• Title/Summary/Keyword: R123

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  • CHOE Jung Shin
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.123-127
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    • 1978
  • Distributions of microplankton in two different regions of the East China Sea were studied based on the plankton samples collected by R. V. Umitaka Maru of Fisheries University of Tokyo, Japan in September, 1975. The abundance distribution and species composition of the two areas were interpreted with their temperature-salinity properties. The two areas aye characterized by differences in the depth of thermocline, the nature of surface and bottom waters, and the abundance and species composition of microplankton.

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Larval development of Rhinolithodes wosnessenskii Brandt (Decapoda: Anomura: Lithodidae) reared in the laboratory

  • Kim, Mi-Hyang;Hong, Sung-Yun
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2010
  • The complete larval development of Rhinolithodes wosnessenskii Brandt, 1848 is described, based on laboratory rearing. The species has four zoeal stages and a megalopa. The zoeas of R. wosnessenskii are readily distinguished from all other described zoeas of the subfamily Lithodinae by having a middorsal spine of the posterior margin of the carapace.

Sythesis of Polyamidesulfamide Acid as a New Proton-Conductive Membrane

  • Tago, T.;Morishita, N.;Nishide, H.
    • Proceedings of the Membrane Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.121-123
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    • 2004
  • Sulfonamide moiety, RNSO$_2$, has been studied as biologically active compounds such as antibacterials.$^1$ Bissulfonylimide group,-SO$_2$NHSO$_2$-, has been introduced to the side chain of Nafion$^{(R)}$ to be the base moiety for an acid doping.$^2$However, to the best of our knowledge, there has been no report on SULFAMIDE ACID(Scheme 1), one of the sulfonic acid derivatives.(omitted)d)

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Research on the Self-Esteem, Resilience, and Quality of life of Hemodialysis Patient (혈액투석 환자의 자아존중감, 극복력 및 삶의 질에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Chung-Sook;Jung, Sun-Young
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2020
  • The research was to identify difference of values of the self-esteem, resilience and quality of life of hemodialysis patients. The survey was conducted to collect data between February 1 and 28 of 2020. SPSS/WIN 20 program was used to perform descriptive, correlation, and multiple regression analyses. In the correlation analysis, Cohabitation form(r=.262, p<.01), Economic status(r=.278, p<.01), Current health status recognition(r=.294, p<.01), Self-esteem(r=.547, p<.01), Resilience(r=637, p<.01) turned out to be influential factor for self-esteem, resilience, and quality of life according to general and disease of characteristics. Therefore, on the basis of this research, it is meaningful to provide basic data for the development of nursing interventions that allow one to embrace one's health condition and find the meaning of life in order to improve the quality of life of hemodialysis patients.

The Findings and Implications from the TIMSS and TIMSS-R Korean data (TIMSS와 TIMSS-R 수학성취도 결과로부터의 시사점)

  • Kyungmee Park
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.123-136
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    • 2001
  • 우리나라 중학교 2학년 학생들은 제3차 수학.과학 국제비교연구인 TIMSS와 그 반복연구인 TIMSS-R의 수학 검사에서 최상위권의 성취 수준을 보임으로써 국내외 연구자들의 관심의 초점이 되어 왔다. 이 논문은 우선 우리나라 학생들이 높은 성취 수준을 기록할 수 있는 원인을 $\circled1$ 체계적인 수 세기 방식, $\circled2$ 상급 학교 진학을 위한 시험의 대비, $\circled3$ 수학 교사 의 능력, $\circled4$ 교육과정과 검사와의 관련성, $\circled5$ 검사에 대한 태도라는 다섯 가지 측면에서 탐색하였다. 또한 높은 성취 수준 이면에 드리워진 부정 적인 측면을 조망하여 $\circled1$ 공학적 도구 의 이용에 대한 소극성, $\circled2$ 실생활 관련 문장제에 대한 저조한 성취 수준, $\circled3$ 지역에 따른 성취 수준의 차이, $\circled4$ 수학에 대한 부정적인 태도의 네 가지로 요약하였다. 또한 TIMSS-R 의 수학 성취 수준에 대한 성별 차이를 $\circled1$ 친숙함/생소함, $\circled2$ 대수/기하, $\circled3$ 자유반응형/선택형이라는 세 가지 측면에서 분석하였다. 마지막으로 국제비교 연구의 결과는 국가별 평균성취 수준의 양적인 비교에 초점을 두기보다는, 성취도 이면에 깔린 다양한 요소에 대한 복합적인 고려와 깊이 있는 분석을 통해 수학교육의 현 상태를 점검하는 하나의 잣대로 이용해야 한다는 점을 지적하였다.

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Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of a Cogeneration System in Series Circuit Using Regenerative ORC (재생 유기랭킨사이클을 이용한 직렬 열병합 발전 시스템의 열역학적 성능 특성)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.278-286
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents the analytical results of the thermodynamic performance characteristics for a cogeneration system using regenerative organic Rankine cycle (ORC) driven by low-grade heat source. The combined heat and power cogeneration system consists of a regenerative superheated ORC and an additional process heater in a series circuit. Eight working fluids of R134a, R152a, propane, isobutane, butane, R245fa, R123, and isopentane are considered for the analysis. Special attention is paid to the effect of turbine inlet pressure on the system performance such as thermal input, net power and useful heat productions, electrical, thermal, and system efficiencies. The results show a significant effect of the turbine inlet pressure and selection of working fluid on the thermodynamic performance of the system.

Effects on the Gas Dispersion by Changed Gas Composition (가스의 성분변화가 확산에 미치는 영향)

  • Min, Dongchul;Gye, Hyeri;Kim, Sungtae;Kim, JongMin;Kwon, Jeong-Rock;Kim, Byung-Duk
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2015
  • Recetly, Many industry have used unknown composition gases and no information gases. These gases were used increasing. As use increases, The more important software that can predict dispersion region and speed. It is very difficult to predict the dispersion of new gases. Because, it is predict from existing database. In this study, we propose to esimate dispersion region and speed of some gases, using a FLACS software and equivalent gas.

Determination of Terbutaline Enantiomers in Human Urine by Capillary Electrophoresis Using $Hydroxypropyl-{\beta}-cyclodextrin$ as a Chiral Selector

  • Kim, Kyeong-Ho;Seo, Sang-Hun;Kim, Hyun-Ju;Jeun, Eun-Young;Kang, Jong-Seong;Mar, Woong-Chon;Youm, Jeong-Rok
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.120-123
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    • 2003
  • A method for the determination of terbutaline enantiomers in human urine by capillary elctrophoresis has been developed. Optimum resolution was achieved using 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 2.5, containing 15 mM of hydroxypropyl-$\beta$-cyclodextrin as a chiral selector. Urine samples were prepared by solid-phase extraction with Sep-pak silica, followed by CE. The assay was linear between 2-250 ng/mL (R = 0.9998 for (S)-(+)-terbutaline and R = 0.9999 for (R)-(-)-terbutaline) and detection limit was 0.8 ng/mL. The intra-day variation ranged between 6.3 and 14.5% in relation to the measured concentration and the inter-day variation was 8.2-20.1%. It has been applied to the determination of (S)-(+)-terbutaline and (R)-(-)-terbutaline in urine from healthy volunteer dosed with racemic terbutaline sulfate.