• 제목/요약/키워드: Ratio of OA Journal

검색결과 87건 처리시간 0.031초

서냉소성법에 의한 사티탄산칼륨 및 육티탄산칼륨 섬유의 합성 (Slow-Cooling Calcination Process to Potassium Tetratitanate and Potassium Hexatitanate Fibers)

  • 최진호;한양수;송승완
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제30권8호
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    • pp.664-670
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    • 1993
  • Potassium tetratitanate (K2Ti4O9) and Potassium hexatitanate (K2Ti6O13) fibers have been prepared by the slow-cooling calcination process in a temperature range from 125$0^{\circ}C$ to 95$0^{\circ}C$ using the K2CO3 and TiO2 as the starting materials. Optimum fiber growth conditions have been also investigated by changing the physical parameters, such as calcination time and temperature, and cooling rate. Relatively long K2Ti4O9 fibers ( 1.2mm) have been grown with quite a high aspect ratio (c/a 500)when the starting material with a nominal composition of K2O and TiO2 with 1:4 was calcined at 115$0^{\circ}C$ for 4h, and then was slowly cooled to 95$0^{\circ}C$ with a rate of 2$0^{\circ}C$/h. In case of a K2O.6TiO2 composition, acicular shaped K2Ti6O13 fibers with 20~300${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ long and low aspect ratio (c/a 10~15) have been formed irrespective of the coolign rate. The growth condition of fibers have been discussed based upon the phase diagram of K2O-TiOa2.

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한발저항성 정도가 다른 보리 품종들의 한발처리에 따른 생리적 특성변화 (Changes in Physiological Characteristics of Barley Genotypes under Drought Stress)

  • 이변우;부금동;백남천;김정곤
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제48권6호
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    • pp.506-515
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    • 2003
  • 이 논문은 한발저항성이 다른 6개 보리 품종의 한발에 따른 생장, 잎의 수분포텐셜(leaf water potential, LWP), 상대함수량(leaf relative water content, RWC), 삼투압(leaf osmotic potential, OP), 삼투조정(osmotic adjustment, OA), 팽압(leaf turgor pressure, LTP), 순광합섬, 기공전도도, 엽육전도도, 엽록소형광 등의 변화를 조사하여 비교한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1 한발 처리시 토양수분포텐셜은 -0.05㎫이었고. 종료시에는 -0.29㎫로 저하하였다. Dicktoo-S 동보리 1호, Dicktoo-L, Dicktoo-T, 수원쌀보리 365호, 탑골보리 품종의 한발처리구 건물중은 각각 대조구(처리기간종 -0.05㎫ 유지)에 비하여 68%, 69%, 70%, 86%, 55%, 37%를 나타내어 Dicktoo 계통과 동보리1호의 한발저항성이 강하였고, 수원쌀보리 365호와 탑골보리는 한발저항성이 약하였다. 2. 한발저항성이 강한 품종은 삼투조정능력이 커서 한발처리에 따른 RWC와 LWP의 저하가 작았고 팽압유지능력이 컸다. 3. 한발처리에 따라 순광합성이 저하하였고 그 저하정도는 한발저항성이 큰 품종이 작았는데, 이는 한발저항성이 큰 품종이 기공전도도, 엽육전도도 및 PSII 최대양자수율(Fv/Fm)의 저하가 적었기 때문이었다. 4. 결론적으로 저항성이 큰 품종은 삼투조정에 의한 수분유지능력이 크고 이에 따라 광합성저하가 적어 상대적으로 생장의 감소가 적은 것으로 판단되었다.

Nano-engineered concrete using recycled aggregates and nano-silica: Taguchi approach

  • Prusty, Rajeswari;Mukharjee, Bibhuti B.;Barai, Sudhirkumar V.
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.253-268
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    • 2015
  • This paper investigates the influence of various mix design parameters on the characteristics of concrete containing recycled coarse aggregates and Nano-Silica using Taguchi method. The present study adopts Water-cement ratio, Recycled Coarse Aggregate (%), Maximum cement content and Nano-Silica (%) as factors with each one having three different levels. Using the above mentioned control parameters with levels an Orthogonal Array (OA) matrix experiments of L9 (34) has selected and nine number of concrete mixes has been prepared. Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength, Flexural Tensile Strength, Modulus of Elasticity and Non-Destructive parameters are selected as responses. Experimental results are analyzed and the optimum level for each response is predicted. Analysis of 28 days CS depicts that NS (%) is the most significant factor among all factors. Analysis of the tensile strength results indicates that the effect of control factor W/C ratio is ranked one and then NS (%) is ranked two which suggests that W/C ratio and NS (%) have more influence as compared to other two factors. However, the factor that affects the modulus of elasticity most is found to be RCA (%). Finally, validation experiments have been carried out with the optimal mixture of concrete with Nano-Silica for the desired engineering properties of recycled aggregate concrete. Moreover, the comparative study of the predicted and experimental results concludes that errors between both experimental and predicted values are within the permissible limits. This present study highlights the application of Taguchi method as an efficient tool in determining the effects of constituent materials in mix proportioning of concrete.

백령도 및 서울 대기오염집중측정소 에어로졸 질량 분석기 자료를 이용한 대기 중 에어로졸 화학적 특성 연구 (Chemical Characteristics of PM1 using Aerosol Mass Spectrometer at Baengnyeong Island and Seoul Metropolitan Area)

  • 박태현;반지희;강석원;김영성;신혜정;박종성;박승명;문광주;임용재;이민도;이상보;김정수;김순태;배창한;이용환;이태형
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제34권3호
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    • pp.430-446
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    • 2018
  • To improve understanding of the sources and chemical properties of particulate pollutants on the Korean Peninsula, An Aerodyne High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) measured non-refractory fine particle ($NR-PM_1$) from 2013 to 2015 at Baengnyeong Island and Seoul metropolitan area (SMA), Korea. The chemical composition of $NR-PM_1$ in Baengnyeong island was dominated by organics and sulfate in the range of 36~38% for 3 years, and the organics were the dominant species in the range of 44~55% of $NR-PM_1$ in Seoul metropolitan area. The sulfate was found to be more than 85% of the anthropogenic origin in the both areas of Baengnyeong and SMA. Ratio of gas to particle partition of sulfate and nitrate were observed in both areas as more than 0.6 and 0.8, respectively, representing potential for formation of additional particulate sulfate and nitrate. The high-resolution spectra of organic aerosol (OA) were separated by three factors which were Primary OA(POA), Semi-Volatility Oxygenated Organic Aerosol (SV-OOA), and Low-Volatility OOA(LV-OOA) using positive matrix factorization (PMF) analysis. The fraction of oxygenated OA (SOA, ${\fallingdotseq}OOA$=SV-OOA+LV-OOA) was bigger than the fraction of POA in $NR-PM_1$. The POA fraction of OA in Seoul is higher than it of Baengnyeong Island, because Seoul has a relatively large number of primary pollutants, such as gasoline or diesel vehicle, factories, energy facilities. Potential source contribution function (PSCF) analysis revealed that transport from eastern China, an industrial area with high emissions, was associated with high particulate sulfate and organic concentrations at the Baengnyeong and SMA sites. PSCF also presents that the ship emissions on the Yellow Sea was associated with high particulate sulfate concentrations at the measurement sites.

초분광 이미지를 이용한 배나무 화상병에 대한 최적 분광 밴드 선정 (Spectral Band Selection for Detecting Fire Blight Disease in Pear Trees by Narrowband Hyperspectral Imagery)

  • 강예성;박준우;장시형;송혜영;강경석;유찬석;김성헌;전새롬;강태환;김국환
    • 한국농림기상학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.15-33
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    • 2021
  • 화상병이란 erwinia amylovora라는 강한 전염성을 보유하고 있어 감염 시 1년 내에 과수를 고사시키며 그 중심으로 반경 500m이내에 과수 재배를 불가능하게 만드는 세균성 바이러스이다. 이 화상병은 과수의 잎과 가지를 진한 갈색 또는 검은색으로 변색시키기 때문에 분광학적으로 검출이 가능하다고 판단되며 이는 다중분광센서를 탑재한 무인기를 이용하는 것이 효율적이다. 그러나 다중분광센서는 적은 중심 파장과 함께 넓은 반치전폭(FWHM)을 가지고 있어 화상병에 가장 민감하게 반응하는 파장 대역을 파악하기 어렵다. 그렇기 때문에, 본 논문에서는 화상병에 감염된 잎과 가지와 비감염된 잎과 가지의 초분광 이미지를 5 nm FWHM으로 취득한 후 각각 10 nm, 25 nm, 50 nm와 80 nm FWHM로 평준화한 후 샘플을 7:3, 5:5와 3:7의 비율로 훈련데이터와 검증데이터로 나누어 의사결정트리 기법으로 최적의 파장을 선정하고 overall accuracy (OA)와 kappa coefficient (KC)를 이용한 분류 정확도 평가를 통해 배나무 화상병 검출가능성을 확인하였다. 화상병에 감염 및 비감염된 잎과 가지의 초분광 반사율을 비교한 결과, green, red edge 및 NIR 영역에서 차이가 두드러지게 나타났으며 첫 번째 분류 노드로 선택된 파장 영역은 대체로 750 nm와 800 nm였다. 잎과 가지 영역의 영상데이터를 의사결정트리 기법을 이용하여 분류정확도를 종합적으로 비교한 결과, 50nm FWHM 인 4개 대역(450, 650, 750, 950nm)은 10nm FWHM인 8개 대역(440, 580, 660, 680, 680, 710, 730, 740nm)의 분류 정확도 차이가 OA에서 1.8%와 KC에서 4.1%로 나타나 더 낮은 비용의 밴드패스필터인 50nm FWHM을 이용하는 것이 더 유리하다고 판단된다. 또한 기존의 50nm FWHM 파장대역들에 25nm FWHM파장대역들(550, 800nm)을 추가하는 것을 통해 화상병 검출뿐만 아니라 농업에서 다양한 역할을 수행할 수 있는 다중분광센서를 개발할 수 있다고 판단된다.

미세균열의 간격 분포를 이용한 결의 평가(V) (Evaluation for Rock Cleavage Using Distribution of Microcrack Spacings (V))

  • 박덕원
    • 암석학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.297-309
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    • 2017
  • 거창지역의 쥬라기 화강암에 대하여 결의 특성에 대한 분석을 실시하였다. 박편의 확대사진 및 간격-누적빈도 도표에서 도출한 16개 파라미터의 결합을 통하여 결에 대한 종합적인 평가를 실시하였다. 결에 대한 이들 간격의 파라미터의 대표값에 대한 분석 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 상기 파라미터는 그룹 I(간격의 빈도수(N), 총 간격($1mm{\geq}$), 상수(a), 지수(${\lambda}$), 지수 직선의 기울기(${\theta}$), 선의 길이(oa') 및 삼각비($sin{\theta}$, $tan{\theta}$) 그리고 그룹 II(평균 간격(Sm), 평균 간격과 중앙 간격 사이의 차이값(Sm-Sme), 밀도(${\rho}$), 선의 길이(oa 및 aa'), 직각삼각형(${\Delta}oaa^{\prime}$)의 면적 및 삼각비($cos{\theta}$)로 분류할 수 있다. 그룹 I에 속하는 8개 파라미터의 값은 H(3번 결, H1+H2)

Genetic Diversity and Differentiation of Colletotrichum spp. Isolates Associated with Leguminosae Using Multigene Loci, RAPD and ISSR

  • Mahmodi, Farshid;Kadir, J.B.;Puteh, A.;Pourdad, S.S.;Nasehi, A.;Soleimani, N.
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.10-24
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    • 2014
  • Genetic diversity and differentiation of 50 Colletotrichum spp. isolates from legume crops studied through multigene loci, RAPD and ISSR analysis. DNA sequence comparisons by six genes (ITS, ACT, Tub2, CHS-1, GAPDH, and HIS3) verified species identity of C. truncatum, C. dematium and C. gloeosporiodes and identity C. capsici as a synonym of C. truncatum. Based on the matrix distance analysis of multigene sequences, the Colletotrichum species showed diverse degrees of intera and interspecific divergence (0.0 to 1.4%) and (15.5-19.9), respectively. A multilocus molecular phylogenetic analysis clustered Colletotrichum spp. isolates into 3 well-defined clades, representing three distinct species; C. truncatum, C. dematium and C. gloeosporioides. The ISSR and RAPD and cluster analysis exhibited a high degree of variability among different isolates and permitted the grouping of isolates of Colletotrichum spp. into three distinct clusters. Distinct populations of Colletotrichum spp. isolates were genetically in accordance with host specificity and inconsistent with geographical origins. The large population of C. truncatum showed greater amounts of genetic diversity than smaller populations of C. dematium and C. gloeosporioides species. Results of ISSR and RAPD markers were congruent, but the effective maker ratio and the number of private alleles were greater in ISSR markers.

Phylogenetic Analysis of Phaeosphaeria Species Using Mating Type Genes and Distribution of Mating Types in Iran

  • Ghaderi, Fariba;Habibi, Azadeh;Sharifnabi, Bahram
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.78-89
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    • 2022
  • Phaeosphaeria species are pathogenic on wheat, barley and a wide range of wild grasses. To analyze mating type loci of the Phaeosphaeria species and investigate mating type distribution in Iran, we sequenced mating type loci of 273 Phaeosphaeria isolates including 67 isolates obtained from symptomatic leaves and ears of wheat, barley, and wild grasses from two wheat growing region in Iran as well as 206 isolates from our collection from other regions in Iran which were isolated in our previous studies. Mating type genes phylogeny was successfully used to determine the species identity and relationships among isolates within the Phaeosphaeria spp. complex. In this study, we reported seven new host records for Phaeosphaeria species and the Phaeosphaeria avenaria f. sp. tritici 3 group was first reported from Iran in this study. Mating type distribution among Phaeosphaeria species was determined. Both mating types were present in all sampling regions from Iran. We observed skewed distribution of mating types in one region (Kohgiluyeh va Boyer-Ahmad) and equal distribution in the other region (Bushehr). However, when considering our entire dataset of 273 Iranian Phaeosphaeria isolates, the ratio of mating types was not deviated significantly from 1:1 suggesting possibilities for isolates of opposite mating type to interact and reproduce sexually, although the sexual cycle may infrequently occur in some regions especially when the climatic conditions are unfavorable for teleomorph development.

생분해성 고분자를 이용한 발수 에멀션의 제조 (I) - PLA 및 PBS 에멀션의 제조 - (Preparation of Emulsion from Biodegradable Polymer (I) - Preparation of PLA and PBS Emulsions -)

  • 이민형;김강재;엄태진
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제44권6호
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2012
  • Water-in-oil emulsion (W/O) and oil-in-water emulsion (O/W) types biodegradable polymer emulsions prepared to PLA and PBS. The optimal mixing ratio of polymer : solvent : OA : TEA : water was found be 10 : 40 : 4 : 6 : 30(g) when preparing emulsions. Biodegradability was most retained after preparation of polymer emulsions. Particle size of PLA and PBS emulsions were 2-3 ${\mu}m$ and 3-4 ${\mu}m$, respectively. Molecular weight of PLA and PBS emulsions were 108,000 and 92,000, respectively. And molecular weight of PLA and PBS emulsions became slightly lower than those of pellets.

Silage용 옥수수와 두과작물의 간작에 관한 연구 I. Silage용 옥수수 ( Zea mays L. ) 동부 ( Vigna sinensis King ) 의 간작이 생육특성과 건물 및 유기물 수량에 미치는 영향 (Studies on Corn-Legume Intercropping System III. Growth charateristics, dry matter and organic matter yield in corn(Zea mays L.) and soybean(Glycine max L. Merr) intercropping)

  • 이성규
    • 한국초지조사료학회지
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.158-164
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    • 1988
  • The growth characteristics and yield per unit area of two cropping systems, corn monoculture and 'wrnsoybean intercropping, were compared and the obtained results were as follows; 1.The two cultivation systems were not significantly different in leaf length, leaf width and length of internode at harvesting time. 2.The weight of stalk and the leaves of a plant were decreased with maturity, while the weight of ear was markedly increased. The patterns of relative ratio of each components were essentialy same in each cultivation systems. In corn monoculture, the percentages of stalk, leaf, and ear at final harvesting stage were 22.9, 13.7, and 63.4 and in corn-soybean intercropping, they were 21.8, 10.9, and 67.3 respectively. 3.Dry matter yield per unit area (kg/lOa) of intercropped corn at yellow stage was similar to that of monocultured corn (1, 483 kg/ 10a vs 1, 509 kg/ 10a). At ripe stage, however, the dry matter yield of intercropped plant was more than that of monocultured (1, 679 vs 1, 660 kg/ 10a). 4.The same pattern was observed in organic matter yield.

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