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Implementation of User Interface and GeoSensor based Traveling Type Sub-Observation Prototype System for Monitoring of Groundwater  

Kim, Kyung-Jong (Dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Sunchon University)
Jung, Se-Hoon (Dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Sunchon University)
Sim, Chun-Bo (Dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Sunchon University)
Although underground water resource has relatively less pollution rate compared with surface water, its recovery faces many difficulties due to poor management. Our country monitors underground water to manage it effectively through auxiliary observation network for underground water. In this paper, we suggest water-well auto measure system based on Geosensor for business efficiency increase of water-well management and realtime monitering. In this system is consist of user GUI(Graphic User Interface) composed with water-well information and movement sub-observation network prototype system composed with GPS(Global Positioning System) and wireless sensor node such as water temperature, water level, electrical conductivity. In this system is using the light of the sun for self-power, variety water-well information collected wireless sensor node was a wireless transmitting/receiving a using CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access) module. Also, for promote with user ease, user GUI express that water-well collected in GIS(Geographic Information System) map. For performance evaluation of the proposed system, we perform experiment using sensing information through designed sub-observation network. And we was proved superiority of the proposed system through qualitative evaluation with other paper.
Groundwater Monitoring; Traveling Type Sub-Observation Prototype; GeoSensor; GIS;
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  • Reference
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