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A Study on the Cooperation between Medical Care and Law - Focusing on the discussion of the role of clinical practice guideline in Japan - (의료와 사법(司法)의 협력 -일본에서의 진료가이드라인의 역할에 대한 논의를 중심으로-)

  • Song, young-min
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.39-65
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    • 2022
  • There are two aspects of clinical practice guidelines that act as non-legal control before medical practice and as legal control standards after medical practice. The essential purpose of clinical practice guidelines is the former, but the latter action cannot be excluded. The clinical practice guidelines are a means of linking law and medical care. The negative perception of clinical practice guidelines that medical professionals' autonomy can be violated by the enactment of clinical practice guidelines is an excessive negative evaluation of clinical practice guidelines. Rather, judicial judgment based on clinical practice guidelines plays a role in respecting the autonomy of medical professionals. In other words, the clinical practice guidelines suppress legal regulations on medical care as much as possible and are based on doctors' professional ethics and self-discipline, and patient awareness and cooperation. In order to establish an ideal relationship of cooperation between doctors and patients, 'medical ethics' must be incorporated as a legal means. Clinical practice guidelines are the most appropriate means for incorporating such medical ethics into legal procedures. The lawyer solves the case with a legal syllogism that establishes a norm and applies facts to it to conclude. For the resolution of medical disputes, Clinical practice guidelines are used to establish norms that doctors should perform for specific diseases, and conclusions are drawn by applying the established norms to specific medical practices. When it is not easy to apply the established norms to specific medical practices, medical judgments by experts, such as emotions, expert testimony, and explanations by expert members, are used. As such, the Law respects the autonomy of medical care even in the establishment of norms and the application of norms. In particular, Clinical practice guidelines prepared independently by the medical community are referred to in establishing norms, which are the prerequisites for legal syllogism. This shows that doctors participate in the formation of precedents and contribute to the formation of norms. The use of clinical practice guidelines in trials is respect and consideration for the autonomy of medical care. Although there may be an aspect in which the autonomy of individual doctors is limited by clinical practice guidelines, it should be considered that the autonomy of doctors as a group is respected. In this way, the clinical practice guidelines play a role in protecting the autonomy of the "medical" group from the logic of the "law."

Analysis of Service Factors on the Management Performance of Korea Railroad Corporation - Based on the railroad statistical yearbook data - (한국철도공사 경영성과에 미치는 서비스 요인분석 -철도통계연보 데이터를 대상으로-)

  • Koo, Kyoung-Mo;Seo, Jeong-Tek;Kang, Nak-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.127-144
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to derive service factors based on the "Rail Statistical Yearbook" data of railroad service providers from 1990 to 2019, and to analyze the effect of the service factors on the operating profit ratio(OPR), a representative management performance variable of railroad transport service providers. In particular, it has academic significance in terms of empirical research to evaluate whether the management innovation of the KoRail has changed in line with the purpose of establishing the corporation by dividing the research period into the first period (1990-2003) and the latter (2004-2019). The contents of this study investigated previous studies on the quality of railway passenger transportation service and analyzed the contents of government presentation data related to the management performance evaluation of the KoRail. As an empirical analysis model, a research model was constructed using OPR as a dependent variable and service factor variables of infrastructure, economy, safety, connectivity, and business diversity as explanatory variables based on the operation and management activity information during the analysis period 30 years. On the results of research analysis, OPR is that the infrastructure factor is improved by structural reform or efficiency improvement. And economic factors are the fact that operating profit ratio improves by reducing costs. The safety factor did not reveal the significant explanatory power of the regression coefficient, but the sign of influence was the same as the prediction. Connectivity factor reveals a influence on differences between first period and latter, but OPR impact direction is changed from negative in before to positive in late. This is an evironment in which connectivity is actually realized in later period. On diversity factor, there is no effect of investment share in subsidiaries and government subsidies on OPR.

Glycoprotein in the Fruit Body of Sarcodon aspratus (능이자실체의 Glycoprotein)

  • Cho, Nam-Seok;Choi, Tae-Ho;Cho, Hee-Yeon;Leonowicz, Andrzej
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2004
  • This study was performed to investigate compositions of inorganic elements, amino acids and glycoprotein fractions as biological substances in fruit body of Sarcodon aspratus. The fruit body of Sarcodon aspratus contained Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu, and Pb, in particular high Ca and Na. Hot water extracts consisted of 54% of polysaccharide fraction and 32.6% of protein. In amino acids composition, fourteen free amino acids were detected, mainly glutamic acid, alanine and arginine. Fifteen kinds of total amino acids were contained with major components of glutamic acid, aspartic acid, serine and threonine. Concerned to glycoprotein extraction, 95% ethyl alcohol concentration gave the highest yields with 70.6% sugar fraction, 332% glycoprotein. Different ethyl alcohol concentration resulted in different protein precipitations, and lower concentration ethyl alcohol in the range of 30 to 70% gave more than 92% of higher sugar fraction. Crude glycoprotein (GP) was fractionated by P fraction of more than MW 300,000, P-1 fraction unadsorbed by DEAE-Sephadex, P-2 fractionated from P-1 by Sepharose 2B gel chromatography and P-3 fraction adsorbed by DEAE-Sephadex. Total sugars were increased and protein contents decreased during fractionation. GP and P-3 contained glucose, galactose, mannose and fucose. GP had high glucose with high contents of glutamic acid, serine, alanine and glycine. P-3 fraction contained high mannose with aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and glycine. P-2 fraction was 700,000 MW with high glucose and fucose, and low protein of 1.1%, high amounts of aspartic acid, glutamic acid and alanine, but no mannose and no cysteine.

A basic study on explosion pressure of hydrogen tank for hydrogen fueled vehicles in road tunnels (도로터널에서 수소 연료차 수소탱크 폭발시 폭발압력에 대한 기초적 연구)

  • Ryu, Ji-Oh;Ahn, Sang-Ho;Lee, Hu-Yeong
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.517-534
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    • 2021
  • Hydrogen fuel is emerging as an new energy source to replace fossil fuels in that it can solve environmental pollution problems and reduce energy imbalance and cost. Since hydrogen is eco-friendly but highly explosive, there is a high concern about fire and explosion accidents of hydrogen fueled vehicles. In particular, in semi-enclosed spaces such as tunnels, the risk is predicted to increase. Therefore, this study was conducted on the applicability of the equivalent TNT model and the numerical analysis method to evaluate the hydrogen explosion pressure in the tunnel. In comparison and review of the explosion pressure of 6 equivalent TNT models and Weyandt's experimental results, the Henrych equation was found to be the closest with a deviation of 13.6%. As a result of examining the effect of hydrogen tank capacity (52, 72, 156 L) and tunnel cross-section (40.5, 54, 72, 95 m2) on the explosion pressure using numerical analysis, the explosion pressure wave in the tunnel initially it propagates in a hemispherical shape as in open space. Furthermore, when it passes the certain distance it is transformed a plane wave and propagates at a very gradual decay rate. The Henrych equation agrees well with the numerical analysis results in the section where the explosion pressure is rapidly decreasing, but it is significantly underestimated after the explosion pressure wave is transformed into a plane wave. In case of same hydrogen tank capacity, an explosion pressure decreases as the tunnel cross-sectional area increases, and in case of the same cross-sectional area, the explosion pressure increases by about 2.5 times if the hydrogen tank capacity increases from 52 L to 156 L. As a result of the evaluation of the limiting distance affecting the human body, when a 52 L hydrogen tank explodes, the limiting distance to death was estimated to be about 3 m, and the limiting distance to serious injury was estimated to be 28.5~35.8 m.

Alcohol Volume Consumption and Drinking Frequency among High School Students According to Social Alcohol Drinking Supplier (사회적 음주제공자에 따른 고등학생의 음주량과 음주빈도)

  • Kim, Sun-Hee;Yun, Mi-Eun;Lee, Geum-Seon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.565-575
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the amount of alcohol and drinking frequency among high school students based on social alcohol drinking supply. The data was on 161 drinkers aged between 16 and 19 from 21 high schools across the country using a questionnaire of the International Alcohol Control(IAC) Study, which was developed in 2012. Results show that the higher the number of social suppliers offering alcoholic beverages to high school students, the greater the consumption of alcohol per episode(59.433 g for one person, 113.40 g for two, and 133.56 g for three or more people). On the other hand, alcohol consumption among 'Honsul' people, a group that drinks alone without a social drinking supplier, was 167.84 grams, higher than that of groups that receive social drinking services. As a social drinking supplier for teenagers, drinking was the highest by their father (29.3 %), while friends (25.0 %) and mothers (20.7 %) were the main drinking suppliers. In particular, the provision of drinking due to father(𝛽=-.32, t=3.55, p<.01) and mother(𝛽=.22, t=2.71, p<.01) showed statistical significance as a factor in increasing the frequency of providing social drinking in adolescents. On the other hand, partner/boy or girl friend (𝛽=-.23, t=-2.73, p<.01) was a factor in reducing the frequency of alcohol provision. Friends(𝛽=.24, t=3.02, p<.01) and senior-junior schoolmates(𝛽=.16, t=2.04, p<.05) were the factors that increase the total alcohol intake of adolescents. This is due to the increase in the frequency of alcohol provision. This suggests that alcohol harm education should be expanded from students to parents, considering the role of parents as a social drinking supplier and the link between high alcohol intake among teenagers due to senior-junior friends and schoolmates.

A Study on Calligraphy theory and the Calligraphy and Paintings aesthetic of GangAm, Song Sungyong (강암(剛菴) 송성용(宋成鏞)의 서예관과 서화미학 고찰)

  • Kim, Doyoung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 2021
  • GangAm Song Sungyong (1913~1999) was from Gimje, Jeollabuk-do. And he is a calligrapher from the last Confucian scholar of the 20th century and a writer of poetry, calligraphy, and painting. While wearing a topcoat and hanbok for the rest of his life, he approached the study, thought, and calligraphy art of Yoo Jae Song Kimyeon and Kojae Lee Byungeun from the perspective of 'GucheSinyong'. And he kept the philosophical subjectivity that tries to maintain character and a right mind. It was based on 'Guche', which is a faithful succession to the reverence of the old. When I was young, I practiced Mibul and Dong Kichang with Gu Yangsun as the center, and Hwang Jeonggyeon, Hanye, Oh Heejae, and Sojeon typefaces were grafted together during the national exhibition. Then, in 1965 (age 53), he moved to Jeonju, and learned several typefaces such as Chusa typeface on his own, creating a Gangam typeface without any obstacles. And he created 'Sinyong' with Windy Bamboo painting, which embodied strange and unconventional meanings. In addition, he re-established his identity by reexamining the fundamental spirit and natural aesthetics of calligraphy, and based on this, he greatly contributed to expanding the aesthetics of modern calligraphy and painting art by pursuing an aesthetic that explores novelty. In particular, Windy Bamboo painting has strong abstraction based on the principle of 'drawing the will'. And, in terms of discipline, the ethical aesthetic of Express Tao with pictures (畵以載道), which expresses the high level of elegance of observing small things in a big way, based on deep research on the logic of things and fulfilling human nature. By implementing it, Tao and Art become one. The Jeonbuk calligraphy group achieved the greatest prosperity in the Gangam era, and at the end of the 20th century, it entered a period of revival as it established itself as the central calligraphy group of Korean calligraphy.

A Study on the Changes in Forest Laws and System of Forest Specialists (산림법제도의 변천과 산림전문가 양성의 체계에 관한 연구)

  • Youn, Jong-Myoun;Kim, Dong-Pil;Kim, Yeong-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2021
  • This study considered Forest Specialists, who are nurtured by the legal system through the analysis of laws and regulations under the jurisdiction of the Korea Forest Service. In particular, the transition process of forest-related laws and laws to train forest specialists were identified. In addition, changes and characteristics regarding the cultivation of professional forestry talents according to forestry policy were investigated. As a result, it was found that Forest Specialist on policy dealt with forestry success for forestry promotion, and forestry engineers dealt with technical skills for forestry industry development. In addition, according to the revision of the laws for the sustainable use of timber, wood-structural engineers, timber grade evaluators, and timber education specialists are trained separately. Forest Specialists concerned with forest welfare policies were found to train forest experts and complete specialized training courses to provide various services for forest cultural and recreation facilities, healing forests, and forest leisure sports facilities. There is an instructor for forest leisure sports. Forest welfare experts are divided into forest education experts and forest healing instructors; forest education specialists are further divided into forest interpreters, forest guides for children, and forest trekking guides. Forest Specialists on forest protection policy were found to train arboretum and garden experts for the efficient management and exhibition of arboretums. Gardens and tree doctors and tree treatment technicians for arboretums wer also trained. A tree doctor and a tree treatment technician were found to have the necessary qualifications to run a tree hospital business, diagnosing and treating tree damage. Therefore, it is thought that the Korea Forest Service is nurturing Forest Specialists with technical capabilities for forestry promotion, forest industry development, and tree treatment; and the Forest Specialists can provide education and welfare services at culture, recreation, treatment, and conservation sites in forests.

A Study on Changes in the Safety Perception of Port Workers in accordance with the Enforcement of the Serious Disasters Act (중대재해법 시행에 따른 항만노동자의 안전인식 변화)

  • Park, Junkyu;Park, Keun-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.133-149
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    • 2022
  • The Port logistics is a pivotal industry in strengthening competitiveness for countries and companies and plays an important role in accounting for the majority of Korea's import and export volume, so its importance among Korea's industries is truly enormous. The port, which plays such an important role, is simultaneously unloaded, transferred into the dock, and stored, and it can be said that it is composed of a very complex flow. In particular, port unloading is an environment in which port unloading workers cannot escape the risk of disasters as large cargoes and cranes for container transport move, and numerous disasters are hidden and lead to serious disasters. Through literature studies on the Serious Accident Penalty Act, this study investigated how the Serious Accident Penalty Act affected port unloading workers and whether there was a change in satisfaction with safety education according to the enforcement of the Serious Accident Penalty Act. Through this study, it was found that port unloading workers were more aware of safety than managers in cognitive, attitude, and experience factors. Since the port unloading manager is not put into the unloading work, the perception of safety was analyzed to be lower than that of workers. Since managers should educate workers on safe work and be alert to safety, it seems that port unloading managers will also need to change their perception of safety. The Act on the Punishment of Severe Disasters took effect on January 27, 22, and in the early stages of the enforcement of the law, many confusing and ambiguous parts are found for those in charge of performing practical tasks on the front line until the law is settled. It seems necessary to revise the Act on the Punishment of Severe Disasters for the purpose of clear standards for the law and no safety accidents in the field to prevent confusion in work. In addition, in order to derive more meaningful research results in the future, it is expected that research on the perception of disasters by workers and managers will be continuously needed by deepening literature research to find various factors and using investigation methods such as interviews.

Evaluating Global Container Ports' Performance Considering the Port Calls' Attractiveness (기항 매력도를 고려한 세계 컨테이너 항만의 성과 평가)

  • Park, Byungin
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.105-131
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    • 2022
  • Even after the improvement in 2019, UNCTAD's Liner Shipping Connectivity Index (LSCI), which evaluates the performance of the global container port market, has limited use. In particular, since the liner shipping connectivity index evaluates the performance based only on the distance of the relationship, the performance index combining the port attractiveness of calling would be more efficient. This study used the modified Huff model, the hub-authority algorithm and the eigenvector centrality of social network analysis, and correlation analysis for 2007, 2017, and 2019 data of Ocean-Commerce, Japan. The findings are as follows: Firstly, the port attractiveness of calling and the overall performance of the port did not always match. However, according to the analysis of the attractiveness of a port calling, Busan remained within the top 10. Still, the attractiveness among other Korean ports improved slowly from the low level during the study period. Secondly, Global container ports are generally specialized for long-term specialized inbound and outbound ports by the route and grow while maintaining professionalism throughout the entire period. The Korean ports continue to change roles from analysis period to period. Lastly, the volume of cargo by period and the extended port connectivity index (EPCI) presented in this study showed a correlation from 0.77 to 0.85. Even though the Atlantic data is excluded from the analysis and the ship's operable capacity is used instead of the port throughput volume, it shows a high correlation. The study result would help evaluate and analyze global ports. According to the study, Korean ports need a long-term strategy to improve performance while maintaining professionalism. In order to maintain and develop the port's desirable role, it is necessary to utilize cooperation and partnerships with the complimentary port and attract shipping companies' services calling to the complementary port. Although this study carried out a complex analysis using a lot of data and methodologies for an extended period, it is necessary to conduct a study covering ports around the world, a long-term panel analysis, and a scientific parameter estimation study of the attractiveness analysis.

The Effect of Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction: Analyzing the Mediation Effect of Organizational Trust and the Moderated Mediation Effect of Communication (조직문화와 직무만족의 관계에서 조직신뢰의 매개효과와 커뮤니케이션의 조절된 매개효과)

  • Song, Seok-Tae;Park, Jae-Chun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.599-614
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of organizational culture (group culture, development culture, rational culture, hierarchical culture) on job satisfaction based on the mediating effect of organizational trust on workers corporations. In particular, in the relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction, the mediating effect of organizational trust was demonstrated, which varies by communication control variables. The results of the study of 8,615 workers in the manufacturing, financial, and non-financial industries in HCCP(Human Capital Corporate Panel) are as follows. First of all, the result of research showed that rational culture, group culture, development culture among organizational culture had a positive effect on job satisfaction. But, the hierarchical culture had a negative influence on job satisfaction. Second, rational culture, group culture, development culture among organization culture had a positive effect on organizational trust. But, hierarchical culture had a negative influence on organizational trust. Third, in the relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction, the partial mediating effect of organizational trust was verified. In other words, although organizational culture directly affects job satisfaction, it indirectly affects job satisfaction through organizational trust. Fourth, it showed a significant moderating effect of communication between organization trust and job satisfaction. In other words, it was found that the group with high organizational trust in the relationship between organizational trust and job satisfaction had higher job satisfaction than the group without it. Finally, in the relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction, the mediating effect of organizational trust was demonstrated, which varies by communication control variables. In other words, the indirect effect of organizational culture on job satisfaction through organizational trust is higher in the group with high communication capabilities. Through discussion and conclusion, the academic and practical implications, limitations, and research directions of this study were presented.