• Title/Summary/Keyword: Required Courses

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A Study on comparing competency of college students and construction company workers (건축전공 대학생과 건설회사 노동자의 역량 비교 분석)

  • Hwang, Tae-hong
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed the non-cognitive domains (self-management competency, interpersonal relations competency) and cognitive domains (physical communication competency, comprehensive reasoning ability) among K-CESA for college students in the Division of Architecture at 𐩒𐩒 University and construction company workers, after which a training program for college students was designed. A K-CESA diagnostic evaluation was conducted on 25 construction company workers and 36 students in the senior and junior years of the division of Architecture. To identify the discrepancies among the two groups, "One-way ANOVA", a mean difference test, was performed and the Scheffe verification system was conducted as an after-measure. The empirical analysis of this study was verified at the significance level p <.05, and statistical processing was analyzed utilizing the SPSS WIN. 23.0 program. The major findings are as follows: first, the significant point of difference between the college students and construction company workers were located in five skills (goal-oriented planning and execution skills, cooperative skills, intervention skills, leadership skills, speaking skills, analytical reasoning skills); second, the education program was developed to improve the goal-oriented planning, execution ability and analytical reasoning ability through the expert-required analysis and study research. Through follow-up studies, I suggested that there is a need to develop courses that compare the competencies of various majors and workers in public institutions, corporations and other organizations.

A Study on the Development of Visual Arts Convergence Education Model with the Formless Concept (비정형 개념에 따른 시각예술 융합교육 모형 개발)

  • Cho, Hyun Geun
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.275-292
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    • 2019
  • This study was initiated with the attention of demanding new and diverse approaches, we're talking familiar with imitations in the design process like a way to draw a image. So I studied a convergence of humanities and visual arts with the understanding and conceptual approach of the formless. The purpose of this study is to develop formless languages and to organize practical courses which are to enable deeper research and design expression on theoretical approaches and explanations of outcomes required before and after the process when we practice in connection with the formless. The method of this study is to draw detailed items from selected words through advanced researches, work and author researches and practice teaching. The results of the study I proposed the formless language that is related to the horizontality in spatial positioning system, and pulse in the separation of space and time, and entropy in structural orders of the system, and base materialism in the limitation of matter as the operating mechanism and parent item of formless. And those elements are related with shape, size, shading, color, texture, space, structure as visual elements of formative elements and those have various adjectival meanings as the subordinate concept. So I presented an education materials of basic design which is to enable understanding and expressing the formless language in the overall process of formless visual art(theoretical approach, practice course, presentation, etc.). Based on these study results, I hope that this educational materials will be used as educational contents that makes them express and understand different new beauties, and a role that reveals social identity, and a reference for research on a formless visual arts.

The Case Study of Startle and Surprise Emergency Flight Training for Introduction of Non-Technical Flight Training to Commercial Airline Pilots in Korea (국내 민간항공사 조종사들의 비기술적 훈련 도입을 위한 사례연구: Startle 및 Surprise 비상상황 훈련 사례를 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Jae-Kab;Yoon, Han-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.473-482
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    • 2021
  • The introduction of automated flight systems has greatly improved aviation safety, but aircraft pilots continue to face new challenges. The pilot's stress from an aeronautical perspective can be distinguished by the 'Startle and Surprise' responses. 'Startle' is a short, strong physiological response to sudden or threatening stimuli such as unexpected gunfire. 'Surprise' is a cognitive-emotional response to an event that goes beyond one's expectations. In Martin et al.'s (2012) Startle Effect Experiment, the pilot identified physiological responses in the 'Startle' state, including delayed response and increased heart rate. In the Rahim (2020) Startle/Surprise experiment, the pilot's breathing rate and pulse rate did not change due to pre-planned emergency training. On the other hand, it was confirmed that the pilot's respiratory and heart rate were greatly increased due to the complicated aircraft and unplanned emergencies. Based on the results of these experiments, domestic pilots need to be trained to handle non-technical and various unexpected emergencies that could arise in an aircraft, rather than be just put through courses for enhancing technical capabilities or simple repetitive training as required by aviation law.

Analysis of Elementary Teachers' Understanding Level and Actual State About Scientific Inquiry (초등교사의 과학적 탐구 이해의 수준과 실태 분석)

  • Lee, Dongseung;Park, Jongseok
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.63 no.4
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    • pp.280-288
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to draw implication for scientific inquiry study by investigating level of understanding and actual state regarding the elementary school teachers' scientific inquiry. The survey was conducted toward 42 elementary school teachers who work at the D city by using questionnaire of Views About Scientific Inquiry. Actual state of understanding of scientific inquiry was investigated by categorized the responses to the level of understanding of the eight aspects of scientific inquiry in three levels (informed, mixed, naive) based on analysis criteria. And analyze whether the characteristic of the subjects affect to level of understanding about aspect of scientific inquiry. As a result of the analysis, the two aspects among the eights aspects of scientific inquiry; 'Inquiry procedures are guided by the question asked' and 'Research conclusions must be consistent with the data collected' were appeared to have high rates of informed level of understanding. In the remaining six perspectives, most of elementary school teachers had naive and mixed level of understanding, so informed level of understanding took a relatively low proportion. It implies that elementary school teachers who teach inquiry in the field have limit to understand about scientific inquiry. These results indicated that experiences that have taught students and science related training courses that open sofar have a little influence to increase comprehension about scientific inquiry. Therefore, it is required to reinforce the teachers' understanding about scientific inquiry and to formulate different form of plan unlike existing way of teaching for teaching scientific inquiry.

An Exploratory Study on the Recognition of Experience of Passing Down Education of the Korean Traditional Dance -Focusing on the National Intangible Cultural Assets: Seungmu, Salpurichum and Taepyeongmu- (한국 전통춤 전수교육의 경험인식에 대한 탐색적 연구 -국가무형문화재 승무, 살풀이춤, 태평무를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Soon-hwa;Ahn, Byoung-Soon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.122-134
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to conceptualize characteristics of the Korean traditional dance, and to categorize and analyze the recognition of experience of passing down education of Seungmu(Buddhist Dance), Salpurichum(Exorcism Dance) and Taepyeongmu(Dance of Peace). Dividing into groups of two: an experienced person twenty years or more in the Korean dance and a person who completed the traditional dance three years or more, three groups were selected. We connected the characteristics of the traditional dance experienced in passing down education with the recognition experience in the training courses. Categorizing thematically the process and the recognition of experience in the passing down education program, we attempted mutual group discussion and inductive area analysis on the basis of in-depth interview, tutorial discussion and analysis contents. As a result of this study, first, the characteristics of the Korean traditional dance that graduates of the program by repertory empathize were the experience of the sinmyung(the excess of mirth) and improvisation, the supreme self-controlling beauty and the best beauty of expression. Second, the recognition of experience in the passing down education program runs as follows: Interacting in the centre of the process, new education system for transmission, and formation of social discourse for appreciation. Conclusionally, the experience and the new vision for transmission of passing down education of the traditional dance are required to be based on the appreciation of the rationality of mutual communication and recognition of experience.

Research on the Development of NCS-based Game Curriculum Focused on the Game Contents Dept. of Kimpo Univ. (NCS기반 게임교육과정 개발에 관한 연구 : 김포대학교 게임콘텐츠과를 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Yong Man
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.381-387
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    • 2019
  • Since the development of NCS-based curriculum in field of game education is not well studied, so we carried out research on the curriculum development of game contents department of Kimpo University as the first study to link game education and NCS. In order to develop the NCS-based game education course, we analyzed the game industry environment and conducted a demand survey on the game industry officials to derive the vocational basic subjects required for game contents creation. In addition, we analyzed the types of manpower training by using on-site experts (SME). SME also designed the NCS curriculum by matching the manpower type comparing with NCS classification and capacity unit, analyzing the usefulness of each Capacity unit, and finally, by arranging each NCS and non-NCS subjects by semester. This research is meaningful as the first study linking NCS and game content creation, and it will be a reference for other education institutions planning game education course based on NCS. It also can be used as a basic material for researching game education quality management (CQI) as well as improvement methods for future game education courses.

A Study on the Improvement of the Education and Training System for Response to Marine Chemical Incidents in Korea - Based on the Comparison of Systems between Korea and Foreign Countries - (해상화학사고 대응을 위한 국내 교육훈련체계 개선에 관한 연구 - 국내 체계와 외국 체계의 비교를 기반으로 -)

  • Kim, Kwang-Soo;Lee, Moonjin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.847-857
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    • 2017
  • The present situations of the education and training systems for the response to marine HNS spill incidents in domestic and foreign countries were reviewed and the plans to improve domestic system were suggested on the basis of the comparison between domestic and foreign education systems. There were almost no private education and training institutions in Korea, and they have not been activated, compared with those of foreign countries such as USA, Canada, Australia and UK. The domestic marine HNS-related education has been implemented uniformly under Korean government initiative. In addition, there were differences in the targets and duration of the education offered by Korea Coast Guard Academy (KCGA) and Marine Environment Research & Training Institute (MERTI) in Korea. Domestic HNS-related curriculum was relatively simple, compared with the curricula of foreign countries, and has not accepted two levels (operational level and manager level) required in HNS model courses of International Maritime Organization (IMO). The domestic education and training period was short relatively to those of foreign countries. The following suggestions were made to improve the education and training system for the response to domestic marine chemical incidents. In the short term, an HNS education and training management consultation body (tentative name) should be established, with both KCGA and MERTI participating jointly while maintaining the current system of the two institutions (KCGA and MERTI) simultaneously. In the more distant and long term, the HNS-related departments of KCGA and MERTI should be incorporated into a National Marine HNS Response Academy (tentative name) as unified system to enable international competitiveness.

Vizrt Engine-Based Virtual Reality Graphics Algorithm A Study on the Basic Practical Training Method (Vizrt 엔진 기반 가상현실 그래픽 알고리즘과 기초 실습 교육 방식의 연구)

  • Cho, Hyun Kyung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.197-202
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    • 2019
  • In the era of the fourth revolution, interest in content production using proven engines in the broadcasting sector, such as Vizrt, is growing. The new visual effects required in the 5G era are critical to content production training. Vizrt has a good production time utility and affordability for broadcast and media content. In this paper, we are going to use this to present a practical case of the theorem and application of the basic training course in the production of virtual content, and to present the basic training direction. In the introduction, the graphic algorithm analyzed and studied the characteristics and environmental factors of the Vizrt engine. In this paper, the production process was studied separately, and the work carried out through engine implementation was presented. The VS Studio Foundation was provided as a practical production case at each stage. The Vizrt engine operator process is important in graphic approach and application, and through the results of the lecture, the method of understanding and implementing algorithms for virtual reality perspective suitable for basic learning was studied. Based on practice, the research method of main theory was to create Vizrt contents specialized in 5G contents work in each sector and to implement graphic production in new areas from contents image. Through this study, we came to the conclusion of the basic training method through virtual reality content work based on Vizrt by practicing content creation according to the subject. It also proposes the effect of creating Vizrt content and the direction of building Vizrt basic training courses.

Maritime Security Training: Evaluation of the Impact on Seafarers' Security Awareness and Security Performance (선박보안교육: 선원의 보안인식과 보안성과에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • D'agostini, Enrico;Jo, Sohyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.201-211
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    • 2019
  • Safety and security measures in the shipping industry play a pivotal role in ensuring efficient and reliable cargo and passengers operations at each stage of the supply chain. The ISPS Code was adopted into SOLAS convention to protect seafarers and vessels from security threats. Furthermore, according to the Manila amendments to STCW Convention in 2010, personnel employed on board are required to participate in security training. Effective seafarers' education and training programs are of major importance to guarantee satisfactory performance levels onboard to minimize security-related risks. The study's contribution focuses on empirically evaluating the relationship between personal level of awareness and security performance when seafarers undertake security training courses. Findings of this study suggest that (1) seafarers who undertake maritime security training have a higher awareness of ship security, (2) security training and security awareness have a positive influence on security performance, and (3) security awareness mediates the impact of security training and security performance. In conclusion, education and training programs are key tools in enhancing seafarers' security awareness and security performance which, from an industry viewpoint, can translate into major economic, operational and reputational benefits.

Analysis of Realities of Organization and Implementation of Integrated Science of the 2015 Revised Curriculum (2015개정 교육과정의 통합과학 과목 편성·운영 실태 분석)

  • Shin, Youngjoon;Kwak, Youngsun
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.64-78
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate how Integrated Science, a new subject introduced under the 2015 revised curriculum, was implemented in 2018 when it was first enacted at the school level. Through a survey of 258 high school science teachers, we explored how Integrated Science was organized and implemented at the school level, how teaching & learning and assessment were conducted in Integrated Science courses, how teachers' learning communities were operated, what kinds of support are required for the settlement of Integrated Science, etc. Major results are as follows: A similar ratio is found between schools with eight units and schools with six units of integrated science, and in about 2/3 of surveyed schools, multiple teachers are in charge of Integrated Science lessons per classroom. In addition, lecture-type teaching methods are still dominant in the majority of the classes, and science teachers have difficulties with lack of understanding of non-major areas or burden of designing integrated teaching depending on their teaching experiences, and so on. Discussed and suggested in the conclusion are ways to raise awareness of curriculum integration, ways to support for activation of teacher learning communities, ways to support the settlement of Integrated Science, and reexamining the system of science teacher certification.