• Title/Summary/Keyword: Philosophy of science

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Comparative Study of the Nursing Education Systems In China and South Korea (한국과 중국 간호교육체제의 비교 연구)

  • 이춘옥
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2000
  • This study, was done to compare the nursing education systems of China and South Korea (Korea), then, on the basis of this comparison, to examine the direction of nursing education in China. The results the study are as follows : 1. Nursing education in Korea was influenced by social change, political policy, but as it was established, nurses in Korea, were able actively involved in presenting nursing education development proposals to the government, and in developing nursing education through their own efforts. Nursing education in China developed through the political policy of a socialist Country. During the period of modernization after 1977, a nursing education developed very quickly, In 1983, the first baccalaureate nursing education program was established and, in 1992, the first masters program was opened. 2. In Korea, there are two nursing education systems; diploma and baccalaureate, and there is only one entry level, high school graduation. In China today, on the other hand, there are three types of nursing education systems; technical, diploma, and baccalaureate, and they have middle school and high school graduation as the two levels of entry. 3. There are similarities between China and Korea in curriculums for nursing education which include the major nursing concepts. But in descriptions of the education objectives, China the emphasis is on training the 'expert' in clinical nursing which is not consistent with their educational philosophy. Korea differs from China in that the focus is on training for 'multiple ability' to be used in both clinical and community environments. 4. In Korea, the curriculum is organized with the theoretical and clinical experience combined. The curriculum is oriented to the life cycle and human developmental process. In China, however, the curriculum is organized so that after finishing the theoretical part of the curriculum, the students begin a one year intensive field experience in which the major clinical field is the hospital, and the focus is on disease oriented care and research ability. 5. In order for nurses to be proposed to address nursing education system needs follows : to change as The new nursing education system should be baccalaureate education in order to improve the education level in all nursing education programs, to develop doctoral programs, to open nurse specialist programs, and to develop a new curriculum based nursing philosophy and health delivery system change. New nursing curriculum for health care in China in the 21st century should be directed by a framework based on nursing philosophy, objectives and nursing content. In conclusion, the study will contribute China nursing education system revolution for policy develop and curriculum research. According to these results, in the future, nurses in China should be more actively involved in research and in a nursing education revolution, Also they should be involved in building information networks and in developing long term projects in nursing education.

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Theoretical Aspects Of The Organizational And Pedagogical Conditions Of Creative Self-Development Of Distance Learning Students

  • Sydorovska, Ievgeniia;Vakulenko, Olesia;Dniprenko, Vadim;Gutnyk, Iryna;Kobyzhcha, Nataliia;Ivanova, Nataliia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 2021
  • The purpose and hypothesis of the article was the need to solve the following research tasks: Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem. To identify and experimentally test the effectiveness of organizational and pedagogical conditions affecting the creative self-development of a distance learning student. Research methods: analysis of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature on the problem under study; pedagogical experiment; modeling, questioning, testing, analysis of the products of students' creative activity (essays, creative works, creative projects) and the implementation of educational tasks, conversations, observations.

Use Of Interactive Internet Services In Education

  • Moskalenko-Vysotska, Olena;Melnyk, Emiliia;Tovstenko-Zabelin, Serhii;Lehka, Svitlana;Didenko, Maryna;Hrubych, Kostiantyn
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.218-224
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    • 2022
  • The article describes the concept of a Web-portal of an educational institution; the technical conditions for the creation of the Web-portal of the educational institution were determined; the features of the use of the Web-portal in the educational process and its organization are revealed. The scientific and practical value of the article lies in the fact that the use of portals in education will improve the management of an educational institution, activate and bring the educational process to the level of modern technologies at all its stages, as well as enhance the interaction of parents and students with employees of the educational institution.

Finding Effective Ways to Teach Foreign Languages

  • Fabian, Myroslava;Shtefanyuk, Nataliya;Budz, Iryna;Smutchenko, Olha;Drapak, Halyna;Leshchenko, Hanna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.77-81
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    • 2021
  • The article is devoted to the consideration of the methodological and general theoretical foundations of a rational methodology for teaching foreign language communicative competence of students of a non-linguistic university. The analysis of the vectors of research of problems of increasing the efficiency of the process of mastering foreign language communicative competence of non-linguistic students is presented. As a methodological basis for a rational methodology for teaching a foreign language communicative competence, the key aspects of the philosophy of rationality are considered, the basic principles of a rational methodology are formulated, linguo-didactic means of its implementation are determined, indicators of rationality are identified.

The Concept of the Formation of the Teacher's Innovative Competence in the Space of Lifelong Education

  • Boiko, Olha;Oborska, Svitlana;Kyrylenko, Kateryna;Cherevko, Svitlana;Lebid, Olha;Kulko, Viktoriia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2021
  • The article proposes the process of formation of the teacher's innovative competence in the space of lifelong education the foundations of the formation of the teacher's innovative competence in the space of continuous education. The concept of the formation of the teacher's innovative competence in the space of lifelong education is proposed; it includes initial ideas, goals, objectives, patterns, principles, stages, content and technologies implementation of this process.

Evolutionary Theory Of Management In Education

  • Moskalenko-Vysotska, Olena;Melnyk, Emiliia;Tovstenko-Zabelin, Serhii;Lehka, Svitlana;Didenko, Maryna;Hrubych, Kostiantyn
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.312-318
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    • 2022
  • The article notes that one of the reasons for the crisis in education was the sharp discrepancy between the emerging new forms and content and the model of macro-management that has developed over the decades. The level of management of the educational system did not emerge as a specific activity characterized by its own mechanisms and processes, just as qualified carriers of this activity - professionals - managers - did not appear. At the same time, there is practically no theoretical and methodological model of the macrolevel of education management, that is, management of the educational system as an integral structure.

The Five Laws of Library Science from a Japanese Angle

  • Takeuchi, Satoru
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.287-295
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    • 2011
  • The Five Laws of Library Science was introduced into Japan in 1935. After World War II, it was widely disseminated among young librarians by the education for librarianship developed in the 1950's. Its concept, "Books for All," met a serious opposition from local authorities based on their long continued concept of "preservation." After they realized that people eagerly use local libraries, they interpreted that the duty of public library was "lending books." They introduced "Privatization" of libraries into quite a few local libraries in order to save money. For overcoming problems, it is important to disseminate the library concept among the public, the assembly members and government officials planning to change their attitude of disregarding libraries. As the fundamental library philosophy, the Five Laws of Library Science is important. In the commentary of the Five Laws written by the present writer, he included an illustration of triangle pyramid showing the structure of the Five Laws. He included here the spiral of study on the library and the library science, based on the Section 814 of the Five Laws. He welcomes discussions on his Japanese angle from different viewpoints in order to develop further understanding of the Five Laws.

Psychological And Pedagogical Aspects Of Innovation Processes In Educational Activities

  • Yurchenko, Liubov;Lazorenko, Serhii;Mnozhynska, Ruslana;Tymoshenko, Yelyzaveta;Hatsenko, Halyna;Narozhna, Nadiia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.131-134
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    • 2021
  • The article conducted an interdisciplinary study of the concepts of innovation, innovation, innovative educational process, pedagogical innovation, management of an educational institution. Based on the study of psychological, methodological, philosophical literature, scientific approaches to the management of an innovative educational institution have been analyzed, and a strategy for its improvement has been determined. Purpose of the work: to study and characterize innovations in education, as well as in the education system.

An Analysis of Meanings and Processes about Scientific Observation in the Science Education (과학교육에서 제시하는 과학적 관찰의 의미와 과정에 대한 분석)

  • Byeon, Jung-Ho;Lee, Jun-Ki;Kwon, Yong-Ju
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.531-540
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the meaning and process of scientific observation. Hence, this study reviewed and discussed meanings and process of scientific observation described in philosophy, the philosophy of science and science education. Major researches on scientific observation are focused on a characteristic and type of scientific observation behavior. These research can suggest what is the characteristic of observation facts generated by observer. But it cannot show what is the meaning and process of scientific observation, it should be provide to students. According to the result in this study, scientific observation is affected by observer's subjective factors, such as experience, background knowledge, interpretation(not inference) and observation skill. All factor are integrated as an intellectual framework, and it is able to be changed by the observed facts. On the other hand, inference is excluded on scientific observation, but it have constantly affect on intellectual framework through feedback. This study on scientific observation provides a scaffold in various activities of scientific observation to be provided to students.

Comenius' Pansophism as a Historical Origin of Science Education (코메니우스의 범지주의적 교육학과 과학교육의 사상적 기원에 관한 문제)

  • Chung, Byung-Hoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.379-392
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    • 1994
  • One of the historical origins of the modern science education was investigated in this paper. From the view point of the pansophistic educational philosophy which emphasized "man should teach completely all things to all mankind(Omnes, Omnia, omnino)", J.A.Comenius proposed in his book "Didactica magna"(1658) that 'physica' should be learned as one of the most important school subjects. He suggested the completion of human being as a wholeness of the universe could be achieved through the physics teaching. His ideas of science education was, however, directed not to the 'rational konwledge' about the natural world, but to the 'divine wisdom'. His main thoughts and influences on science education can be summarized as follows: 1) The human being as a God's image should know the divinely created nature, because the invisible God's existence can be sensorially recognized in the nature. 2) Physics or science should be regarded as more important objects than verbal learning in general school education. 3) The cognitive union between the words('representative' or 'das Dargestellte') and things('presentative' or 'das Dargebotene') can be achieved through the objects lesson ('Anschauungsunterricht') 4) The realistic and sensor-cognitive learning theory of the object lesson is yet very important especially in the science education of elementary school, even though the inquiry learning process has became more important in the last years. 5) The religious aspect of his idea could not satisfy the social needs of industrialization and the development of professonal technics in the 18 to 19th century.

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