• Title/Summary/Keyword: Platform strategy

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The Effects of Interaction Experience and Product Involvement on Decision Making of Purchase: The Corporate Facebook Page

  • Shin, Dong-Hee;Kang, Sunghyun
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2014
  • Recently, with the development of technology, social network service (SNS) has become a hot topic. Lots of companies are now making online marketing strategy to promote their products and brand identities using SNS. Through these strategies, companies can produce more profit as well as make better brand images by performing online public relations. Among the SNSs, Facebook has a lot of users, it has been regarded by companies as a suitable platform with respect to online marketing for latent customers. The companies of today typically have at least one account and a Facebook page, and constantly make relationships with customers. However, companies have been thoughtless in this process, and usually provide information to customers through one-way communication. Based on this phenomenon, a study was conducted herein on how to use Facebook pages for promoting products and brand identities, keeping good relationships between companies and customers. This study assumed that the types of interaction on Facebook pages and user involvement are the key factors affecting decision making of purchase. Four types of Facebook pages which were made virtually were used in analysis with 56 participants who were selected for the experiment. The results indicated partial verification of the hypothesis. Particularly, product involvement had an effect on decision making of purchase in all conditions. According to these results, it can be explained that there are close relationships between the psychological status of online behaviors and Facebook corporate pages. In addition, through linear tendency of this phenomenon, this can infer how to setup a positive relationship with latent customers and make improve brand images of products.

A Case Study on the Digital Media-Connected Liveness of the Dance Performance: Focused on the Chang-jak-san-shil Dance Project (무용공연의 디지털미디어연계 실황중계 사례분석 : 창작산실 무용 지원사업을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ji-Seol
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2020
  • The case of Dance Chang-jak-san-shil, a dance performance support project linked to digital media, was analyzed from the perspective of liveness. The purpose was to examine the limitations of the liveness and to suggest ways to overcome them. The research case was focused on the factors of the time and space and audience (the sharing of field and acceptance experience) of the creative production room that supports works based on the creativity of dance performances. As a result, active SNS for accessibility of performing arts, expansion of access to art through the use of teaching media of art education through archiving, multi-dimensional access and provision for inducing audience participation and creative appreciation in one-way digital media transmission, provision of copyright protection devices, and audience to enter offline. As a long-term strategy for the future of the performing arts field, I would like to present the need for a change in the communication with the audience and experimental works that combine art and technology.

Mid to Long Term R&D Direction of UAV for Disaster & Public Safety (재난치안용 무인기 중장기 연구개발 방향)

  • Kim, Joune Ho
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2020
  • Disasters are causing significant damage to the lives and property of our society and are recognized as social problems that need to be solved nationally and globally. The 4th industrial revolution technologies affecting society as a whole such as the Internet of Things(IoT), Artificial Intelligence(AI), Drones(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), and Big Data are continuously absorbed into the disaster and safety industries as scientific and technological tools for solving social problems. Very soon, twenty-nine domestic UAV-related organizations/companies will complete the construction of a multicopter type small UAV integrated system ('17~'20) that can be operated at disaster and security sites. The current work considers and proposes the mid-to-long term R&D direction of disaster UAV as a strategic asset of the national disaster response system. First, the trends of disaster and safety industry and policy are analyzed. Subsequently, the development status and future plans of small UAV, securing shortage technology, and strengthening competitiveness are analyzed. Finally, step-by-step R&D direction of disaster UAV in terms of development strategy, specialized mission, platform, communication, and control and operation is proposed.

Analysis and Study for the Technical Direction of Internet of Things (IoT) in the Perspective of the Vehicle with Vehicle-Home IoT Service Cases (차량과 홈 IoT 기기 연동 서비스 사례를 통한 차량 측면에서의 IoT 기술 방향성 분석 및 고찰)

  • Kim, Joon-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2020
  • With the major advancement of vehicle-related technologies and services, the demands for the in/out-vehicle service expansion increase significantly. The key importance of the service expansion is to provide various vehicle-centric services in addition to improve the convenience and usability of users with connectivity. Recently, Internet of Things (IoT) gains major attention for small device connectivity and service, and it widens its area to other industries including automotive to advance and diversify its services. In this paper, we investigated the technical direction of the IoT service with the analysis of IoT technologies in the perspective of the vehicle. At first, we analyzed the vehicle and IoT services in each so that we are able to suggest the service design guideline and consideration to release integrated services between vehicle and IoT. Also, we reviewed the cases of few vehicle and home IoT integration services for the major insights and future direction of the integration services.

A Proposal for SmartTV Development Plan by Applying Big Data Analysis Methodology (빅데이터 분석 방법을 적용한 스마트 TV의 발전 방안에 관한 제언)

  • Park, Nam-Gue;Kim, Sun-Bae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.347-358
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    • 2014
  • A smart TV is able to show terrestrial broadcasting and also can be used as a computer -VOD, games, image communications, application utilities and so on. In order to carry out Smart TV business, it has to contains contents, platforms, network terminal unit. If ill-equipped with any of these aboves, it must cooperate with other licensee. Therefore, Smart TV business is necessary to cooperate with each business agent. In this paper, we will look into domestic/foreign country Smart TV market, policy, vitalization strategy, and suggest the application of big data analysis methodology for Smart TV vitalization method - 1) hardware infrastructure building based on cloud computing 2) Network upgradability acceptable traffic increase 3) Technical development cooperation between each licensee 4) Variable Smart TV contents supply 5) Cooperation with party interested individuals in using UX/UI for N-Screen, network traffic estimation may increase, customized supply smart contents for consumer in real time.

A Study of Whole Body Kinematic Control for a Rescue Robot (구난로봇을 위한 전신 기구학 제어 연구)

  • Hong, Seongil;Lee, Won Suk;Kang, Sin Cheon;Kang, Youn Sik;Park, Yong Woon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.853-860
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    • 2014
  • This paper introduces a Korean rescue robot and presents a whole body kinematic control strategy. The mission of the rescue robot is to move and lift patients or soldiers with impaired mobility in the battlefields, hospitals and hazardous environments. In order for a robot to rescue and assist humans, reliable mobility in various environments, large load carrying capacity, and dextrous manipulability are required. For these objects the robot has variable configuration mobile platform with tracks, dual arm manipulator, and two types of grippers. The electric actuators provide the strength to lift a wounded soldier up to 120 kg using whole body joints. To control the robot with multi degree of freedom, we need to synthesize complex whole-body behaviors, and to manage multiple task primitives systematically. We are to present a whole body kinematic control methodology, and demonstrate its effectiveness through numerical simulations.

The Role of Bank Payment Obligation under SWIFTNet's Trade Service Utility (SWIFTNet TSU BPO의 역할)

  • Lee, Bong-Soo
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.3-18
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    • 2015
  • This thesis examines the performance and improvement strategy of SWIFTNet TSU's BPO for computerization and suggests the following results: First, the URBPO should be legally complemented, and the SWIFT and banks need to keep improving the systems to meet trade parties' diverse needs. Second, the SWIFTNet TSU's BPO should have an institutionally unified sharing platform with security, stability and convenience. In other words, it is needed to develop services which meet e-payment paradigm and international and regional environments through continued analysis on market changes and flow. Third, in order for the SWIFTNet TSU BPO to evolve into a perfect global system, there should be an innovative payment solution which can meet all trade parties all over the world. For this, technology standardization for a worldwide e-trade payment system is essential. Lastly, based on the results derived from this study, an analysis framework with which more diverse and practical environmental variables can be analyzed should be developed.

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A Study on Solving Engineering Problems of a Piece-removing System using 6-Sigma DMADOV Technique with ARIZ & Brainstorming (6시그마 DMADOV기반 아리즈와 브레인스토밍을 이용한 취부용 피스제거 시스템의 공학문제 해결에 관한연구)

  • Lee, Seong-Jo;Chung, Won-Ji;Lee, Choon-Man
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents a new design algorithm for piece-removing dynamical system, based on 6-Sigma DMADOV technique using ARIZ and Brainstorming. Our design target is the piece-removing system installed on a mobile platform of bead-grinding equipment. The 6-Sigma DMADOV technique guides us design process according to 6 steps, i.e., Define - Measure - Analyze - Design - Optimize - Verify. A Design strategy to reduce the weight of piece-removing dynamical system will be explored by using ARIZ, i.e.,(the abbreviation of Algorithm for Inventive Problem Solving in Russian). The ARIZ will result in a final solution that the height and angle control parts for a cutting tool should be replaced by a kinematical approach, rather than complicated mechatronic approach(using motors). The Optimize step is composed of two sub-steps: (i) Generating process for obtaining several ideas of piece-removing system by using Brainstorming technique, satisfying the final solution derived from the Design step using ARIZ, and (ii) Optimizing process for selecting the most optimal idea of piece-removing system by using Pugh's matrix from the viewpoints of weight, cost and accuracy. The laststep of Verify has shown that the final design obtained by the 6-Sigma DMADOV technique with ARIZ & Brainstormingcan improve an initial design with design requirements satisfied. In this paper, we have shown that ARIZ and Brainstorming can be cooperatively merged into 6-Sigma DMADOV to give us both a formulatedproblem-solving approach and diverse candidate solutions(or ideas) without trial-and-error efforts.

A Study on the Value Evaluation of e-Trade Platform Services using IPA(Importance Performance Analysis) (IPA를 활용한 전자무역 시스템의 서비스 가치평가에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Jin;Shin, Seung-Man
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.59-83
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    • 2010
  • The purposes of the study is to evaluate the discrepancy between user's expectation and satisfaction degree in the service of uTradeHub. In this regard, this study infers general solutions in order to induce the intersection area using IPA technique. Then this paper will present directions to improve the service of uTradeHub. In terms of methodology, this article disclosed that IPA model approach is greatly useful to evaluate user's attribute. First, variables like the link of different works(f1), trust of system(f4), information connection(f7) are located on the first quadrant. This means that importance and satisfaction are all high variables for user. So, this is very important variables that need continuous administration in order to maintain present state. Second, variables such as the speed of information acquisition(f2), improvement of use(f3), stability of system(f5) are located on the second quadrant. This means that user's importance is high but user's satisfaction is low. Therefore, this area needs an active improvement strategy and quick maintenance for e-Trade application. Third, variables like the appropriateness of information usage fees(f8), easy subscription(f9), customer support service(f10) are located on the third quadrant. Because these variables are all low for user's importance and satisfaction, we have to arrange strong and radical remedy for e-Trade service. Finally, variables like information offer(f6) are located on the fourth quadrant. This means that user's satisfaction is high but user's importance is low. The research result suggests that e-Trade service development would be re-organised as much as user feels the importance of process innovation.

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Data Resource Management under Distributed Computing Environment (분산 컴퓨팅 환경하에서의 데이타 자원 관리)

  • 조희경;안중호
    • Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference
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    • 1994.09a
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    • pp.105-129
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    • 1994
  • The information system of corporations are facing a new environment expressed by miniaturization, decentralization and Open System. It is therefore of utmost importance for corporations to adapt flexibly th such new environment by providing for corresponding changes to their existing information systems. The objectives of this study are to identify this new environment faced by today′s information system and develop effective methods for data resource management under this new environment. In this study, it is assumed that the new environment faced by information systems can be specified as Distributed Computing Environment, and in order to achieve such system, presents Client/server architecture as its representative computing structure, This study defines Client/server architecture as a computing architecture which specialize the fuctionality of the client system and the server system in order to have an application distribute and perform cooperative processing at the best platform. Furthermore, from among the five structures utilized in Client/server architecture for distribution and cooperative processing of application between server and client this study presents two different data management methods under the Client/server environment; one is "Remote Data Management Method" which uses file server or database server and. the other is "Distributed Data Management Method" using distributed database management system. The result of this study leads to the conclusion that in the client/server environment although distributed application is assumed, the data could become centralized (in the case of file server or database server) or decentralized (in the case of distributed database system) and the data management method through a distributed database system where complete responsibility and powers with respect to control of data used by the user are given not only is it more adaptable to modern flexible corporate environment, but in terms of system operation, it presents a more efficient data management alternative compared to existing data management methods in terms of cutting costs.

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