• Title/Summary/Keyword: Position detection

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Characterization and Detection of Location Spoofing Attacks

  • Lee, Jeong-Heon;Buehrer, R. Michael
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.396-409
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    • 2012
  • With the proliferation of diverse wireless devices, there is an increasing concern about the security of location information which can be spoofed or disrupted by adversaries. This paper investigates the characterization and detection of location spoofing attacks, specifically those which are attempting to falsify (degrade) the position estimate through signal strength based attacks. Since the physical-layer approach identifies and assesses the security risk of position information based solely on using received signal strength (RSS), it is applicable to nearly any practical wireless network. In this paper, we characterize the impact of signal strength and beamforming attacks on range estimates and the resulting position estimate. It is shown that such attacks can be characterized by a scaling factor that biases the individual range estimators either uniformly or selectively. We then identify the more severe types of attacks, and develop an attack detection approach which does not rely on a priori knowledge (either statistical or environmental). The resulting approach, which exploits the dissimilar behavior of two RSS-based estimators when under attack, is shown to be effective at detecting both types of attacks with the detection rate increasing with the severity of the induced location error.

Rotor Position Detection of CPPM Belt Starter Generator with Trapezoidal Back EMF using Six Hall Sensors

  • Xu, Jiaqun;Long, Feng;Cui, Haotian
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 2016
  • Six-step commutation control widely used in brushless DC (BLDC) motor can be applied to consequent pole permanent magnet (CPPM) belt starter generator (BSG) with trapezoidal back electromotive force (EMF) in the starter state. However, rotor position detection with three Hall sensors in BLDC motor can hardly be employed in CPPM BSG due to asymmetric flux distribution in each pole side of CPPM BSG. This paper presents a low-cost rotor position detection method for CPPM BSG in which six Hall sensors are proposed to be used based on the analysis of flux distribution by 3D FEA. In the method, the six Hall sensors are divided into three groups and two signals in each group are combined through performing logic operations. In addition, offset angle between back EMF and the related Hall signal can be compensated by moving the Hall sensors. Experiments of a 2 kW CPPM BSG prototype have also been performed to verify the proposed method.

Analysis of Mass Position Detection Using the Change of the Structural Dynamic Characteristics (동특성 변화로부터 구조물의 변경질량 위치 해석)

  • 이정윤
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.120-126
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    • 2004
  • This study proposed the analysis of mass position detection due to the change of the mass and strifeless of structure by using the original and modified dynamic characteristics. The method is applied to examples of the cantilevers beam and the 3 degrees of freedom system by modifying the mass. The predicted detection of the mass positions and magnitudes are in good agrement with the present study from the structural reanalysis using the modified mass.

Analysis of detection of mass position using the change of the structural dynamic characteristics (동특성 변화로부터 구조물의 변경질량 위치 해석)

  • 이정윤
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.209-213
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    • 2002
  • This study proposed the analysis of mass position detection due to the change of the mass and stiffness of structure by using the original and modified dynamic characteristics. The method is applied to examples of a cantilever and 3 degree of freedom by modifying the mass. The predicted detection of mass positions and magnitudes are in good agreement with these from the structural reanalysis using the modified mass.

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Vehicle extraction and tracking of stereo (스테레오를 이용한 차량 검출 및 추적)

  • Youn, Se-Jin;Woo, Dong-Min
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.07g
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    • pp.2962-2964
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    • 1999
  • We know the traffic information about the velocity and position of vehicle by extraction and tracking vehicle from continuosly obtained road image of camera. The conventional method of vehicle detection indicate increment of error due to headlight and taillight in night road image. This paper show such as vehicle detection of binary, Edge detection. amalgamation of image are applied to extract the vehicle, and Kalman filter is adaptive methods for tracking position and velocity of vehicle.

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Position Detection and Gathering Swimming Control of Fish Robot Using Color Detection Algorithm (색상 검출 알고리즘을 활용한 물고기로봇의 위치인식과 군집 유영제어)

  • Akbar, Muhammad;Shin, Kyoo Jae
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2016.10a
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    • pp.510-513
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    • 2016
  • Detecting of the object in image processing is substantial but it depends on the object itself and the environment. An object can be detected either by its shape or color. Color is an essential for pattern recognition and computer vision. It is an attractive feature because of its simplicity and its robustness to scale changes and to detect the positions of the object. Generally, color of an object depends on its characteristics of the perceiving eye and brain. Physically, objects can be said to have color because of the light leaving their surfaces. Here, we conducted experiment in the aquarium fish tank. Different color of fish robots are mimic the natural swim of fish. Unfortunately, in the underwater medium, the colors are modified by attenuation and difficult to identify the color for moving objects. We consider the fish motion as a moving object and coordinates are found at every instinct of the aquarium to detect the position of the fish robot using OpenCV color detection. In this paper, we proposed to identify the position of the fish robot by their color and use the position data to control the fish robot gathering in one point in the fish tank through serial communication using RF module. It was verified by the performance test of detecting the position of the fish robot.

A Study on Single Position Driving Meethod of Switched Reluctance Motor (Switched Reluctance Motor의 Single Position Sensor 구동에 관한연구)

  • 정윤철
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2000.07a
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    • pp.709-712
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    • 2000
  • In general three position sensors are needed to drive three phases SRM. Single position sensor driving method for three phases Switched Reluctance Motor(SRM) is proposed in this paper. By using single position sensor the cost of SRM is reduced. But position sensor the cost of SRM is reduced. But position detection at the staring is needed for single position sensor driving method. In this paper we propose the active align method to detect the relative position of rotor to three phases and align to the nearest phase. We proved the validity of the method by experiment and compare with other method.

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A Position Information Hiding in Road Image for Road Furniture Monitoring (도로시설물 모니터링을 위한 도로영상 내 위치정보 은닉)

  • Seung, Teak-Young;Lee, Suk-Hwan;Kwon, Ki-Ryong;Moon, Kwang-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.430-443
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    • 2013
  • The recognition of current position and road surrounding of car is very important to driver for safe driving. This paper presents the recognition technique of the road traveling environment using position information hiding and viewpoint transform that monitors the information of road furniture and signature and notifies them to driver. The proposed scheme generates the road images into which the position information are hided, from car camera and GPS module and provides the road information to driver through the viewpoint transformation and the road signature detection. The driving tests with camera and GPS module verified that the position information hiding takes about 66.5ms per frame, the detection rate of road signature is about 95.83%, and the road signature detection takes about 227.45ms per frame. Therefore, we know that the proposed scheme can recognize the road traveling environment on the road video with 15 frame rate.

Initial Rotor Position Detection of a Toroidal SRM Using the Rate of Change of Current (전류변화율을 이용한 토로이달 SRM의 초기위치 경출 방법)

  • Yang Hyong-Yeol;Lim Young-Cheol
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2005
  • Rotor position information is essential in the operation of the switched reluctance motor(SRM) drive for generation the phase current switching signals. When an incremental encoder is used as a rotor position sensor, the initial rotor position can not be detected. Some sensorless rotor position estimation methods also have the same problem. In these systems, to initially align the rotor, the forced alignment method has a delay and reverse rotation before the motor can start. Therefore it can not be acceptable for unidirectional drive systems. So the forced alignment method is not desirable in all drive systems and the research on the SRM drives should be directed to a system without rotor alignment. In this paper, a new detection method of initial rotor position using the rate of change of current is suggested. Firstly, di/dt versus θ/sub R/ reference table, which is the relation between the rate of change of current and rotor position, is generated and then the squared Euclidean distance method is used to estimate the rotor position based on the table. The simulated and experimental results are presented demonstrating the feasibility and accuracy of this method.

A Vision-based Detection of Container hole for Container Location Measuring (컨테이너 위치 측정을 위한 비전 기반의 컨테이너 홀 검출)

  • Lee, Jung-hwa;Kim, Tae-hyung;Yoon, Hee-joo;Cha, Eui-young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.713-716
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose a vision-based detection of container hole for container location measuring. We use a method for container position using detection of diagonal container holes, because containers have holes that are linked to spreader headblocks. First, we extract images from spreader and detect straight lines to detect container in images using hough transform. Next, proposed method finds positions of cross at the right angles and set candidates of the corner that is linked to spreader headblocks. Finally, this method performs template matching to detect a right corner of containers. Experimental results show that proposed method performed well at detection of container position.

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