• Title/Summary/Keyword: Personal Training Program

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중학교 가정과교사의 가정교과 진로교육 관심단계와 실행수준 및 실태: CBAM 모형에 기초하여 (Middle School Home Economics Teachers' Stages of Concern and Levels of Use about Career Education: Based on CBAM(the Concerns Based Adoption Model))

  • 최민지;박미정;채정현
    • 한국가정과교육학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.49-65
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 관심에 기초한 도입 모형(CBAM: the Concerns Based Adoption Model)을 활용하여 가정과수업에서 진로교육에 대한 교사들의 관심단계와 실행수준 및 실태를 파악하여 진로교육의 현황과 문제점을 알아보고, 효과적인 진로교육의 실행을 위한 지원체제 수립에 기초자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 조사대상은 제주지역을 제외한 전국 중학교 가정과교사이며, 체계적 무선 표집에 의한 우편 설문과 편의 표집에 의한 이메일 설문을 통해 총 118부를 수집하여 최종 분석에 사용하였다. 자료는 SPSS/WIN 12.0을 활용하여 평균, 표준편차, 빈도, 백분율(%), 독립적 t-검정을 실시하였다. 본 연구 결과 가정과교사의 진로교육에 대한 관심은 개인적이고 정보적인 단계에 머물러 있는 것에 반해 실행수준은 다소 높은 수준인 정교화 수준으로 나타나, 교사들이 진로교육에 대한 관심이 낮은 반면 자신의 실행수준은 다소 높이 평가하고 있는 것으로 해석된다. 교사들은 가정과수업에서 진로교육을 실행하는데 자료, 시간, 전문 지식 부족 등 총체적인 어려움을 겪고 있는 것으로 분석되므로, 관련 자료 개발과 보급 및 연수 기회 제공과 같은 지원을 제공하는 것이 필요하겠다.

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문화중심 미술교육으로서의 비평학습 (Critical Studies as Culture-based Art Education)

  • 박정애
    • 미술이론과 현장
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    • 제1호
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    • pp.71-92
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    • 2003
  • This study examined the condition of an educational discourse, relating the concept of creativity, culture, culture-centered, and critical thinking, to explore Culture-based Art Education(CBAE). In particular, art education practice was examined using interpretations of creativity and critical theory positions from the field of education. Discourse analysis was used as the research method to contextually situate and analyze the ways in which art education theory and practice of creativity and of critical studies encoded meanings. The study helped build an understanding that creativity was formed as a modernist discourse in the humanistic stance. In education, creativity became the fundamental concern for progressive educators who pursued innate ability of individuals. The way to enhance creative potential of students was to induce their motive, as was the same case in art education, while in artist training, free expression was its main method. In this way, as creativity was intimately connected with the concept of expression, in art education art making is the only course for enhancing creativity. However, because creative process cannot intelligently be regarded as logically distinct from the creative product, and creativity can only be said by product, it seems valid to think that creativity is the quality not to be achieved by teaching. Furthermore, its emphasis on art making resulted in unbalance of art making and art appreciation in art education. It was the late sixties when several alternatives for creative education were made their appearance. Critical studies in art adopted critical theory as its theoretical background has developed as an alternative of creative art education, when research and theory for creativity could not be adequate to deal with the problem of practice. Critical theory is a broad and diverse field of theory and practice drawing on aspects of the modernist perspective of the later Frankfurt School, feminism, Freirean pedagogy, postcolonial discourse as well as postmodernism to construct a practical approach to education. It is very this eclectic nature to provide the mosaic that need to experience cultures from different perspectives in a pluralistic society. Because one's personality is formed by multiple aspects of culture which is very complex and is made up of what we do and value, creativity cannot make part of educational discourse with the philosophy of culture centered. On the other hand, critical studies, as a school art program of critical theory, can perform the role of CBAE, because it would have to deal with the investigation of social and cultural issues form multiple personal, local, national, and global perspectives.

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개념도를 통한 유아 인성교육에 대한 교사 인식 연구 (Study on Teachers' Perception on Child's Personality Education Using Concept Mapping)

  • 박진희;손원경
    • 한국보육지원학회지
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.191-209
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 유아 인성교육에 대한 교사들의 인식을 Kane과 Trochim(2007)의 개념도 방법을 활용하여 밝히고, 그 중요도를 알아보는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 부산광역시에 소재한 유아교육기관에 근무하고 있는 교사 10명을 대상으로 면접을 실시하여 총 196개의 아이디어 진술문이 수집되었으며, 추출된 아이디어 진술문을 통합 편집하는 과정을 거쳐 최종적으로 51개의 진술문으로 축약하였다. 최종 진술문은 다시 10명의 개념도 작성 참여자들에게 분류하도록 하고, 설문조사 참여자 294명에게 각 진술문의 중요도에 관해 평정하는 과정을 거쳤다. 연구결과 첫째, 분류 결과를 토대로 다차원 척도 분석과 위계적 군집분석을 이용하여 2개 차원(환경/개인, 덕목/실행)과 5개 군집으로 이루어진 유아 인성교육에 대한 교사들의 인식 개념도를 도출할 수 있었다. 둘째, 유아 인성교육에 대한 교사들의 중요도 인식을 평정한 결과 유아 인성교육 관련 5개 범주 중 '성인의 역할 강조(M=4.45)'를 가장 중요하게 인식하고 있음을 알 수 있었다.

치과기공사의 안전교육 실태 및 상해발생 조사연구 -서울·경기 지역을 중심으로 (Study of the safety education condition and injury occurrence in dental technicians- in Seoul and Gyeonggi)

  • 김진;최세웅;신수정;조윤상;임수민;심정석;이정수;배은정
    • 대한치과기공학회지
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: It is intended to raise awareness of importance of protective equipment and necessity of safety education by examining the actual condition of measures to deal with accident, occurrence of injury, whether safety education is received or not, the actual condition of wearing protective equipment, and working environment of dental lab and dental technician. Methods: A self-administered survey was conducted for a total of 150 dental technologists. A chi-squared test and independent-samples t-test was carried out by using SPSS WIN Program (version 12.0) in order to analyze the actual condition of safety education according to work experience and position and whether injury occurred according to whether to wear protective equipment. Significance level was 0.05. Results: With regard to whether injury occurred according to whether safety education was received, there was 'receiving the safety education-injured (71.8%)', 'not receiving the safety education-injured (79.7%)', 'receiving the safety education-not injured (28.2%)', and 'not receiving the safety education-not injured (20.3%)'. The statistical results of injury occurrence according to safety education were not significant. With regard to whether to be injured according work experience, there was 'less than 10 years-injured (68.4%)', 'less than 10 years- not injured (31.6%)', '10 years or above-injured (89.1%)', and '10 years or above-not injured (10.9%)'. The statistical results of injury occurrence according to work experience were significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: Dental lab and specialized agencies should continue to be interested in periodic safety training, recommending wearing protective equipment and personal protective equipment support and so on.

한부모가족 아동에 대한 교사의 인식과 관련요인에 관한 연구 (A Study of Teachers' Perceptions and Attitudes on Children from One-parent Families)

  • 송다영;성정현;한정원
    • 한국사회복지학
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    • 제52권
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    • pp.273-299
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 아동의 성장과정에 있어 매우 중요한 환경인 학교현장에서 교사들이 한부모가족 아동들에 대해 갖고 있는 인식과 태도를 알아보고, 이에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 분석해 봄으로써 한부모가족 아동들이 보다 당당하게 학교생활을 할 수 있게 하는 방안을 모색하기 위한 기초 자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 2002학년 여름방학동안 서울, 경기도, 전라도, 경상도 등 전국에서 이루어지는 교사 연수회에 참석한 초등학교 교사를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 교사의 지위나 연령, 지역(대도시, 중소도시, 도시외 지역) 등을 고려하여 유의표집(purposive sampling)한 결과 총 776부가 회수되었으며, 이를 SAS 6.12로 빈도분석, 평균, 교차분석(Chi-Square), t-test, 일원분산분석(oneway-ANOVA), 중다회귀분석(Multiple Regression)하였다. 연구결과, 대부분의 교사들은 한부모가족 아동이 증가하고 있다는 것을 교육현장에서 느끼고 있었으나, 아동의 심리상황에 대해서는 잘못 이해하고 있는 부분이 많은 것으로 나타났다. 교사의 한부모가족 아동에 대한 부정적인 인식에 영향을 미치는 요인으로는 교사의 사회인구학적 특성, 경험적 요인, 아동의 학교생활 수행정도 뿐만 아니라 교사 자신의 한부모가족에 대한 정형화된 인식, 가족주의 및 이혼에 대한 가치관 등이 작용하는 것으로 나타났다. 교사들의 의식이나 태도는 성장기 아동들의 자신감과 자존감 형성에 상당히 커다란 영향을 줄 것으로 예상되는 바, 이에 대한 대책이 사회적 의식 전환, 교육체계 및 환경의 변화, 교사 교육프로그램 개발, 학교사회사업 및 상담교사 배치, 한부모가족의 임파워먼트 등에서 제시되었다.

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위해사례분석을 통한 경호제도의 발전방안 (A Method to Develop Security System through the Analysis on Dangerous Case)

  • 유형창;김태민
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제16호
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    • pp.161-187
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구는 세계적으로 확산되고 있는 테러리즘과 관련하여 경호임무 수행시 나타난 위해사례분석을 통하여 도출된 문제점들을 다각도에서 분석하여 현재 한국 경호제도의 발전방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구를 수행하기 위해 현재 한국의 경호관계법, 경호의 원칙과 방법론, 테러와 뉴테러리즘에 대한 기본 이론을 고찰하였다. 그리고 경호위해 사례 중 박근혜 위해사례를 중점적으로 분석한 질적사례연구로 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구를 통한 한국 경호제도의 발전방안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 법제도적인 측면에서는 테러방지법과 요인경호법 제정을 재검토해야 할 것이다. 그리고 민간경호의 근거법인 경비업법의 개정을 통해 민간경호의 발전을 도모해야 한다. 둘째, 민간경호 육성의 측면에서 세분화되지 않고 있는 교육훈련 프로그램을 정비 해야하고 강화해야 한다. 또 경비업법에 의한 신변보호업무를 활성화하고 시장을 확대해야 한다. 이러한 관점에서 민간경호원에 대한 국가자격증을 도입해야하고, 공경호의 대표적인 대통령실 경호처에서는 선진기술들을 민간경호로 이전해야할 것이다. 셋째, 운영적 측면에서는 SCE원칙, 인적방벽효과의 원리, 촉수거리확보의 원칙, 체위확장의 원칙, 일직선의 원칙, 대피우선의 원칙 등 경호원칙에 입각한 경호운영이 요구되는 바, 이러한 운영을 위해 선행적으로 예방경호의 중요성이 강조되며 철저한 경호경비기획이 이루어져야 할 것이다.

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일본어 평생교육 프로그램 운영 실태 및 개선 방안 - 서울시 소재 종합사회복지관을 대상으로 - (A Study on the Operation Condition and Improvement for Japanese Language Continuing Education - Focused on Social Welfare Centers Located in Seoul -)

  • 김활란
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제35권
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    • pp.315-338
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to propose actual operation condition of Japanese lecture based on social welfare organizations located in Seoul to investigate the current status and problems of Japanese language education in terms of lifelong education. According to the result of this study, the remarkable point was that a majority of Japanese lecture courses are highly focused on the elderly and 86% of the welfare organizations are providing free education. Regarding the effect of specialized business for the aged run by social welfare community center, it says, as Korea changing to aging society at the beginning of 21st century, it has put focus on strengthening personal competences of seniors through opportunities for participation in lifelong education, recreational activity programs and culture classes. It means foreign language classes are operating as one of the lifelong education programs for reinforcement of individual capability. Considering this tendency, it is expected that the lifelong education participation rate of the elder in Seoul will be raised. So, systematic improvements will be needed for this. First, it is required to recognize the existence of Educational and Cultural Industry and work hard to make it public so it could be invigorated and utilized by people usefully at the same time. Second, Japanese language training that mostly 55-year-old or more than 60-year-old people receive at the welfare center needs to be systematized for preparations on proper studying environment which provides the older with appropriate education method and content as well. Third, stable and systematic operation should be available through the link with experts in the field of Japanese language education and elderly education. Fourth, education program development is needed, which is able to satisfy one's desires for learning. Hence, targeting Japanese learners at each welfare center, we need to know the estimation of satisfaction degree and consciousness on learning Japanese. Finally, it has not been studied sufficiently regarding the instructors on teaching Japanese language in this paper, but it has been reported that most of social welfare centers, where Japanese language lectures are provided, are run by volunteers who can teach Japanese. Thus, the study on actual condition for Japanese language instructors will be conducted as well later on.

New Approaches to Quality Monitoring of Higher Education in the Process of Distance Learning

  • Oseredchuk, Olga;Drachuk, Ihor;Teslenko, Valentyn;Ushnevych, Solomiia;Dushechkina, Nataliia;Kubitskyi, Serhii;Сhychuk, Antonina
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권7호
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2022
  • The article identifies the problem of monitoring the quality of higher education in three main areas, which are comparative pedagogical systems of education. The first direction is determined by dissertation works, the second - monographs and textbooks, and the third reveals scientific periodicals. According to its internal structure, monitoring the quality of education combines important management components identified in the article (analysis, evaluation and forecasting of processes in education; a set of methods for tracking processes in education; collecting and processing information to prepare recommendations for research processes and make necessary adjustments). Depending on the objectives, three areas of monitoring are identified: informational (involves the accumulation, structuring and dissemination of information), basic (aimed at identifying new problems and threats before they are realized at the management level), problematic (clarification of patterns, processes, hazards, those problems that are known and significant from the point of view of management). According to its internal structure, monitoring the quality of education combines the following important management components: analysis, evaluation and forecasting of processes in education; a set of techniques for tracking processes in education; collection and processing of information in order to prepare recommendations for the development of the studied processes and make the necessary adjustments. One of the priorities of the higher education modernization program during the COVID-19 pandemic is distance learning, which is possible due to the existence of information and educational technologies and communication systems, especially for effective education and its monitoring in higher education. The conditions under which the effectiveness of pedagogical support of monitoring activities in the process of distance learning is achieved are highlighted. According to the results of the survey, the problems faced by higher education seekers are revealed. A survey of students was conducted, which had a certain level of subjectivity in personal assessments, but the sample was quite representative.

병원 간호사의 선호근무시간대에 관한 연구 (A Study on Hoslital Nurses' Preferred Duty Shift and Duty Hours)

  • 이경식;정금희
    • 대한간호
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.77-96
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    • 1997
  • The duty shifts of hospital nurses not only affect nurses' physical and mental health but also present various personnel management problems which often result in high turnover rates. In this context a study was carried out from October to November 1995 for a period of two months to find out the status of hospital nurses' duty shift patterns, and preferred duty hours and fixed duty shifts. The study population was 867 RNs working in five general hospitals located in Seoul and its vicinity. The questionnaire developed by the writer was used for data collection. The response rate was 85.9 percent or 745 returns. The SAS program was used for data analysis with the computation of frequencies, percentages and Chi square test. The findings of the study are as follows: 1. General characteristics of the study population: 56 percent of respondents was (25 years group and 76.5 percent were "single": the predominant proportion of respondents was junior nursing college graduates(92.2%) and have less than 5 years nursing experience in hospitals(65.5%). For their future working plan in nursing profession, nearly 50% responded as uncertain The reasons given for their career plan was predominantly 'personal growth and development' rather than financial reasons. 2. The interval for rotations of duty stations was found to be mostly irregular(56.4%) while others reported as weekly(16.1%), monthly(12.9%), and fixed terms(4.6%). 3. The main problems related to duty shifts particularly the evening and night duty nurses reported were "not enough time for the family, " "afraid of security problems after the work when returning home late at night." and "lack of leisure time". "problems in physical and physiological adjustment." "problems in family life." "lack of time for interactions with fellow nurses" etc. 4. The forty percent of respondents reported to have '1-2 times' of duty shift rotations while all others reported that '0 time'. '2-3 times'. 'more than 3 times' etc. which suggest the irregularity in duty shift rotations. 5. The majority(62.8%) of study population found to favor the rotating system of duty stations. The reasons for favoring the rotation system were: the opportunity for "learning new things and personal development." "better human relations are possible. "better understanding in various duty stations." "changes in monotonous routine job" etc. The proportion of those disfavor the rotating 'system was 34.7 percent. giving the reasons of"it impedes development of specialization." "poor job performances." "stress factors" etc. Furthermore. respondents made the following comments in relation to the rotation of duty stations: the nurses should be given the opportunity to participate in the. decision making process: personal interest and aptitudes should be considered: regular intervals for the rotations or it should be planned in advance. etc. 6. For the future career plan. the older. married group with longer nursing experiences appeared to think the nursing as their lifetime career more likely than the younger. single group with shorter nursing experiences ($x^2=61.19.{\;}p=.000;{\;}x^2=41.55.{\;}p=.000$). The reason given for their future career plan regardless of length of future service, was predominantly "personal growth and development" rather than financial reasons. For further analysis, the group those with the shorter career plan appeared to claim "financial reasons" for their future career more readily than the group who consider the nursing job as their lifetime career$(x^2$= 11.73, p=.003) did. This finding suggests the need for careful .considerations in personnel management of nursing administration particularly when dealing with the nurses' career development. The majority of respondents preferred the fixed day shift. However, further analysis of those preferred evening shift by age and civil status, "< 25 years group"(15.1%) and "single group"(13.2) were more likely to favor the fixed evening shift than > 25 years(6.4%) and married(4.8%)groups. This differences were statistically significant ($x^2=14.54, {\;}p=.000;{\;}x^2=8.75, {\;}p=.003$). 7. A great majority of respondents(86.9% or n=647) found to prefer the day shifts. When the four different types of duty shifts(Types A. B. C, D) were presented, 55.0 percent of total respondents preferred the A type or the existing one followed by D type(22.7%). B type(12.4%) and C type(8.2%). 8. When the condition of monetary incentives for the evening(20% of salary) and night shifts(40% of. salary) of the existing duty type was presented. again the day shift appeared to be the most preferred one although the rate was slightly lower(66.4% against 86.9%). In the case of evening shift, with the same incentive, the preference rates for evening and night shifts increased from 11.0 to 22.4 percent and from 0.5 to 3.0 percent respectively. When the age variable was controlled. < 25 yrs group showed higher rates(31.6%. 4.8%) than those of > 25 yrs group(15.5%. 1.3%) respectively preferring the evening and night shifts(p=.000). The civil status also seemed to operate on the preferences of the duty shifts as the single group showed lower rate(69.0%) for day duty against 83. 6% of the married group. and higher rates for evening and night duties(27.2%. 15.1%) respectively against those of the married group(3.8%. 1.8%) while a higher proportion of the married group(83. 6%) preferred the day duties than the single group(69.0%). These differences were found to be statistically all significant(p=.001). 9. The findings on preferences of three different types of fixed duty hours namely, B, C. and D(with additional monetary incentives) are as follows in order of preference: B type(12hrs a day, 3days a wk): day shift(64.1%), evening shift(26.1%). night shift(6.5%) C type(12hrs a day. 4days a wk) : evening shift(49.2%). day shift(32.8%), night shift(11.5%) D type(10hrs a day. 4days a wk): showed the similar trend as B type. The findings of higher preferences on the evening and night duties when the incentives are given. as shown above, suggest the need for the introductions of different patterns of duty hours and incentive measures in order to overcome the difficulties in rostering the nursing duties. However, the interpretation of the above data, particularly the C type, needs cautions as the total number of respondents is very small(n=61). It requires further in-depth study. In conclusion. it seemed to suggest that the patterns of nurses duty hours and shifts in the most hospitals in the country have neither been tried for different duty types nor been flexible. The stereotype rostering system of three shifts and insensitiveness for personal life aspect of nurses seemed to be prevailing. This study seems to support that irregular and frequent rotations of duty shifts may be contributing factors for most nurses' maladjustment problems in physical and mental health. personal and family life which eventually may result in high turnover rates. In order to overcome the increasing problems in personnel management of hospital nurses particularly in rostering of evening and night duty shifts, which may related to eventual high turnover rates, the findings of this study strongly suggest the need for an introduction of new rostering systems including fixed duties and appropriate incentive measures for evenings and nights which the most nurses want to avoid, In considering the nursing care of inpatients is the round-the clock business. the practice of the nursing duty shift system is inevitable. In this context, based on the findings of this study. the following are recommended: 1. The further in-depth studies on duty shifts and hours need to be undertaken for the development of appropriate and effective rostering systems for hospital nurses. 2. An introduction of appropriate incentive measures for evening and night duty shifts along with organizational considerations such as the trials for preferred duty time bands, duty hours, and fixed duty shifts should be considered if good quality of care for the patients be maintained for the round the clock. This may require an initiation of systematic research and development activities in the field of hospital nursing administration as a part of permanent system in the hospital. 3. Planned and regular intervals, orientation and training, and professional and personal growth should be considered for the rotation of different duty stations or units. 4. In considering the higher degree of preferences in the duty type of "10hours a day, 4days a week" shown in this study, it would be worthwhile to undertake the R&D type studies in large hospital settings.

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  • Hong, Yeo-Shin
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.5-8
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    • 1981
  • This study concerns itself with the development of a new model of comprehensive health service for rural communities of Korea. The study was conceived to resolve the problems of both underservice in rural communities and underutilization of valuable health manpower, namely the nurses, the disenchanted elite health personnel in Korea. On review of the current situation, the greatest deficiencies in the Korean health care system were found in the availability of primary care at the peripheries of md communities, in the dissemination of knowledge of disease prevention and health care, and in the induction of and guidance for active participation by the clientele in health maintenance at the personal, family and community level Abundant untapped health resources were identified that could be brough to bear upon the national effort to extend health services to every member of the Korean Population. Therefore, it was Postulated that the problem of underservice in rural communities of Korea can be structurcturally resolved by the effective mobilization and organization of untapped health resources, and that. a primary care Nursing Service System offers the best possibility for fulfillment of rural health service goals within the current health man-power situation. In order to identify appropriate strategies to combat the present difficulties in Korean rural health services and to utilize nurses and other health personnel in community-centered health programs, a search was made for examples of innovative service models throughout the world. An extensive literature survey and field visits to project sites both in Korea and in the United States were made. Experts in the field of world health, health service, planners, administrators, and medical and nursing practitioners in Korea, in the United States as well as visitors from other Asian countries were widely consulted. On the basis of information and inputs from these experts a new rural health service model has been constructed within the conceptual framework of community development, especially of the innovation diffusion Model. It is considered especially important that citizens in each community develop capacities for self-care with assistance and supports from available health professionals and participate in health service-related decisions that affect their own well-being. The proposed model is based upon the regionalization of health care planning utilizing a comprehensive Nursing Service System at the immediate delivery level The model features: (1) a health administration unit at each administrative level; (2) mechanisms for community participation; (3) a continuous source of primary health care at the local community level; (4) relative centralization of specialty care and provision of tertiary or super-specialty care only at major national metropolitan centers; and (5) a system for patient referral to the appropriate level of care. This model has been built around professional nurses as the key community health workers because their training is particularly suited and because large numbers of well-trained nurses are currently available and being trained. The special element in this model is a professional nurse-guided, self-care facilitating primary care Community Nursing Service System. This is supported by a Nursing Extension Service as a new training and support structure. (See attached diagrams). A broad spectrum of programs was proposed for the Community Nursing Service System. These were designed to establish a balance of activities between the clinic-centered individual care component and the field activity-centered educational and supportive component of health care services. Examples of possible program alternatives and proposed guidelines for health care in specific situations were presented, as well as the roles and functions of the key health personnel within the Community Nursing Service System. This Rural Health Service Model was proposed as a real alternative to the maldistributed, inequitable, uncoordinated solo-practice, physician-centered fee-for-service health care available to Koreans today.

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