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Study about the role of the Prevention of School Safety Keeper System  

Gong, Bae Wan (경남대학교 경호비서학과)
Publication Information
School violence that have occurred recently, showing a tendency to collectivization and diverse types of violence, as well as the quality and increase the damage levels. School violence in the home, school, and social factors, but is caused by the lack of awareness about the violence and the reporting of consciousness due to poor acts of violence indirectly assisted. The only place violence has caused the school to establish the legal and institutional arrangements in order to minimize school violence have no choice but to limit its effectiveness is negligible. The problem of school violence in connection with the problem of juvenile crime prevention and control, and punishment should be made of the complex and layered. Operation and School police system, School safety keeper system, school sheriff system since 2005, each municipality in order to minimize school violence, but have no practical help to limit the visible and symbolic effects. Nonexistent professional staff of the institution or school safety monitors emphasis on monitoring the physical state of the system in the form of 'guards' departure inherently have limitations. Also, to prevent criminal acts or violence in the state is not given special privileges and the appropriate role for the school keeper is a problem with the system. Report no other role can not be expected. Should therefore be preceded by a systematic improvement and training of experts in order to prevent school violence, and home and school, in terms of social support and measures.
school police; school sheriff; school safety keeper; school violence; juvenile crime;
Citations & Related Records
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  • Reference
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