• 제목/요약/키워드: Radiation Prediction

검색결과 536건 처리시간 0.028초

Effect of Internal Fluid Resonance on the Performance of a Floating OWC Device

  • Cho, Il Hyoung
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.216-228
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    • 2021
  • In the present study, the performance of a floating oscillating water column (OWC) device has been studied in regular waves. The OWC model has the shape of a hollow cylinder. The linear potential theory is assumed, and a matched eigenfunction expansion method(MEEM) is applied for solving the diffraction and radiation problems. The radiation problem involves the radiation of waves by the heaving motion of a floating OWC device and the oscillating pressure in the air chamber. The characteristics of the exciting forces, hydrodynamic forces, flow rate, air pressure in the chamber, and heave motion response are investigated with various system parameters, such as the inner radius, draft of an OWC, and turbine constant. The efficiency of a floating OWC device is estimated in connection with the extracted wave power and capture width. Specifically, the piston-mode resonance in an internal fluid region plays an important role in the performance of a floating OWC device, along with the heave motion resonance. The developed prediction tool will help determine the various design parameters affecting the performance of a floating OWC device in waves.

Prediction of coal and gas outburst risk at driving working face based on Bayes discriminant analysis model

  • Chen, Liang;Yu, Liang;Ou, Jianchun;Zhou, Yinbo;Fu, Jiangwei;Wang, Fei
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2020
  • With the coal mining depth increasing, both stress and gas pressure rapidly enhance, causing coal and gas outburst risk to become more complex and severe. The conventional method for prediction of coal and gas outburst adopts one prediction index and corresponding critical value to forecast and cannot reflect all the factors impacting coal and gas outburst, thus it is characteristic of false and missing forecasts and poor accuracy. For the reason, based on analyses of both the prediction indicators and the factors impacting coal and gas outburst at the test site, this work carefully selected 6 prediction indicators such as the index of gas desorption from drill cuttings Δh2, the amount of drill cuttings S, gas content W, the gas initial diffusion velocity index ΔP, the intensity of electromagnetic radiation E and its number of pulse N, constructed the Bayes discriminant analysis (BDA) index system, studied the BDA-based multi-index comprehensive model for forecast of coal and gas outburst risk, and used the established discriminant model to conduct coal and gas outburst prediction. Results showed that the BDA - based multi-index comprehensive model for prediction of coal and gas outburst has an 100% of prediction accuracy, without wrong and omitted predictions, can also accurately forecast the outburst risk even for the low indicators outburst. The prediction method set up by this study has a broad application prospect in the prediction of coal and gas outburst risk.

일반병원과 치과병원과의 방사선 관계종사자 피폭선량 비교분석 (A Comparative Analysis of Exposure Doses between the Radiation Workers in Dental and General Hospital)

  • 양남희;정운관;동경래;최은진;주용진;송하진
    • 방사선산업학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2015
  • Research and investigation is required for the exposure dose of radiation workers to work in the dental hospital as increasing interest in exposure dose of the dental hospital recently accordingly, study aim to minimize radiation exposure by making a follow-up study of individual exposure doses of radiation workers, analyzing the status on individual radiation exposure management, prediction the radiation disability risk levels by radiation, and alerting the workers to the danger of radiation exposure. Especially given the changes in the dental hospital radiation safety awareness conducted the study in order to minimize radiation exposure. This study performed analyses by a comparison between general and dental hospital, comparing each occupation, with the 116,220 exposure dose data by quarter and year of 5,811 subjects at general and dental hospital across South Korea from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2012. The following are the results obtained by analyzing average values year and quarter. In term of hospital, average doses were significantly higer in general hospitals than detal ones. In terms of job, average doses were higher in radiological technologists the other workes. Especially, they showed statistically significant differences between radiological technologists than dentists. The above-mentioned results indicate that radiation workers were exposed to radiation for the past 5 years to the extent not exceeding the dose limit (maximum $50mSv\;y^{-1}$). The limitation of this study is that radiation workers before 2008 were excluded from the study. Objective evaluation standards did not apply to the work circumstance or condition of each hospital. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to work out analysis criteria that will be used as objective evaluation standard. It will be necessary to study radiation exposure in more precise ways on the basis of objective analysis standard in the furture. Should try to minimize the radiation individual dose of radiation workers.

Prognostic Significance of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography (PET)-based Parameters in Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Treatment of Esophageal Carcinoma

  • Ma, Jin-Bo;Chen, Er-Cheng;Song, Yi-Peng;Liu, Peng;Jiang, Wei;Li, Ming-Huan;Yu, Jin-Ming
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.2477-2481
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    • 2013
  • Aims and Background: The purpose of the research was to study the prognostic value of tumor 18F-FDG PET-based parameters in neoadjuvant chemoradiation for patients with squamous esophageal carcinoma. Methods: Sixty patients received chemoradiation therapy followed by esophagectomy and two 18FDG-PET examinations at pre- and post-radiation therapy. PET-based metabolic-response parameters were calculated based on histopathologic response. Linear regression correlation and Cox proportional hazards models were used to determine prognostic value of all PET-based parameters with reference to overall survival. Results: Sensitivity (88.2%) and specificity (86.5%) of a percentage decrease of SUVmax were better than other PET-based parameters for prediction of histopathologic response. Only percentage decrease of SUVmax and tumor length correlated with overall survival time (linear regression coefficient ${\beta}$: 0.704 and 0.684, P<0.05). The Cox proportional hazards model indicated higher hazard ratio (HR=0.897, P=0.002) with decrease of SUVmax compared with decrease of tumor size (HR=0.813, P=0.009). Conclusion: Decrease of SUVmax and tumor size are significant prognostic factors in chemoradiation of esophageal carcinoma.

Evaluating the Effects of Dose Rate on Dynamic Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Quality Assurance

  • Kim, Kwon Hee;Back, Tae Seong;Chung, Eun Ji;Suh, Tae Suk;Sung, Wonmo
    • 한국의학물리학회지:의학물리
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.116-121
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: To investigate the effects of dose rate on intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) quality assurance (QA). Methods: We performed gamma tests using portal dose image prediction and log files of a multileaf collimator. Thirty treatment plans were randomly selected for the IMRT QA plan, and three verification plans for each treatment plan were generated with different dose rates (200, 400, and 600 monitor units [MU]/min). These verification plans were delivered to an electronic portal imager attached to a Varian medical linear accelerator, which recorded and compared with the planned dose. Root-mean-square (RMS) error values of the log files were also compared. Results: With an increase in dose rate, the 2%/2-mm gamma passing rate decreased from 90.9% to 85.5%, indicating that a higher dose rate was associated with lower radiation delivery accuracy. Accordingly, the average RMS error value increased from 0.0170 to 0.0381 cm as dose rate increased. In contrast, the radiation delivery time reduced from 3.83 to 1.49 minutes as the dose rate increased from 200 to 600 MU/min. Conclusions: Our results indicated that radiation delivery accuracy was lower at higher dose rates; however, the accuracy was still clinically acceptable at dose rates of up to 600 MU/min.

가상행성 섭동력을 고려한 긴 주기 GPS 위성궤도예측기법 (Long-Term GPS Satellite Orbit Prediction Scheme with Virtual Planet Perturbation)

  • 유승수;이정혁;한진희;지규인;김선용
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제18권11호
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    • pp.989-996
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze GPS (Global Positioning System) satellite orbital mechanics, and then to propose a novel long-term GPS satellite orbit prediction scheme including virtual planet perturbation. The GPS orbital information is a necessary prerequisite to pinpointing the location of a GPS receiver. When a GPS receiver has been shut down for a long time, however, the time needed to fix it before its reuse is too long due to the long-standing GPS orbital information. To overcome this problem, the GPS orbital mechanics was studied, such as Newton's equation of motion for the GPS satellite, including the non-spherical Earth effect, the luni-solar attraction, and residual perturbations. The residual perturbations are modeled as a virtual planet using the least-square algorithm for a moment. Through the modeling of the virtual planet with the aforementioned orbital mechanics, a novel GPS orbit prediction scheme is proposed. The numerical results showed that the prediction error was dramatically reduced after the inclusion of virtual planet perturbation.

Prediction of short-term algal bloom using the M5P model-tree and extreme learning machine

  • Yi, Hye-Suk;Lee, Bomi;Park, Sangyoung;Kwak, Keun-Chang;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.404-411
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we designed a data-driven model to predict chlorophyll-a using M5P model tree and extreme learning machine (ELM). The Juksan weir in the Youngsan River has high chlorophyll-a, which is the primary indicator of algal bloom every year. Short-term algal bloom prediction is important for environmental management and ecological assessment. Two models were developed and evaluated for short-term algal bloom prediction. M5P is a classification and regression-analysis-based method, and ELM is a feed-forward neural network with fast learning using the least square estimate for regression. The dataset used in this study includes water temperature, rainfall, solar radiation, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, N/P ratio, and chlorophyll-a, which were collected on a daily basis from January 2013 to December 2016. The M5P model showed that the prediction model after one day had the highest performance power and dropped off rapidly starting with predictions after three days. Comparing the performance power of the ELM model with the M5P model, it was found that the performance power of the 1-7 d chlorophyll-a prediction model was higher. Moreover, in a period of rapidly increasing algal blooms, the ELM model showed higher accuracy than the M5P model.