• Title/Summary/Keyword: Preservice teachers

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The Preservice Teachers등 Understanding of the International System of Units (국제단위제도에 대한 초등학교 예비 교사들의 이해)

  • 김성규;김윤경
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2004
  • This paper aims to examine how well university students, who are going to be primary school teachers, understand the International System of Units (SI), focusing on seven basic units such as 'm', '㎏', '㏖', 'A', 'K', 's', 'cd'. This study specifically investigates whether the students know the seven units and understand their uses and how they read and learn them. The subjects were 1030 students from the University of Education in Jinju, Geongsangnamdo. Data was collected through a questionnaire which was designed by this researcher and checked by an authority, and the frequency and percentage of reponses to each question were obtained and analysed. Findings show all the students knew very well that 'm' and '㎏' are included in the seven units, compared to the others which low percentage of the students considered as the elements. In terms of understanding of use, the units of the length 'm', the mass '㎏', and the time 's' are well understood, presumably, because they are often used in ordinary life and school, while the amount of substance '㏖', the electric current 'A', the thermodynamic temperature 'K', and the luminous intensity 'cd' are not as well understood. It is probably because 'A', 'cd', and 'K' are hardly used in everyday life. With respect to reading the units, the subjects read 'm', '㎏', '㏖', and's' much better than the others. As for the source of learning them, most students answered they learned them in schools, which implies school education is very important. From these results it is concluded that school education should be accompanied with use in everyday life for understanding and using the units. SI Base Units understanding was investigated by an academic year. According to this investigation, generally the right answer rate differed 4<2<3<1 by an academic year in order. For the Senior, Sophomore appeared the right answer rate more high. because, they learned before in deepening or elementary course on chemistry and physics related with SI Base Units. On the other hand, for the junior answered low rate by this reason that they couldn't remember about SI Base Units that learned before. For the Freshman appeared low rate by this reason that they were not learned or graduated from the department of liberal art in high school.

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Implementation and Design of Home Economics Education Class utilization of Metaverse Platform in University (대학에서의 메타버스 플랫폼 활용 가정과 수업 개발 및 운영 사례)

  • Ju, Sueun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to improve the digital literacy of pre-service home economics education teachers by designing and applying 'teaching materials and methods of home economics education' class using the Metaverse platform in virtual classes during the Covid-19 pandemic. For this purpose, six lessons of the 'Teaching Materials and Methods of Home Economics Education' classes were designed and applied as a class using the Metaverse platform, and the effectiveness was analyzed. In this study, three types of classes(TBL, discussion, and PBL) were developed and evaluated. The results of the study showed that most of the learners were satisfied with the classes utilizing the Metaverse platform, and the effectiveness of the classes was shown in terms of learner-instructor interaction and the realism of actual classroom cases. Based on these results, it is expected that various home economics education classes utilizing metaverse platforms will be developed and applied to school sites to increase the realism of lessons.

A Training Case Study of Deep Learning Artificial Neural Networks for Teacher Educations (교사교육을 위한 딥러닝 인공신경망 교육 사례 연구)

  • Hur, Kyeong
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2021.08a
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    • pp.385-391
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, a case of deep learning artificial neural network education was studied for artificial intelligence literacy education for preservice teachers and incumbent teachers. In addition, through the proposed educational case, we tried to explore the contents of artificial neural network principle education that elementary, middle and high school students can experience. To this end, first, an example of training on the principle of operation of an artificial neural network that recognizes two types of images is presented. And as an artificial neural network extension application education case, an artificial neural network education case for recognizing three types of images was presented. The number of output layers was changed according to the number of images to be recognized by the artificial neural network, and the cases implemented in a spreadsheet were divided and explained. In addition, in order to experience the operation results of the artificial neural network, we presented the educational contents to directly write the learning data necessary for the artificial neural network of the supervised learning method. In this paper, the implementation of the artificial neural network and the recognition test results are visually presented using a spreadsheet.

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Rule-Inferring Strategies for Abductive Reasoning in the Process of Solving an Earth-Environmental Problem (지구환경적 문제 해결 과정에서 귀추적 추론을 위한 규칙 추리 전략들)

  • Oh, Phil-Seok
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.546-558
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to identify heuristically how abduction was used in a context of solving an earth-environmental problem. Thirty two groups of participants with different institutional backgrounds, i,e., inservice earth science teachers, preservice science teachers, and high school students, solved an open-ended earth-environmental problem and produced group texts in which their ways of solving the problem were written, The inferential processes in the texts were rearranged according to the syllogistic form of abduction and then analyzed iteratively so as to find thinking strategies used in the abductive reasoning. The result showed that abduction was employed in the process of solving the earth-environmental problem and that several thinking strategies were used for inferring rules from which abductive conclusions were drawn. The strategies found included data reconstruction, chained abduction, adapting novel information, model construction and manipulation, causal combination, elimination, case-based analogy, and existential strategy. It was suggested that abductive problems could be used to enhance students' thinking abilities and their understanding of the nature of earth science and earth-environmental problems.

Philosophical Views on Science of Major Science Curriculum Documents in USA

  • Jang, Myoung-Duk
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.401-418
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to examine philosophical views on science of two influential curriculum documents, AAAS' s Benchmarks for Scientific Literacy (Benchmark) and NRC's National Science Education Standards (Standard), and to get educational implications about a desired philosophical view on science at a school science level. In order to determine the philosophical views on science explicitly suggested in the documents, Soh's Philosophical Perspectives Probe (PPP) was used as a framework for analysis. Forty preservice teachers reviewed the documents, extracting paragraphs with which statements of the PPP' s questions would agree. The results of the study were as follows: First, the Benchmark's philosophical view on science corresponds to the borderline between inductivism and eclecticism, or eclecticism close to falsificationism. The philosophical positions by the PPP' s themes are very different. Second, the Standard's philosophical position on science corresponds to inductivism close to eclecticism. Its philosophical position by the themes of the PPP is very different like the Benchmark. These results indicate that philosophical positions of the documents are more complex than popular conceptions would have it. That is to say, the results suggest that the science curriculum documents hold not only a contemporary philosophical view on science but also a traditional view on science, and that the philosophical positions on science are different from each other by documents and even by the PPP's themes in the same document. The results suggest that the philosophical views on science in school science contexts need to be adjusted and presented to K-12 students according to topics related to philosophy of science.

The Development of Subject-matter Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Function Instruction (함수개념의 교수.학습과정에서 나타난 subject-matter knowledge와 pedagogical content knowledge 능력의 발전에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Suk-Im
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.575-596
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    • 2007
  • This study investigates preservice teachers' development of subject-matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in teaching function concept. This development takes place in the pedagogical mathematics courses in which the theory of constructivism and cooperative learning theory are aligned. Pre and post courses test were administered to examine the development and the follow-up interviews were conducted to gain more details. Analysis of the written questionnaire results and interview transcripts reveal that their limited concept image can be extended and developed in depth through pedagogical mathematics courses that apply reformed teaching methods.

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U.S. and Korean teacher candidates' approaches to mathematical modeling on a social justice issue

  • Eunhye Flavin;Sunghwan Hwang
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.25-47
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    • 2024
  • Mathematical modeling activities are gaining popularity in K-12 mathematics education curricula worldwide. These activities serve dual purposes by aiding students in making sense of real-world situations intertwined with social justice while acquiring mathematical knowledge. Despite efforts to prepare teacher candidates for instructing in mathematical modeling within a single country, little attention has been given to teacher candidates' approaches to mathematical modeling on a social justice issue from different countries. This article employs an in-depth, small-scale comparative study to examine the approaches of U.S. and Korean teacher candidates in solving a justice-oriented mathematics task. Our findings reveal that, although both U.S. and Korean teacher candidates identified certain variables as key when constructing a mathematical model, Korean teacher candidates formulated a more nuanced model than U.S. candidates by considering diverse variables. However, U.S. teacher candidates exhibited a heightened engagement in linking the task to social justice issues, whereas Korean teacher candidates barely perceived real-world problems in relation to social justice concerns. This study serves as a valuable tool to inform the roles and limitations of teacher education programs, shaped within specific educational contexts.

Current Status of Teacher Education Curriculum and Recruitment of General Science Teachers and Ways to Improve Them as Suggested by Professors from the Department of Science Education (공통과학 교사양성 교육과정 운영과 임용의 실태 및 과학교육계열 교수들이 제안한 개선 방안)

  • Yang, Chanho;Kwak, Youngsun;Han, Jaeyoung;Noh, Taehee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.345-358
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we investigated the current status of the teacher education curriculum and the recruitment of general science teachers, and the ways to improve them as suggested by Professors from the Department of Science Education. Most science education departments have not required double majors in general science, and there are wide differences in the number of students who take the general science programs. There is not any department that requires science courses other than its own science major courses when students get only their own in-depth science major certificate. A few departments provide integrated science courses such as history of science, scientific creativity, integrated science, and so forth. Most professors revealed negative perceptions toward 'a compulsory requirement of double majors in general science' with other in-depth science majors such as physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences. The majority of professors also suggested providing elective courses in integrated science-related subjects. Regarding general science majored teacher employment, most professors did not agree with separate employment for the general science teacher, although they agreed with the necessity of the general science teaching certificate. They also suggested that preservice teachers need to take science courses other than their own specialized science majors for the in-depth science teaching certificate. Based on the results, we suggested ways to improve the teacher education curriculum and the recruitment of general science teachers.

A Study on the Factor's Affecting Pre-Service Childcare Teachers' Childcare Practice Satisfaction (예비보육교사들의 보육실습 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.530-537
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting the satisfaction with pre-service childcare, the work related stress, and the conflicts perceived by pre-service childcare teachers. The data was processed using the SPSS Statistical Package Program, and the frequencies, means, and standard deviations were calculated. Reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were also conducted. The results showed that the class contents, the environment of childcare practice, and the conflicts with children were stressful and they negatively affected practice satisfaction. Second, there was statistically significant negative correlation between the pre-service teachers' childcare practice stress, conflict during the practice, and practice satisfaction. Third, the stress of preservice teachers' childcare practice and the conflict felt during the practice also affect the childcare practice satisfaction. Based on these findings, further study is needed for implementing effective measures in order to improve the practice satisfaction with exhaustive pre-practical education and the field job-oriented curriculum. These measures will enable students majoring in childcare to experience less stress and conflicts during their education.

A comparative study of domestic and international research trends of mathematics education through topic modeling (토픽모델링을 활용한 국내외 수학교육 연구 동향 비교 연구)

  • Shin, Dongjo
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.63-80
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed 3,114 articles published in KCI journals and 1,636 articles published in SSCI journals from 2000 to 2019 in order to compare domestic and international research trends of mathematics education using a topic modeling method. Results indicated that there were 16 similar research topics in domestic and international mathematics education journals: algebra/algebraic thinking, fraction, function/representation, statistics, geometry, problem-solving, model/modeling, proof, achievement effect/difference, affective factor, preservice teacher, teaching practice, textbook/curriculum, task analysis, assessment, and theory. Also, there were 7 distinct research topics in domestic and international mathematics education journals. Topics such as affective/cognitive domain and research trends, mathematics concept, class activity, number/operation, creativity/STEAM, proportional reasoning, and college/technology were identified from the domestic journals, whereas discourse/interaction, professional development, identity/equity, child thinking, semiotics/embodied cognition, intervention effect, and design/technology were the topics identified from the international journals. The topic related to preservice teacher was the most frequently addressed topic in both domestic and international research. The topic related to in-service teachers' professional development was the second most popular topic in international research, whereas it was not identified in domestic research. Domestic research in mathematics education tended to pay attention to the topics concerned with the mathematical competency, but it focused more on problem-solving and creativity/STEAM than other mathematical competencies. Rather, international research highlighted the topic related to equity and social justice.