• Title/Summary/Keyword: Service for Children

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A Study On The Welfare Policies For Nurse Officers (간호장교의 복지정책을 위한 조사연구 - 여성복지와 군복지 일반을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi Cheung Suk
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.15-36
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    • 1996
  • It is clear that the women's participation in social activity is dramatically increased in civilian field as well as military profession. Because of the characteristics of military nursing service, there are many difficulties. Frequent move, medical insurance, baby care. and the education are typical forms of difficulties for nurse officers in the military. The purpose of this research is to contribute to the perfect execution of nursing service. guarantee the active attitude for research and improve the combat strength by solving those private and economic problems. The method of research was analysis of question survey and the review of related literatures. The subject of research was 300 active nurse officers who work at the Army Hospitals. The survey was conducted 14 days from Oct 15 to Oct 28. The collected data was processed by computer using SPSS(Statistical Package of Social Science). Frequencies and percentages were used to examine the demographic characteristics of subject, and T-test was also used in the case of necessity. The result showed as follows; As the general characteristics of subject group; 28.7 years of average age, 73.6 months of service period, 63.4% of married. In regard of specialty; General 57.7%. Intensive Care 12.7% and Psychiatries 8.8%. The dissatisfactory factors about military welfare system were the difficulties in children education (36.9%). disadvantages on the civil medical insurance system (27.3%), and little chance of self education and development (21.5%). The problems in performing their duties were shown as dwelling instability due to frequent move (67.7%), and bring up children (14.2%). The reasons for resigning their job were shown as the instability of living status (64.2%), bring up children (18.8%) and dissatisfaction to the service (11.2%). The residential status was shown that military offered houses (45.2%), rental houses (29.3%) and own houses(14.64). The average numbers of moving residencies were; 3-4 time(34.6%), less than 2 times(33.1%), and 5-7 times(21.5%). Higher than 94.7% of the subject group spent more than 50.000 Won. In regard of education, they wanted to attend graduate school with their own expense(26.2%), computer science(20%) and Office Job Training(20%). The ways of taking care of children were mother-in-low(49.6%), mother(14.6%), and others(25%). The average expenditure per month for children were 20-30 hundred Won(44.2%), 10-20 hundred Won(25%) and 30-40 hundred Won(22.3%). The places of children care selected were public or occupational care center(56.2%), religious organization(20.8%), and other center managed by social organizations(10.4%). The result of survey for general welfare of nurse officers are as follows; By and large they seem to be satisfied with their job. however. there are some dissatisfactory factors. They are children care facilties, promotion. income. welfare facilities. disadvantage in medical insurance and civil hospitals. house purchase. unfair chances in specialty training. influence on promotion by educational status. and insufficient role for their children and husbands. As conclusion. the recommendations for improving nursing service are as follows; 1. Children care center managed by occupation 2. Dormitory system for children by military personnel 3. Equal opportunities in education according to ability 4. Reasonable moving price according to the distance and scope of family and extra allowance

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Perception of Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers in Regards to the Rights of Young Children (영유아권리에 대한 예비유아교사의 인식)

  • Lee, Young-Ae;Kwak, Jung-In
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.988-1003
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    • 2013
  • This research was conducted to investigate the perception of pre-service early childhood teachers regarding the importance of the rights of young children and necessity of the education of the rights. The survey covered 525 students attending six three-year-course colleges in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheong-do, Chonra-do, Gyeongsang-do, and Jeju-do, Korea. They were in their freshmen, sophomore, and junior year majoring in early childhood education. Firstly, the research found that pre-service early childhood teachers' awareness towards the importance children's rights was relatively high. The higher grade they were, the better perception for the importance of the rights of young children they had. Additionally, the teachers who were registered for courses related to the rights of young children understood the importance of children's rights especially well. Secondly, pre-service early childhood teachers highly recognized the necessity of education for the rights of young children. Compared to the freshmen and sophomores, the juniors had higher awareness levels about the necessity of early childhood education rights. On the other hand, being in a related course or not made no difference in their perception for the necessity of early childhood education rights. Lastly, pre-service childhood teachers had greater concern for the necessity of education rights rather than the importance of the rights of young children.

The Effects of Experience of Studying Mathematics Education for Young Children Based on Picture Books on Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers with Their Attitude Toward Mathematics and Mathematics Teaching Efficiency (그림책을 활용한 유아수학교육 학습 경험이 예비 유아교사의 수학에 대한 태도와 수학교수효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seon Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to understand how the experience of studying mathematics education for young children based on picture books is affecting pre-service early childhood teachers with their attitude toward mathematics and mathematics teaching efficiency. Methods: For this, a total of 39 pre-service early childhood teachers majoring in early childhood education at S university located in G metropolitan city participated in the study. 20 of them are randomly assigned to the experimental group while the rest 19 were assigned to the control group. The experimental group participated in the classes of mathematics education for young children based on picture books for 15 weeks, while the control group attended the normal classes of mathematics education for young children for the same period of time. By using SPSS 18.0 Program for the collected data, t-test was conducted for differences in the results of attitude toward mathematics and mathematics teaching efficiency. Results: The results of this study are as follows. Firstly, the experience of studying mathematics education for young children based on picture books had a positive effects on pre-service early childhood teachers' attitude toward mathematics, improved values and interest in mathematics, and reduced anxiety about mathematics. Secondly, the experience of studying mathematics education for young children based on picture books had a positive effects on improving pre-service early childhood teachers' mathematics teaching efficiency. Also, both faith in ability and faith in results have improved significantly. Conclusion/Implications: These results imply that the experience of studying mathematics education for young children based on picture books is an effective teaching-learning method in improving pre-service early childhood teachers' attitude toward mathematics and mathematics teaching efficiency.

The Effects of After-school Service Use on Self-care of Children: Focusing on the Types of Service, the Number of Types, and the Patterns of Service Use (방과후 서비스 이용이 아동의 자기보호에 미치는 영향: 이용하는 방과후 서비스의 유형, 유형의 개수, 혼합이용 패턴을 중심으로)

  • Jung, Sun Young
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2015
  • This study explored the effects of after-school services on whether they reduced the possibility of self-care of children. In terms of characteristics of the use of after-school services, it focused on the 1) types, 2) diversity, and 3) use patterns of the after-school services. For the analysis, it used data of the cohort of elementary-school children from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey. The main findings are as follows. First, private mentoring and after-school services provided by welfare centers reduced the possibility of self-care. Second, when the total amount of educational time was controlled, the diversity of participating after-school services did not explain the possibility of self-care. Third, when the total amount of educational time was controlled, the use patterns of after-school services did not explain the possibility of self-care. Based on these findings, it suggested policy implications and future research.

Teachers' Participation and Mealtime Instruction in the Food Service at the Kwanak-gu Child-care Centers: Comparison between Child-care Teachers Caring Different Age Groups, Children Younger than Three Years and Those Three Years or Older (관악구 보육교사의 배식서비스 참여 및 식사지도 실태 : 영아반과 유아반의 비교)

  • Yeoh, Yoonjae;Kwon, Sooyoun;Yoon, Jihyun
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.112-124
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to investigate how child-care teachers participate, practice mealtime instruction, and perceive difficulties in food service, focusing on comparison between the teachers caring two different age groups: children younger than three years (Younger Group) and those three years or older (Older Group). Questionnaires were distributed to 151 child-care centers in Kwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea during December, 2011. Only the data from 25 child-care centers, where two respective teachers in charge of Younger Group and Older Group completed the questionnaires, were analyzed. The results showed that there was no difference in terms of child-care teachers' participation in food service practice between the two groups, except for serving method; 'Pre-plated' serving was used significantly more often in Younger Group, whereas 'Line-up' serving was used in Older Group. Approximately, three quarters of the child-care centers had policies or guidelines on mealtime instruction. During mealtime, child-care teachers tended to use frequently verbal instructions such as "sit up straight when you eat" about eating manner, "don't be picky with your food" about eating habit, and "wash your hands before eating" about eating procedure in both the groups. There was no statistically significant difference regarding child-care teachers' perceived difficulties in food service between the two groups. These results indicated that child-care teachers' participation and mealtime instruction in food service did not differ between the two age groups, although children's development of digestion and eating skill differed by age. Therefore, training should be provided to child-care teachers about food service practices and mealtime instruction appropriate to children's age.

Current Status of Meal Box Service Management for Children from Low-income Families During Summer Vacation (여름방학 중 결식아동 도시락 제공 기관의 운영관리 실태)

  • Yoon, Bo-Rham;Yoon, Ji-Hyun;Shim, Jae-Eun;Kwon, Soo-Youn
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.206-215
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of foodservice management in organizations delivering meal boxes for low-income children during summer vacation. A survey was conducted with persons in charge of meal box production and service of these organizations via mail. Out of 114 questionnaires distributed nationwide, 100 were analyzed(87.8% analysis rate). Over half(53%) of the organizations delivered meal boxes consisting of rice and side dishes while the rest delivered side dishes only. About 81% of the organizations received KRW 3,000 per meal from their local governments and the rest received KRW 3,500. Only 28% of organizations had employed a dietitian. Over one-third(38%) of the respondents were unaware of the official nutritional standard of the foodservice program for low-income children during vacation. Most of the organizations(94%) had menu planned in advance. The average percentage of food cost was 84.1%. Over 40% of the organizations did not keep food samples for sanitation test(43%) and did not take any measures for keeping food temperature during delivery(45%). The organizations delivering rice and side dishes were more likely to be located in cities rather than rural areas and received higher reimbursement rate. The organizations receiving reimbursement of KRW 3,500 or hiring a dietitian were more likely to use standardized recipes, keep food samples for sanitation test, or take measures for keeping food temperature during delivery compared to the counterparts. Respondents reported that increasing reimbursement rate was the most necessary for improving the quality of meal box. This study results showed that the meal box delivery service for low-income children was not properly managed during the vacation, with regards to menu planning and food production. It is recommended that reimbursement rate for meal boxes should be adjusted depending on meal box types and local conditions.

The Relationship among Service quality, Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty of Children's Pool (어린이수영장의 서비스품질과 만족 및 고객충성도 관계)

  • Kim, Hwa-Ryong;Seong, Moon-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.1224-1234
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    • 2019
  • This study examines the relationship between service quality, satisfaction and customer loyalty of children's pool. The population distributed a questionnaire to a sample of 300 subjects, and a total of 297 questionnaires were used for data analysis, excluding 3 questionnaires that were determined to be unsatisfactory among the collected questionnaires. In this study, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and simple regression analysis were performed using PASW 21.0. In this study, the significance level of all statistics was set to .05 and the following conclusions were drawn. First, facilities, programs, costs, human resources, and trust in the service quality of children's pools were found to affect satisfaction. Second, the cost, personnel nursery, and trust of the children's pool service quality were found to affect customer loyalty. Third, satisfaction with the service quality of the children's pool affects customer loyalty.

Admission Fee Estimation of Children's Complex Cultural Service Facilities Using the Contingent Valuation Method (조건부 가치측정법을 이용한 아동 복합문화서비스 시설의 입장료 지불가치 추정)

  • Dong Hyun Lee
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to estimate the willingness to pay for admission fees to children's complex cultural service facilities using the Contingent Valuation Method(CVM) and to analyze the factors influencing it. The research utilized survey data from 392 residents of Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province, and employed a double-bounded dichotomous choice logit model for analysis. The results revealed that only the suggested admission fee and age were significant factors affecting willingness to pay, with the estimated admission fee value ranging from KRW 5,000 to 5,400. These findings provide important implications for setting appropriate admission fees and establishing policy directions for children's complex cultural service facilities.

Child Care Arrangement and The Needs of Day Care Programs of teaching Mothers with Preschool Children (교사직 취업모의 자녀위탁 실태 및 탁아 요구에 관한조사)

  • Choi, Jung-Mi;Lee, Sook
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.134-146
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study was to collect the datas about the child care arrangement and the needs of day care programs of teaching mothers with preschool children and to develop the more desirable day care programs for them. The objects were 255 teaching mothers with preschool children. The results were as follows: 1) Teaching mothers who didn't use the day care center tended to put their children in the care of the paternal or maternal grandmothers, Major contributions of those baby-sitters were to protect the children and make everyday life training (44.0%) 2) The first reason for the mothers who used the day care center was that they had no other hands for their children(43.7%) and next reason was that the concerns for their children's socialization(35.4%) 3) Teaching mothers did not want the day care service during the vacation except 20% of them. 4) Teaching mothers absolutely wanted the day care service center especially inside their jobsite(61.0%) than any other type of day care programs and also wanted supporting by the government(66.5%) About the choice criterions of the day care center nutrition health and safety were suggested as the most important factor. They also prefered the experience with other peers and the programs focusing on the emotional development of the children.

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The Application of Customized Evidence-based Counseling for Abused Preschool Children in Day Care Centers: Focusing on the Multidisciplinary Cooperative Linking System (보육현장 아동학대에 대한 근거기반 맞춤형 개입 모델 개발 및 적용: 다학제간 협력적 연계 시스템을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Kyung-Sook;Park, Jinah
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the application of the multidisciplinary model, which is customized evidence-based counseling for abused preschool children done by a day care center teacher. Methods: The participants were 16 preschool children which were abused by a day care center teacher and their parents. The data were analyzed by using the Wilcoxon Signed-rank test. Results: The multidisciplinary cooperative service model based on customized evidence-based counseling for abused preschool children, their parents, and day care center teachers was developed. Based on this model, customized evidence-based Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) emergency intervention was provided to preschool children abused by a day care teacher in Incheon. The multidisciplinary cooperative emergency intervention service proved to be effective in reducing emotional and behavioral problems of abused preschool children and enhancing the mental health of parents. Conclusion/Implications: The results of this study indicated that the customized evidence-based counseling for abused preschool children done by a day care center teacher using the multidisciplinary cooperative linkage system would be effective, and that child abuse prevention by day care center teachers and intervention services should be provided systematically at the national level.