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The Possibility of Social-cultural Creativity Education: A Case Study of "Imaginative Innovator" at H University  

Lee, Jee-Young (한성대학교 상상력 교양대학)
Publication Information
As the fourth industrial revolution accelerates, universities have made great efforts to develop and reform creative convergence courses for improving the students' creative convergence capabilities. Although various subjects such as "Capstone" and "Design Thinking" to the improvement of students' creative convergence competences, many courses focus on creativity education in the direction of creating new products or outputs such as engineering, design, and art, so there is still a lack of systematic education and subjects on creative convergence capabilities from a humanities and sociological perspective. In order to overcome their limitations of creative courses, "H" University developed a 'Imaginative Innovators' class with the purpose of solving creative problems on social issues related to sciences, culture, politics, economics, and so on. In this study, we introduced the purpose, methodology, students' best practices etc. of the "Imaginative innovator" course. In addition, we discussed the limitations and complements as well as the advantages and possibilities of the course. These findings are expected to contribute to the development and expansion of creativity education.
Creative General Education; Social Issues; Creative Problem Solving; Problem based Learning (PBL);
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  • Reference
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