• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social connection

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Study about the role of the Prevention of School Safety Keeper System (학교안전지킴이의 학교폭력예방에 대한 제도적 고찰 - 전문성과 제약성을 중심으로 -)

  • Gong, Bae Wan
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 2013
  • School violence that have occurred recently, showing a tendency to collectivization and diverse types of violence, as well as the quality and increase the damage levels. School violence in the home, school, and social factors, but is caused by the lack of awareness about the violence and the reporting of consciousness due to poor acts of violence indirectly assisted. The only place violence has caused the school to establish the legal and institutional arrangements in order to minimize school violence have no choice but to limit its effectiveness is negligible. The problem of school violence in connection with the problem of juvenile crime prevention and control, and punishment should be made of the complex and layered. Operation and School police system, School safety keeper system, school sheriff system since 2005, each municipality in order to minimize school violence, but have no practical help to limit the visible and symbolic effects. Nonexistent professional staff of the institution or school safety monitors emphasis on monitoring the physical state of the system in the form of 'guards' departure inherently have limitations. Also, to prevent criminal acts or violence in the state is not given special privileges and the appropriate role for the school keeper is a problem with the system. Report no other role can not be expected. Should therefore be preceded by a systematic improvement and training of experts in order to prevent school violence, and home and school, in terms of social support and measures.

The Phenomenological Study on the Employment Experiences of People with Psychiatric Disabilities (정신장애인의 취업경험에 관한 현상학적 연구)

  • Lee, Keum-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.237-261
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    • 2010
  • This study aims at exploring the employment experiences of people with psychiatric disabilities who look for job and work at workplace through deeply searching that of people with psychiatric disabilities from the point of their view. So this research shows how their employment experiences appears in our country and also what kind of meaning that gives to people with psychiatric disabilities. The Main question of this study is what the meaning and essence of employment experiences of people with psychiatric disabilities is. The qualitative research method was taken for widely understanding and lively writing employment experiences of people with psychiatric disabilities in the connection of their lives. Especially, it was set that phenomenological research methods introduced by Colaizzi's, which can be used for understanding the essential meaning of the experiences of research participants. The major themes could be analyzed as "Entering a narrow door", "Being raised on an unfamiliar stage", "Confusing in the fast world", "Enduring", "Adjusting to an ordinary life", and "Taking a step forward admitting their limitation". These are connected not in the state of independence state but dependence according to time flow. In this study the people with psychiatric disabilities in relation to employment are compared to salmons running back in a wild river. People with psychiatric disabilities have power through running back in their employment and lives like a long river. Even though there are difficulty things, they actively try to flow together with other people as mature people in our society. This research helps to make strategies of employment supports for people with psychiatric disabilities through their employment experiences.

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Factors in Discriminating SNS Users in Korea (SNS 이용 특성에 따른 집단 판별 요인에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, So Yeon;Chon, Bum Soo
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.46-62
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    • 2012
  • This research intends to find factors to analyze users, non-users, and the relation between how many sites people use and the users' tendencies, in regards of social network services such as Facebook, Twitter, and Cyworld. The major results are as follows: firstly, the user group seems to be composed of people who are younger, have higher self-efficacy, and use smartphones, compared to the non-user group. Secondly, a single-site user group has lower motivation of 'expert search and expression' and a lower degree of personal tendency of innovation (novelty seeking and self-efficacy), compared to multiple-site user group. Thirdly, foreign SNS user groups have a higher degree of personal tendency of innovation and motivation of 'experts search and expression' than the Cyworld user group. On the other hand, the Cyworld user group seems to be affected by reference group in their use, while they have high motivation of 'connection'. In conclusion, there were significant relationships between personality and multiple SNS uses. Also, Cyworld users tended to use it for maintaining established relationships.

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Implication of policy on the evaluation and utilization of modern industrial inheritance of Daejeon (대전지역 근대산업유산의 가치와 활용에 관한 정책적 함의)

  • Choi, Jang-Nak;Lee, Sang-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2013
  • The Old Town of Daejeon has significantly gone down due to population decrease and vacancy of buildings. To resolve these problems, it is necessary to develop revitalization measures with unique features, but it is also important to use historical and cultural resources from a certain point for the regeneration of local community. The Old Town of Daejeon has a number of industrial structures and architectural heritages that give character to the spaces, but most of them are being impoverished without any use although they have universal value. This study examined the standards to evaluate the importance and value of modern industrial heritages as historical resources that contributed to the development of local community and discussed case studies to review the value and use of industrial heritages that laid the foundation of Daejeon's development as a modern city to address the needs for urban regeneration through preservation and use of modern industrial heritages. Also, the limitations of administrative efforts were identified and the solutions were sought to address the needs to gather efforts with local government offices and the private sector. In conclusion, this study suggests an active and open policies to use cultural heritages through the use of modern industrial heritages for the revitalization of local communities based on the study of policies for the communication of urban users and community cultural spaces, preservation of landscapes including industrial heritages, and preservation in connection to social organizations and social companies, and that it is necessary to provide policies followed by efforts, i.e., to arbitrate the owners.

Developmental disability Diagnosis Assessment Systems Implementation using Multimedia Authorizing Tool (멀티미디어 저작도구를 이용한 발달장애 진단.평가 시스템 구현연구)

  • Byun, Sang-Hea;Lee, Jae-Hyun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.57-72
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    • 2008
  • Serve and do so that graft together specialists' view application field of computer and developmental disability diagnosis estimation data to construct developmental disability diagnosis estimation system in this Paper and constructed developmental disability diagnosis estimation system. Developmental disability diagnosis estimation must supply information of specification area that specialists are having continuously. Developmental disability diagnosis estimation specialist system need multimedia data processing that is specialized little more for developmental disability classification diagnosis and decision-making and is atomized for this. Characteristic of developmental disability diagnosis estimation system that study in this paper can supply quick feedback about result, and can reduce mistake on recording and calculation as well as can shorten examination's enforcement time, and background of training is efficient system fairly in terms of nonprofessional who is not many can use easily. But, as well as when multimedia information that is essential data of system construction for developmental disability diagnosis estimation is having various kinds attribute and a person must achieve description about all developmental disability diagnosis estimation informations, great amount of work done is accompanied, technology about equal data can become different according to management. Because of these problems, applied search technology of contents base (Content-based) that search connection information by contents of edit target data for developmental disability diagnosis estimation data processing multimedia data processing technical development. In the meantime, typical access way for conversation style data processing to support fast image search, after draw special quality of data by N-dimension vector, store to database regarding this as value of N dimension and used data structure of Tree techniques to use index structure that search relevant data based on this costs. But, these are not coincided correctly in purpose of developmental disability diagnosis estimation because is developed focusing in application field that use data of low dimension such as original space DataBase or geography information system. Therefore, studied save structure and index mechanism of new way that support fast search to search bulky good physician data.

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A Study on Occurance Possibility of Suicide Bombing using Utilize Unmanned Aircraft in Korea (한국 내 무인항공기를 이용한 자폭테러 발생가능성에 대한 연구)

  • Oh, Seiyouen;Lee, Jaemin;Park, Namkwun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.288-293
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to provide response plans against acts of suicide bomb using utilize unmanned aircrafts to prevent large losses of lives such as the terrorist attacks of September 11. As the result, First, this research suggests revising the definition and categorization of utilizing unmanned aircrafts and legislating the Anti-terrorism law. Second, it is needed to establish the proper social safety network through terrorism response management integrated system against the terror of related organization. Third, suicide bomb using utilizing unmanned aircrafts can be occurred because it is possible to make bomb and open web site for terrorism without connection with terrorist organization because of universal use of Internet. In response to this, it is needed to make a law which can block the use and open of illegal site and contents. Forth, the increasing number of foreigners and immigrants can make conflicts, and cause the foreigner's anti-korea feeling and the citizen's anti-cultural diffusion. Therefore, it is needed for the citizen to change and improve the awareness of them, and the change of social politics.

Utilization of Medical Assistance Patients in Nursing Hospital (의료급여환자의 요양병원 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Jae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.366-375
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of hospital, hospitalization, medical service, discharge and power of medical care patients who are concerned about moral hazard. We conducted focus group interview with 3 medical care patients and their families and 5 workers who had worked for more than 4 years in a nursing hospital. The main results and implications are as follows. First, admission to nursing hospitals was mostly based on the linkage between the medical institutions and the competition to attract the patients rather than the choice of the patients. Second, the main cause of the long-term hospitalization of medical assistance patients was the lack of social protection measures such as absences of residence and care giver, although there are factors that cause moral hazard such as low self-pay. Third, most of the patients were in need of treatment, but they were admitted to the hospital even though their needs were not higher than those of the health insurance patients. Fourth, the rehabilitation service is the mainstay of the medical service of the nursing hospital, and the roles of nursing staff and care givers are important. Fifth, medical care patients are paying medical expenses for nursing hospitals due to cost of living and family support, but they are exempted from the hospital expenses or the burden of their own expenses in the hospital. Sixth, public institutions and social welfare institutions have not managed continuously since commissioning patients to nursing hospitals and have neglected the connection with community services after discharge.

A study on the current status and improvement suggestions of cultural heritage education in primary school Focused on curriculum analysis and teachers' cultural heritage education experiences (초등학교 문화유산 교육 현황과 방향 제언 - 교육 과정 분석 및 교사의 문화유산 교육 경험을 중심으로 -)

  • HAN, Geonsoo;KIM, Dawon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.132-151
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the current status of and suggest future improvement practices for cultural heritage education in primary school. We analyzed a primary school textbook for each of five subjects (Korean, social studies, music, art, physical education), surveyed ten teachers with cultural heritage education experience, and analyzed the results. Based on the results, we made the following five suggestions: First, the goal of cultural heritage education should be expanded to foster citizenship. Second, in cultural heritage education, it is necessary to discuss what should be included in the educational content and to organize the content systematically in connection with the student environment, local community environment, and subject content. Third, cultural heritage education should be linked with sustainable development so that cultural heritage can be passed on from the present generation to future generations. Cultural heritage has characteristics, such as universal values of humanity, that transcend national boundaries, regional identities, dialogue and understanding between civilizations, and sources of creativity, and thus serves as the foundation for sustainable development. Fourth, for the effective implementation of cultural heritage education in schools, it is necessary to develop step-by-step teacher training programs. The success or failure of cultural heritage education in schools depends on teacher training. Fifth, the degree to which cultural heritage education is integrated into the curriculum should be strengthened, allowing learners to be educated so that they can cultivate knowledge and critical thinking about cultural heritage, enjoy and protect it, and connect with a sustainable society.

The Development Aspects of Korean Political Theatre Movement (한국 정치극의 전개 양상 - 1920년대부터 80년대까지의 정치극운동을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.52
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    • pp.5-59
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    • 2014
  • This paper investigates the development and aesthetics of Korean political theatre from its quickening period 1920s to democratization era 1990s. Political theatre before 90s developed an antithesis resistant movement toward Korean modern history that had been scattered with suppressing political circumstances such as colonial era and dictatorial government, the movement has powerful activity and social influences. Just like the 20 century political theatre had been quickened under the influence of Marxism at Russia and Germany in 1920s, Korea's political theatre began in socialism theatre movement form around the same time. Proletarian theatre groups had been founded in Japan and Korea, and developed into practical movement with organized connection. However, the political theatre movement in Japanese colonial era was an empty vessel makes great sound but not much accomplishments. Most performance had been canceled or disapproved by suppression or censorship of the Japanese Empire. The political theatre in liberation era was the left drama inherited from Proletarian theatre of the colonial era. Korean Theatre alliance took lead the theatrical world unfold activities based on theatre popularization theory such as 'culture activists' taking a jump up the line and 'independent theatre' peeping into production spot as well as the important event, Independence Movement Day Memorial tournament theatre. Since 1947, US army military government in Korea strongly oppressed the left performances to stop and theatrical movement was ended due to many left theatrical people defection to North Korea. The political theatre in 1960s to 70s the Park regime, developed in dramatically different ways according to orthodox group and group out of power. The political theatre of institutional system handled judgment on sterile people and had indirect political theatre from that took history material and allegory technique because of censorship. In political theatre out of institution, it started outdoor theatre that has modernized traditional performance style and established deep relationship with labor spot and culture movement organizations. Madangguek(Outdoor theatre) is 'Attentive political theatre', satirizing and offending the political and social inconsistencies such as the dictatorial government's oppression and unbalanced distribution, alienation of general people, and foreign powers' pillage sharply as well as laughing at the Establishment with negative characters. The political theatre in 1980s is divided into two categories; political theatre of institutional system and Madangguek. Institutional Political theatre mainly performed in Korea Theatre Festival and the theatre group 'Yeonwoo-Moudae' led political theatre as private theatre company. Madangguek developed into an outdoor theatrical for indoor theatre capturing postcolonial historical view. Yeonwoo-Moudae theatre company produced representative political plays at 80s such as The chronicles of Han's, Birds fly away too, and so on by combining freewheeling play spirit of Madangguek and epic theatre. Political theatre was all the rage since the age of democratization started in 1987 and political materials has been freed from ban. However, political theatre was slowly declined as real socialism was crumbling and postmodernism is becoming the spirit of the times. After 90s, there are no more plays of ideology and propaganda that aim at politicization of theatre. As the age rapidly entered into the age of deideology, political theatre discourse also changed greatly. The concept 'the political' became influential as a new political possibility that stands up to neoliberalism system in the evasion of politics. Rather than reenact political issues, it experiments new political theatre that involves something political by deconstructing and reassigning audience's political sense with provocative forms, staging others and drawing discussion about it.

A Study on Development of Measurement Tools for Word-of-Mouth Constraint Factors - Focusing on SNS Advertising - (구전 제약요인 측정도구 개발에 대한 연구 - SNS 광고를 중심으로 -)

  • Yun, Dae-Hong
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.209-223
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to stimulate the online word-of-mouth advertising by developing the concept of word-of-mouth constraint factors and measurement tools in connection with the SNS advertising on social networks. To achieve the objective of this study, this study was conducted in 3 phases. First, the exploratory investigation(target group interview, in-depth interview, and expert interview) was performed to determine the concept and scope of the word-of-mouth constraint based on literature study and qualitative investigation method. Second, the reliability and validity of the measurement questions were verified through the survey in order to refine the developed measurement items. Third, the predictive validity of measurement items was verified by examining the relationship with other major construct concept for which the developed measurement items were different. Based on the results of study, 6 components and a total of 23 measurement questions for those components were derived. Each was called intrapersonal and interpersonal constraint(psychological sensitivity, compensatory sensitivity, and other person assessment), structural constraint(reliability, informativity, and entertainment). We developed the measurement questions related to word-of-mouth constraint based on qualitative study and quantitative study and holistically examined the social and psychological, environmental interruption factors acting as the word-of-mouth constraint factors for SNS advertising in terms of SNS achievements and evaluation from the perspective of word-of-mouth constraint. The results will lead to creation of basic framework for systematic and empirical research on the online word-of-mouth constraint and to achievement of effective SNS word-of-mouth advertising.