• 제목/요약/키워드: Pregnancy test

검색결과 409건 처리시간 0.028초

영상처리기법을 이용한 스톨 사육 모돈의 인공수정적기 예측 장치 개발 (Development of a Device for Estimating the Optimal Artificial Insemination Time of Individually Stalled Sows Using Image Processing)

  • 김동주;연성찬;장홍희
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제49권5호
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    • pp.677-688
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    • 2007
  • The goal of this study was to develop an optimal artificial insemination time estimator(OAITE) for individually stalled sows using image processing and to evaluate the performance of the OAITE through field test. The OAITE consisted of a computer, a multiplexer, three CCD cameras and three LED lamps (950nm wavelength). The computer program used for the OAITE to quantify the lying and non-lying (sitting and standing) rates of sows in stalls was written in LabWindows/CVI. For the purpose of establishing references that would help estimate the optimal artificial insemination(AI) time for sows, the lying rate of the 50 Berkshire⨯Hampshire crossbred sows(parity: 2 to 7) was observed and recorded. The observation was made from the second day after the sows were moved into the stalls when they were artificially inseminated. The results of above process, which compared the lying rates of the day of estrus and the other days, showed that there were no significant differences at the following time bands: 00, 08, 09, 16, and 17(p>0.1). Thus, only the time bands other than these time bands were used to establish the references for determining the onset of the estrus. Based on the lying rates observed and the references established by the procedures above, the study assigned “0” to the lying rate of the non-estrus time band, “0.5” to the lying rate between the non-estrus and estrus time bands and “1” to the lying rate of the estrus time band. The authors of the study assumed that if the OAITE produced “0.5” or above more than 4 times in a row and if the results included “1” at least once, the estrus would have started. In addition, it was assumed that the optimal AI time for sows was between the 26th hour and the 34th hour after the beginning of estrus. The results of sows’ AI of the OAITE group(n=40 sows; AI=1 time) showed that the pregnancy rate was 92.5%, which was the same rate as the control group(n=40 sows; AI=2 times), and that the litter size did not differ between the control and the OAITE group. These data suggest that the OAITE might be effective and economic to estimate the optimal AI time of individually stalled sows.

파월국군장병의 고엽제 위해에 관한 예비적 역학조사 (A Preliminary Epidemiologic Study on Korean Veterans Exposed to Herbicides in Vietnam War)

  • 김정순;임현술;이홍복;이원영;박영주;김성수
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.711-734
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    • 1994
  • Among chemical agents in herbicides, dioxin (2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachloro dibenzo-$\rho$-dioxin : TCDD), a chemical contaminant in herbicides sprayed during the Vietnam War has been known to be the major agent causing toxic effects. Approximately 320,000 korean soldiers participated the Vietnam War from 1964 to 1974. Although the potential hazards of the herbicides among Korean veterans exposed were implicated, the problem had not been a public issue until 1991 when Korean veterans were informed U.S. companies, the herbicides manufacturer payed fund, from which a trust fund for New Zealand and Australian Class members were established in 1985. After a series of appeals and demonstration by the Korean Veterans demanding medical care and compensation for their serious health damages, a bill of medical care and compensation for herbicides victims was promulgated in March 1993 and become effective from May 1993, This study was carried out with two major objectives : the first to understand the health problems caused from the herbicides by reviewing literatures published, and the second to examine the nature and extent of health impacts among Korean veterans exposed and to develop valid study methods for the major study by interviewing and reviewing records on a part of veterans (638 persons) registered and completed medical examination in Seoul Veterans Administration Hospital from June to October 1993. The results obtained are as followings: 1. The literature review of 107 papers revealed that 1) Dioxin is teratogenic, carcinogenic and affects almost all organs including nervous, endocrine, and reproductive systems in animal experiments. 2) The diseases showing evidence of causal association were Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's disease, lung cancer, lymphoma, soft tissue sarcoma, chloroacne and polyneuropathy when judged on the basis of consistency in study results and biological plausibility. 2. Interview and medical record review study on 638 veterans, though limited validity owing to lack of control group, crude estimates of dioxin exposure levels (no biomarkers measurable), and uncertainty of diagnosis, showed that: 1) Most of the study subject's were in their 40's of age and had been dispatched to Vietnam during the period from $1965{\sim}1970$ around one year. 2) Most frequently complained symptoms in medical examination were motor weakness (32%), sensory abnormalities in extremities (23%), skin diseases (22%), and pain in extremities (20%) whereas in Interview they were more frequent in order of skin problem (44%), motor weakness (38%), sensory abnormalities and pain in extremities(17% and 19% each). Kappa indices on the same category of complaints between two sources of information were variable and relatively low. 3) On medical examination, only a part of the 638 subjects had initial impression (442 pts) and final diagnosis (218 pts) suggesting decision making on diagnosis appeared to be difficult even with all available modern medical technologies: in initial impression disorders from peripheral and central neuropathy were predominant whereas in final diagnosis various types of skin disorder were most frequent 4) When dose-response relationship between several conditions (from questionnaire) and arbitrary exposure scores were examined by CMH linear trend test, spontaneous abortion, sexual problems and health problem of offsprings showed statistically significant linear trends. However, pregnancy, accident and suicidal attempts did not show any relationship in this study capacity. 5) Among complaints, psychosis and neurosis (anxiety, phobia) in interview study, and memory disorder and psychosis in medical record study revealed linear trend. 6) Skin disorder was the only condition showing linear trend in initial impression and none in final diagnosis on medical examination. Even though objective to select out dioxin-related disease or group of diseases from this study was not achieved the research experiences provided firm basis for developing various methodological approaches. 3. From this preliminary study we concluded that a larger scale major epidemiologic study on health impacts of herbicides among Korean veterans exposed is not only Indispensible but also well designed study with more valid exposure information and diagnosis may be able to establish causal relationship between certain groups of diseases and exposure to the herbicides among Korean veterans.

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서울시내 남녀고교생의 흡연에 관한 태도 조사연구 (A Study and Investigation for the Attitude about Smoking of Boys' and Girls' High School in Seoul)

  • 심영애
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.74-100
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    • 1989
  • Inspite of the lots of studies on the harmfulness of cigarette smoking to the body published by many researchers since 1950, cigarette smoking people are increasing in number especially, cigarette smoking by young and women causes a serious problem. Examining the physiological motives of youth shows that, impulse which the youth want to immitate the adults, alluring curiousity, and defiant physiology of escaping from the norm of traditional groups which has been banned are cooperated well compoundly. As the period of the youth is the one which they accumulate knowledge and charactor by learning as well as the period of growth mentally, and physically they should be rightly educated about smoking before they addicted to smoking and it is desirable for us to make the youth to understand how harmfully the smoking is to effect to their growth and mental soundness simply not as a social norm which they should not smoke. The main motive of this study on the attitude of smoking by the youth is to give basic materials related on this field. For this study, 647 questionnaires were used as studying material which were able to analyze among 720 questionnaires of 2 classes of each grade of 3 high schools among the high schools of boys, girls and co-educated in Seoul from Oct. 21, 1988 through Oct. 26, 1988. Study Instrument are graded in Likert's 5 point from 40 questions which are 20 questions m affirmations and 20 questions in negations after analyzing the factors on 60 simple sentence questions which the students showed in preliminary studies. And these are systemized to be measured from 1 point which means they think smoking IS very bad to 5points which means they think smoking is really good. In these collected materials, technical statistics of frequency. percentage, average, standard deviation are used for general character and smoking attitude, $X^2-test$ for examinning Independant variables of physical. emotional, ethical and other areas pearson's coefficient of correlation for related direction and degree" and step­regression analysis for the degree of relative contribution of all variables which effect smoking attitude. The results of this study are as follows; 1. The smoking attitude of high school boys and girls showed average of 1.78 in physical area, 2.63 in emotional area, 2.61 in ethical area, 2.29 in other area respectively in a negative attitude generally also the negative attitude are expressed most strongly in physical area. I've can also say by this results that smoking is harmful to their health and further more it can be judged that this proves the youth in the period of preparation be adults have a strong curiousity in the emotional, ethical and other areas. 2. The most influential variables in each field as related factors effecting smoking attitude of the student can be explained from 13.2 in physical area the lowest experienced variables to 25.2 in emotional area the highest of degree of smoking experience. The fact that the more the smoking experienced students are increasing in number the higher tendency which accept the' smoking tells as the importance of health education about the population of latest student's smoking as important variables shown equally in each area. Those of grade, age, numbers of smoking people in house are showed meaningful in pure interrelation. Those related to the acceptance of teacher's smoking, sex, mothors education are shown meaningful in opposite interrelations. This means that the' increasing number' of smoking people in grade age, the number of smoker in family have a affirmative attitude. And people who are not interested in teacher's smoking wants to quit it, and whose mother's education is higher have a negative attitude. 3. The most negatively answered questions of the smoking attitude In physical, emotional, ethical and other areas are as belows; Firstly too much smoking is harmful to our health is 1.12 point. Secondly smoking have a ill-effect on pregnancy and embryo is 1.13 point. Thirdly smoking is harmful· to our health is 1.27 point. Fourthly smoking in crowed area with the people such as In a bus or subway should be prohibited is 1.27point. Fifthly smoking can ruin lungs is 1.31 point. And the most affirmatively answered questions are also as below; Firstly we showed smoke depending on time and place is 3.96 points. Secondly smoking is just habit is 3.83 points. Thirdly smoking people seem to be unable and deplorable is 3.69 point. Fourthly smoking should be prohibited by law is 3.56 points. Fifthly high school student's smoking is immitation of adults is 3.52 points.

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분화중인 흰쥐 유선내 Luteinizing Hormone (LH) 유전자 발현의 생리적인 조절 (Physiological Regulation of Luteinizing Hormone(LH) Expression in Rat Mammary Gland during Differentiation)

  • 이성호
    • 한국발생생물학회지:발생과생식
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.175-180
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    • 2001
  • 태반이나 생식소 등 시상하부 이외의 조직에서도 gonadotropin releasing hormone(GnRH)과 그 수용체가 발현되어 조직 특이적인 기능을 담당함은 잘 알려진 사실이다. 최근 GnRH와 그 수용체 유전자가 흰쥐 유선에서도 발현됨이 증명되었고, LH $\alpha$-와 $\beta$-subunit와 LH 수용체에 대한 전사체 역시 흰쥐 유선에 존재함이 확인되었다 본 연구는 흰쥐 유선 LH의 발현과 유선의 분화과정 간의 상관관계를 조사하기 위해서 생식주기, 임신, 수유, 이유기에 걸쳐 얻은 유선을 재료로 LH 함량 변화를 방사면역측정법으로 측정하였다. 또한 동일한 실험동물에서 얻은 RNA를 사용한 reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)과 Southern blot analysis를 통해 전사수준에서의 변화를 측정하였다. 난소 steroid에 의한 유선 LH의 발현조절 가능성을 조사하기 위해서 난소 제거(ovariectomy, OVX)후 steroid 처리 실험동물 모델을 사용하였다. 생식주기중인 흰쥐의 혈중 LH수준과 유선 내 LH 함량의 변화는 공히 proestrus 시기에 가장 높고 diestrus I 시기에 최저 수준을 보였다. 임신 17일 경으로부터 이유기까지 혈중 LH 수준은 등락을 보였으나, 유선 LH 함량은 수유기 중 현저히 감소한 후 이유기에 상승하였다. Southern blot analysis에서 흰쥐 유선 내 GnRH와 LH의 발현은 대체로 diestrus I 시기에 가장 낮고 이후 diestrus II, proestrus, estrus 시기를 거치며 증가하였고 임신 이후 수유기와 이유기까지 높은 수준으로 유지됨이 확인되었다. 한편 OVX 실험 동물모델에서 혈중 LH 수준은 예상한 바처럼 estrogen에 의한 negative feedback의 작용으로 OVX+OIL 실험군(418.6$\pm$73.4 ng/ml)에 비해 OVX+E$_2$ 실험군(125.9$\pm$45.4 ng/ml)에서 감소하였으며, 유선 내 LH 함량 역시 OVX+OIL 실험군(1.48$\pm$0.20 na/mg)에 비해 OVX+E$_2$ 실험군(1.07$\pm$0.13 ng/mg)에서 유의성 있게 감소하였다. 본 연구결과는 유선 LH가 생식주기, 임신, 수유, 이유 등의 생리적인 변화에 맞물려 조절되고, 특히 estrogen에 의해 유선 LH 합성이 조절될 수 있음을 시사하였다. 유선 LH의 기능으로는 모유의 생산ㆍ분비와 유선 상피세포의 분화와 같은 유선의 기능과 생리조절에 관여하는 것으로 추정된다.

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What Do Female Jobs Do for Women's Job Continuity? : Occupational Sex Segregation and Women's Job Exits in the U.S.

  • 민현주
    • 한국인구학
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.185-207
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    • 2006
  • 노동시장에서 성별직업분리의 연속성을 설명하는 주요한 논의들은 여성들의 직업선택에 성역할분화가 뿌리깊은 영향을 미치고 있음을 지적하고 있다. 즉, 여성들은 어머니로서의 역할을 보다 수월하게 병행할 수 있는 직업--그것이 모성역할에 보다 호의적이건, 또는 노동시장의 진입과 이탈에 보다 우호적이건--을 선택하는 경향이 강하다는 것이다. 그리고 이러한 여성들의 자녀양육의 책임에 따른 직업선택이 결과적으로 성별직업분리를 영속화시키는 주요한 원인이라는 점을 강조하고 있다. 이러한 이론적, 경험적 논의를 바탕으로, 여성들의 임신과 자녀양육의 영향에 초점을 두고 본 연구는 성별 직업분리가 여성들의 직업연속성에 미치는 효과를 분석한다. 본 연구는 미국의 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) 1979-1998 데이터를 이용하여 시간연속적 사건사 분석 방법(continuous time event history models)을 적용하여 여성들이 직업을 이탈하는 다양한 유형과 과정을 분석한다. 본 연구결과에 따르면 여성직종에 근무하는 여성들은 비 여성직종에 근무하는 여성들보다 직업을 이탈할 가능성이 더 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 더욱이, 이러한 직업분리도와 여성직업 연속성의 관계는 여성의 자녀양육에 의해 영향을 받지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 자녀를 둔, 또는 임신한 여성들이 직장을 떠날 가능성은 더 많지만, 여성직종에 근무하는 여성들은 비 여성직종에 근무하는 여성들보다 노동시장을 완전히 이탈할 가능성은 오히려 낮은 것으로 본 연구결과는 나타내고 있다. 이러한 결과는 기존의 이론적 논쟁점 여성들의 여성직종 선택은 여성성의 표현이고 그들의 모성역할을 수행하기 위하여 전략적으로 여성직종을 선택한다는 것과 일치하지 않는 것이다. 결론적으로 본 연구결과는 성별 직종분리가 임신과 육아책임을 수행하기 위한 여성의 경제적 합리성에 근거한 자발적 선택이라는 이론적 논의는 다시 고찰되어야 한다는 점을 강조한다. 것으로 판정되었다.때문에 오히려 낮은 파괴강도를 보였다. 경도는 입계에 존재하는 coalesced Mo 입자들과 matrix의 입성장 때문에 더욱 감소하였으나 반면에 파괴인성은 더욱 증가하는 경 향을 보였다.과 향을 적당하게 평가함으로써 전반적인 기호도에서 가장 좋게 평가된 것으로 사료된다. 또한 23시간의 가열 농축은 31시간에 비해 경제적인 면에서도 바람직할 것으로 사료된다. 결론적으로 떫은감을 가열 농축하여 제조한 23시간 농축액은 자연적인 강한 단맛을 제공할 수 있고 동시에 항산화성과 탄닌성분을 많이 함유함으로써 식품조리와 식품가공에 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 가졌으며 이는 Silymarin(93%) 보다도 우수하였다. 2종의 박하 추출물 투여군들 사이에는 혈청 GPT 활성에 대한 유의적인 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 7.과산화물질 (TBARS)의 함량은 정상군에 비해 음성대조군에서 약간의 함량 증가가 관찰되었으나 유의적인 수준은 아니었으며 대부분의 박하 추출물 투여군과 Silymarin 투여군에서 과산화지질이 비슷한 수준으로 증가하여 박하는 알콜에 의한 과간화지질생성에 대한 저해효과가 낮은 것으로 확인되었다. 8. 상대간장중량은 각 실험군별로 상대간장중량에서의 차이는 다소 있었으나 유의성은 없었다.mg/ml로 한 EtOAc 분획물은 26의 돌연변이 유발성을 보였다. 이상의 결과로 부터 뽕나무를 이용한 식용 제품생산을 고려할 때 추출물들의 제조와 선택을 가름하는 자료로서의 활용이 기대되며 앞으로 in vivo test 등 더욱 연구할 필요가 있을 것으로 사료된다.0^{-4}\;pg/cell$로 60 kHz로 병행 추출한 복분자 water 분획층의 $19.5{\times}10^{-4}\;pg/cell$보다 높은 분비량을 나타내었다. 당귀와 마황에서도 40 kHz의 초음파로 병행 추출한 것이 더 높은 분비량을 나타내었다. NK-cell의 활성도를 공정 요인별로 측정한 결과

임신시 모유수유에 대한 인식조사 (A Survey on the Understanding of Breast-feeding in Pregnant Woman)

  • 서정완;김용주;이기형;김재영;심재건;김혜순;고재성;배선환;박혜숙;박범수
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제45권5호
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    • pp.575-587
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    • 2002
  • 목 적 : 모유수유를 위한 상담과 교육이 언제 이루어지는 것이 좋은지 알기 위하여 임신시 모유수유에 관한 인식을 조사하였다. 방 법: 2000년 7월부터 8월까지의 기간동안 서울과 근교도시(일산, 안산), 충주와 청주, 부산지역의 12개 병 의원의 산부인과에서 산전진찰을 받기 위해 내원한 임신부를 대상으로 본 위원회에서 개발한 설문지를 작성하도록 하였으며 설문요원이 설문기입을 확인하고 회수한 총 1,481매에서 기록이 충실한 1,290 명의 설문을 분석하였다. 결 과 : 1) 임신부의 87.4%가 모유수유를 계획하였으며 분유 6.2%, 혼합수유 4.5%, 결정 못함 1.9%로 임신시 수유계획으로 모유가 가장 많았다. 임신부의 43.0%에서 4-6개월간 수유하려고 계획하였다. 2) 모유수유를 선택한 이유는 모유가 아기에게 좋다고 생각되어서 97.7%로 가장 많았으며 주위에서 권하여 0.9%이었다. 모유수유를 선택하지 않은 이유는 직장 또는 일 41.3%, 모유수유실패경험 17.4%, 모유가 부족할 것 같아서 10.9%, 함몰유두 등 유방의 문제 10.3%, 엄마의 질병 9.4% 등이다. 3) 모유수유에 관한 정보원은 친정어머니 또는 시어머니 33.1%, 육아 출산 전문 잡지와 책 27.1%, 형제 자매 친구 등 18.6%, 신문 텔레비전 라디오 등 대중매체 18.2% 순이었다. 모유수유의 정보원에 따른 모유수유 계획률의 유의한 차이는 없었다(P>0.05). 4) 모유수유에 대한 인식은 100점으로 환산하여 평균 59.7점으로 매우 낮았다. 장점에 대한 7항목의 정답률은 62.0-97.1%, 평균 86.1점이었다. 반면 수유의 실제적인 방법에 대한 13항목은 정답률 17.4-76.2%, 평균 45.3점이었다. 모유수유 계획률은 모유의 장점과 수유방법에 대한 인식의 중앙값 6점 이상인 군에서 유의하게 높았다(P<0.05). 가장 낮은 정답률은 '물젖이라도 계속 수유하는 것이 좋다' 17.4%이었다. 5) 산후조리 도우미로는 친정 식구가 52.3%로 가장 많았고, 산후조리원 22.4%, 시집 식구 10.6% 순이었다. 모유수유 계획률은 유의한 차이가 없었다(P>0.05). 6) 다변량 로지스틱 회귀분석에서 임신부의 취업여부, 모유수유력, 수유법 결정시기와 결정한 사람, 모유 수유의 장점에 대한 인식 등이 모유수유 계획의 중요한 결정인자이었다. 결 론 : 임신부의 대부분이 모유수유를 계획하고 있었으나 수유기간이 4-6개월로 짧았으며 모유의 장점은 충분히 인식하고 있었으나 수유의 방법에 대하여는 올바로 이해하고 있지 못하였다. 모유수유율을 높이기 위하여 국가 정책적으로 모자동실, 출산 휴가 연장, 직장에서의 수유 등 모성복지를 위한 개선책이 필요하며 소아과 의사는 육아 상담시 모유수유로 어려움을 겪고 있는 어머니를 올바르게 이끌고 격려하여야 한다.

초자화 동결된 생쥐 배반포기배의 융해 후 배양조건과 수정란 이식방법에 따른 체외/체내발달 (In Vitro/In Vivo Development after Thawing of Vitrified Mouse Blastocysts by Culture Condition and Embryo Transfer Method)

  • 김묘경;김은영;이봉경;윤산현;박세필;정길생;임진호
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.347-353
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    • 1997
  • 본 실험은 초자화 동결된 생쥐 배반포기배의 융해 후 배양조건 및 이식방법이 난자의 생존에 미치는 효과를 조사하고자 실시하였다. 체외수정후, M16배양액에서 4일동안 배양하여 얻어진 생쥐 배반포기배는 EFS40 (40% ethylene glycol, 18% Ficoll, 0.5 M sucrose가 함유된 PBS)으로 초자화동결하였다. 실험 I에서는 융해 후 배양조건에 따른 난자들의 체외/체내 생존율을 조사하였다. 융해된 난자가 M16과 4 mg/ml 소혈청알부민과 20 가지 아미노산이 함유된 m-CR1 (2% BME 아미노산 용액, 1% MEM 아미노산 용액) 및 단층배양이 유도된 난구세포 (10% FBS가 함유된 m-CR1배양액)에서 각각 배양되었을 때, 융해 후 24시간째 체외 생존율은 배양조건에 따라 차이가 없었다(75.6, 83.1, 82.4%). 그러나 체내 발달율에 있어서 임신 15일째 생존 산자율은 39.0, 49.0, 38.1%로서 유사한 성적을 나타냈으나, 전체 착상율에 있어서는 m-CR1 (80.4%)에 배양되었을 때, M16 (51.2%), 난구세포와 공배양시 (57.1%)보다 유의하게 높은 생존율을 보였다(p<0.05). 실험 II에서는 수정란 이식 방법에 따른 체내 발달율을 조사하였다. 배반포기배를 융해 후 체외배양없이 곧바로 가임신 2, 3일째 대리모에 이식을 실시하였을 때, 가임신 2일째 대리모에서는 임신징후를 얻지 못하였고, 가임신 3일째 대리모에서는 50.0%의 착상율과 15.4%의 정상산자율을 얻었다. 그러나, 이러한 결과는 융해 후, 16시간 배양하여 가임신 3일째 대리모에 이식 (73.5, 57.1%)하는 경우보다 유의하게 낮은 결과였다(p<0.05). 실험 III에서는 초자화 동결된 배반포기배의 융해 후 배양시 발달이 늦어진 수정란의 이용효율을 극대화시키기 위해 융해한 4일째 초기, 5일째 초기, 5일째 팽창 배반포기배의 체외/체내 생존율을 조사하였다. 가장 높은 체외 생존율은 5일째 팽창 배반포기배 (78.3%)에서 얻었으나, 체내 발달율 (산자율, 착상율)에 있어서는 4일째 초기 배반포기배 (33.3, 66.7%)의 경우가, 5일째 팽창 배반포기배(29.0, 38.7%)의 경우보다 높았다(p<0.05). 따라서 본 연구의 결과는 배양조건과 수정란 이식방법에 따라 초자화 동결된 배아의 체외/체내 발달율을 높일 수 있으며, 발달이 늦은 배반포기배의 체내 발달율은 체외 배양시간이 길어질수록 낮아짐으로, 5일째 팽창 배반포기배보다 4일째 초기 배반포기배를 동결하는 것이 더 유용하다는 것을 알 수 있었다.

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초산부, 경산부 초유 중 PCDDs, PCDFs, dioxin-like PCBs의 축적수준 및 상관성 평가 (Residual Consistency and Interrelationship Estimation of PCDDs, PCDFs, Dioxin-like PCBs in Colostrum of Primipara and Multipara)

  • 위성욱;김기호;조유진;조봉희;박상아;백인천;강성훈;윤조희;민병윤
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제20권7호
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    • pp.1078-1085
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    • 2010
  • PCDDs, PCDFs, dl-PCBs는 많은 역학 연구에서 독성오염물질이라고 간주되고 있는 생물축적 화학물질이다. 본 연구는 산모 초유 중에 이들 오염물질을 조사 분석하여 산모특성에 따른 축적성 및 상관성을 평가한 것으로, 실험대상 산모는 2007년에 평균연령 31.5세(표준편차=3.6세)의 건강한 초산부와 경산부이다. PCDDs 7개 이성질체, PCDFs 10개 이성질체, non-ortho PCBs 4개와 mono-ortho PCBs 8개 이성질체가 HRGC/HRMS로 분석되었다. 총 WHO-TEQs 평균값은 9.41 pg TEQ/g lipid로 다른 나라 농도에 비하여 낮은 수준이었다. 백분율의 증가와 함께 총 WHO-TEQs의 주요 기여자는 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF, 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 및 3,3‘,4,4’,5-PCB (#126)이며, 총 WHO-TEQs의 60% 이상으로 나타났다. PCDFs 농도와 총 WHO-TEQs는 출산경험에 대해서는 음의 상관관계를 나타내었으며(p<0.05) 산모의 연령은 총 WHO-TEQs에 대해서 양의 상관관계를 나타내었다(p<0.01). 그러나, 임신 전 체질량지수와 어류섭취의 상관관계는 유의성이 없었다. 이들 결과로부터 출산경력과 산모 연령은 모유 내의 PCDD/DFs 및 dl-PCBs의 농도에 영향을 미치는 중요한 인자로 판단된다.

신생아 중환자실에 입원한 환아 어머니의 스트레스 (A Study on the Perceived Stress of Mothers in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)

  • 최성희
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.60-75
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    • 1998
  • The parents have much expectation upon the pregnancy and child birth, and in most cases, they expect the healthy parturient child. However, we can be placed on the high-risk conditions which have the physical, social and immature infant, due to the unexpected results, among the new-born. Accordingly, these high-risk newborn and premature infants will be mostly in NICU, which the concentrated medical treatment can be given, upon their conditions. After their birth and during these periods, they will be divided from the parents, and the nurse will accomplish the bringing-up activities which they can take care of the infant, expected by the parents after their birth. The hospitalization of high-risk newborn including these premature infants is the shocking experience to the parents of family, and thus they can feel the fear and uneasiness, and these reactions of parents are troubled in the behavior at the usual days, and cause the disorder and spiritless status, and these results break the supporting ability of parents, and cause the obstruction. Also, the unavoidable division between the parents and the children as like hospitalization of children can make the parents to feel the alienation emotionally, and this causes the results which the pride on the bringing-up ability of baby gets to be lost. These problems can cause the difficulties on the bonding or the parenting in the further days, and can be related to the neglect and abuse of children. Also, it is gradually increased to study and report which the emotional division by the physical division between the mother and the baby obstructs the normal affection course between the parent and the infant. The stress caused by the birth and the hospitalization of high-risk newborn, as like this, is important in the points which it can uncertainly affect the potential energy for the relationship of parent-child who are finally healthy. Accordingly, the significance and purpose of this study are to understand the contents and degree of stress which the parents of high-risk newborn including the immature child can be experienced from the hospitalization of ICU for their new borns, and thus to offer the basic program to the nursing intervention program for these. The subject of this study is the mother of newborn in NICU of 10 General Hospitals located at the 3one of Pusan, Korea from September 1997 to October 1997, and thus makes the subject of 95 person of parents who agreed to take part in the study and it is descriptive study related to the stress of mother having the newborn in NICU. The method is based on the preceding study related to the stress of mother having the experience of child hospitalization and chronic disease child, and then acquires the advice of specialists group as like 5 nursing professors, and then is amended and supplemented. Total number of questions is 43 items and consists of 5 factors as like medical treatment &nursing procedures, disease status & prognosis, role of parents, communication & inter-personal relationships, hospital environment, and is 5 point Likert Scale. The reliability of this study method is very highly shown to be Cronbach α=0.95. The collected data is analysed as Average, Frequency, Standard Deviation, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Duncan multifulrange test by use of SPSS /PC (V7.5). The results of this study is summarized as under. 1. Every characteristics of subject is which the party of mother is 28.70age(±7.48) in the average ages, 51% in the high-school graduate, 38.5% in the christianity, total monthly income is 212.55 thousand won(±1.971), 74.5% in the housewife, 72.9% in the parents and children together living and the number of children to be 1.48person(± 0.6) in average, the recognition on the prognosis of baby is 74.0% in 'Don't know', the relationship with the husband after the hospitalization of babyis 37.3% in 'More Intimate', the relationship with the family of husband to be 48% in 'No-change', and the degree which is consulted with the husband about the baby is 55% in 'very frequently' and the visiting number per week is 4.59(±1.63) in average and the accompanying person in the time of visiting is which the number of husband is 56.3% and thus is the highest. The characteristics of baby is which the age is 21.88days(±16.47) after the birth in average, the sex to be 50 person in the female 52.1% and the order of birth to be 54.2% in the first chid, and the weight in the birth to be 2770gm(±610) and the height in the birth to be 46.26cm(±7.62) in aver age. The medical diagnosis is 37.5% in the premature infant, the career of hospitalization is 96.9% in 'None', and the operation plan is 90.6% in 'None' and the execution of operation is 88% in 'None' and the nursing of incubator is 55.2% in 'Yes', and the method of feeding is 50.5% in 'Oral' and the contents of feeding is 46.9% in the 'Milk'. 2. The total stress degree of subject is almost highly shown to be as 3.36(±0.86). If it is compared upon each cause, 'stress on disease status & prognosis' is highest 3.79(±1.28), and it is in the order of 'stress on medical treatment & nursing procedures' 3.70(±0.93), 'stress on hospital environment' 3.14(±0.86), 'stress on role of parents' 3.18(±0.92) and 'stress on communication & inter personal relationship' 2.62(± 0.77) 3. As the results of checking the notworthiness of stress degree upon each variable of subject, the variable showing the noted difference was the birth weight(γ=-0.16, P=0.04), birth height(γ=-0.23, P=0.03), nursing in the incubator(F=8.93, P=0.04), feed method(F=2.94, P=0.04). That is to say, it is shown which the smaller the birth weight is, the higher the stress degree of mother is noteworthily. Also, the smaller the birth height baby is, the higher the stress of mother is. In the incubator, it os shown which the mother whose baby is nursing in the incubator is higher in the stress degree than other mothers. Upon the feeding method of baby, that is to say, TPNis the highest, and it is shown in the order of NPO, Tube feeding, and P.O. feeding. When we review the above-mentioned results, as the status is serious, it is thought which we include the supporting nursing for coping with the stress of parents in the setting-up od nursing plan for the baby in the NICU.

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