwa;Lim, Kyoung Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.347-358
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    • 2012
  • The SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) should be calibrated and validated with observed data to secure accuracy of model prediction. Recently, the SWAT-CUP (Calibration and Uncertainty Program for SWAT) software, which can calibrate SWAT using various algorithms, were developed to help SWAT users calibrate model efficiently. In this study, three algorithms (GLUE: Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation, PARASOL: Parameter solution, SUFI-2: Sequential Uncertainty Fitting ver. 2) in the SWAT-CUP were applied for the Soyang-gang dam watershed to evaluate these algorithms. Simulated total streamflow and 0~75% percentile streamflow were compared with observed data, respectively. The NSE (Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency) and $R^2$ (Coefficient of Determination) values were the same from three algorithms but the P-factor for confidence of calibration ranged from 0.27 to 0.81 . the PARASOL shows the lowest p-factor (0.27), SUFI-2 gives the greatest P-factor (0.81) among these three algorithms. Based on calibration results, the SUFI-2 was found to be suitable for calibration in Soyang-gang dam watershed. Although the NSE and $R^2$ values were satisfactory for total streamflow estimation, the SWAT simulated values for low flow regime were not satisfactory (negative NSE values) in this study. This is because of limitations in semi-distributed SWAT modeling structure, which cannot simulated effects of spatial locations of HRUs (Hydrologic Response Unit) within subwatersheds in SWAT. To solve this problem, a module capable of simulating groundwater/baseflow should be developed and added to the SWAT system. With this enhancement in SWAT/SWAT-CUP, the SWAT estimated streamflow values could be used in determining standard flow rate in TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Load) application at a watershed.

Adsorption Characteristics of Copper using Biochar Derived from Exhausted Coffee Residue (커피찌꺼기 biochar를 활용한 구리의 흡착특성)

  • Park, Jong-Hwan;Kim, Hong-Chul;Kim, Yeong-Jin;Kim, Seong-Heon;Seo, Dong-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 2017
  • BACKGROUND: There is very limited knowledge of the effects of biochar derived from exhausted coffee residue on metal adsorption processes. Furthermore, only limited information is available on the adsorption mechanism of copper. The aim of this study was to evaluate the absorption behaviors of copper by biochar derived from exhausted coffee residue. METHODS AND RESULTS: Biochars produced by pyrolysis of exhausted coffee residue at $300^{\circ}C$(CB300) and $600^{\circ}C$(CB600) were characterized and investigated as adsorbents for the removal of copper from aqueous solution. The results indicated that the adsorption equilibrium was achieved around 2 h and the pseudo-second-order kinetic model fit the data better than the pseudo-first-order kinetic model. The maximum Cu adsorption capacities of CB600 by Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms were higher than those of CB300. The adsorption data were well described by a Langmuir isotherm compare to Freundlich isotherm. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that exhausted coffee residue can be used as feedstock materials to produce high quality biochar, which could be used as adsorbents to removal copper.

Estimation of Applicability of Empirical Design Procedure for Predicting Seismic Response of Buried Gas Pipelines through 3D Time-history Analysis (3차원 시간이력해석을 통한 매설가스배관 종방향 지진응답 예측을 위한 경험적 설계법의 적용성 평가)

  • Kwak, Hyungjoo;Park, Duhee;Lee, Jangguen;Kang, Jaemo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2015
  • Longitudinal strain is an important component of seismic design for buried pipelines. A design procedure which determines the wavelength from site natural period and shear wave velocity of the soil layer and closed-form solutions of pipelines under a harmonic motion is typically used in design. However, the applicability of the procedure has not yet been thoroughly investigated. In this paper, displacement-time histories extracted from 1D site response analyses are used in 3D shell-spring model to accurately predict the response of pipelines. The results are closely compared to those from the design procedure. The area of interest is East Siberia. Performing a site response analysis to determine site specific displacement time history is highlighted. The site natural period may be used to predict the predominant period of the acceleration time history, but cannot be used to estimate the predominant period of the displacement time history. If an accurate estimate of the predominant period of the displacement time history is provided, it is demonstrated that the design equation can be successfully used to predict the response of pipelines.

Requirement Analysis of a System to Predict Crop Yield under Climate Change (기후변화에 따른 작물의 수량 예측을 위한 시스템 요구도 분석)

  • Kim, Junhwan;Lee, Chung Kuen;Kim, Hyunae;Lee, Byun Woo;Kim, Kwang Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2015
  • Climate change caused by elevated greenhouse gases would affect crop production through different pathways in agricultural ecosystems. Because an agricultural ecosystem has complex interactions between societal and economical environment as well as organisms, climate, and soil, adaptation measures in response to climate change on a specific sector could cause undesirable impacts on other sectors inadvertently. An integrated system, which links individual models for components of agricultural ecosystems, would allow to take into account complex interactions existing in a given agricultural ecosystem under climate change and to derive proper adaptation measures in order to improve crop productivity. Most of models for agricultural ecosystems have been used in a separate sector, e.g., prediction of water resources or crop growth. Few of those models have been desiged to be connected to other models as a module of an integrated system. Threfore, it would be crucial to redesign and to refine individual models that have been used for simulation of individual sectors. To improve models for each sector in terms of accuracy and algorithm, it would also be needed to obtain crop growth data through construction of super-sites and satellite sites for long-term monitoring of agricultural ecosystems. It would be advantageous to design a model in a sector from abstraction and inheritance of a simple model, which would facilitate development of modules compatible to the integrated prediction system. Because agricultural production is influenced by social and economical sectors considerably, construction of an integreated system that simulates agricultural production as well as economical activities including trade and demand is merited for prediction of crop production under climate change.

Case Study of the Heavy Asian Dust Observed in Late February 2015 (2015년 2월 관측된 고농도 황사 사례 연구)

  • Park, Mi Eun;Cho, Jeong Hoon;Kim, Sunyoung;Lee, Sang-Sam;Kim, Jeong Eun;Lee, Hee Choon;Cha, Joo Wan;Ryoo, Sang Boom
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.257-275
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    • 2016
  • Asian dust is a seasonal meteorological phenomenon influencing most East Asia, irregularly occurring during spring. Unusual heavy Asian dust event in winter was observed in Seoul, Korea, with up to $1,044{\mu}g\;m^{-3}$ of hourly mean $PM_{10}$, in 22~23 February 2015. Causes of such infrequent event has been studied using both ground based and spaceborne observations, as well as numerical simulations including ECMWF ERA Interim reanalysis, NOAA HYSPLIT backward trajectory analysis, and ADAM2-Haze simulation. Analysis showed that southern Mongolia and northern China, one of the areas for dust origins, had been warm and dry condition, i.e. no snow depth, soil temperature of ${\sim}0^{\circ}C$, and cumulative rainfall of 1 mm in February, along with strong surface winds higher than critical wind speed of $6{\sim}7.5m\;s^{-1}$ during 20~21 February. While Jurihe, China, ($42^{\circ}23^{\prime}56^{{\prime}{\prime}}N$, $112^{\circ}53^{\prime}58^{{\prime}{\prime}}E$) experienced $9,308{\mu}g\;m^{-3}$ of hourly mean surface $PM_{10}$ during the period, the Asian dust had affected the Korean Peninsula within 24 hours traveling through strong north-westerly wind at ~2 km altitude. KMA issued Asian dust alert from 1100 KST on 22nd to 2200 KST on 23rd since above $400{\mu}g\;m^{-3}$ of hourly mean surface $PM_{10}$. It is also important to note that, previously to arrival of the Asian dust, the Korean Peninsula was affected by anthropogenic air pollutants ($NO_3^-$, $SO_4^{2-}$, and $NH_4^+$) originated from the megacities and large industrial areas in northeast China. In addition, this study suggests using various data sets from modeling and observations as well as improving predictability of the ADAM2-Haze model itself, in order to more accurately predict the occurrence and impacts of the Asian dust over the Korean peninsula.

Effect of Incident Direction of Earthquake Motion on Seismic Response of Buried Pipeline (지진파 입사방향에 따른 매설관 종방향 응답특성 규명)

  • Kwak, Hyungjoo;Park, Duhee;Lee, Jangguen;Kang, Jaemo
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, a 3D shell-spring model that can perform time history analysis of buried pipelines is used to evaluate the effect of the incident direction of the earthquake motion. When applying harmonic motions, it is shown that the period of vibration has pronounced influence on the response of buried pipelines. With decrease in the period, the curvature of the pipeline and corresponding response are shown to increase. To evaluate the effect of the incident angle, the motions are applied in the direction of the pipleline, horizontal, and vertical planes. When the motion is applied parallel to the direction of the pipeline, it only induces bending strains and therefore, the response is the lowest. Under motions subjected in horizontal and vertical planes at an angle of $45^{\circ}$ from the longitudinal axis of the buried pipeline, the axial deformation is shown to contribute greatly to the response of the pipelines. When imposing two-components simultaneously, the calculated response is similar to the case where only single-component is imposed. It is because one component only induces bending strain, resulting in very small increase in the response. The trend of the response is shown to be quite similar for recorded motions. Therefore, it is concluded that use of a single-component is sufficient for estimation of the longitudinal response of buried pipelines.