• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social practices-based education

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Unsafe Disposal of Child Faeces: A Community-based Study in a Rural Block in West Bengal, India

  • PS, Preeti;Sahoo, Sanjaya Kumar;Biswas, Dhiraj;Dasgupta, Aparajita
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.323-328
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: A clean India is the responsibility of all Indians. One of the objectives of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Initiative) is to bring about behavioural changes regarding healthy sanitation practices. While large-scale programs in India have increased latrine coverage, they have to some extent failed to bring behavioural changes ensuring optimal latrine use, including the safe disposal of child faeces, which is a significant source of exposure to faecal pathogens. Hence, this study was done to explore child faeces disposal practices in rural West Bengal and to elicit the determinants of unhygienic faeces disposal. Methods: Data collection was done using an interview method among the mothers of 502 under-5 children, following a pre-designed, semi-structured schedule during house-to-house visits in a set of villages in the Hooghly district of West Bengal. Results: The prevalence of unsafe disposal of child faeces was 72.4%, and maternal education, per capita income, and water source were found to be significantly associated with unsafe child faeces disposal. Conclusions: This study draws attention to the unsafe disposal of child faeces in this area of India and raises questions about the efficiency of sanitation campaigns in rural India that focus on expanding coverage rather than emphasizing behavioural changes, which are crucial to ensure the safe disposal of child faeces. Thus, it is urgently necessary to strengthen efforts focusing on behavioural changes regarding the safe disposal of child faeces in order to minimise adverse health outcomes.

The Possibility of Social-cultural Creativity Education: A Case Study of "Imaginative Innovator" at H University (사회문화적 창의력 교육의 가능성 제안 : H대학교 '상상력 이노베이터' 교과목 개발 및 운영 사례)

  • Lee, Jee-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.448-458
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    • 2021
  • As the fourth industrial revolution accelerates, universities have made great efforts to develop and reform creative convergence courses for improving the students' creative convergence capabilities. Although various subjects such as "Capstone" and "Design Thinking" to the improvement of students' creative convergence competences, many courses focus on creativity education in the direction of creating new products or outputs such as engineering, design, and art, so there is still a lack of systematic education and subjects on creative convergence capabilities from a humanities and sociological perspective. In order to overcome their limitations of creative courses, "H" University developed a 'Imaginative Innovators' class with the purpose of solving creative problems on social issues related to sciences, culture, politics, economics, and so on. In this study, we introduced the purpose, methodology, students' best practices etc. of the "Imaginative innovator" course. In addition, we discussed the limitations and complements as well as the advantages and possibilities of the course. These findings are expected to contribute to the development and expansion of creativity education.

The Case-focusing Study on the Improvement of Business Theory Education Curriculum for the Korean Work and Study Parallel System (일학습병행제 하의 경영학 이론교육 커리큘럼 발전방향에 대한 사례중심연구)

  • Myung, Jae Kyu
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2018
  • This study suggests the direction of management theory education in business administration under the university-linked program of Korean work and study in parallel policy. As a social science, business education is essentially to cultivate people of talent capable of making the right decisions in the social phenomenon (business practices) rather than educate skills for solving a specific issue. At the same time, the parallel system is aimed at cultivating talented people who can work practically in the real field. Therefore, practical education and theoretical education should be linked organically, and the theoretical education should be layered. Also, management education should be guaranteed to be timely and cultivate fusion thinking. Based on this background, this study is expected to contribute to the upgrading of the parallel system and education level in the future by reviewing the curriculum of the business administration department of domestic universities.

Systematization of food and nutrition education content based on national kindergarten curriculum: a qualitative formative study (유치원 교육과정 기반 영양·식생활 교육 내용 체계화: 질적 기초 연구)

  • Jung-Hyun Kim;Eugene Shim;Eunyoung Baik
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.509-522
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study is intended to develop a curriculum for kindergarten food and nutrition education aimed at preschool children, reflecting government policy and meeting the demands of preschool settings. Methods: Existing educational materials were analyzed, and key elements of the 2019 Revised Nuri Curriculum ("Nuri Curriculum") and Guidelines for Nutrition and Food Education in Kindergartens, Elementary, Middle, and High Schools ("Guidelines") were examined as foundational information for developing the curriculum for food and nutrition education. Results: Basing ourselves on the five domains of the Nuri Curriculum, "Physical Activity and Health," "Communication," "Social Relationships," "Art Experience," and "Natural Science Inquiry," we integrated three areas from the Guidelines, namely "Dietary Habits and Health," "Dietary Habits and Safety," and "Dietary Habits and Culture," to structure the curriculum for kindergarten food and nutrition education. Three specific domains, "Nutrition and Health," "Food and Culture," and "Safe Dietary Practices," were tailored for preschool children, each comprising core concepts, content elements, and educational materials. In the "Nutrition and Health" domain, core concepts such as "nutrition" were addressed through content elements such as "balanced eating" and "vegetables and fruit," while "health" included elements such as "eating regularly" and "nutrients for disease prevention," each with two educational content components. The "Food and Culture" domain focused on "food" with content on "local foods (vegetable-garden experience)" and "food culture" with content on "our dining table (rice and side dishes)," "our agricultural products," "global cuisine (multiculture)," and "considerate dietary practices," each with four educational content components. The "Safe Dietary Practices" domain included core concepts such as "hygiene" with content on "hand-washing habits" and "food poisoning management," and "safety" with content on "food labeling." Conclusions: The systematized curriculum for kindergarten food and nutrition education aligns with the Nuri Curriculum and is interconnected with the Guidelines. This curriculum can be used as foundational material for developing educational resources tailored to the characteristics of preschoolers, contributing to effective implementation in early childhood education.

Factors Influencing Depression in the Elderly Based on the ICF Model: A Longitudinal Analysis Using Data from the Korea Welfare Panel Study (ICF 모델에 기반한 노인의 우울에 영향을 미치는 요인: 한국복지패널 자료를 활용한 종단분석)

  • Yu-Hwa Shim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.27 no.4_2
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    • pp.961-972
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    • 2024
  • As the global elderly population rapidly increases, the mental health of the elderly, particularly depression, has emerged as a significant social issue. This study analyzes the various factors influencing depression in the elderly based on the ICF model. Utilizing data from the Korea Welfare Panel Study, the study identifies the types of changes in depression among individuals aged 65 and older and examines the factors influencing these changes. This longitudinal secondary data analysis research uses the most recent three years of data (2021-2023) from the Korea Welfare Panel. The study sample consisted of 965 elderly individuals, and a latent class growth model was applied to identify the types of depression changes, while a multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to analyze the influencing factors. The analysis revealed that elderly depression could be categorized into four types: high-level decrease, high-level maintenance, low-level increase, and low-level maintenance. Main influencing factors included gender, age, education, poverty, social trust, social relationships, participation in economic activities, participation in religious activities, and health status. Particularly, social relationships and health status were significant factors affecting the types of depression changes. To mitigate depression in the elderly, a multifaceted approach considering both individual characteristics and social relationships and health status is required. The study suggests the development of community-based programs and trust-building activities at the community level to maintain and strengthen the social relationships of the elderly. These findings can serve as important foundational data for policies and practices aimed at improving the mental health of the elderly.

The Future of Flexible Learning and Emerging Technology in Medical Education: Reflections from the COVID-19 Pandemic (포스트 코로나 시대 플렉서블 러닝과 첨단기술 활용 중심의 의학교육 전망과 발전)

  • Park, Jennifer Jihae
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2021
  • The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic made it necessary for medical schools to restructure their curriculum by switching from face-to-face instruction to various forms of flexible learning. Flexible learning is a student-centered approach to learning that has received interest in many educational sectors. It is a critical strategy for expanding access to higher education during the pandemic. As flexible learning includes online, blended, hybrid, and hyflex learning options, learners have the opportunity to select an instruction modality based on their needs and interests. The shift to flexible learning in medical education took place rapidly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and learners, instructors, and schools were not prepared for this instructional change. Through the lens of the technology acceptance model, human agency, and a social constructivist perspective, I examine students, instructors, and educational institutions' roles in successfully navigating the digital transformation era. The pandemic has also accelerated the use of advanced information and communication technologies, such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality, in learning. Through a review of the literature, this paper aimed to reflect on current flexible learning practices from the instructional design and educational technology perspective and explore emerging technologies that may be implemented in future medical education.

A Direction of the Environmental Movement based on Voluntary Simplicity Life Style (자발적 단순성지향 생활양식(Voluntary Simplicity Life Style)에 기초한 환경운동의 방향)

  • 윤숙현
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between the environmental movement and voluntary simplicity life style. The results of this study are as follows: First, both voluntary simplicity life style and the environmental movement are concepts which became the center of public interest because of the evil practices appeared in the process of the development of capitalism. Second, the level of consciousness of environment is comparatively high, but the level of the power of execution is comparatively low as a whole. In the case of Korea, people have not yet the mature responsibilities of citizenship. It is very important to enforce different informal educations in order to increase the effectiveness of the environmental movement. Home training based on voluntary simplicity life style is the most important informal education for the purpose of increasing the effectiveness of the environmental movement. Consequently, for the preservation of environment we need to do our best endeavors such as home training based on voluntary simplicity life style, environmental education based on our social and cultural background, and more powerful administrative measures which is administrative support rather than administrative control.

Application of Social Network Analysis on Learner Interaction in a GBS Learning Environment (GBS 학습 환경 하에서 상호작용 연구를 위한 사회 연결망 분석 기법의 적용)

  • Jo, Il-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.81-93
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of the study was to explore the potential of the Social Network Analysis as an analytical tool for scientific investigation of learner-learner, or learner-tutor interaction within an e-Learning environment. Theoretical and methodological implication of the Social Network Analysis had been discussed. Following theoretical analysis, an exploratory empirical study was conducted to test statistical correlation between traditional performance measures such as achievement and team contribution index, and the centrality measure, one of the many quantitative measures the Social Network Analysis provides. Results indicate the centrality measure was correlated with the higher order learning performance and peer-evaluated contribution indices. An interpretation of the results and their implication to instructional design theory and practices were provided along with some suggestions for future research.

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When Changes Don\`t Make Changes: Insights from Korean and the U.S Elementary Mathematics Classrooms (변화가 변화를 일으키지 못할 때: 한국과 미국 초등수학 수업 관찰로부터의 소고)

  • 방정숙
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents cross-national perspectives on challenges in implementing current mathematics education reform ideals. This paper includes detailed qualitative descriptions of mathematics instruction from unevenly successful second-grade classrooms both in Koran and in the U. S with regared to reform recommendations. Despits dramatic differences in mathematics achivement between Korean and the U.S student. problems in both countries with regard to mathematics education are perceived to be very similar. The shared problems have a common origin in teacher-centered instruction. Educational leaders in both countries have persistently attempted to change the teacher-centered pedagogy to a student-centered approach. Many teachers report familiarity with and adherence to reform ideas, but their actual classroom teaching practices do not reflect the full implications of the reform ideals. Given the challenges in implementing reform, this study explored the breakdown that may occur between teachers adoption of reform objectives and their successful incorporation of reform ideals by comparing and contrasting two reform-oriented classrooms in both countries. This comparison and contrast provided a unique opportunity to reflect on possible subtle but crucial issues with regard to reform implementation. Thus, this study departed from past international comparisons in which the common objective has been to compare general social norma of typical mathematics classes across countries. This study was and exploratory, qualitative, comparative case study using grounded theory methodology based on constant comparative analysis for which the primary data sources were classroom video recordings and transcripts. The Korean portion of this study was conducted by the team of four researchers, including the author. The U.S portion of this study and a brief joint analysis were conducted by the author. This study compared and contrasted the classroom general social norms and sociomathematical norms of two Korean and two U.S second-grade teachers who aspired to implement reform. The two classrooms in each country were chosen because of their unequal success in activating the reform recommendation. Four mathematics lessons were videotaped from Korean classes, whereas fourteen lessons were videotaped from the U.S. classes. Intensive interviews were conducted with each teacher. The two classes within each country established similar participation patterns but very different sociomathematical norms. In both classes open-ended questioning, collaborative group work, and students own problem solving constituted the primary modes of classroom participation. However in one class mathematical significance was constituted as using standard algorithm with accuracy, whereas the other established a focus on providing reasonable and convincing arguments. Given these different mathematical foci, the students in the latter class had more opportunities to develop conceptual understanding than their counterparts. The similarities and differences to between the two teaching practices within each country clearly show that students learning opportunities do not arise social norms of a classroom community. Instead, they are closely related to its sociomathematical norms. Thus this study suggests that reform efforts highlight the importance of sociomathematical norms that established in the classroom microculture. This study also provides a more caution for the Korean reform movement than for its U.S. counterpart.

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Effects of Ethical Consciousness on Job Satisfaction of Social Workers: Mediated Effects of Self-efficacy (사회복지사의 윤리의식이 직무만족에 미치는 영향: 자기효능감의 매개효과)

  • Jong-Du Park;Mal-Sook Suk
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the mediating effect of self-efficacy in the effect of social workers' ethical consciousness on job satisfaction. Based on the ratio of the statistical yearbook of Korean social workers in 2020, the subjects of the study conducted an online survey on 512 social workers working at social welfare facilities in Seoul. The study was conducted with IRB approval. The analysis and statistics of this study used SPSS & AMOS 25.0. Bootstrapping was used to verify the mediating effect of self-efficacy in the effect of social workers' ethical consciousness on job satisfaction. As a result of the study, the positive effect on self-efficacy and job satisfaction of social workers was verified. In addition, the positive mediating effect of self-efficacy was verified between the ethical consciousness of social workers on job satisfaction. The results of the study suggest the importance of systems and practices to support capacity building and promote self-efficacy for ethical awareness to improve job satisfaction of social workers.