• Title/Summary/Keyword: Psychological happiness

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Exploratory Study on the Relationships among Social Use of the Internet, Personality, and Well-Being (인터넷의 사회적 사용, 성격 및 안녕감 관계에 대한 탐색적 접근)

  • Lee, Gyu-Dong;Kwon, Soon-Jae
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.87-103
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    • 2009
  • Although the Internet has been a important communication tool in modem societies, researchers did not pay attention to its' positive impacts on individual's psychological process. The Internet provides users with a unique environment such as visual isolation, non face-to-face communication, and easiness to escape from social influences. This environment enables people to take free action according to their personality and disclose themselves. From the uses and gratification perspective, the current research reveals that individuals with high extraversion are inclined to maintain social networking sites and those with high openness participate in web communities. The findings indicate that individuals' social use of the internet may reflect their personality. This study, also, reveals that controlling the big five personality dimensions, the amount of self-disclosure through ones' social networking site is positively related with subjective happiness. This finding suggests that like confession behaviors in religious or curing facilities, people can use the Internet as a therapeutic or a preventative method for promoting their well-being. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed.

The impact of leisure sports activities in older adults on wellness awareness, perceived freedom, and subjective well-being

  • Yanke Zhang;Sunmun Park
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.244-254
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between leisure sports activities among the elderly, wellness awareness, perceived freedom, and subjective well-being. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the study subjects were selected as the population aged 65 or older who lived in the Gwangju Metropolitan City area in 2022 and engaged in leisure sports activities. As for the sampling method, samples were extracted using cluster random sampling. A total of 300 people, 150 male and 150 female, were sampled. The survey tool was modified and supplemented according to this study based on the questionnaire that had been verified for reliability and validity in previous studies, and all questionnaire items were composed of a 5-point scale. The statistical analysis used for data analysis was frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS Windows 21.0 Version. First, it was found that the wellness perception of the elderly partially affects the perceived sense of freedom. Second, it was found that the wellness perception of the elderly partially affects psychological happiness. Third, the elderly's perceived sense of freedom was found to affect their subjective well-being. Considering these research results, in order to effectively improve the quality of life in old age, it is important to promote physical, mental, emotional, and social relationships through nature-friendly sports activities to improve subjective life motivation, satisfaction, and happiness. It can be said that it increases the sense of well-being.

Overcoming Experiences of Family Members Caring for Elderly Patients with Dementia at Home (재가 치매 노인환자를 돌보는 가족원의 극복 경험)

  • Sung, Mi Ra;Yi, Myungsun;Lee, Dong Young;Jang, Hye Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.389-398
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to understand and describe the overcoming experiences of family members caring for elderly patients with dementia at home. Methods: Data came from autobiographies on the overcoming experiences of caregiving from 31 participants, who had submitted the autobiographies to a public contest held by the Seoul Metropolitan Center for Dementia in 2012. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Four overcoming stages emerged from the analysis: confronting stage; challenging stage; integrating stage; and transcendental stage, representing transformation of experiences from frustration and suffering to happiness and new hope in life. The confronting stage illustrates severe negative feelings and exhaustion occurring after the diagnosis of dementia. The challenging stage signifies major driving forces in taking good care of their patients. It includes tender loving memories about the patients as well as family and social supports. The integrating stage shows genuine empathy for the patients' situation and the happiness of 'here and now', while the transcendental stage represents new hope in the future. Conclusion: Health professionals need to support caregivers to find true meaning of caring and happiness in everyday life, while providing specific information on dementia care and relieving various negative feelings.

Is Does Failure Mindset Transmitted through Generations?: The Dual Mediating Effects of Mother's Happiness and Mother-Adolescent Open Communication (실패 마인드셋은 세대 간 전승되는가?: 어머니의 행복감과 개방적 의사소통의 이중매개효과)

  • Jung, Jiyu;Kim, Hansaem;Yang, Sujin
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.419-439
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between failure mindset of the mother and adolescent, along with the mediating effects of mother's happiness and mother-adolescents (first and second-year middle school students in Seoul) open communication. For this study, self-reported data of 270 mother-adolescent dyads were analyzed using SPSS and Process macro Model 6. The results revealed that the mother's failure mindset directly predicted their adolescent's failure mindset. The mediating effect of the mother-adolescent open communication was significant, but the mediating effect of the mother's happiness was not significant. However, the mediation effect of the mother's failure mindset on the adolescent's failure mindset through mother's happiness and mother-adolescent open communication was significant. These results suggest that "failure-is-enhancing" mindset of mothers improve their positive affect and parenting skills, which contributes to developing adolescent's belief system about failure. Putting the results together, this study is significant in that it identified the intergenerational relationship of the failure mindset. Besides, the study results serve as a foundation for intervening on the adolescent's failure mindset by verifying the developmental mechanism of the failure mindset.

Relationship among Recognition of Self-view, Conditions for Happiness, Social Comparison, and Self-esteem: Focused on Age Differences (내-외적 자기개념, 행복조건, 사회비교와 자기존중감의 관계: 초·중·고·대학생 비교)

  • Jonghan Yi ;Eun-A Park
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.423-445
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    • 2010
  • Previous research have demonstrated that the external factors (ex., money, appearance) are more influential in Easterners' self-views and conditions for happiness than those of Westerners'. Based on these results, the current study examined whether 1) children and adolescents acquired these tendency as they grew up and 2) this tendency had relevance with social comparison. Total 954 students (260 elementary, 216 middle school, 260 high school and 218 college students) participated in the study. The results showed that elementary and middle school students regarded the internal factors (ex., thinking, feeling) as more important. But high school students considered the external factors as more important, and there was no difference in college students. Also, the results revealed that elementary and middle school students regarded the harmony of family and peace of mind as more important conditions for happiness. These results contrasted with preference for better educational backgrounds, better occupation, and money in high school and college students. In addition, age and social comparison tendency had positive relation with external self-concepts and negative relation with self-esteem. Especially, high school students showed strongest external self-concepts and social comparison tendency among four age groups. They also showed strongest preference for external conditions for happiness, but their self-esteem was the lowest. This might reflect fierce competition for college education in Korea, and the results of the current study have demonstrated that adolescents developed a tendency to prefer external factors to internal factors as they grew up in a competitive environment.

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Identifying Latent Classes in School Readiness and Testing its' Relationship to School Adaption and Psychological Well-being (학교준비도 잠재계층에 따른 초등학교 저학년 시기의 학교적응 및 심리적 특성 차이 검증: 부모, 교사의 중다 평정 자료 활용을 중심으로)

  • Yeon, Eun Mo;Choi, Hyo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to identify latent classes in school readiness which were measured by both parents and teachers, and to test the relationship with school adaption, academic abilities, problematic behaviors, self-esteem, and happiness. Latent Profile Analysis (LPA), MANOVA, and one-way ANOVA were conducted using the data of 1,154 1st to 3rd grade elementary school students, and the data was collected between the 7th year (2014) to the 10th year (2017) from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Study. The results of study were as follows. First, four school readiness groups were identified: the consistent low group, parent perceived high group, the teacher perceived high group, the consistent high group. Second, the consistent high group and the teacher perceived high group showed relatively better academic abilities and school adaption than the consistent low group. Furthermore, the consistent high group showed higher academic abilities, self-esteem, and happiness, but lower problematic behaviors than the consistent low group. The findings of this study could be utilized as preliminary data for understanding school readiness to promote successful school adaption and psychological well-being of children.

Social Exclusion, Raising Companion Animals, and Psychological Well-Being: An Exploratory Study (사회적 배제, 반려동물 키우기, 그리고 심리적 안녕감: 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, Guk-Hee
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2019
  • This exploratory study investigated the effects of the interaction between the experience of social exclusion and the presence or absence of a companion animal on the psychological well-being of individuals. Participants answered questions about whether or not they were respected by the community (yes or no); whether or not they currently have a companion animal (yes or no); and if they do, what kind of animal(s) they raise (multiple answers allowed). The study also assessed the psychological well-being of the participants. The group that experienced social exclusion demonstrated lower levels of psychological well-being than the group that did not. In addition, the group that reported the presence of at least one companion animal evinced higher levels of psychological well-being than the group that did not. Individuals who experienced social exclusion but lived with at least one companion animal were found to display superior psychological well-being than those who could not avail of the company of an animal. No difference in psychological well-being was found between those with a companion animal and those without one in the group that did not experience social exclusion. In conclusion, this study observed the effects of the binary interactions between social exclusion (experienced vs. not experienced) and the existence of companion animals (presence vs. absence) on the psychological well-being of people. The empirical data offer theoretical implications for the conditions in which companion animals do or do not improve psychological well-being in humans.

The Relationship between Exercise Emotion, Leisure Satisfaction and Psychological Well-being of Participants in Life Sports in the COVID 19 (코로나 19상황에서 생활체육 참여자들의 운동정서, 여가만족, 심리적 웰빙의 관계)

  • Jung, Joo-Hyug;Kim, Keum-Ja;Yoo, Jung-In
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic information to help improve the quality of life by identifying the relationship between exercise emotion, leisure satisfaction, and psychological well-being for subjects who are participating in physical sports on a limited condition in a pandemic situation caused by COVID-19. To achieve the purpose of this study, Statistical analysis was performed accordingly, after data were collected through the significance sampling method using the sports emotion, leisure satisfaction, and psychological well-being scales from members who participate in physical sports at a sports facility located in Gyeonggi-do. As a result of the analysis, first, it was found that there were no significant differences in exercise emotion, leisure satisfaction, and psychological well-being by the gender of the participants. Second, there was a significant difference in exercise emotion, leisure satisfaction, and psychological well-being by the careers of them. Third, there was a significant positive correlation between exercise emotion, leisure satisfaction, and psychological well-being. Fourth, exercise emotion affected psychological well-being, having a positive effect on leisure satisfaction. Finally, exercise emotion had a positive effect on psychological happiness. In conclusion, the exercise emotion had a positive and close correlation between leisure satisfaction and psychological well-being of the participants in Life Sports.

The Relationship Between the Parenting Stress and Psychological Well-Being of A Mother Having A Child with Autism (자폐성 장애아동 어머니의 양육스트레스와 심리적 안녕감 관계 연구)

  • Park, Ae-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.64 no.1
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    • pp.225-247
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    • 2012
  • This study aims at exploring an effective way for social welfare in order to promote psychological well-being of a mother having a child with autism. To achieve this purpose, this study examined the related factors of parenting stress, family functioning, social support, and redefinition of family affecting psychological well-being of a mother having a child with austin by way of applying the Double ABCX model. A survey was conducted with a sample of 207 mothers having a child with autism in Daegu. Results from the survey are as follows: First, there were significant impacts of parenting stress on social support, family functioning, the redefinition of family on crisis situation, and psychological well-being. Second, family functioning and social support had no significant effect on mothers' psychological well-being, while the redefinition of family on crisis situation had significant influences on the psychological well-being of mothers having a child with autism. Third, it turned out that family functioning, social support, and the redefinition of family on crisis situation played a mediating role between parenting stress and psychological well-being. Based on these results, this study suggests that family functioning should be strengthened for promoting psychological well-being of mothers having a child with autism. We should construct and provide social supports in multilateral aspects and help mothers having a child with autism positively recognize stressful situations and improve their capacities to overcome them as well.

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Importance of sport emotional intelligence on sports psychological skills and sports emotion among athletes (선수의 스포츠 심리기술과 정서에 대한 정서지능의 중요도)

  • Lee, Mi Sook;Park, Cheolyong;Nam, Jung Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.355-368
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship among sport emotional intelligence, sports psychological skills and sports emotion of university athletes. To comply with the purpose, the construct validity and the reliability of measured data were verified by using of SPSS 18.0 & AMOS 18.0 program. In addition, for the relationship among sport emotional intelligence, psychological emotion and sports emotion, the difference between sport psychological skills and sport emotion according to the level of sport emotional intelligence were analyzed by latent means analysis with AMOS 18.0 program, and the relationships among the related factors were analyzed by covariance structure analysis. The results were as follows. First, for the difference between sport psychological skills and sport emotion according to the level of sport emotional intelligence, the harmony of teams, mental state and willpower of sport psychological skills on high groups of sport emotional intelligence were shown high compared to those of low groups', while the pride and happiness on high groups of sport emotion were shown high compared to those of low groups'. Second, the sport emotional intelligence had positive effect on sport psychological skills. Third, the sport emotional intelligence had positive effect on sport emotion. Fourth, sport psychological skills had positive effect on sport emotion.