• Title/Summary/Keyword: Shift quality

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USN's Efforts to Rebuild its Combat Power in an Era of Great Power Competition (강대국 간의 경쟁시대와 미 해군의 증강 노력)

  • Jung, Ho-Sub
    • Strategy21
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    • s.44
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    • pp.5-27
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this paper is to look at USN's efforts to rebuild its combat power in the face of a reemergence of great powers competition, and to propose some recommendations for the ROKN. In addition to the plan to augment its fleet towards a 355-ships capacity, the USN is pursuing to improve exponentially combat lethality(quality) of its existing fleet by means of innovative science and technology. In other words, the USN is putting its utmost efforts to improve readiness of current forces, to modernize maintenance facilities such as naval shipyards, and simultaneously to invest in innovative weapons system R&D for the future. After all, the USN seems to pursue innovations in advanced military Science & Technology as the best way to ensure continued supremacy in the coming strategic competition between great powers. However, it is to be seen whether the USN can smoothly continue these efforts to rebuild combat strength vis-a-vis its new competition peers, namely China and Russian navy, due to the stringent fiscal constraints, originating, among others, from the 2011 Budget Control Act effective yet. Then, it seems to be China's unilateral and assertive behaviors to expand its maritime jurisdiction in the South China Sea that drives the USN's rebuild-up efforts of the future. Now, some changes began to be perceived in the basic framework of the hitherto regional maritime security, in the name of declining sea control of the USN as well as withering maritime order based on international law and norms. However, the ROK-US alliance system is the most excellent security mechanism upon which the ROK, as a trading power, depends for its survival and prosperity. In addition, as denuclearization of North Korea seems to take significant time and efforts to accomplish in the years to come, nuclear umbrella and extended deterrence by the US is still noting but indispensible for the security of the ROK. In this connection, the naval cooperation between ROKN and USN should be seen and strengthened as the most important deterrents to North Korean nuclear and missile threats, as well as to potential maritime provocation by neighboring countries. Based on these observations, this paper argues that the ROK Navy should try to expand its own deterrent capability by pursuing selective technological innovation in order to prevent this country's destiny from being dictated by other powers. In doing so, however, it may be too risky for the ROK to pursue the emerging, disruptive innovative technologies such as rail gun, hypersonic weapon... etc., due to enormous budget, time, and very thin chance of success. This paper recommends, therefore, to carefully select and extensively invest on the most cost-effective technological innovations, suitable in the operational environments of the ROK. In particular, this paper stresses the following six areas as most potential naval innovations for the ROK Navy: long range precision strike; air and missile defense at sea; ASW with various unmanned maritime system (UMS) such as USV, UUV based on advanced hydraulic acoustic sensor (Sonar) technology; network; digitalization for the use of AI and big data; and nuclear-powered attack submarines as a strategic deterrent.

Cancellation of MRI Artifact due to Rotational Motion (회전운동에 기인한 MRI 아티팩트의 제거)

  • 김응규
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.411-419
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    • 2004
  • When the imaging object rotates in image plane during MRI scan, its rotation causes phase error and non-uniform sampling to MRI signal. The model of the problem including phase error non-uniform sampling of MRI signal showed that the MRI signals corrupted by rotations about an arbitrary center and the origin in image plane are different in their phases. Therefore the following methods are presented to improve the quality of the MR image which includes the artifact. The first, assuming that the angle of 2-D rotational motion is already known and the position of 2-D rotational center is unknown, an algorithm to correct the artifact which is based on the phase correction is presented. The second, in case of 2-D rotational motion with unknown rotational center and unknown rotational angle, an algorithm is presented to correct the MRI artifact. At this case, the energy of an ideal MR image is minimum outside the boundary of the imaging object to estimate unknown motion parameters and the measured energy increases when the imaging object has an rotation. By using this property, an evaluation function is defined to estimate unknown values of rotational angle at each phase encoding step. Finally, the effectiveness of this presented techniques is shown by using a phantom image with simulated motion and a real image with 2-D translational shift and rotation.

Metamorphosis Hierarchical Motion Vector Estimation Algorithm for Multidimensional Image System (다차원 영상 시스템을 위한 변형계층 모션벡터 추정알고리즘)

  • Kim Jeong-Woong;Yang Hae-Sool
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.13B no.2 s.105
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2006
  • In ubiquitous environment where various kinds of computers are embedded in persons, objects and environment and they are interconnected and can be used in my place as necessary, different types of data need to be exchanged between heterogeneous machines through home network. In the environment, the efficient processing, transmission and monitoring of image data are essential technologies. We need to make research not only on traditional image processing such as spatial and visual resolution, color expression and methods of measuring image quality but also on transmission rate on home network that has a limited bandwidth. The present study proposes a new motion vector estimation algorithm for transmitting, processing and controlling image data, which is the core part of contents in home network situation and, using algorithm, implements a real time monitoring system of multi dimensional images transmitted from multiple cameras. Image data of stereo cameras to be transmitted in different environment in angle, distance, etc. are preprocessed through reduction, magnification, shift or correction, and compressed and sent using the proposed metamorphosis hierarchical motion vector estimation algorithm for the correction of motion. The proposed algorithm adopts advantages and complements disadvantages of existing motion vector estimation algorithms such as whole range search, three stage search and hierarchical search, and estimates efficiently the motion of images with high variation of brightness using an atypical small size macro block. The proposed metamorphosis hierarchical motion vector estimation algorithm and implemented image systems can be utilized in various ways in ubiquitous environment.

Optical transition dynamics in ZnO/ZnMgO multiple quantum well structures with different well widths grown on ZnO substrates

  • Li, Song-Mei;Kwon, Bong-Joon;Kwack, Ho-Sang;Jin, Li-Hua;Cho, Yong-Hoon;Park, Young-Sin;Han, Myung-Soo;Park, Young-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2010.02a
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    • pp.121-121
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    • 2010
  • ZnO is a promising material for the application of high efficiency light emitting diodes with short wavelength region for its large bandgap energy of 3.37 eV which is similar to GaN (3.39 eV) at room temperature. The large exciton binding energy of 60 meV in ZnO provide provides higher efficiency of emission for optoelectronic device applications. Several ZnO/ZnMgO multiple quantum well (MQW) structures have been grown on various substrates such as sapphire, GaN, Si, and so on. However, the achievement of high quality ZnO/ZnMgO MQW structures has been somehow limited by the use of lattice-mismatched substrates. Therefore, we propose the optical properties of ZnO/ZnMgO multiple quantum well (MQW) structures with different well widths grown on lattice-matched ZnO substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra show MQW emissions at 3.387 and 3.369 eV for the ZnO/ZnMgO MQW samples with well widths of 2 and 5 nm, respectively, due to the quantum confinement effect. Time-resolved PL results show an efficient photo-generated carrier transfer from the barrier to the MQWs, which leads to an increased intensity ratio of the well to barrier emissions for the ZnO/ZnMgO MQW sample with the wider width. From the power-dependent PL spectra, we observed no PL peak shift of MQW emission in both samples, indicating a negligible built-in electric field effect in the ZnO/$Zn_{0.9}Mg_{0.1}O$ MQWs grown on lattice-matched ZnO substrates.

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A Study of GIS Prediction Model of Domestic Fruit Cultivation Location Changes by the Global Warming -Six Tropical and Sub-tropical Fruits- (지구온난화에 따른 국내 과수작물 재배지 변화에 대한 GIS 예측 모형 연구 -여섯 가지 열대 및 아열대 과수를 중심으로-)

  • Kwak, Tae-Sik;Ki, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Young-Eun;Jeon, Hae-Min;Kim, Shi-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.93-106
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    • 2008
  • For agriculture is very highly dependent on climate and weather condistions, global warming seems to have a great impact on it, including its productivity, cultivation condition, product quality, and optimum cultivation location. In this study, we adopted geographical information system (GIS) in order to investigate the changes of Korea's cultivation area which are caused by global warming, especially with the examples of such tropical and sub-tropical fruits as lemon, fig, kiwi, orange, pomegranate, and mandarin. In terms of GIS techniques, we utilized the interpolate function for temperature changes, surface analysis function for slope, and raster calculator. Currently, these fruits's cultivation areas are in Jeju island and southern part of Korea. But these areas will be expanded according as our GIS model assumes $3^{\circ}C$ and $4.5^{\circ}$ increases of average and lowest temperature by the global warming in Korea. Optimum cultivation areas of these six fruits have two patterns; one is expansion and the other is belt shape shift. From the results of the study, we call for an urgent need of Korea government's policy and farmers' reasonable responses about global warming, which will be able to give more opportunities and better foods to Korea society in general.

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Relationships Between Job Stress and Psychosocial Stress Among Nurses in a University Hospital (대학병원 간호사의 직무스트레스와 사회심리적 스트레스의 관련성)

  • Park, Sung-Kyeong;Kim, Jong-Oh;Cho, Young-Chae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.3887-3896
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    • 2011
  • This study was intended to measure the level of psychosocial stress among nurses working for a university hospital and to reveal its related factors. The self-administered questionnaires were given to 450 nurses during the period from October 1st to 31st, 2010. As a results, the level of psychosocial stress was 10.2% in normal group, 64.0% in potential stresses group, and 25.8% in high risk stress group. In correlation, psychosocial stress was positively correlated with job demand, but it was negatively correlated with job autonomy, supervisor and colleague support. For the results of hierarchial multiple regression analysis, the level of psychosocial stress was influenced by the variables of regular exercise, quality of sleep, subjective status of health, shift work, fit to the job, job demand, job autonomy and supervisor support. Especially, the psychosocial stress was higher related with the contents of job stress increased with explanatory powers of 18.1% on the psychosocial stress.

A Study on the Ventilation Effects of the Shaft Development at a Local Limestone Mine (국내 석회석 광산 수갱 굴착에 의한 통기효과 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Changwoo;Nguyen, Van Duc;Kubuya, Kiro Rocky;Kim, Chang O
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.609-619
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    • 2018
  • This study was carried out at a local limestone mine to analyze the ventilation efficiency of the shaft equipped with a main fan. The results show that its ventilation efficiency is clearly verified for the natural as well as the mechanical ventilation. The airflow rate of $11.7m^3/s$ was induced by the natural ventilation force and the maximum quantity is almost same as the airflow rate estimated by monitoring the average temperatures in the upcast and downcast air columns. Meanwhile, the airflow rate exhausted by the main fan through the shaft was $20.3{\sim}24.8m^3/s$; variation of the quantity was caused by the upward shift of the mine ventilation characteristic curve due to the frequent movement of the equipment. This indicates efforts are required to reduce the ventilation resistance and raise the quantity supplied by the main fan. The turbulent diffusion coefficients along the 1912 m long airway from the portal to the shaft bottom was estimated to be $15m^2/s$ and $18m^2/s$. Since these higher coefficients imply that contaminants will be dispersed at a faster velocity than the airflow, prompt exhaust method should be planned for the effective air quality control. The ventilation shaft and main fan are definitely what local limestone mines inevitably need for better working environment and sustainable development.

An understanding of green space policies and evaluation tools in the UK: A focus on the Green Flag Award (영국 녹지 정책과 녹지 평가 발달에 대한 이해: Green Flag Award를 중심으로)

  • Nam, Jin-Vo;Kim, Nam-Choon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.13-31
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    • 2019
  • Green spaces are recognised for the benefits. They bring to the quality of people's lives. However, since the 1980s there has been a general increase in poorly-managed green spaces. In an attempt to address this issue, green space policy has changed its focus on green space management through the gradual introduction of green space evaluation tools, such as the Green Flag Award (GFA). The GFA, as an established green space evaluation tool in the UK, reflects a shift in policy drivers of green spaces management. However, there is a lack of research investigating the contextualisation between a wide range of policy contexts and such green space evaluation tools (the GFA in this study). The aims of this study are therefore to explore the development of green space evaluation since the late 1990s, with respect to the growth of the GFA and its impact on other evaluation tools across the UK and several countries. To address the aims, this study employs in-depth literature reviews on UK green space policy mainly conducted by government. In addition, case studies are presented, focusing on the GFA and independent green space evaluation tools intrinsically derived from the GFA in the UK's cities and Nordic countries. Results show that based on the awareness of the severity of declining standards of green spaces, newly emerging policy arrangements have been adopted to address negative issues, which affect the standard of green spaces such as the transfer of responsibility for green space management, the implementation of Compulsory Competitive Tendering and ongoing budget cuts. Significantly, the GFA's indicators reflect the emerging changes of economic and social contexts associated with green spaces management where, in particular, the prospect of continuous budget cuts, which encourages communities to become involved in green space management. The GFA has widely contributed to leading such UK's cities and other countries to be able to create their independent green space evaluation tools in different approaches based on stakeholders' (mainly community) involvement in the decision-making process of green space evaluation. In conclusion, this study implies that successful green space evaluation tools do embody the value of green spaces and address drivers of emerging green space management with correspondence to the context of policy arrangements. Importantly, stakeholders have an opportunity to be involved in a partnership in the decision-making process through some green space evaluation tools. It is hoped that for well-managed green spaces this study will contribute valuable knowledge to our existing understanding of green space management in an era of austerity.

A Study on the Improvement of the Intention of Continuous Use of Enterprise Content Management System: Focusing on the Technology Acceptance Model (기업콘텐츠관리시스템의 지속적 이용의도 향상에 대한 연구: 기술수용모델을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, In-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.229-243
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    • 2021
  • As systematic information protection and management is recognized as an organization's core value, organizations are pursuing a shift from an individual-centered information management method to an organization-oriented information management method. The Enterprise content management system(ECMS) is a solution that supports document security and information sharing by insiders and is being introduced by many organizations due to recent technological developments. The purpose of this study is to present a method of improving performance through continuous use of the ECMS from the user's point of view and also suggest a method to improve the intention of continuous use through the expansion of the technology acceptance model. This study surveyed the employees of organizations that adopted the ECMS and verified the research hypothesis derived from previous studies through structural equation modeling. As a result of the analysis, usefulness, and ease of use affected on the intention of continuous use of the ECMS, and the knowledge sharing culture and the ECMS quality factors affected the technology acceptance model factors. The results of this study have academic and practical significance in terms of suggesting a plan to increase the usability of the ECMS from the user's point of view.

Reversible data hiding technique applying triple encryption method (삼중 암호화 기법을 적용한 가역 데이터 은닉기법)

  • Jung, Soo-Mok
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 2022
  • Reversible data hiding techniques have been developed to hide confidential data in the image by shifting the histogram of the image. These techniques have a weakness in which the security of hidden confidential data is weak. In this paper, to solve this drawback, we propose a technique of triple encrypting confidential data using pixel value information and hiding it in the cover image. When confidential data is triple encrypted using the proposed technique and hidden in the cover image to generate a stego-image, since encryption based on pixel information is performed three times, the security of confidential data hidden by triple encryption is greatly improved. In the experiment to measure the performance of the proposed technique, even if the triple-encrypted confidential data was extracted from the stego-image, the original confidential data could not be extracted without the encryption keys. And since the image quality of the stego-image is 48.39dB or higher, it was not possible to recognize whether confidential data was hidden in the stego-image, and more than 30,487 bits of confidential data were hidden in the stego-image. The proposed technique can extract the original confidential data from the triple-encrypted confidential data hidden in the stego-image without loss, and can restore the original cover image from the stego-image without distortion. Therefore, the proposed technique can be effectively used in applications such as military, medical, digital library, where security is important and it is necessary to completely restore the original cover image.