New Approaches to Quality Monitoring of Higher Education in the Process of Distance Learning

  • Oseredchuk, Olga (Department of General Pedagogy and Higher School Pedagogy, Center for Marketing and Development, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv) ;
  • Drachuk, Ihor (Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine) ;
  • Teslenko, Valentyn (Department of Philosophy, National Technical University of Ukraine (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute)) ;
  • Ushnevych, Solomiia (Department of Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University) ;
  • Dushechkina, Nataliia (Department of Chemistry, Ecology and methods of their training, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University) ;
  • Kubitskyi, Serhii (Department of Management and Educational Technology, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine) ;
  • Сhychuk, Antonina (Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute)
  • Received : 2022.07.05
  • Published : 2022.07.30


The article identifies the problem of monitoring the quality of higher education in three main areas, which are comparative pedagogical systems of education. The first direction is determined by dissertation works, the second - monographs and textbooks, and the third reveals scientific periodicals. According to its internal structure, monitoring the quality of education combines important management components identified in the article (analysis, evaluation and forecasting of processes in education; a set of methods for tracking processes in education; collecting and processing information to prepare recommendations for research processes and make necessary adjustments). Depending on the objectives, three areas of monitoring are identified: informational (involves the accumulation, structuring and dissemination of information), basic (aimed at identifying new problems and threats before they are realized at the management level), problematic (clarification of patterns, processes, hazards, those problems that are known and significant from the point of view of management). According to its internal structure, monitoring the quality of education combines the following important management components: analysis, evaluation and forecasting of processes in education; a set of techniques for tracking processes in education; collection and processing of information in order to prepare recommendations for the development of the studied processes and make the necessary adjustments. One of the priorities of the higher education modernization program during the COVID-19 pandemic is distance learning, which is possible due to the existence of information and educational technologies and communication systems, especially for effective education and its monitoring in higher education. The conditions under which the effectiveness of pedagogical support of monitoring activities in the process of distance learning is achieved are highlighted. According to the results of the survey, the problems faced by higher education seekers are revealed. A survey of students was conducted, which had a certain level of subjectivity in personal assessments, but the sample was quite representative.



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