• Title/Summary/Keyword: S-100 범용수로데이터모델

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IALA의 S-200 표준개발 현황 및 계획

  • O, Se-Ung;Park, Sang-Hyeon;Sim, U-Seong;Kim, Seon-Yeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2015.07a
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    • pp.340-342
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    • 2015
  • 국제항로표지협회(IALA)는 항로표지 국제표준을 개발하기 위해 항로표지의 설치 및 관리를 주관하는 기관으로 구성된 비 정부간 국제기구로서, e-Navigation을 고려하여 항로표지 분야의 정보 표준 개발을 위해 국제수로기구(IHO)의 S-100 표준을 적용하기로 결정하고, S-200의 이름으로 제품 표준(Product Specification)을 개발 중에 있다. 본 연구에서는 IALA의 S-200 표준 개발 배경에 대해 검토하고, S-200의 제품 표준의 대표적인 사례인 S-210 IVEF, S-201 AtoN, S-220 MSI 등의 표준개발 현황과 계획을 정리 하였다. S-200 표준은 IALA가 핵심적으로 개발하는 표준이며, e-Navigation 체계에서의 각 서비스에서도 활용될 것으로 예상되므로, VTS 서비스 및 연구 담당자는 IALA의 S-200 표준 개발 내역 참조가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

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The Distribution and Application Method of Next-Generation Electronic Navigational Chart's Standards (차세대 전자해도 표준의 배포방안 및 응용방안)

  • Kim, Seong-Gon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.115-116
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose a standardization strategy for next generation electronic navigational chart which can be classified as S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model, to accept various requirements arising from various marine information and services as well as support e-navigation service strategies. IMO uses the next generation electronic chart standard, S-100 as Common Maritime Data Structure. It means that a common data model is needed as a key element for realization of e-Navigation and also points out that a new ICT convergence paradigm is needed not only for marine safety but also for maritime information and services. this paper considers he model-based data representation and reference model in order to understand the content and use of the S-100 standard and also considers the interconnectivity and role of the ISO/TC211 standards, which are being used as base standards for profiling to develop S-100 standard. Finally, we look at what standardization items are required for standardization of next generation electronic navigational chart supporting multi-purpose and how they are used mutually.

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IALA/IHO 간 항로표지 정보표준 개발 협력방안 연구

  • 오세웅;김영진
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2022.11a
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    • pp.192-194
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    • 2022
  • 국제수로기구는 전자해도 표준을 개정하기 위해 S-100 기반 범용수로데이터 모델을 개발하였고, 국제항로표지협회는 항로표지, PNT, VTS, AIS 도메인의 정보교환을 위해 S-200 시리즈 정보교환 표준개발을 결정하였다. 항로표지 정보는 전자해도, 등대표, 항행통보를 구성하는 중요 정보로서, 항로표지의 현황과 상태 정보는 항해사의 해사안전정보 준비에 있어서 필수라고 할 수 있다. 국제항로표지협회와 국제수로기구는 각 도메인의 해양정보 교환표준 개발 현황을 공유하고 특히 항로표지 정보교환 표준개발 협력을 위해 공동 워크숍을 개최였다. 공동 워크숍에서는 S-201, S-125, S-124 등의 표준개발 사항을 논의하고, 항로표지 정보 제작 및 서비스에 대한 공감대를 형성하였다. 본 연구에서는 항로표지 관련 정보표준 개발 현황을 기술하고, IALA/IHO 공동 워크숍 주요 결과를 정리 하였다. 또한 공동 워크숍 후속 조치의 일환으로 항로표지 정보 제작 및 서비스에 관한 실해역 데모 방안을 소개 한다.

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항로표지 분야 정보표준 검증을 위한 S-200 테스트베드 개발 연구

  • O, Se-Ung;Gang, Dong-U;Choe, Hyeon-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2018.11a
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    • pp.117-118
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    • 2018
  • 국제항로표지협회(IALA)는 담당 분야(AtoN, AIS, VTS, PNT)의 정보교환 표준개발을 위해 국제수로기구에서 개발한 S-100(범용 수로데이터모델)을 적용하기로 결정하고, S-200 시리즈의 제품 사양서(Product specification)을 개발하고 있다. 개발 중인 S-200 시리즈 제품 사양서로는 S-201 항로표지, S-210 IVEF, S-230 ASM, S-240 DGNSS 기준국 목록 등이 있으며 일부 표준은 개발 완성 단계에 있다. S-200 제품 사양서는 정보 교환을 위한 내용, 구조, 포맷, 심볼 등의 기술사항이 포함되어 있으므로 표준을 검증하거나 현업으로 적용방안을 검토하기 위해서는 테스트 베드를 통한 검증이 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 항로표지 분야 정보교환 표준인 S-200 시리즈 제품 사양서가 개발되고 있는 것과 관련하여 S-200 테스트 베드 설계 및 시범 개발 결과를 소개 한다.

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A Study on the Design of Data Model for Route Information based on S-100 (S-100 기반의 항로정보 데이터 모델 설계에 관한 연구)

  • PARK, Byung-Moon;KIM, Jae-Myeong;CHOI, Yun-Soo;OH, Se-Woong;JUNG, Min
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.50-64
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    • 2019
  • According to the Maritime Safety Act, there are all 34 routes including 5 traffic safety zones, 3 traffic separation schemes, 26 routes designated by regional maritime affairs departments in the Republic of Korea. In the SOLAS convention, the route information should be is effectively used for the safe navigation. However, the route information is complicatedly composed of the location of the route, the navigation rule by each route, the restriction of the navigation, and the anchorages. Moreover, the present method of providing information using the navigational chart and other publications is not effective for users to grasp the navigational information. Therefore, it was conducted to study the design of the S-100 based routing information data model developed by the International Hydrographic Organization to find ways to more effectively provide route information. To do this, the analysis of route requirement, selection of items, encoding test and users' review were carried out. Through expert user review, it was evaluated that the study on the design of the route information data model can be utilized as a good basic data for the route information integration service. Future research on the development of route information data models is expected to provide integrated route information services.

Uncertainty Analysis of BAG by GNSS Correction (해저지형 표면자료의 GNSS 보정방법에 따른 불확실도 연구)

  • OH, Che-Young;KIM, HO-Yong;LEE, Yun-Sik;CHOI, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2019
  • In the recent marine sector, the development and standardization regarding S-100, which is the universal hydrographical data model standard for development of marine space information, was progressed, and for the effectiveness of marine chart production work and the multi-purpose use of water level data in S-100, S-102(Bathymetric Surface grid) standard development and various studies of BAG formats combined with water level and uncertainty, property information is being progressed. Since the water level information that is important in the operation of the ship is provided based on S-102, the calibration method of the location information when producing S-102 is an important factor in deciding the water level. In this study, the hydrographical surveying was conducted by piloting the standardized method for the production of S-102 in Korea, and have compared the accuracy of water level information according to the GNSS post treatment calibration method. As a result of comparing the water level in 2 places in the rocky terrain of the study area, the northern water level of Namu-do was shown as DL 0.79~0.83m, the eastern water level of Daeho-do was DL 12.63~12.91m, and the horizontal position errors of the intermittent sunshine water level were confirmed to be within 1m. As a result, the intermittent sunshine water level according to the location calibration method when producing the BAG was confirmed that it was in the available range for a ship's safe voyage. However, the accuracy verification for the location of the ship when conducting hydrographical surveying was judged that there is a need for a various additional study about regional characteristics and environment factor.

Study on production and implementation of route information in a standardized form (표준 규격의 항로정보 생성 및 적용 방안 연구)

  • Hwang, Sunphil;Oh, Sewoong;Shim, Woosung;Suh, Sanghyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2012.10a
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    • pp.119-120
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    • 2012
  • The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) developed S-100 standards as a framework for a variety of data and service for hydrography and a standard research is in process, including a next-generation electronic chart standard, for products and services based on this.The need for standard storage and utilization of navigation routes generated by ECDIS and navigation system using navigation planning features has emerged and a standard research based on S-100 standard has been performed. Route information standard is needed for interoperability among route information generated by a variety of navigation system and requires an examination for the possibility of applicability. In this research, route generation tools and standard-based generation and result of route information using these tools in order to examine the application of route information standards have been executed.In details, first, as a module capable of generating route information, a module that can store values in memory based on route information standards of S-100, second, a module that can store route information in the memory in XML form, third, it includes loading module for route information stored as XML.In this research, we verified normal generation of route information, storage of generated route information and loading functions through developing three modules.

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Basic Study on the MSI service prototype for preparation of e-Navigation era (e-Navigation 준비를 위한 MSI 서비스 프로토타입 기초 연구)

  • Oh, Se-Woong;Jung, Min;Park, Jin-Hyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.42-43
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    • 2014
  • As MSI(Maritime Safety Information), navigational, meteorological warnings and forecasts, was included as one of service in the MSP(Maritime Service Portfolio), which is lists of shore based service in the e-Navigation driven by IMO for safety navigation and marine protection, and was tested in the european test bed project on e-Navigation, it's considered as one of important e-Navigation service. This paper developed a prototype of MSI service to prepare e-navigation era, which is very important in a navigation environment. Current status on MSI and NAVTEX was surveyed, and several points on limitations and improvements in the NAVTEX operations were summarized. Basic study on the MSI service prototype was developed based on S-100, which is recognized as baseline to develop CMDS(Common Maritime Data Structure) of e-Navigation.

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Implementation of the Shore-based Maritime Information Service Platform for e-Navigation Strategic Implementation Plan (e-Navigation 전략 이행 계획 대응을 위한 Shore 기반 해상정보 서비스 플랫폼 구현)

  • Jang, In-Sung;Kim, Min-Soo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2015
  • Recently, there has been much interest in the e-Navigation that applies a variety of digital devices to shipboard thanks to the high interest to maritime safety and the rapid development of ICT technologies. The e-Navigation proposes a new ICT paradigm in maritime information service and maritime safety. This study proposes the shore-based maritime information service platform that enables the converged services of various kinds of maritime data and the standard ENC based on IHO S-100. The proposed maritime information service platform enables the harmonized integration, presentation and web services of ENC, sensed data such as AIS, ocean weather and currents, and geospatial data. Also, the platform enables the mobile maritime information service through WebApp or App software operating in mobile devices of smart phone or web pad. Finally, the proposed platform accommodates the standard ENC of the existing S-57 and the new S-101, and the standard web services of WMS and WMTS of ISO 19100 and OGC.