• Title/Summary/Keyword: Preliminary survey

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Effects of Experiential Fishing Village Authenticity on Experience Value and Subjective Well-being (어촌체험휴양마을의 고유성이 체험가치와 주관적 행복감에 미치는 영향)

  • Sung-Dae Cho;Chang-Soo Kim
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.55-76
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to elucidate the impact of authenticity on experience value and subjective well-being among visitors who have participated in direct experiential activities in experiential fishing villages. The research method used literature research methods and empirical research methods using questionnaires, and this questionnaire was composed by determining three major variables and seven constituent factors for each variable through factor analysis and conducting prior research and preliminary surveys. The survey was conducted from February 5, 2023 to April 5, 2023 among experimental fishing villages with excellent ratings for scenery (environment), service, experience, accommodation, and food, and four villages that can experience tidal flats and manage customers online. The survey was conducted from February 5, 2023 to April 5, 2023, among experimental fishing villages with excellent ratings for scenery (environment), service, experience, accommodation, and food, and four villages that can experience tidal flats and manage customers online. The results of this study are as follows. First, the factors of authenticity in experiential fishing villages include three sub-factors: objective authenticity, constructive authenticity, and existential authenticity. The factors of experience value include two sub-factors: emotional values and functional values. Subjective well-being is derived from positive emotion and life satisfaction. Second, upon examining the importance of authenticity in experiential fishing villages, it was found that existential authenticity and objective authenticity, in that order, have a significant impact on emotional values. However, constructive authenticity did not have a significant impact on emotional values. Third, in terms of functional values, constructive authenticity, existential authenticity, and objective authenticity, in that order, had a significant impact. Fourth, experience value, in the order of emotional values and functional values, had a significant impact on positive emotion and life satisfaction of subjective well-being. Therefore, it was confirmed that the authenticity of experiential fishing villages is important as a strategy to enhance experience value and subjective well-being. Especially, considering that the majority of visitors to experiential fishing villages are family-centered (86.5%), applying marketing management strategies to develop programs that enhance existential authenticity and improve emotional values could elevate the subjective well-being of experiential visitors.

A Preliminary Study of The Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory for the Korean Version (싱어 루미스 심리 유형 검사의 한국판 제작을 위한 예비연구)

  • Hyoin Park
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.139-153
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    • 2013
  • Psychological typology in analytic psychology is used not only for ascertaining the attitude or function of the conscious ego, but also as one blueprint for the individuation process. We all know the need to emphasize an awareness of the deployment and development of the superior function, the secondary function, the third function and the inferior function for the individuation process. This study has the goal of refining our awareness of this deployment and development of typological functions. The questionnaires of the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory and the Gray Wheelwrights Jungian Type Survey use the method of a forced-choice questionnaire, on the assumption of a bi-polarity hypothesis. But the questionnaire of the Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory uses the Likert scale. It is able to show the deployment of the superior function, the secondary function, the third function and the inferior function visibly. It allows us to test the subject at stated periods for his/her development or change of psychological typology. The Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory is a statistically superior method for showing Jung's psychological typology relative to both the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory and the Gray Wheelwrights Jungian Type Survey. I have studied how the original authors of The Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory understood Jung's psychological typology. I produced the reliability and the item-discrimination power of the Korean Version of the Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory. On the basis of this study, I produced the revised Korean version 1 of Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory.

The Influence of Korean Chinese Students' Sense of Cultural Identity on Second Language Acquisition -Mediating Effect of Learning Motivation and Learning Strategies- (재한 중국유학생의 문화정체감이 제2언어 습득에 미치는 영향 -학습동기와 학습전략의 매개효과-)

  • Gong Ruoning;Cho, Mi Young
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.749-761
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study analyzes the cultural identity, learning motivation, learning strategies, and second language acquisition trends of Chinese students living in Korea to reveal the structural relationship between these four variables, thereby revealing the cultural identity, learning motivation, and learning strategies of international students in the Korean language learning process. The purpose is to provide basic data to promote . This study verified reliability and validity through a preliminary survey targeting 200 people. This survey was conducted on 1,006 Chinese students studying abroad at six universities in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Busan, and Chungcheong-do from May 28 to June 15, 2023. As a result of the study, first, the structural relationship between variables was that cultural identity had a positive effect on learning motivation, learning strategies, and second language acquisition. Second, learning motivation had a positive (+) effect on learning strategies and second language acquisition. Third, learning strategies had a positive (+) (+) effect on second language acquisition. Fourth, learning motivation and learning strategy between cultural identity and learning strategy were found to play a positive (+) mediating role and multiple mediating roles. Therefore, in order to promote international students' cultural identity, learning motivation, and learning strategies in the Korean language learning process, it is necessary to increase opportunities for international students to directly experience the formation of cultural identity and to organize and teach a multifaceted curriculum centered on practice.

Effects of Health Belief on Exercise Adherence among college Students in China -Mediating Effect of Planning behavior and action control- (중국 대학생의 건강 신념이 운동지속성에 미치는 영향 -계획 행동과 행동 제어의 매개효과-)

  • Li Qiuying;Cho, Mi Young
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.769-782
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study analyzes by confirming the structural relationship between the four variables of Chinese college students' health beliefs, planned behavior, behavioral control, and exercise persistence, this study can establish measures to enhance and improve college students' health beliefs and planned behavior and improve behavioral control. The purpose is to provide basic data to improve the level of continued exercise among college students. The EBI study verified reliability and validity through a preliminary survey targeting 380 people. This survey distributed questionnaires to college students at 52 universities from May 12 to July 21, 2023, and a total of 5,109 copies were finally selected and analyzed, excluding invalid questionnaires. As a result of the study, first, the structural relationship between variables showed that health beliefs had a positive effect on planning behavior, behavioral control, and exercise persistence. Second, planning behavior was found to have a positive effect on behavioral control and motor persistence. Third, behavioral control was found to have a positive effect on exercise persistence. Fourth, planning behavior and behavioral control were found to play a positive mediating role in the relationship between health beliefs and exercise persistence. Therefore, to improve college students' health beliefs, schools should open a health psychology curriculum. Furthermore, there is a need to strengthen college students' beliefs about their health by developing and distributing customized health education programs for college students.

A Knowledge-based Approach for the Estimation of Effective Sampling Station Frequencies in Benthic Ecological Assessments (지식기반적 방법을 활용한 저서생태계 평가의 유효 조사정점 개수 산정)

  • Yoo, Jae-Won;Kim, Chang-Soo;Jung, Hoe-In;Lee, Yong-Woo;Lee, Man-Woo;Lee, Chang-Gun;Jin, Sung-Ju;Maeng, Jun-Ho;Hong, Jae-Sang
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2011
  • Decision making in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Consultation on the Coastal Area Utilization (CCAU) is footing on the survey reports, thus requires concrete and accurate information on the natural habitats. In spite of the importance of reporting the ecological quality and status of habitats, the accumulated knowledge and recent techniques in ecology such as the use of investigated cases and indicators/indices have not been utilized in evaluation processes. Even the EIA report does not contain sufficient information required in a decision making process for conservation and development. In addition, for CCAU, sampling efforts were so limited that only two or a few stations were set in most study cases. This hampers transferring key ecological information to both specialist review and decision making processes. Hence, setting the effective number of sampling stations can be said as a prior step for better assessment. We introduced a few statistical techniques to determine the number of sampling stations in macrobenthos surveys. However, the application of the techniques requires a preliminary study that cannot be performed under the current assessment frame. An analysis of the spatial configuration of sampling stations from 19 previous studies was carried out as an alternative approach, based on the assumption that those configurations reported in scientific journal contribute to successful understanding of the ecological phenomena. The distance between stations and number of sampling stations in a $4{\times}4$ km unit area were calculated, and the medians of each parameter were 2.3 km, and 3, respectively. For each study, approximated survey area (ASA, $km^2$) was obtained by using the number of sampling stations in a unit area (NSSU) and total number of sampling stations (TNSS). To predict either appropriate ASA or NSSU/TNSS, we found and suggested statistically significant functional relationship among ASA, survey purpose and NSSU. This empirical approach will contribute to increasing sampling effort in a field survey and communicating with reasonable data and information in EIA and CCAU.

Development of Caregiver Guideline for Participation in Activities of Daily Living for the Elderly with Early Dementia: Focusing on the Delphi Survey (초기 치매 노인의 일상생활 참여 촉진을 위한 보호자 지침의 개발: 델파이 조사를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Seo-Eun;Koo, Seul-Gi;Park, Sang-M;Kim, Jung-Ran
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.461-474
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the caregiver guideline for participation in activities daily living for the elderly with early dementia in home including easily adaptable and professional strategies as early intervetion. The process of this study was 3 stage. First stage, the development of preliminary caregiver guideline as the first stage of this study was to translate to Korean and reclassify the items about caregiver guideline for participation from reports of foreign association or government related dementia, and it consisted of 3 areas, 128 statements for questionnaire for Delphi investigation. Second stage, the guideline was to conduct the content validity, and delete, reclassify, integrate, revise inappropriate items through 2 rounds and 16 Delphi panels. Third stage, the establishment of the final version of caregiver guideline. It consisted of 8 areas: home modification and assistive device, home activities of daily living, health management, communication, psycho-emotional support, leisure activities, social participation, general strategies. All 68 items was arranged in important order. The content validity, stability, agreement index in this study were 0.81, 0.15, 0.79 respectively. When content validity, stability was above 0.49, below 0.5 in Delphi survey with 15 panels, it was not required additional survey. The result of this study meaned that it was not required to additional Delphi survey, and the result was stable and agreeable. This developed guideline was useful and practical to maintain the elderly's with dementia independent and healthy life as education materials for their caregivers, so it will expect to decrease caregiver's burden. Lastly, it stated limitation and suggestion for further study.

A Study on Survey of Non Face to Face Realtime Education Focused on Firefighter in COVID-19 (코로나19 상황에서 소방공무원의 비대면 실시간 교육에 관한 의식조사연구)

  • Park, Jin Chan;Baek, Min Ho
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.722-732
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Due to the coronavirus infection-19 (COVID) pendemics, all educational institutions were required to provide full non-face-to-face real-time education, and fire officials were required to provide fire-fighting education by applying non-face-to-face education. In this difficult situation, the National Fire Service Academy tries to find the direction of the non-face-to-face real-time education and suggest ways to improve it through a survey of the status of non-face-to-face real-time education conducted by the NFSA to fire officials. Method: A survey was conducted on fire officials under the theme of "Consciousness Survey for Improving the Quality and Specialization of Non-face-to-face Real-Time Remote Education" and an in-depth analysis was conducted based on the results. Result & Conclusion: First, professors or educational operators shall actively utilize remote education programs suitable for educational characteristics by utilizing various programs. Second, a dedicated notebook for non-face-to-face training should be provided to provide an educational environment where all learners can participate in the training without difficulty. Third, in the case of education and training that requires the use of equipment due to the nature of fire officials' education and training, it is necessary to consider it as a non-face-to-face training place by arranging educational equipment at each fire station. Fourth, it is hard to expect a satisfactory educational effect to cope with practical education with theoretical education. Therefore, facilities and programs that enable non-face-to-face real-time hands-on training should be developed. It is worth considering the proper combination of face-to-face education while maintaining the social distance as much as possible until such non-face-to-face training is possible. Fifth, non-face-to-face education is considered to have high eye fatigue due to the light and electromagnetic waves of the computer screen, and as time goes by, the concentration level decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to form an education time to reduce the eye fatigue of learners and increase concentration through proper class and rest time. Finally, professors should operate a learner participation-oriented education that allows professors and learners to interact rather than one-sided knowledge transfer education. In addition, technical problems of non-face-to-face remote education should be thoroughly prepared through preliminary system checks to ensure that education is not disrupted.

Correlation between Sleep Disorders and Sleepy Drivers (수면장애와 졸음운전의 상관성)

  • Kim, Ki-Bong;Sung, Hyun-Ho;Park, Sang-Nam;Kim, Bok-Jo;Park, Chang-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.216-224
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to identify the prevalence of sleep related disease in those who experienced car accidents caused by drowsy driving. To this end, a survey of usual sleep habits, polysomnography, and multiple sleep latency tests were conducted in 34 persons who experienced an accident after normal sleep (Group 1), 22 persons who experienced an accident after abnormal sleep (Group 2), and 17 persons who was proven to be normal as a result of polysomnography and had no accident (Group 3). In all, 192 persons responded to the preliminary survey and the results were compared and analyzed. Crossover analysis was conducted to test the homogeneity of statistical characteristics, and the physical characteristics by age were analyzed. In the survey of sleeping habits, there was a significance between groups in how often they woke up while asleep (p<0.01), how difficult it was to go back to sleep again after waking up from sleep (p<0.05), how early they woke up in the morning (p<0.05), how difficult it was to get up in the morning (p<0.05), how sleepy they felt in the daytime (p<0.01), and how tired they felt in the daytime (p<0.01). Furthermore, among 56 subjects who had an accident during drowsy driving, 94.6% (53 persons) were found to have sleep related diseases. This suggests that car accidents during drowsy driving is not simply caused by temporary lack of sleep but by sleep related diseases even when sleep is adequate, leading to car accidents. Therefore, this study is significant identifying the association between car accidents during drowsy driving and sleep related disorders. Furthermore, the data would be considered basic to prepare social measures against drowsy driving related to such sleep related disorders.

The Effect of Resilience in Career Decision-Making among Specialized Technical High School Students (특성화고등학교 학생의 회복탄력성이 진로결정 자기효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Najeong;Lim, Nhayoung;Lee, Chang-Hoon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.20-40
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    • 2018
  • This study examined resilience and career decision-making among specialized technical high school students with the aim of proposing preliminary data to suggest ways to improve self-efficacy in career decision-making through establishing proper resilience. The specific research questions were set as; first, to define the resilience status in relation to the students' personal characteristics among students; second, to describe the status of self-efficacy in career decision-making related to the students' personal characteristics among students; and last, to examine the influence of resilience on self-efficacy in career decision-making among specialized technical high school students. To accomplish such research objectives, the assessment survey was developed after reviewing the theoretical literature on specialized technical high school students' background, ego identity, and self-efficacy in career decision-making. The survey was comprised of 54 items including personal characteristics (3 items), resilience (27 items), and self-efficacy in career decision-making (24 items). A total of 990 students from industrial specialized high schools across the country completed the survey, and the responses from 775 students were used for the final analyses after excluding the surveys with unanswered items or untrustworthy responses. Results were as follows: The group with higher levels of school adaptation and satisfaction showed higher resilience and career decision-making than those with lower levels of school adaptation and satisfaction. Furthermore, for the influence of resilience on self-efficacy in career decision-making, the results showed that resilience had positive associations with self-efficacy in career decision-making, and all correlations and coefficients of determination showed a robust statistical significance. Therefore, to enhance self-efficacy in career decision-making, education that could help students better adapt to school, increase satisfaction with the school, and create positive resilience must precede.

The Relationship Between Social Security Network and Security Life Satisfaction in Community Residents: Scale Development and Application of Social Security Network (사회안전망과 지역사회주민의 안전생활만족의 관계: 사회안전망 척도개발과 적용)

  • Kim, Chan-Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.108-118
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a relationship of measuring method for the social security network and verify its validity and reliability and apply it to investigate the due to security life satisfaction. This study is based by setting general residents of Seoul in 2013 and using the stratified cluster random sampling method to analyze a total amount of 203 examples. The measuring methods for the social security network was developed through document research, conceptual definition and drafting the survey, experts' conference, preliminary inspection and original examination, verification of the validity and reliability of the survey. An experts' conference took pace to verify the validity of the survey, and 6 factors were extracted through exploratory factor analysis crime prevention design, street CCTV facilities, volunteer neighborhood patrol, local government security education, police public peace service, private security service. The conclusion are the following. Collected data was analyzed based on the aim of this study using SPSSWIN 18.0, and practice frequency analysis, F test, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis. First, the validity of the social security network measurement is very high. Thus, the factors constituting the social security network were found to be crime prevention design, street CCTV facilities, volunteer neighborhood patrol, local government security education, police public peace services, and private security services, and the crime prevention design factor was found to be most explanatory. Second, the reliability of the social security network measurement is very high. Thus, the correlation between the questions and the sector, the questions and the social security net was very high, and the internal consistency showed a Cronbach's${\alpha}$ value of over 0.865. Third, the establishment of a social security network had the biggest effect on people in their forties. Thus, when the crime prevention design, street CCTV facilities, local government security education, police public peace services are systematically established, the social anxiety of citizens was reduced.