• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Power

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Analysis of the Closed-Loop Supply Chain Focusing on Power Batteries in China

  • Chen, Jinhui;Bayarsaikhan, Bayarsaikhan;Nam, Sootae;Jin, Chanyong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.10a
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    • pp.570-571
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    • 2021
  • The research on waste power batteries in China in the past ten years reveals that the power battery recycling industry is enormous but marred with several challenges. A study of China's current power battery closed-loop supply chain revealed some issues in the power battery recycling industry, such as imperfect supply chain, small recycling scale, asymmetric information, and imperfect profit distribution mechanism. This paper uses the theory of corporate social responsibility and consumer choice to propose a closed-loop network of power batteries based on block chain technology and analyzes the existing closed-loop supply chain of power batteries. Consequently, this study provides a new idea for developing the power battery closed-loop supply chain by proposing the closed-loop network of power batteries based on blockchain technology

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Social Work with Marriage Based Immigrant Families: an Application of Empowerment Approach (결혼이민자 가족을 위한 임파워먼트 기반의 사회복지실천 연구)

  • Yoon, Hye-Mee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.85-108
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    • 2009
  • The quickening pace of international migration in the last twenty years brought fundamental demographic and social changes to the Korean society. Increasing number of marriage-based immigrant families imposes new challenges on social work community; however, the social work community has not been equipped with necessary practice models, sets of skills and professionals with cultural competency. This study aims to explore an integrative framework of social work practice with this client group. Research foci include the profile of marriage-based immigrant families in Korea, available social services at the time, challenges and issues they face, the compatibility of the empowerment based social work practice, and micro/mezzo/macro level concerns that arise for the effective service provision. Challenges among marriage-based immigrant families are converged into personal/familial, community related, and larger social-cultural issues. Empowerment is a multi-dimensional social process to help people gain control over their lives; a process that fosters power in people, for use in their lives, their communities and in their society. Empowerment based social work practice can be the most competent framework for working with multi-cultural families considering their multi-faceted acculturation issues while they navigate thru Korean society. Issues of educating and training of culturally competent social workers are discussed.

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Bidding Strategies with the Opportunity Cost of Reactive Power in a Competitive Market (무효전력 기회비용을 반영한 전력시장 입찰전략 연구)

  • 이광호
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 2004
  • This paper addresses the bidding strategies of generating firms in a competitive market where the firms are provided with payment for generating reactive power. Reactive support for voltage control is an integral and critical part of power system operations. Since reactive support is unbundled in a competitive market under open access transmission, it is treated as one of ancillary services. The operation costs and opportunity costs for reactive support are compensated by payment to the firms, hence their bidding strategies will be affected. The opportunity costs are evaluated from the foregone profits of a generator in making sales in real power market by providing reactive support instead of real power. Game theory approach is used to analysis the transaction strategies of real power by the bimatrix method in this paper. Through computing the Nash equilibrium in a sample system, an incentive of a generator for improving the reactive generating capacity is found to be effective and the variations of the profits are analyzed as the demand power factor changes.

The efficient management of the underground Power transmission facilities (지중 송전설비의 효율적 운영)

  • Lee, Seog-Kyu;Jo, Sung-Woo;Choi, Keong-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.07c
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    • pp.1385-1387
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    • 1999
  • Electric power consumption is highly increasing as the social trend requiring comfortable life, the population concentration in a big city and the industrial development. Therefore it has become to be very important to supply the stable high-quality power. As these trends, the underground power transmission facilities are unavoidable in the center of a city and are going to increase more and more. As the proportion to increase facilities, the efficient management and maintenance become more important and are going to play an important role in the high-quality of power supply.

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A Study on replacing transmission lines with STACIR for increasing power transmission capacity in the 345kv transmission system (345KV 송전선로의 송전용량 증대를 위한 STACIR 전선교체기술)

  • Kim, Yeong-Han;Bang, Hang-Kwon;Cho, Dae-Sung
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.07c
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    • pp.1103-1105
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    • 1998
  • It is becoming more and more difficult to construct new transmission lines because of many social problems. According to the load increase, Some of existing transmission lines will be heavy loaded over the limit. To solve this situation, one of method is peformed by replacing existing ACSR transmission lines with STACIR for increasing power transmission capacity in the 345kv transmission system. This paper presents several techniques for design and construction of transmission line replacement based on the actual experience in the 345kv Shinseongnam-Shinsiheung and Shinseongnam-Shinyeongseo transmission lines.

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Determinants of nuclear power expansion in Indonesia

  • Cho, Inkyung;Oh, Surim;Kim, Soohyeon;Ardin, Fadolly;Heo, Eunnyeong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.314-321
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    • 2021
  • As Indonesia is rich in natural resources, nuclear power remains a low priority among energy alternatives. However, Indonesia needs to introduce nuclear power to improve the atmospheric environment and to support sustainable economic growth. This study conducted a two-stage survey of logit-probit and analytic hierarchy process to analyze the perception of Indonesian energy policymakers regarding the introduction of nuclear power, the potential for change, and key decision factors. The analysis confirms that the perception of nuclear power is positive and that the willingness to expand nuclear power can improve if negative conditions, such as underdeveloped technology level, foreign aid and assistance, and safety issues are addressed. In addition, it is confirmed that the policy makers consider political/social and environmental factors to be more important for decision-making. The results of this study can give inplications and be used as a key reference for Indonesia's nuclear power policy

A Study on Selection of an Overhead Electrical Transmission Line Corridor with Social Conflict (사회적 갈등을 갖는 송전선로 경과지 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Hong-Chul;Moon, Chae-Joo;Kim, Hak-Jae
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.577-584
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    • 2021
  • Electrical energy is an essential component in present societies, which is an important basis for our technological society. In the design of new power infrastructure, it is important to consider the psychological aspects of how our culture considers and aspects its development as an integral component of the community environment. The construction of new high voltage overhead transmission lines has become a controversial issue for public policy of government due to social opposition. The members of community are concerned about how these power lines may have an impact on their lives, basically caused by their effects on health and safety. The landscape and visual impact is one of the most impact that can be easily perceived for local community. The computer 3D simulation of new landscape is illustrated by a real life use corresponding to the selection of the power line route with least observability for local community. This paper used ArcGIS(geographic information system tool) for planning, survey, basic route and detailed route, route for implementation of transmission line corridor. Also, the paper showed the map of natural environment, living environment, safety and altitude using database of power line corridor, and transmission siting model was developed by this study. The suggested landscape of computer simulation with lowest visibility on a power line zone can contribute to reducing oppositions of local community and accelerating the construction of new power lines.

Improvement of Resident's Participation on Renewable Energy Power Generation Project in Rural Area - Focused on the Rural Solar Power Generation Systems - (농촌지역 신재생에너지 발전사업 주민참여 활성화 연구 - 농촌태양광 시스템을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chul-sung;Kim, Hyuk;Shin, Seung-wook;Park, Mi-lan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2022
  • This study investigated the status of resident participation in the policy of supplying new and renewable energy in rural areas. According to the survey, most of the rural residents were well aware of the new and renewable energy supply project promoted by the government. However, it was found that participation in the project was difficult mainly for economic and social reasons. In order to activate the participation of rural residents who can't participate in the renewable energy power generation project for economic and social reasons, it is necessary to develop and promote business models and support policies for power generation projects in which village communities participate. Changes in residents' acceptability due to resident education and operation for solar power systems were analyzed. As a result of the survey, it was found that the satisfaction of rural residents was high when new and renewable energy power generation projects were introduced in rural areas. Therefore, it is thought that the government's goal of increasing farm household income and expanding the supply of new and renewable energy in rural area can be successfully achieved by the improvement of resident acceptability and the increase of the participation rate. Lastly, this study presented a plan to improve the resident acceptability of the renewable energy system by using the rural solar project and survey results.

Social Capital and Residents' Perception in Rural Tourism Development: Influence on Quality of life and Residents' attitude as a Collective Aspects (농촌관광개발에서 사회적 자본과 주민지각과의 관계 - 집단적 측면에서 삶의 질과 태도에 미치는 영향-)

  • Park, Yong-Soon;Je, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2015
  • This study explores influences of the relationship between social capital and residents' perception in a collective aspects, and also explores the differences of influence between two groups in 10 rural communities. This study conducts regression analysis with residents questionnaires, and analyzes the relationship of influence among the latent factors, and differences between the two groups. As a results, associational network and social trust factors of social capital are identified as the most important factor in the quality of life and residents' attitudes. In addition, the differences in socio-cultural factor of quality of life and residents' attitude between two groups are identified by comparison with the relationship between two groups, although the explanatory power of both groups is not high. To achieve a successful rural tourism based on the result of this study, rural tourism should consider the regional and demographic characteristics, such as age, occupations and education and so on. The major contribution of this study is to confirm that the impact of social capital on the residents' perception would be different by regions in comparison with two groups, and it will be able to provide useful implication for the rural tourism development in the future.

Legacy of Smart Device, Social Network and Ubiquitous E-class System

  • Abduljalil, Sami;Kang, Dae-Ki
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2011
  • Everyday, technology is evolved in many different disciplines. Computer and smart devices revolution take part of the evolved technology that continuously promising new features. Moreover, social networks services recently become widely popular, which most people in the world become a social-network-fond. In addition to the revolution of the evolved technology and social networks services, ubiquitousness is taking significant part in our daily lives. Although, there are many e-learning systems already existed, which use Internet technology along with a Web technology to provide education in various ways, in despite of that, there is no such existing system exploits the usefulness of smart devices along with the legacy of the online social networks besides the power of the ubiquitous computing technology. Therefore, we propose a smart device application, which fills the gap that has been missing in the recent contemporary era. It is an application that runs on smart devices particularly Smartphone devices; we call our system “Smart Device based Social E-learning System(SDES)”. We have preliminary implemented our system on Android OS. In this paper, we intentionally propose the system in order to ease the way people learn, to provide interactive accessibility in our system, and to utilize the advanced technology more wisely.