• Title/Summary/Keyword: Reading Guide

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System Representation for the Control System of the Follow-up Mechanism on the Marine Gyro Compass

  • Sang-Jib Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.31-50
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    • 1980
  • It does not seem necessarily practicable to keep the system always in optimal condition, athough the control system of the follow-up mechanism on the most marine gyro compasses is to be adjusted by the operator through the gain adjustment. Sometimes a sustained oscillation or an incorrect gyro reading occurs to the system. For such a system any systematical research or theoretical basis of the guide for the optimal gain adjustment has not been reported yet. As a basic investigation of the theoretical system analysis to solve the problems concerned, the author attempts in this paper to express the system in a mathematical model deduced from the results of the theoretical approach and the experimental observation of each element contained in the follow-up mechanism of Hokshin D-1 gyro compass, and to constitute an over-all closed loop transfer function. This funciton being reverted to a fourth orderlinear differential equation, the first order simultaneous differential equations are obtained by means of the state-variables. The latter equations are solved by the Runge-Kutta method with digital computer. By comparing the characteristic of the simulated over-all output with that of the experimental result, it is shown that both outputs are nearly consistent with each other. It is also expected that the system representation proposed by this paper is valid and will be a prospective means in a further study on the design and optimal adjustment of the system.

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Re-reading Chuncheon G5 International Design Competition from a Viewpoint of Landscape Urbanism (랜드스케이프 어바니즘의 관점으로 본 춘천 G5 국제설계경기 출품작 분석)

  • Kim Ah-Yeon;Koh Mi-Jin;Oh Hyung-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.3 s.116
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    • pp.120-138
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    • 2006
  • A city evolves over time. It grows, transforms, and sometimes degrades. Chuncheon is at a turning point from a city souggling with regulations regarding clean water supply and a military encampment to a masterpiece city with a sustainable vision. The city is getting ready to restructure itself to become a world-famous culture and tourism complex expanding its physical boundary across the Camp Page site and absorbing Jungdo as a major tourist attraction. The landscape in the future blueprint of Chuncheon will play a great role in restructuring urban form. The regenerated in will have a new networked open space system as well as re-evaluated landscape resources. The hybrid theoretical practice called 'landscape urbanism' burgeoning in the fields between 'landscape architecture' and 'urbanism' can guide us in considering the terms of the relationship between a city and landscape when we design a future city Landscape urbanism is considered to be an effective framework by which we can diagnose the current status of a landscape in our contemporary urban design practice in Korea. This paper tries to provide a different perspective from the viewpoint of landscape urbanism to decipher the hidden implications of the social agreement on the role of landscape in urban structure by re-reading eight design proposals presented for the ChunCheon G5 international design competition based on the main principles of landscape urbanism. The G5 design competition is a great opportunity to test out new ideas on a city, demonstrating the relative values among various urban-design professional realms. First, this paper provides an overview of the main ideas of landscape urbanism based on the literature review and case studies. Second, framework categories are suggested in order to extract the explicit and implicit ideas on the landscape. Third, eight proposals are reviewed according to the suggested categories to situate the current landscape design of Korea within the mainstream of contemporary practice of landscape urbanism. Based on the review of eight proposals, the following diagnostic conclusions are made; first, the ideas of landscape urbanism have not been actively introduced in large-scaled urban landscape projects in Korea like Chuncheon G5. Second, it remains to be a big task for landscape professions to be able to participate in design consortiums on an equal footing. Third, In order to introduce and reify the ideas of landscape urbanism in Korea, it is inevitable and critical to test the ideas in both academic fields and professional practices to find the appropriately adjusted model of landscape urbanism.

Research on the Spatial Expression Characteristics of Illustration in Picture Books (그림책 속 일러스트레이션의 공간 표현 특징 연구)

  • Han, YongGang;Kim, KieSu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 2021
  • This research is based on the design of pictures in picture books, and the spatial representation of illustrations in the picture books contains the significantly important objective. Various texts, pictures, spaces, etc. in a picture must have the operator's various editing skills so that spatial arrangement is made smoothly.In this paper, the characteristics of spatial expression of design in picture books are derived by analyzing several examples of paintings and studies on classic picture books. First, the fusion of picture and text, that is, that both picture and text convey spatial information together as elements of the screen. Second, as a characteristic of the coherence of the space design in picture books, the story and content must be smoothly connected when reading the book. Third, when expressing a space, the creator should utilize the strengths and weaknesses of each other between abstract and conceived spatial expressions as needed. Fourth, as a symbolic feature of picture book spatial expression, it can be seen that many symbolic expression techniques are applied to the spatial expression of picture books according to the semiotic principle, which greatly improves the cognitive efficiency of reading picture books. The fifth characteristic is that the spatial expression of an excellent picture book has excellent interesting element, rich design means, and interestingly conveys screen contents and screen format to readers. In this research, it is thought that designers and artists should guide the creation within a spatial framework as designing picture books, thus greatly improving the efficiency of the creation process, while also provide a reader-centered visual Interesting experience.

Development of Citizenship Promoting Home Economics Education Curriculum through Critical Literacy: Focusing on Housing Area of Middle School (비판적 리터러시를 통한 시민성 함양 가정과 교육과정 개발: 중학교 주생활 영역을 중심으로)

  • Oh, Kyungseon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.57-80
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this research is to develop a Home Economics education curriculum that can promote citizenship through critical literacy. To this end, the 'housing' area in the 2015 revised curriculum of home economics and textbooks were analyzed from a critical literacy perspective. Using Laster(1986)'s critical science curriculum development course and "A Teacher's guideFamily, Food and Society"(Staaland & Storm, 1996), a 'Citizenship raising curriculum of home economics education in the housing area.' was developed. The results of this research are as follows. First, when the the curriculum was examined, the teaching objectives of the overall subject, or the achievement criteria, learning elements, and evluative methods of the housing area consisted of practical problem solving curriculum that can include critical literacy content. In addition, as a result of analyzing the text of the three textbooks' housing areas, it was found that most of them were described as adapting to and coping with the current culture, and few problems or social issues were mentioned that could lead to critical literacy. Second, the housing area curriculum for critical literacy learning was developed, with a total of 13 plan of 7 modules including continuous interests, valued ends, learning contents, and 26 learning materials including reading materials, and video materials. Based on the findings, the next curriculum and textbook should address social issues related to critical literacy and various classes of housing, and teachers' communities and training should be operated to support teachers who can be examplary for practical reasoning and critical thinking.

The Process of PBL Package Development (PBL 패캐지(Learning Package) 개발절차 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Woo-Sook;Park, Mee-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.126-142
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    • 2001
  • Although a call for the implementation of PBL in nursing education is getting increased, it has not been actively implemented as it could be. The main reason for this situation seems to be the lack of well designed learning packages. Well designed PBL packages can be the core factor for the successful implementation of PBL. However, this seems to be the hardest task for teachers wanting to implement PBL. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a systematic framework of PBL package development process and provide the examples of its application. This framework of the process of PBL package development includes thirteen steps. First of all, the team needs to decide a topic to be explored in the package and then clusters concepts related to the topic. Second, the team selects a real situation and writes it as a story. Third, knowledge, skills, and attitudes that practitioners need to know to deal with the situation will be explored. Fourth, learning objectives will be written. The next, the team will check if the situation includes multidisciplinary concepts and content. Sixth, the story will be divided into several parts. Seventh, part 1 will be written. Eighth, clinical documents related to part 1 need to be prepared. Ninth, the team will write a suggested approach for students. Then, they need to prepare a tutor's guide for part 1. Eleventh, the team will prepare a list of reading materials and plan for lectures and clinical laboratory sessions. Twelfth, they will write part 2 ~ part N following the steps from the seventh to the eleventh. The last step is evaluating the package and amending it as needed. These thirteen steps are very detailed and easy to follow for beginners. It is expected that this framework will contribute to accelerate the implementation of PBL in nursing education.

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Development of Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan and the Effect of Cooperative Learning on Students` Self-esteem - Focused on the Food and Nutrition Section of Middle School Home Economics - (협동학습 교수.학습과정안 개발 및 협동학습이 자아존중감에 미치는 효과 - 가정과 중2 식생활 단원을 중심으로 -)

  • 이재복;김영남;채정현
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.131-146
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study were to develop cooperative learning lesson plan for middle school home economics class and to identify the effect of cooperative learning on students\` self-esteem. The content of lesson was chosen from the food and nutrition section of home economics textbooks for middle school. The main structure of the lesson plan stems from $\boxDr$Lesson Plan Guide of Structuring Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan for Teachers$\boxUl$ by D. Johnson. R Johnson and E. Holubec. Various kinds of references including media reading materials cooperative group activity reports and cooperative group activity checking lists were newly developed according to the content of lesson. Eight hour lesson plans were developed and applied to 2nd grade middle school students and pre-test and post-test were taken to test the effect of Johnson\`s cooperative learning method on students\` self-esteem. Students at a Middle School located in Seoul were divided into two grouts, the three classes as experimental group and the other three classes as control group. The data were analyzed by ANCOVA using SPSS/WIN program. As a result, the hypothesis that the degree of self-esteem of the experimental group is higher than that of control group was adopted (P.(001). Among the sub-factors of self -esteem. the global self-esteem and the social-peer self-esteem scores of the experimental group were higher than that of the control group(p.(001 each). but the school-academic self-esteem score was not different (p> .05) According to the post-experiment free-style report. student as a dynamic subject could get initiatives and interests in home economics class more effectively by cooperative learning. Therefore, it could be said that cooperative learning has positive effect on the promotion of students\` self-esteem and is considered to be a good teaching method of home economics subject.

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An Analysis of Language Activity Contents for Young Children from the Nuri Curriculum Teacher's Guidebooks for Age 3-5 (3~5세 누리과정 교사용 지도서에 나타난 유아 언어교육 활동 내용 분석)

  • Han, Sun-Ah;Kwak, Jung-In
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.511-521
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to review the perspective on early childhood language education by analyzing language activities specified in the Teacher's guide to Nuri Curriculum for Children between Age 3 to 5. In the pursuit of this purpose, 966 language educational activities suggested in 32 guidebooks(10 for age 3, 11 for age 4, 11 for age 5 - divided by life themes) have been chosen as the analysis object and analyzed based on the following category; subordinate scope, and activity type. This analysis showed that children aged 3~5 start their language activities in the order of talking, listening, reading and writing (under the subordinate scope category), and favors activities in the order of 'fairy tale/poem', 'story telling' and 'verbal section'. In conclusion, it has been proven that each category is concentrating on 1~2 activities and the proportion varies depending on the age. Based on the above result, we intend to examine the current situation of language education and use this study as the preliminary data to provide a proper direction for early childhood language education.

The organization of Shin ChaeHo's Doksasillon and reorganization of the Nation history (신채호의 「독사신론」의 구성과 '민족사'의 재구)

  • Choi, Soo-Ja
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.36
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    • pp.203-228
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    • 2009
  • ChaeHo Shin's major interests were in the ancient history, among other periods of the Korean history. Shin's depiction of history is characterized by having nation in the heart of history, whose tendency of nationalism was purposefully strong. In general, the nationalism of those times was emphasizing a 'strong' nation, just as in the case of Shin's theory, and at the same time stood for the theory of social evolution with a view to raising the nation in the front line of history. The nationalism, in association with the theory of social evolution, ended up having a propensity that criticizes imperialism on the one hand, and envies it on the other. This inclination is literally shown in Doksasillon (A New Guide to Reading History), which is ChaeHo Shin's research on the ancient history. Doksasillon is a historical essay that was published serially in 50 installments from August 27th through December 13th in 1908. Unlike the existing views in the late 1900s on the ancient history, among other ages of the Korean history, Doksasillon can be called a treatise with a focus on nation. Doksasillon is an incomplete study which can be divided into two parts, introduction and ancient times that is the first volume. It, nevertheless, shows the aspect of a powerful nation activist who tried to surmount the life-and-death crisis of nation by 'recalling' the nation in the period of the late-Joseon and the Korean empire in 1908 and 'rediscovering' the territory. It also reflects a slice of a historian's anguish that attempted to cope with the national crisis by virtue of the 'power' of history. It is ChaeHo Shin who 'rediscovered' the Buyeo tribe as the mainstream of the ancient history of Korea, and recomposed and materialized the ancient history. Shin chose the 'Buyeo tribe' as a principal race, and used it as a representative of the Korean nation in the ancient era, which was because Buyeo and Goguryeo were the strongest. The emphasis laid on the powerful nation in the history of Korea well reflects the efforts of a powerful nation activist in the age of the late-Joseon, and on the other hand, it shows how nationalism came to be formed in Korea. ChaeHo Shin is regarded as a person who lived in the age in which nationalism, which underscores the homogeneity of a nation, had to be stressed as a sole weapon for a nation who was left behind in modernization and whose rights were disseized. Dosasillon shows a process of reconstructing the history of DanKun and the Buyeo tribe and unearthing a hero who was valued as a savior of the nation, which was the reason that ChaeHo Shin wrote a history.

Progress and Activation Strategies of Information Service in the School Library (학교도서관의 정보서비스 전개 방향과 활성화 전략)

  • Song, Gi-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.49-69
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze status of information service and to suggest its activation strategies after establishing its category in the school library. As a result of establishing scope and contents of information service, materials of information offering and guide are converged on reading education and information literacy curriculum integrated subjects. But the arrival rate of information service is very low like 48.2% under the 2012 Korean Libraries' Management Evaluation. It is especially poor to raise self resilience and school participation of students with information service involved in the affective domain such as readers' advisory service and bibliotherapy. In order to activate its information service, there is an urgent need for systems improvement in placement of the teacher librarian. It is also necessary to reinforce the status of information literacy instruction under the nation-level curriculum and continuous base expansion as a core information service of the school library. Service development for readers' advisory service and bibliotherapy is also needed to contribute to solving problem and stress situation of the student. The school library has to make an effort to connect its information service with local communities for the school community.

Students' and Teachers' Perception on the Roles and Qualifications of Teacher Librarians based on the Semantic Network Analysis (언어네트워크 분석을 통한 사서교사 역할 및 자질에 대한 학생과 교사의 인식 연구)

  • Lee, Yeon-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.81-102
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the students' and teachers' perception about the roles and qualifications of teacher librarians. For this purpose, data were collected through survey from students and teachers at secondary schools and the data were analyzed by semantic network analysis. The results of the research are as follows: First, students usually perceived the role of teacher librarians as 'library management', and teachers did as 'reading education'. Second, among the roles of teacher librarians, it was confirmed that students' and teachers' perceptions of 'information literacy instruction and library instruction' were very weak. Third, while the students' perception of the role of a teacher librarian as a 'teaching collaborator' such as 'teaching and learning support' and 'library assisted instruction and collaborative instruction' was weak, teachers recognized the role of teacher librarians as 'teaching collaborators'. Fourth, students and teachers perceived high levels of 'information service', which consists of 'book recommendation and guide activities'. Finally, it was investigated that 'professionalism' plays a central role in the students' and teachers' perception about the qualities of teacher librarians. These results can be used to establish the role of teacher librarians, develop response strategies for students and teachers, and improve their awareness.