• Title/Summary/Keyword: Resource Map

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Implementation of User Interface and GeoSensor based Traveling Type Sub-Observation Prototype System for Monitoring of Groundwater (지하수 모니터링을 위한 GeoSensor 기반의 이동식 보조관측망 프로토타입 시스템 및 사용자 인터페이스 구현)

  • Kim, Kyung-Jong;Jung, Se-Hoon;Sim, Chun-Bo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2012
  • Although underground water resource has relatively less pollution rate compared with surface water, its recovery faces many difficulties due to poor management. Our country monitors underground water to manage it effectively through auxiliary observation network for underground water. In this paper, we suggest water-well auto measure system based on Geosensor for business efficiency increase of water-well management and realtime monitering. In this system is consist of user GUI(Graphic User Interface) composed with water-well information and movement sub-observation network prototype system composed with GPS(Global Positioning System) and wireless sensor node such as water temperature, water level, electrical conductivity. In this system is using the light of the sun for self-power, variety water-well information collected wireless sensor node was a wireless transmitting/receiving a using CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access) module. Also, for promote with user ease, user GUI express that water-well collected in GIS(Geographic Information System) map. For performance evaluation of the proposed system, we perform experiment using sensing information through designed sub-observation network. And we was proved superiority of the proposed system through qualitative evaluation with other paper.

Application of Analysis within Technique of Visibility for Selecting the Route of Viewing (조망루트 선정을 위한 가시권 분석의 적용 -보길도 윤선도 원림(명승 제34호)을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, Jae-Ung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.787-796
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    • 2012
  • This study, as a purpose of viewshed anaiysis is selected for the view route, View of the target yunseondo wonlim (scenic sites No.34) located in the terrain ridge. Using GIS Viewshed analysis carried out and the results reflect the view route was selected. The basic research for this study, the scenic sites such as the natural and cultural resources for the efficient and optimized to create the route view. Viewshed Analysis results could be summarized as follows: Along a scenic sites located inside the main ridge Viewshed analysis was carried out. This overlapping the cumulative results are Leading to Nakseojae(樂書齎) Seyeonjeong(洗然亭) from space in the visible frequency higher natural villages of the district. Selected the view route and were on the road and in the topographic map nesting along Visible high-frequency region. Based on the results of the nested Viewshed major selected six points Viewshed analysis was carried out. Resource for the surrounding landscape. Results determine whether the visibility of the surrounding landscape was identified as the viewable area appears good. Finally Viewshed Analysis results for six points in the final review.

Variance Component Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis for Body Weight Traits in Purebred Korean Native Chicken

  • Cahyadi, Muhammad;Park, Hee-Bok;Seo, Dong-Won;Jin, Shil;Choi, Nuri;Heo, Kang-Nyeong;Kang, Bo-Seok;Jo, Cheorun;Lee, Jun-Heon
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2016
  • Quantitative trait locus (QTL) is a particular region of the genome containing one or more genes associated with economically important quantitative traits. This study was conducted to identify QTL regions for body weight and growth traits in purebred Korean native chicken (KNC). F1 samples (n = 595) were genotyped using 127 microsatellite markers and 8 single nucleotide polymorphisms that covered 2,616.1 centi Morgan (cM) of map length for 26 autosomal linkage groups. Body weight traits were measured every 2 weeks from hatch to 20 weeks of age. Weight of half carcass was also collected together with growth rate. A multipoint variance component linkage approach was used to identify QTLs for the body weight traits. Two significant QTLs for growth were identified on chicken chromosome 3 (GGA3) for growth 16 to18 weeks (logarithm of the odds [LOD] = 3.24, Nominal p value = 0.0001) and GGA4 for growth 6 to 8 weeks (LOD = 2.88, Nominal p value = 0.0003). Additionally, one significant QTL and three suggestive QTLs were detected for body weight traits in KNC; significant QTL for body weight at 4 weeks (LOD = 2.52, nominal p value = 0.0007) and suggestive QTL for 8 weeks (LOD = 1.96, Nominal p value = 0.0027) were detected on GGA4; QTLs were also detected for two different body weight traits: body weight at 16 weeks on GGA3 and body weight at 18 weeks on GGA19. Additionally, two suggestive QTLs for carcass weight were detected at 0 and 70 cM on GGA19. In conclusion, the current study identified several significant and suggestive QTLs that affect growth related traits in a unique resource pedigree in purebred KNC. This information will contribute to improving the body weight traits in native chicken breeds, especially for the Asian native chicken breeds.

The Effects of GyeongIn Ara Waterway on the Regional Property Value (경인아라뱃길이 지역 부동산 가격에 미친 영향 분석)

  • Lee, Hee-Chan;Cha, Joo-Young;Park, Doo-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.277-285
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research is to evaluate the scenic value of the Gyungin Ara waterway in real estate prices. Apart from the multi-functionality such as transportation of passengers and freight, prevention of floods, and provision of leisure areas, the Ara waterway possesses a scenic function which offers people esthetic value through unique and beautiful scenery. This scenic function is an externality for apartment residents living nearby. The applied methodology for this research is the Hedonic Price Model (HPM) which creates a cause and effect model between real estate prices and attributes. Variables such as apartment sale prices, complex characteristics, location characteristics, timely characteristics have been deduced through data collected from a total of 4,207 households that have experienced actual transactions during the same period, all located within the scenic benefit boundaries of the waterway. Landscape variable has been derived from algorithm designed by a combination of digital map and Google Mapview. The scenic value of the waterway estimated through the application of HPM on these variables is 165,000 Won per area (pyeong). The regional asset enhancing effect caused by the landscape view of the waterway is estimated to be 89.1 billion won.

Hardware-Software Cosynthesis of Multitask Multicore SoC with Real-Time Constraints (실시간 제약조건을 갖는 다중태스크 다중코어 SoC의 하드웨어-소프트웨어 통합합성)

  • Lee Choon-Seung;Ha Soon-Hoi
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.33 no.9
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    • pp.592-607
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposes a technique to select processors and hardware IPs and to map the tasks into the selected processing elements, aming to achieve high performance with minimal system cost when multitask applications with real-time constraints are run on a multicore SoC. Such technique is called to 'Hardware-Software Cosynthesis Technique'. A cosynthesis technique was already presented in our early work [1] where we divide the complex cosynthesis problem into three subproblems and conquer each subproblem separately: selection of appropriate processing components, mapping and scheduling of function blocks to the selected processing component, and schedulability analysis. Despite good features, our previous technique has a serious limitation that a task monopolizes the entire system resource to get the minimum schedule length. But in general we may obtain higher performance in multitask multicore system if independent multiple tasks are running concurrently on different processor cores. In this paper, we present two mapping techniques, task mapping avoidance technique(TMA) and task mapping pinning technique(TMP), which are applicable for general cases with diverse operating policies in a multicore environment. We could obtain significant performance improvement for a multimedia real-time application, multi-channel Digital Video Recorder system and for randomly generated multitask graphs obtained from the related works.

Skills Development Programmes and Activities for LIS Professionals in India: A Road Map For South Asian Countries (문헌정보학 전문가를 위한 인도의 기술개발 프로그램과 활동 분석)

  • Ramesha, Ramesha
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.95-113
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    • 2011
  • The new millennium with mystifying convergence of IT has opened new challenges to LIS profession. This has resulted to continuous skill development and lifelong learning, for capacity building in consonant with contemporary changes. The LIS profession in India has created several mechanisms to organize and conduct several skills development programmes through which professionals are continuously enabled to update their professional knowledge and skills, in practice and teaching. There is a good organizational infrastructure and identified areas related to the recent developmental trends and as such LIS professionals and educators have facilities for updating their knowledge at veritable levels and intervals. The paper has surveyed programmes conducted by different organizations at different levels and highlights the aspects of the organizational infrastructure and the emergent areas of applications in LIS teaching, research and professional practices in India. The selection of areas and subjects for various skill development programmes suggest the competencies acquired by the LIS professionals from India, and the empowerment of their professional knowledge can be of immense value to its neighbouring countries. The paper highlights the knowledge and competencies of the LIS professionals in India and the broad-based facilities available here which can be a model for those countries which are seeking to utilize the LIS human resources from this part of the sub-continent. The paper in this circumstance surveyed on the institutional infrastructure for skill developmental opportunities available in India which would meet such requirements within and to the countries outside in the South Asian region seeking its collaboration in such manpower development work.

Patterns of Waterbirds Abundance and Habitat Use in Rice Fields (논습지에 도래하는 수조류의 서식지 이용과 개체군 특성)

  • Nam, Hyung-Kyu;Choi, Seung-Hye;Choi, Yu-Seong;Yoo, Jeong-Chil
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.359-367
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    • 2012
  • BACKGROUND: As natural wetlands are decreased by increment of human demand, the importance of rice fields as an alternative habitat for waterbirds is well documented. However, the relationship between waterbirds use and management practice of rice fields has not been fully understood. The present study attempted to understand the changes in temporal abundance of waterbirds and their preference for habitat types in rice fields all year round. METHODS AND RESULTS: Waterbirds census were conducted in rice fields around Asan bay in Korea during April 2009-March 2010 and April 2011-March 2012. In the bird counts, the locations of the observed birds on a 1/2,500 map were recorded along with the local habitat type (paddy, ditch, levee, road). Thirty five species of waterbirds recorded in the rice fields during the survey period and three major groups (shorebirds, herons, and waterfowls) were characterized according to season and micro-habitat use. Shorebirds visited a flooded paddy for feeding during their spring migration season (April-May), and herons used the rice field as feeding sites during their breeding periods (April-October). Most waterfowls were observed in a dry paddy to feed a fallen rice seed and stubs during the winter season (September-March). Waterbird groups selectively used micro-habitats in rice field. Shorebirds and waterfowls mainly preferred at rice paddies, while herons were attracted to most habitat types. CONCLUSION(S): Rice fields supported various waterbirds all year round and waterbird communities using the rice fields were dramatically changed according to seasonal change of rice field condition.

Vegetation Composition and Structure of Sogwang-ri Forest Genetic Resources Reserve in Uljin-gun, Korea (울진 소광리 산림유전자원보호구역 산림식생의 조성 및 구조)

  • Kim, Hak-Yun;Cho, Hyun-Je
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.188-201
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    • 2017
  • Based on a total of 272 vegetation data collected by the ZM school phytosociological study method, the composition and structural characteristics of the forest vegetation in the Sogwang-ri forest genetic resource reservoir located in Uljin-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do were compared using the table comparison method and the TWINSPAN method, And their ecological characteristics were analyzed. The types of forest vegetation were classified into 7 types, and it was divided into two major groups, 'Slope and Ridge type', which characterized by Quercus mongolica, Pinus densiflora for. erecta, Lespedeza bicolor etc. and 'valley and concave slope', which characterized by Cornus controversa, Fraxinus mandshurica, Morus bombycis, Hydrangea serrata for. acuminata etc. The hierarchy of the vegetation unit was 2 community groups, 4 communities, and 6 subcommunities. The structural characteristics such as the total percent cover, species importance value, species diversity of the constituent species per unit area($/100m^2$) of each type of forest vegetation were also identified. In order to understand the spatial distribution of forest vegetation, 1/5,000 large-scale physiognomic vegetation map was created by the uppermost dominant species. The composition and structural characteristics of Geumgang pine(P. densiflora for. erecta) forest, which is a core community of protected area by natural and anthropogenic influences, appear as a subtype of Quercus mongolica forest, which is a potential natural vegetation, Appropriate maintenance measures seemed urgently needed.

Determination of Optimal Conditions by Response Surface Methodology and Quality Characteristics of Water Extracts of Phellinus linteus (반응표면분석을 이용한 상황버섯 열수추출액의 최적 추출조건과 품질 특성)

  • Youn, Sun-Joo;Cho, Jun-Gu;Kwoen, Dae-Jun;Choi, Ung-Kyu;Kang, Sun-Chul
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.215-220
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    • 2006
  • Response surface methodology was implemented to determine an optimal extraction condition in Phellinus linteus water extract. Extraction was performed on 10 experimental conditions including independent variables such as extraction time $(1{\sim}5\;hrs)$ and water volume over sample (sample : $H_2O$ = 1 : $40{\sim}200$, W/V), color browning, reducing and total sugar, that were based on the significant levels of 10% of central composition design. Color browning, reducing and total sugar contents were found to be more affected when the water volume was increased rather than extraction time. Maximum extraction condition was acquired at extraction time of $3.0{\sim}4.5\;hrs$ and water volume of $40{\sim}58.2\;ml$. Being extracted at the optimal extraction condition two of the free sugars, sucrose (0.126%) and glucose (0.012%), were detected. Total content of the free amino acids was found to be $503.26\;{\mu}g%$. Among them, essential amino acid contents were revealed as 5.4%. One major peak from gel permeation chromatography contained polysaccharide(s) with the molecular weights of 10 KDa.

Estimation of Forest Biomass based upon Satellite Data and National Forest Inventory Data (위성영상자료 및 국가 산림자원조사 자료를 이용한 산림 바이오매스 추정)

  • Yim, Jong-Su;Han, Won-Sung;Hwang, Joo-Ho;Chung, Sang-Young;Cho, Hyun-Kook;Shin, Man-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.311-320
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to estimate forest biomass and to produce forest biomass thematic map for Muju county by combining field data from the 5$^{th}$ National Forest Inventory (2006-2007) and satellite data. For estimating forest biomass, two methods were examined using a Landsat TM-5(taken on April 28th, 2005) and field data: multi-variant regression modeling and t-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) technique. Estimates of forest biomass by the two methods were compared by a cross-validation technique. The results showed that the two methods provide comparatively accurate estimation with similar RMSE (63.75$\sim$67.26ton/ha) and mean bias ($\pm$1ton/ha). However, it is concluded that the k-NN method for estimating forest biomass is superior in terms of estimation efficiency to the regression model. The total forest biomass of the study site is estimated 8.4 million ton, or 149 ton/ha by the k-NN technique.