• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ridge method

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The Development of Wide-span Plastic Film Greenhouse for Strawberry Seedling Cultivation (딸기 육묘용 광폭 플라스틱 필름 온실 개발)

  • Man Kwon Choi;Myeong Whan Cho;Hyun Ho Shin;Ki Bum Kweon
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.442-448
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to develop an optimal greenhouse model for strawberry seedling during the summer high-temperature period based on the results of field surveys. We conducted a survey on the structure types of 46 strawberry seedling farms nationwide, including width, ridge height, eaves height, ventilation method, seedling bed width, and spacing. Based on the survey results, we derived the optimal greenhouse model by considering various factors. The greenhouse width was set at 14 meters to maximize the efficiency of seedling beds and overall space. The height was determined at 2 meters, taking into account ventilation during the summer season. To reduce stress on the supporting structure due to snow loads, we established a reinforcement installation angle of 50 degrees. We analyzed two different models that use support beams with dimensions of φ48.1×2.1t and φ59.9×3.2t, respectively, to ensure structural safety against meteorological disasters, considering regional design wind speeds and snow accumulation. We utilized these developed greenhouse model to conduct strawberry seedling experiments, resulting in a high survival rate of average 93.2%. These findings confirm the usefulness of the strawberry seedling greenhouse in improving the seedling environment and enhancing overall efficiency.

Analysis of Characteristics and Optimization of Photo-degradation condition of Reactive Orange 16 Using a Box-Behnken Method (실험계획법 중 Box-Behnken(박스-벤켄)법을 이용한 반응성 염료의 광촉매 산화조건 특성 해석 및 최적화)

  • Cho, Il-Hyoung;Lee, Nae-Hyun;Chang, Soon-Woong;An, Sang-Woo;Yonn, Young-Han;Zoh, Kyung-Duk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.28 no.9
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    • pp.917-925
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    • 2006
  • The aim of our research was to apply experimental design methodology in the optimization of photocatalytic degradation of azo dye(Reactive orange 16). The reactions were mathematically described as a function of parameters amount of $TiO_2(x_1)$, and dye concentration($x_2$) being modeled by the use of the Box-Behnken method. The results show that the responses of color removal(%)($Y_1$) in photocatalysis of dyes were significantly affected by the synergistic effect of linear term of $TiO_2(x_1)$ and dye concentration($x_2$). Significant factors and synergistic effects for the $COD_{Cr}$, removal(%)($Y_2$) were the linear term of $TiO_2(x_1)$ and dye concentration($x_2$). However, the quadratic term of $TiO_2(x_1^2)$ and dye concentration($x_2^2$) had an antagonistic effect on $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ responses. Canonical analysis indicates that the stationary point was a saddle point for $Y_1$ and $Y_2$, respectively. The estimated ridge of maximum responses and optimal conditions for $Y_1:(X_1,\;X_2)$=(1.11 g/L, 51.2 mg/L) and $Y_2:(X_1,\;X_2)$=(1.42 g/L, 72.83 mg/L) using canonical analysis was 93% and 73%, respectively.

Hardware Approach to Fuzzy Inference―ASIC and RISC―

  • Watanabe, Hiroyuki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1993.06a
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    • pp.975-976
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    • 1993
  • This talk presents the overview of the author's research and development activities on fuzzy inference hardware. We involved it with two distinct approaches. The first approach is to use application specific integrated circuits (ASIC) technology. The fuzzy inference method is directly implemented in silicon. The second approach, which is in its preliminary stage, is to use more conventional microprocessor architecture. Here, we use a quantitative technique used by designer of reduced instruction set computer (RISC) to modify an architecture of a microprocessor. In the ASIC approach, we implemented the most widely used fuzzy inference mechanism directly on silicon. The mechanism is beaded on a max-min compositional rule of inference, and Mandami's method of fuzzy implication. The two VLSI fuzzy inference chips are designed, fabricated, and fully tested. Both used a full-custom CMOS technology. The second and more claborate chip was designed at the University of North Carolina(U C) in cooperation with MCNC. Both VLSI chips had muliple datapaths for rule digital fuzzy inference chips had multiple datapaths for rule evaluation, and they executed multiple fuzzy if-then rules in parallel. The AT & T chip is the first digital fuzzy inference chip in the world. It ran with a 20 MHz clock cycle and achieved an approximately 80.000 Fuzzy Logical inferences Per Second (FLIPS). It stored and executed 16 fuzzy if-then rules. Since it was designed as a proof of concept prototype chip, it had minimal amount of peripheral logic for system integration. UNC/MCNC chip consists of 688,131 transistors of which 476,160 are used for RAM memory. It ran with a 10 MHz clock cycle. The chip has a 3-staged pipeline and initiates a computation of new inference every 64 cycle. This chip achieved an approximately 160,000 FLIPS. The new architecture have the following important improvements from the AT & T chip: Programmable rule set memory (RAM). On-chip fuzzification operation by a table lookup method. On-chip defuzzification operation by a centroid method. Reconfigurable architecture for processing two rule formats. RAM/datapath redundancy for higher yield It can store and execute 51 if-then rule of the following format: IF A and B and C and D Then Do E, and Then Do F. With this format, the chip takes four inputs and produces two outputs. By software reconfiguration, it can store and execute 102 if-then rules of the following simpler format using the same datapath: IF A and B Then Do E. With this format the chip takes two inputs and produces one outputs. We have built two VME-bus board systems based on this chip for Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The board is now installed in a robot at ORNL. Researchers uses this board for experiment in autonomous robot navigation. The Fuzzy Logic system board places the Fuzzy chip into a VMEbus environment. High level C language functions hide the operational details of the board from the applications programme . The programmer treats rule memories and fuzzification function memories as local structures passed as parameters to the C functions. ASIC fuzzy inference hardware is extremely fast, but they are limited in generality. Many aspects of the design are limited or fixed. We have proposed to designing a are limited or fixed. We have proposed to designing a fuzzy information processor as an application specific processor using a quantitative approach. The quantitative approach was developed by RISC designers. In effect, we are interested in evaluating the effectiveness of a specialized RISC processor for fuzzy information processing. As the first step, we measured the possible speed-up of a fuzzy inference program based on if-then rules by an introduction of specialized instructions, i.e., min and max instructions. The minimum and maximum operations are heavily used in fuzzy logic applications as fuzzy intersection and union. We performed measurements using a MIPS R3000 as a base micropro essor. The initial result is encouraging. We can achieve as high as a 2.5 increase in inference speed if the R3000 had min and max instructions. Also, they are useful for speeding up other fuzzy operations such as bounded product and bounded sum. The embedded processor's main task is to control some device or process. It usually runs a single or a embedded processer to create an embedded processor for fuzzy control is very effective. Table I shows the measured speed of the inference by a MIPS R3000 microprocessor, a fictitious MIPS R3000 microprocessor with min and max instructions, and a UNC/MCNC ASIC fuzzy inference chip. The software that used on microprocessors is a simulator of the ASIC chip. The first row is the computation time in seconds of 6000 inferences using 51 rules where each fuzzy set is represented by an array of 64 elements. The second row is the time required to perform a single inference. The last row is the fuzzy logical inferences per second (FLIPS) measured for ach device. There is a large gap in run time between the ASIC and software approaches even if we resort to a specialized fuzzy microprocessor. As for design time and cost, these two approaches represent two extremes. An ASIC approach is extremely expensive. It is, therefore, an important research topic to design a specialized computing architecture for fuzzy applications that falls between these two extremes both in run time and design time/cost. TABLEI INFERENCE TIME BY 51 RULES {{{{Time }}{{MIPS R3000 }}{{ASIC }}{{Regular }}{{With min/mix }}{{6000 inference 1 inference FLIPS }}{{125s 20.8ms 48 }}{{49s 8.2ms 122 }}{{0.0038s 6.4㎲ 156,250 }} }}

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Simulation of the Ocean Circulation Around Ulleungdo and Dokdo Using a Numerical Model of High-Resolution Nested Grid (초고해상도 둥지격자 수치모델을 이용한 울릉도-독도 해역 해양순환 모의)

  • Kim, Daehyuk;Shin, Hong-Ryeol;Choi, Min-bum;Choi, Young-Jin;Choi, Byoung-Ju;Seo, Gwang-Ho;Kwon, Seok-Jae;Kang, Boonsoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.587-601
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    • 2020
  • The ocean circulation was simulated in the East Sea and Ulleungdo-Dokdo region using ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System) model. By adopting the East Sea 3 km model and the HYCOM 9 km data, Ulleungdo 1 km model and Ulleungdo-Dokdo 300 m model were constructed with one-way grid nesting method. During the model development, a correction method was proposed for the distortion of the open boundary data which may be caused by the bathymetry data difference between the mother and child models and the interpolation/extrapolation method. Using this model, a super-high resolution ocean circulation with a horizontal resolution of 300 m near the Ulleungdo and Dokdo region was simulated for year 2018. In spite of applying the same conditions except for the initial and boundary data, the numerical models result indicated significantly different characteristics in the study area. Therefore, these results were compared and verified by using the surface current data estimated by satellites altimeter data and temperature data from NIFS (National Institute of Fisheries Science). They suggest that in general, the improvement of the one-way grid nesting with the HYCOM data on RMSE, Mean Bias, Pattern correlation and Vector correlation is greater in 300 m model than in the 1 km model. However, the nesting results of using East Sea 3 km model showed that simulations of the 1 km model were better than 300 m model. The models better resolved distinct ridge/trough structures of isotherms in the vertical sections of water temperature when using the higher horizontal resolution. Furthermore, Karman vortex street was simulated in Ulleungdo-Dokdo 300 m model due to the terrain effect of th islands that was not shown in the Ulleungdo 1 km model.

Survey of Diease and Weed Control in Organic and Free-pesticide Cultivation of Chunnam Area 'Ssam' Vegegable (전남지역 쌈채류 무농약.유기재배농가의 잡초, 병해충관리 실태분석)

  • Lim, Kyeong-Ho;Kim, Sun-Guk;Choi, Kyong-Ju;Kim, Do-Ik;Kim, Seon-Gon;Lee, Yong-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2007
  • For developing standard method for diease, pest and weed control in environmental friendly 'Ssam' vegetable cultivation, this study was carried out to investigating agriculture material use in organic agriculture and no pesticide cultivation for lettuce, kale, leafy perilla and korean cabbage. The 28.6% of investigated farmer carried out seed sterilization by seed selection with salt solution and soaking in chitosan that not validated. For raising seedling periods, the 55.6% of farmer did not use environmental-friendly agriculture material for, diease control and the 50% of farmer used one time for. pest control. Therefore, the control of disease and pest could be achieved with one or two times use of environmental-friendly agriculture material. Seed sterilization was carried out by soil solar sterilization, one time per year in 71.4% of farmer. Weed was controled by black PE film for weed germination of furrow in many farmer, by man-power weeding for weed of ridge in 85% of farmer and by machine weeding and mulching in some farmer. During cultivation period, the major pest were Aphis gossypii in lettuce, Plutella xylostella in kale, Plutella xylostella and Phyllotreta striolata (Fabricius) in korean cabbage and Pyrausta panopealis (Walke) in feat perilla. The many farmers used environ-mental-friendly agriculture material for control of pest over 10 times for spring season, and more used sold materials in market than home-made materials. In result, it needs to develop standardized method and validate cultivation methods for control of disease and pest, and seed sterilization treatment environmental-friendly 'Ssam' vegetable.

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Growth Responses of Soybean in Paddy Field Depending on Soil and Cultivation Methods (콩의 논 재배시 토성 및 재배 방법에 따른 콩의 생장분석)

  • Cho, Joon-Hyeong
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.385-397
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to establish the environment-friendly cropping system of soybean in paddy field with different soil textures. When the soybean was cultivated in paddy fields, growth responses of testing cultivars varied depending on soil texture and cultivation method. Growth responses of soybean in sandy loam tended to be better than those in clay, however the effect of high ridged cultivation was distinguished in clay loam. Especially, formation of rhizome nodule was significantly different depending on soils ; more numerous rhizome nodules were formed in sandy loam compared to that in clay. Plant heights of Taekwangkong and Eunhakong were highest in clay and sandy loam, respectively, while the number of pods and branches of Eunhakong were most in both soils. In clay paddy field, growth responses of Eunhakong were best among the testing cultivars, however high ridged cultivation was more appropriate to the cultivar compared to level row cultivation regardless of soils. Taekwangkong showed the highest leaf area indexes during whole growth stages. Leaf development of Daewonkong was suppressed in clay at early growth stage, while it significantly increased as growth stages progressed. Most retard leaf development was observed in early maturity cultivar, Hwaseongputkong, since it seemed to be seriously damaged by excess-moisture injury in both soils. Comparing the dry weight of top plants and roots, plant growth was more affected by soil texture than cultivation methods at early vegetative growth stage, via verses at R2 or R5 stages. In yield characters and yields at R8 maturity stage, pods number of Eunhakong was significantly higher than those of Daewonkong and Taekwangkong estimating to 107 and 124 in clay and sandy loam, respectively. The ratio of ripened seeds was highest in sandy loam in combination with high ridged cultivation, while the lowest in clay with level row. The yields of Deawonkong and Eunhakong were higher compared to other testing cultivars ranged from $l82{\sim}286kg/ha$ depending on soils and cultivation methods. In results, growth responses and yields of testing cultivars tended to be higher in sandy loam in combination with high ridge compared to clay with level row.

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A Morphological Study of Fingerprints and Palm Prints in Sasang Constitution (사상체질(四象體質) 유형(類型)과 지문(指紋), 손바닥문(紋)의 관련성(關聯性)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Seong-sik;Choi, Jae-young;Chung, Min-suk;Kim, Yi-suk;Lee, Je-man;Lee, Kyung-ae;Cho, Gyu-seon;Lee, Ji-young;Park, Eun-kyung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.81-99
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    • 1998
  • 1. Background : Sasang Constitutional Medicine divides mankind into Taeyangin(太陽人), Taeumin(太陰人), Soyangin(少陽人) and Soeumin(少陰人) according to appearance, moral nature and characteristic of constitutional symptoms, and it is a medical science to study about different treatment for each constitution. In Sasang Constitutional Medicine, diagnosis of constitution was so important that we had the necessity of studying constitutional diagnostic method which had presented wholly and intuitively in Dongyi Soose Bowon(東醫壽世保元) with objective and analytic thinking. There were several attempts to classify Sasang Constitutional Types through morphological investigation of each parts of body. The one of them was to use measuring the body. In this study, we purposed to make clear whether the analysis of fingerprints and palm, one of the physical anthropologic methods would be helpful to classify Sasang Constitution. 2. Method : After practicing Questionnaire I and QSCC(Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution) II from 347 healthy Korean adults(242 males and 106 females), we analyzed fingerprints and palm prints of 208 people(142 males and 66 females) who were classified same constitution from two questionnaires. We analyzed the types of fingerprints according to the number of triradius and counted the number of dermal ridges from fingerprint center to triradius. We found triradius in the lower part of each finger and analyzed the courses of dermal ridges and counted the number of dermal ridges between each triradius. We mesured angle atd, and then researched relationship between fingerprints, palm prints and Sasang Constitution. 3. Result and Conclusion : The results of Sasang Constitution analysis of 208 Korean adults showed 76 Taeumin(36.5%), 81 Soeumin(39.0%) and 51 Soyangin(24.5%). The analytic results of fingerprints and palm prints are as follows : The types of fingerprints were helpful to sort Taeumin and the types of palm prints were helpful to sort Soyangin and Soeumin especially. In addition, the number of dermal ridges in fingerprints and palm prints were helpful to sort Soyangin. Fingerprints and palm prints have characteristic in each constitutions, so the investigation of fingerprints and palm prints seems to helpful to classify Sasang Constitution. We are planning to report fingerprints and palm prints of more subjects.

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Optimization of Conditions for the Microencapsulation of ${\alpha}-Tocopherol$ and Its Storage Stability (${\alpha}-Tocopherol$ 미세캡슐화의 최적화 및 저장안정성 규명)

  • Chang, Pahn-Shick;Ha, Jae-Seok;Roh, Hoe-Jin;Choi, Jin-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.843-850
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    • 2000
  • We have produced the microcapsule composed of ${\alpha}-tocopherol$ as a core material (Cm) and the gelatinized polysaccharide as a wall material (Wm). Firstly, we have developed a simple, sensitive, and quantitative analysis method of the microencapsulation product using 5% cupric acetate pyridine solution. We could then optimize all the conditions for the microencapsulation process such as the ratio of [Cm] to [Wm], the temperature of dispersion fluid, and the emulsifier concentration using response surface methodology (RSM). As for the microencapsulation of ${\alpha}-tocopherol$, the regression model equation for the yield of microencapsulation (YM, %) to the change of an independent variable could be predicted as follows : YM=99.77-1.76([Cm]:[Wm])-1.72$([Cm]\;:\;[Wm])^2$. From the ridge of maximum response, the optimum conditions for the microencapsulation of ${\alpha}-tocopherol$ were able to be determined as the ratio of [Cm] to [Wm] of 4.6:5.4(w/w), the emulsifier concentration of 0.49%, and dispersion fluid temperature of $25.5^{\circ}C$, respectively. Finally, the microcapsules produced under the optimal conditions were applied for the analysis of storage stability. The optimal conditions for the storage were found to be the values of pH 9.0 and $25{\sim}35^{\circ}C$. And the storage stability of the microcapsules containing ${\alpha}-tocopherol$ were higher than 99% for a week at pH 9.0 and $25^{\circ}C$.

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Removable implant-supported partial denture using milled bar with Locator® attachments in a cleft lip & palate patient: A clinical report (구순구개열 환자에서 Locator® 유지장치가 장착된 milled titanium bar를 이용한 가철성 임플란트 피개 국소의치의 보철수복증례)

  • Yang, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Kyoung-A;Kim, Ja-Yeong;Seo, Jae-Min
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.207-214
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    • 2015
  • Due to the limitations of conventional removable partial denture prostheses to treat a cleft lip & palate patient who shows scar tissue on upper lip, excessive absorption of the maxillary residual alveolar ridge, and class III malocclusion with narrow palate and undergrowth of the maxilla, 4 implants were placed on the maxillary edentulous region and a maxillary removable implant-supported partial denture was planned using a CAD/CAM milled titanium bar. Unlike metal or gold casting technique which has shrinkage after the molding, CAD/CAM milled titanium bar is highly-precise, economical and lightweight. In practice, however, it is very hard to obtain accurate friction-fit from the milled bar and reduction in retention can occur due to repetitive insertion and removal of the denture. Various auxiliary retention systems (e.g. $ERA^{(R)}$, $CEKA^{(R)}$, magnetics, $Locator^{(R)}$ attachment), in order to deal with these problems, can be used to obtain additional retention, cost-effectiveness and ease of replacement. Out of diverse auxiliary attachments, $Locator^{(R)}$ has characteristics that are dual retentive, minimal in vertical height and convenient of attachment replacement. Drill and tapping method is simple and the replacement of the metal female part of $Locator^{(R)}$ attachment is convenient. In this case, the $Locator^{(R)}$ attachment is connected to the milled titanium bar fabricated by CAD/CAM, using the drill and tapping technique. Afterward, screw holes were formed and 3 $Locator^{(R)}$ attachments were secured with 20 Ncm holding force for additional retention. Following this procedure, satisfactory results were obtained in terms of aesthetic facial form, masticatory function and denture retention, and I hereby report this case.

The Influence of Attachment Type on the Distribution of Occlusal Force in Implant Supported Overdentures (하악 임플란트 오버덴쳐에서 어태치먼트 종류에 따른 응력분포)

  • Sung, Chai-Ryun;Cho, In-Ho
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.375-390
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    • 2009
  • Statement of problem: Implant supported overdenture is accepted widely as a way to restore edentulous ridge providing better retention and support of dentures. Various types of attachment for overdenture have been developed. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of attachment type in implant overdentures on the biomechanical stress distribution in the surrounding bone, prosthesis and interface between implant and bone. Material and methods: Finite element analysis method was used. Average CT image of mandibular body(Digital $Korea^{(R)}$, KISTI, Korea) was used to produce a mandibular model. Overdentures were placed instead of mandibular teeth and 2mm of mucosa was inserted between the overdenture and mandible. Two implants($USII^{(R)}$, Osstem, Korea) were placed at both cuspid area and 4 types of overdenture were fabricated ; ball and socket, Locator, magnet and bar type. Load was applied on the from second premolar to second molar tooth area. 6 times of finite element analyses were performed according to the direction of the force $90^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, $0^{\circ}$ and unilateral or bilateral force applied. The stress at interface between implants and bone, and prosthesis and the bone around implants ware compared using von Mises stress. The results were explained with color coded graphs based on the equivalent stress to distinguish the force distribution pattern and the site of maximum stress concentration. Results: Unilateral loading showed that connection area between implant fixture and bar generated maximum stress in bar type overdentures. Bar type produced 100 Mpa which means the most among 4 types of attachments. Bilateral loading, however, showed that bar type was more stable than other implants(magnet, ball and socket). 26 Mpa of bar type was about a half of other types on overdenture under $90^{\circ}$ bilateral loading. Conclusions: In any directions of stress, bar type was proved to be the most vulnerable type in both implants and overdentures. Interface stress did not show any significant difference in stress distribution pattern.