• Title/Summary/Keyword: Single crystals

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Defect Structures in LiNbO3 Single Crystals Grown by Czochralski Method : Dislocation Etch Pits Morphology (Czochralski법으로 성장시킨 LiNbO3 단결정의 결함구조 : Dislocation Etch Pits Morphology)

  • 장동석;오근호
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.661-669
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    • 1989
  • The defect structure in LiNbO3 single crystals grown by Czochralski method from the congruently melting composition were investigated. Chemical etching patterns were studied in x-plane, z-plane, and major cleavage plane, respectively, dislocation density was higher at the periphery of crystals than at the center because the thermal stress due to radial temperature gradient had a main effect on it, as compared with dislocations formed from the solid-liquid interface. Many dislocation lineages were arranged along several directions.

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Periodic domain formation in $>LiNbO_3$ single crystals during growth

  • Park, Jong-Koen
    • Proceedings of the Korea Association of Crystal Growth Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 1998
  • The domain formation phenomena of {{{{ { LiLbO}_{ 3} }}}} crystals was investigated and the method for the periodic domain formation in {{{{ { LiLbO}_{ 3} }}}} single crystals during growth was proposed in this study. The strees-induced domain formation mechanism was proposed and explained. The strong piezoelectric effect of{{{{ { LiLbO}_{ 3} }}}} at elevated temperature would be the direct driving force for the inversion of the tensile component of the internal stresses can inverse the original direction of the spontaneous polarization.

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Analysis of Microscopic Plastic Behaviors of metals considering slip deformation of crystals(I) (결정의 슬립을 고려한 금속의 미시적 소성변형거동 해석(I))

  • 김정석;정기조;김영석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 1996.03b
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 1996
  • Finite element calculations are performed for crystalline solids subjected to plane strain tensile loading. Using Asaro's double slop model, shearband developments in single crystals are analyzed. The effect of various rate sensitivities and latent hardening parameters on microscopic plastic behavior was clarified. Moreover the deformation behavior of polycystals which have grain boundaries was compared to that of single crystals.

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Growth and Characterization of L-Histidine Tetrafluoroborate Single Crystals as a New Laser Damage Resistant Material

    • Proceedings of the Korea Association of Crystal Growth Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.7-10
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    • 1998
  • L-Histidine tetrafluoroborate single crystals have been grown from the aqueous solution. The profitable pH value to grow large crystals, the relative flow rate to get clear crystals, crystals habit and the orientation of the obtained crystal have been clarified. We have also demonstrated that the LHBF crystal has very high damage threshold which is potentially good for generation of the phase conjugated waves.

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Growth And Characterization of $LiNbO_3$ Single Crystals ($LiNbO_3$단결정성장 및 특성 연구)

  • 손진영;노광수;이진형
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 1992
  • $ LiNbO_3$ single crystals were grown using the Czochralski Method at various pulling speeds. Macroscopic defects such as cracks, bubbles and cellular structures were observed in some crystals. Cracks and bubbles observed in the crystals depended on the pulling speed and cooling rate. $ LiNbO_3$ crystals of about 15mm diameter could be grown properly at 6-7mm/h pulling speed and $ 20^{circ}C/h$ cooling rate. In order to investigate dielectric properties and optical properties for device application, these properties were measured for the sample cut along a axis and c axis at different temperatures.

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A study on the crystalline phases of AlN single crystals grown by PVT method (PVT 법으로 성장된 AlN 단결정의 결정상에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Seung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.54-58
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    • 2014
  • AlN (Aluminum Nitride) crystals were grown by a PVT (Physical Vapor Transport) method and were characterized to phases on the growth temperature. The crystals phase and morphology were analyzed using an optical stereo-microscope and the optimum temperature for the growing was determined. In this report, the characteristics of the AlN crystals grown at various temperatures were reported.

Growth parameters and formation of slip plane in ZnWO4 single crystals by the Czochralski method

  • Lim, Chang-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.202-206
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    • 2010
  • Single crystals of $ZnWO_4$ were grown successfully in the [100], [010] and [001] directions using the Czochralski method. The growth parameters and the formation of slip plane in $ZnWO_4$ crystals were studied. $ZnWO_4$ crystals had a cleavage plane of (010). The dislocation density on the (010) plane at the center of the crystal was lower than that of the edge region. It was inferred that the high density at the edge of the crystals was caused by the thermal gradient during crystal growth. The etch pit arrangement revealed the (100) slip plane to be most active during crystal growth.

Optical properties of $YVO_{4}$ and Nd:$YVO_{4}$ single crystals grown by developed EFG method (Developed EFG법으로 성장시킨 $YVO_{4}$ 및 Nd:$YVO_{4}$ 단결정의 광학적 특성)

  • ;;M.A. Ivanov;V.V. Kochurikhin
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.180-183
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    • 2001
  • $YVO_{4}$ and Nd:$YVO_{4}$ single crystals have been grown developed Edge-defined film-fed growth (EFG) method and the crystals were measured on optical properties. $YVO_{4}$ and Nd:$YVO_{4}$ single crystal were transparent, high quality due to homogeneity of surface temperature of the melt and stability of meniscus during crystal growth. In transmittance and absorption spectra, Nd:$YVO_{4}$ single crystals had absorption peaks at wavelengths of 532, 593, 753, 808, 888 though $YVO_{4}$ single crystal had a broad transmittance at wavelength ranging from 340 to 1000nm. Also, Nd:$YVO_{4}$ single crystals had emissions of energy at range of 800~900 nm in photoluminescence (PL) spectrum.

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Calculations of the Single-Scattering Properties of Non-Spherical Ice Crystals: Toward Physically Consistent Cloud Microphysics and Radiation (비구형 빙정의 단일산란 특성 계산: 물리적으로 일관된 구름 미세물리와 복사를 향하여)

  • Um, Junshik;Jang, Seonghyeon;Kim, Jeonggyu;Park, Sungmin;Jung, Heejung;Han, Suji;Lee, Yunseo
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.113-141
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    • 2021
  • The impacts of ice clouds on the energy budget of the Earth and their representation in climate models have been identified as important and unsolved problems. Ice clouds consist almost exclusively of non-spherical ice crystals with various shapes and sizes. To determine the influences of ice clouds on solar and infrared radiation as required for remote sensing retrievals and numerical models, knowledge of scattering and microphysical properties of ice crystals is required. A conventional method for representing the radiative properties of ice clouds in satellite retrieval algorithms and numerical models is to combine measured microphysical properties of ice crystals from field campaigns and pre-calculated single-scattering libraries of different shapes and sizes of ice crystals, which depend heavily on microphysical and scattering properties of ice crystals. However, large discrepancies between theoretical calculations and observations of the radiative properties of ice clouds have been reported. Electron microscopy images of ice crystals grown in laboratories and captured by balloons show varying degrees of complex morphologies in sub-micron (e.g., surface roughness) and super-micron (e.g., inhomogeneous internal and external structures) scales that may cause these discrepancies. In this study, the current idealized models representing morphologies of ice crystals and the corresponding numerical methods (e.g., geometric optics, discrete dipole approximation, T-matrix, etc.) to calculate the single-scattering properties of ice crystals are reviewed. Current problems and difficulties in the calculations of the single-scattering properties of atmospheric ice crystals are addressed in terms of cloud microphysics. Future directions to develop physically consistent ice-crystal models are also discussed.

Effect of Texture of Al Single Crystal on the Nanopore Structure of AAO (알루미늄 단결정 집합조직이 AAO의 나노기공 구조에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, B.H.;Kim, I.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2020
  • It is known that the difference of texture of the polycrystalline Al sheet is not a critical parameter for the formation of aligned nanopore arrays in anodic aluminum oxide (AAO). This will be related to the polycrystalline grain in the Al sheet. The texture of each grain in the polycrystalline Al sheet is different. The mixed textures of grains have the mixing effects on the nanopore structure of the AAO. Thus, the effect of Al texture on the nanopore structure of the AAO was investigated using three types of Al single crystals with (111), (200) and (220) textures in this paper. These three types of AAO layers were fabricated by the two-step anodizing method at 40 V and temperature of 0-5℃ in oxalic acid solution. In the nanopores formed on the AAO, the average area of one nanopore and the average roundness of one nanopore were measured were measured based on the SEM images. In the hexagon obtained by connecting nanopores on the AAO, the average standard deviation of one angle deviated from 120° was measured. In the AAO nanopores with texture of (111), (200) and (220) single crystal samples, the average area of one nanopore of (200) single crystal sample was the widest, followed by (111), (220) single crystals. The average circularity of one nanopore of (200) single crystal sample was the best, followed by (111), (220) single crystals. The average standard deviation of an angle from 120° of (220) single crystal sample was the largest, followed by (111) and (200) single crystals.