• Title/Summary/Keyword: Overcoming

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Performance of Collaboration Activities upon SME's Idiosyncrasy (중소기업 특성에 따른 외부 협업 활동이 혁신성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hye Sun;Oh, Junseok;Lee, Jaeki;Lee, Bong Gyou
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2013
  • Recently, SME's Collaboration activities have become one of a vital factor for sustaining competitive edge. This is because of the rapidly changing and competitive market environment, and also to leverage performance by overcoming obstacles of having limited internal resources. Discussing about the effects and relationships of the firm's collaboration activities and its outputs are not new. However, as ICT and various technologies have been diffused into the traditional industries, boundaries and practice capabilities within the industries are becoming ambiguous. Thus contents of the products/services and their development methods are also go and come over the industries. Although many researchers suggested the relations of SME's collaboration activities and innovation performances, most of the previous literatures are focusing on broad perspectives of firm's environmental factors rather than considering various SME's idiosyncrasy factors such as their major product and customer types at once. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze how SME(Small Medium Enterprise)'s external collaboration activities by their idiosyncrasy act as an input to types of innovation performance. In order to analyze collaboration effects in detail, we defined factors that can represent the SME's business environment - Perceived importance of using external resources, Perceived importance of external partnership, Collaboration and Collaboration levels of Major Product types, Customer types and lastly the Firm Sizes. We have also specifically divided the performance of innovation types as product innovation and process innovation based on existing research. In this study, the empirical analysis is based on Probit Regression Model to observe the correlations with the impact of each SME's business environment and their activities. For the empirical data, 497 samples were collected which, this sample data was extracted from the 'Korean Open Innovation Survey' performed by ETRI(Korean Electronics Telecommunications Research Institute) in 2010. As a result, empirical test results indicated that the impact of collaboration varies depend on the innovation types (Product and Process Innovation). The Impact of the collaboration level for the product innovation tend to be more effective when SMEs are developing for a final product, targeting on for individual customers (B2C). But on the other hand, the analysis result of the Process innovation tend to be higher than the product innovation, when SMEs are developing raw materials for their partners or to other firms targeting on for manufacturing industries(B2B). Also perceived importance of using external resources has effected to both product and process innovation performance. But Perceived importance of external partnership was statistically insignificant. Interesting finding was that the service product has negative effects on for the process innovation performance. And Relationship between size of the firms and their external collaboration activities with their performance of the innovations indicated that the bigger firms(over 100 of employees) tend to have better for both product and process innovations. Finally, implications of the results can be suggested as performance of innovation can be varied depends on firm's unique business idiosyncrasy as well as levels of external collaboration activities. The Implication of this research can be considered for firms in selecting an appropriate strategy as well as for policy makers.

Effect of Antioxidants for Porcine Oocytes during In Vitro Maturation, Fertilization and Development (돼지 난포란으로부터 체외수정란의 생산에 있어서 항산화제의 첨가가 배 발달에 미치는 효과)

  • Park H.;Kim J. Y.;Kim J. Y.;Lee J. H.;Park H. D.;Kim J. M.
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.245-255
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    • 2004
  • In recent years, an increasing number of studies on pig in vitro maturation(IVM) and in vitro fertilization(IVF) have been separated. the wide range of new technologies, including that in applied molecular genetics, has increased this interest. the production of viable porcine embryos in vitro is a prerequisites for the successful production of transgenic pigs to date. The efficiency of IVM/IVF techniques in the porcine is lower than that obtained in other species such as cattle and mouse. The several problems are generally thought to be the cause of poor results: the low rate of MPN formation derived from inadequate IVM of oocytes, the high incidence of polyspermy after IVF and cell blocking at 4 cell during embryos culture. For there reasons overcoming, many studies have been conducted to improve in vitro embryo-genic competence of oocytes. In the last several years, many maturation culture media have been evaluated and various exogenous factors such as hormones and grows factors have been tested to improve the efficiency of porcine in vitro system. In the study several antioxidants have been examined to improve in vitro fertilization and development of porcine oocytes. In this study, several antioxidants were examined to determine the effects on the development of oocytes to the cleavage, morula and blastocyst stage when added at the maturation(IVM) or in vitro fertilization(IVF) or in vitro culture(IVC) of porcine embryos. Porcine oocytes were matured, fertilized and embryos were cultured in defind conditioned medium in vitro with or without supplementation with the antioxidents of cysteine, catalase and glutathione. 1. Significant improvement of blastocyst rate (27.2% versus 15.4%, p<0.05) were achieved when catalase(500U/$m\ell$) were added to TCM-199 medium and morula rate(72.0% versus 53.9%, p<0.05) were significantly higher when glutathione(1.0mM/$m\ell$) were added to TCM-199 medium than those of control. 2. In mTBM medium for oocytes fertilization, the addition of cysteine, catalase and glutathione had no positive effect on embryonic development. glutathione had no positive effect on embryonic development. In conclusion, this study shows that addition of catalase, gluththione during IVM improved the rate of porcine embryo development.

Study on Overcoming Interference Factor by Automatic Synthesizer in Endotoxin Test (내독소 검사에서 자동합성장치에 따른 간섭요인 극복에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong Il;Kim, Si Hwal;Chi, Yong Gi;Seok, Jae Dong
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.3-6
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    • 2012
  • Purpose : Samsung medical ceter shall find a cause of the interference factor and suggest a solution for it. Materials and Methods : A sample of $^{18}F$-FDG, radioactive pharmaceuticals produced by TRACERlab MX and FASTlab synthesizer. Gel-clot method uses Positive control tube and single test tube. Kinetic chromogenic method uses ENDOSAFE-PTS produced by Charles River. Results : According to Gel clot method of Endotoxin Tests at FASTlab, both turbidity and viscosity increased at 40-fold dilution and Gel clot was detected. In case of TRACERlab MX, Gel clot was detected in most of samples but intermittently not in a few of them. When using ENDOSAFE-PTS, sample CV (Coefficient of Variation) of FASTlab is 0% at all dilution rates whereas spike CV is 0% at 1-fold dilution, 0~35% at 10-fold, 3.6~12.9% at 20-fold, 5.2~7.1% at 30-fold, 1.1~17.4% at 40-fold, spike recovery; 0% at one-fold, 25 ~ 58% at 10-fold, 50 ~ 86% at 20-fold, 70~92% at 30-fold, and 75~120% at 40-fold. Sample CV of TRACERlab MX, is 0% at all dilution rates whereas spike CV is 1.4~4.8% at one-fold dilution, 0.6~19.9% at 10-fold, spike recovery; 35~72% at one-fold dilution and 77~107% at 10-fold. Conclusion : Gel clot does not seem to occur probably to H3PO4 which engages in bonding with Mg2+ion contributing gelation inside PCT. Dilution which is identical to reducing the amount of H3PO4, could remove interfering effects accordingly. Spike recovery was obtained within 70~150% - recommended values of supplier - at 40-fold dilution even in kinetic chromogenic method.

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The Critical Factors on Improvement of Medical institution Competitiveness (의료기관 경쟁력 향상에 영향을 미치는 핵심 요인)

  • Yeom, Jae-Kwang;Kang, Chang-Yeol
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2007
  • The study carried out a survey with employees of hospitals located in Daejeon, Chungnam, and Chungbuk from Sep. 12 to Sep. 30, 2005 in order to derive primary elements that affect the improvement of hospital's competitiveness. The study investigated and analyzed the employees' recognition on the change of competitive environment caused by the change of medical environment. The study also analyzed the elements that affect the hospital's competitiveness and the competitive strategies of the hospitals. The conclusion of this study can be summarized as follows. 1. Summary 1) Most of the employees responded that there is a rival in the competitive environment and the competitive is intense. Especially when the employees are married, live in urban areas, have an education level of university graduate or are managers, they tend to think the competitive is very intense. Also, they said that the competitive is based upon the quality of medical service. They mentioned the element that has the biggest effect on the competitiveness is the element of medical consumer and they recognized that the medical services in university and general hospitals have more competitiveness than the one-department hospitals. 2) It was investigated that the medical technique service has the most effect on the hospital's competitiveness. Also, the external service of medical techniques also has a large effect on the hospital's competitiveness. 3) When they were asked for the factors that affect the patients' decision on selecting a hospital, most of them responded "capability and technique of the medical staffs." Also, they said that "sufficient explanation from doctors" and "special center and clinic" are the factors that have big effects on the patients' decision. 4) In the SWOT analysis, most of them responded that the strength is the hospital's characteristics and the weakness is insufficient and obsolete equipment. They said the opportunity is the demands for professional medical service and the risk is the intense competitive among the hospitals. 5) In the SWOT strategy, they emphasized the strategy that uses the opportunity and the strength and the strategy that uses the opportunity while overcoming the weakness. 6) As for the basic competition strategy, most of them thought of the strategy of professionalizing the medical service most importantly. Next, they focused on the strategy of distinct service and the strategy of lower prime cost. 2. Conclusion 1) Because service competition between hospitals is happening seriously, need competitiveness security through right awareness transfer and satisfaction upgrade about medical consumer. 2) For medical technique service upgrade that equip Hospital's competitiveness but affects most, must solidify the countermeasure because professionalizing the medical service and newest medical technique induction should be achieved first, and compose task force for the external service of medical techniques improvement. 3) To improve SWOT of hospital, opportunity and the strength strategy choice that rescue hospital's characteristics heightening professionalizing the medical service level is fancied. 4) As for the basic competition strategy, will have to try in phase triangular position of hospital which is trusted medical level upgrade and excellent manpower security and finance independence through upgrade. The study was only done with hospitals in Daejeon, Chungnam and Chungbuk. Also, it is a study from the side of suppliers of medical service so there are limitations. However, the significance of the study is to present the basic data for improvement of hospital's competitiveness by examining the importance of medical techniques and external service of medical techniques that are the main effects on the improvement of hospital's competitiveness.

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Development of teaching-learning lesson plan untilizing TAI model based on module, used in survey subject of construction department - By applying standard-based assessment system for technical subject (건설계열 측량교과에서 활용할 모듈 기반의 TAI 모형 적용 교수-학습 과정안 개발 - 전문교과 성취평가제를 적용하여)

  • Lee, Ju-Min;Jang, Young-Il;Park, Wan-Shin
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.89-113
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    • 2013
  • The study started from the point that learners should be basically equipped to quickly respond to changes in demand for future human resources efficiently and effectively, and an attitude to take part in learning voluntarily should thus be cultivated. To this end, the author applied the TAI model based on a module as a class strategy to solve problems related to several classes occurred in specialized high schools. This application of the TAI model was also motivated by the necessity for designing an appropriate teaching-learning method that encourages improvement of self-learning capacity, consistent learning motivation, and willingness rather than external factors. Through this work, the author aims to heighten the interest of learners and improve endurance in learning. The study results are as follows. First, the learning unit was structuralized as a module and then learning stages were proceeded with so that capacity to adapt to learning would improve. The achievement standard (learning goal) was structuralized in a module type by analyzing and reorganizing the textbook considering the link between the actual practice field and a curriculum based on subject characteristics. Through the process of module type learning stages, the student's capacity to ascertain characteristics of units and to adapt to learning both improved. Second, through application of a TAI model based on a module, Self-Directed Learning capacity and capacity to adapt to a new field improved. By applying the module, Self-Directed Learning could be accomplished more effectively than in the existing passive learning environment. By grafting cooperative learning of the TAI model, students had greater interest and achievement in classes, self-confidence and community consciousness, and an opportunity to broaden their thinking. In particular, improvement of self-confidence is effective in cultivating the capacity required in industrial society to transcend the learning of simple functions and knowledge, as well as the capacity to adapt to new environments. Third, by solving tasks focused on fields related to industrial sites, not only actual survey capacity but also additional capacity to identify and solve tasks through various experiences improved. Furthermore, it was helpful for students to have interest and motivation about their own life and learning to cultivate the qualities and capacity to adapt to the working world where new knowledge and technology rapidly change. Fourth, by applying a standard-based assessment system for technical subjects introduced in 2012 to model design for learning plans, clearer and more objective assessment criteria were arranged, and individual learning through instruction at each achievement level could be accomplished. This improved achievement level of individual learners was helpful in reaching achievement goals at specific levels by overcoming the disadvantages of cooperative learning in each group.

Overcoming Kalmia-Induced Growth Inhibition of Picea mariana by Mycorrhizal Inoculation (Picea mariana 생장(生長)을 억제(抑制)하는 Kalmia angustifolia 에 대한 외생균근(外生菌根)의 영향(影響))

  • Mallik, A.U.;Zhu, H.;Park, Young-Goo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.87 no.3
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    • pp.429-444
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    • 1998
  • Objective of this study was to select ectomycorrhizal fungi for black spruce(Picea mariana) inoculation to overcome the growth inhibitory effects of Kalmia angustifolia. Nineteen isolates representing 11 species of ectomycorrhizal fungi were tested for their abilities to grow and form mycorrhizae with black spruce seedlings in the presence of water leachate of leaves of Kalmia. Mycelium growth of 9 isolates were inhibited by the leaf leachate. Colony diameter and biomass of the other 10 isolates were either increased or unaffected under the same conditions. Acidic pH of the culture medium(pH 3 and 4) inhibited some of the fungi, but a combination of acidic pH and the leaf leachate was more inhibitory. Thirteen isolates were able to form ectomycorrhizae with black spruce in presence of 25% leaf leachate in pure culture. Four isolates, Paxillus involutus(NF4), Cenococcum geophilum(GB12), Laccaria laccata(GB23), and E-strain(GB45) formed mycorrhizae more successfully than the others in presence of up to 50% Kalmia leaf leachate. Black spruce seedlings pre-inoculated with these fungi were grown with Kalmia leaf leachate and live Kalmia plants during a four month greenhouse experiment. Abundant mycorrhizae(77-91% of root tips) were developed on seedlings pre-inoculated with P. involutus, L. laccata and E-strain but relatively poor mycorrhization(32% of root tips) resulted with C. geophidum. Over 90% of the short root mycorrhizae were attributed to the inoculated fungi although indigenous mycorrhizae also occurred on most seedlings. Persistence of the mycorrhizae was not affected by living Kalmia plants. Over 80% of the mycorrhizae on seedlings inoculated with P. involutus, L. laccata and E-strain and 53% of the mycorrhizae on seedlings inoculated with C. geophilum were attributable to the inoculant fungi. Control seedlings formed about 45% ectomycorrhizal short roots with indigenous fungi. The L. laccata and C. geophilum inoculated seedlings exhibited enhanced mycorrhizae formation in presence of Kalmia leaf leachate. Mycorrhizae formation with inoculant fungi was 4-15% lower at pH 4 than at pH 5, with the greatest inhibition occurring for L. laccata. Seedlings inoculated with P. involutus had the greatest shoot and root growth followed by L. laccata and E-strain inoculated seedlings. The P. involutus and L. laccata inoculated seedlings were significantly taller with more shoot dry biomass than the uninoculated(control) seedlings. E-strain inoculated seedlings had significantly higher shoot dry biomass and significantly lower number of first order lateral roots compared to the control but other growth parameters such as height, root dry weight and number of short root tips were not significantly different from the control. Seedlings inoculated with C. geophilum were not significantly different from the uninoculated seedlings in any of the growth parameters except for the number of first artier lateral roots which was significantly less than the control seedlings.

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Carbon Reduction Effects of Urban Landscape Trees and Development of Quantitative Models - For Five Native Species - (도시 조경수의 탄소저감 효과와 계량모델 개발 - 5개 향토수종을 대상으로 -)

  • Jo, Hyun-Kil;Kim, Jin-Young;Park, Hye-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2014
  • This study generated regression models to quantify storage and annual uptake of carbon from five native landscape tree species through a direct harvesting method, and established essential information to estimate carbon reduction effects from urban greenspaces. Tree species for the study included the Chionanthus retusus, Prunus armeniaca, Abies holophylla, Cornus officinalis, and Taxus cuspidata, which are usually planted in cities of middle Korea, but for which no information on carbon reduction is available. Ten tree individuals for each species were sampled reflecting various stem diameter sizes at a given interval. The study measured biomass for each part including the roots of sample trees to compute total carbon storage per tree. The annual carbon uptake per tree was quantified by analyzing the radial growth rates of stem samples at breast height or ground level. Regression models were developed using diameter at breast height (dbh) or ground level (dg) as an independent variable to easily estimate storage and annual uptake of carbon per tree for each species. All the regression models showed high fitness with $r^2$ values of 0.92~0.99. Storage and annual uptake of carbon from a tree with dbh of 10 cm were greatest with C. retusus (20.0 kg and 5.9 kg/yr, respectively), followed by P. armeniaca (17.5 kg and 4.5 kg/yr) and A. holophylla (13.2kg and 1.8 kg/yr) in order. A C. officinalis tree and T. cuspidata tree with dg of 10 cm stored 9.3 and 6.3 kg of carbon and annually sequestered 3.2 and 0.6 kg, respectively. The above-mentioned carbon storage equaled the amount of carbon emitted from gasoline consumption of about 23~35 L for C. retusus, P. armeniaca, and A. holophylla, and 11~16 L for C. officinalis and T. cuspidata. A tree with the diameter size of 10 cm annually offset carbon emissions from gasoline use of about 6~10 L for C. retusus, P. armeniaca, and C. officinalis, and 1~3 L for A. holophylla and T. cuspidata. The study breaks new ground to easily quantify biomass and carbon reduction for the tree species by overcoming difficulties in direct cutting and root digging of urban landscape trees.

In vitro Shoot Proliferation by Pulse Treatment from Shoot Cultures of Q. acutissima and Ex vitro Root Induction Using Peat Plug Systems in Quercus spp. (상수리나무 기내배양(器內培養)에서의 Pulse처리(處理)에 의한 줄기증식(增殖) 및 Peat Plug를 이용(利用)한 참나무류(類) 기내줄기의 기외삽목(器外揷木))

  • Moon, Heung Kyu;Youn, Yang;Son, Sung Ho;Lee, Suk Koo;Yi, Jae Seon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.82 no.3
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    • pp.221-226
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    • 1993
  • Methods for shoot proliferation via pulse treatment onto the microshoots of Quercus acutissima, and ex vitro root induction using peat plug systems of the microshoots of 4 oak trees were described. Pulsing solution was prepared by the addition of BA and/or BA plus zeatin onto the aqueous WPM and sterilized distilled water. Using the solution, pulsing time was adjusted at different levels(0. 1, 2, 5. 9, and 24 hours). Although the effect of pulsing solution prepared by the addition of cytokinins onto the sterilized distilled water was slightly lower in shoot proliferation rate, a little higher in shoot elongation was observed compared with that of aqueous WPM. One hour of pulse treatment revealed best in shoot proliferation and its elongation, whereas the increment of pulsing time slightly suppressed the response. In addition, prolonged pulse time resulted high frequency of hyperhydric shoot appearance. Single treatment of BA was better in shoot proliferation than that of BA combination with zeatin, whereas the latter treatment usually showed rapid and healthy shoot growth. For ex vitro root induction using peat plug systems, black oaks(Q. acutissima and Q. variabilis) revealed excellent rootability compared with white oaks(Q. serrata and Q. mongolica). Shoot-tip necrosis of white oaks eras one of the big problems for survival. In this study, we discribed the effect of pulse treatment, successful ex vitro rooting system by the incorporation of peat plug, and the possibilities for the overcoming the obstacles on micropropagation of oaks.

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Studies on the Effects of Variation Methods of Rotation Irrigation Systems Affecting on the Growth, Yield of Rice Plant and its Optimum Facilities (윤환관개의 방법의 차이가 수도생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향과 그 적정시설에 관한 연구)

  • 이창구
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • v.2 no.5
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    • pp.4-18
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    • 1969
  • This experiment was conducted, making use of the "NONG-RlM 6", a recommended variety of rice for year of 1968. Main purposes of the experiment are to explore possibilities of: a) ways and means of saving irrigation water and, b) overcoming drought at the same time so that an increased yield in rice could be resulted in. Specifically, it was tried to determine the effects of the circulation irrigation method combined with differentiated thickness of lining upon the growth and yield of rice. Some of the major findings are summarized in the following. 1) The different thicknesses show a significant relationship with the weight of 1,000 grains. In the case of 9cm-lined plot, the grain weight is 23.5 grams, the heaviest. Next in order are 3cm-lined plot, 6cm-lined plot, control plot, and wheat straw lined-plot. 2) In rice yield, it is found that there is a considerably moderate significant relationship with both the different thickness of lining and the number of irrigation, as shown in the table. 3) There is little or no difference among different plots in terms of a) physical and chemical properties of solid, b) quality of irrigation water, c) climatic conditions, and rainfalls. 4) It is found that there is a significant relationship between differences in the method of rotation irrigation and the number of ears per hill. The plot irrigated at an interval of 7 days shows 17.4 ears and the plot irrigated at an interval of 6 days, 16.3. 5) In vinyl-treated plots, it is shown that both yield and component element are greatest in the case of the plot with hole of 3$cm/m^2$. Next in order are; the plot with a hole of 2$cm/m^2$; the plot with a hole of 1$cm/m^2$. In the case of the plot with no hole, it is found that both yield and component elements are decreased as compared to the control plot. 6) The irrigation water requirement is measured for the actual irrigation days of 72 which are the number subtracted the days of rainfall of 30 from the total irrigation days of 102. It is found that the irrigation water requirement for the un control plot is 1,590 mm, as compared to 876 mm (44.9% saved) for the 9cm-lined plot, 959mm(39.7% saved) for the 6cm-lined plot, 1,010mm (36% saved) for the 3cm-lined plot, and 1,082mm (32% saved) for the wheat straw lined plot. In the case of the rotation irrigation method, it is found that the water requirement for the plot irrigated at an interval of 8 days is 538mm (65.3% saved), as compared to 617mm (61.1% saved) for the plot irrigated at an interval of 7 days, 672mm (57.7% saved) for the plot irrigated at an interval of 6 days, 746mm (53.0% saved) for the plot irrigated at an interval of 5 days, 890mm (44.0% saved) for to plot irrigated at an interval of 4 days, and 975mm (38.6% saved) for the plot irrigated at an interval of 3 days. 7) The rate of evapo-transpiration is found 2.8 around the end of the month of July, as compared to 2.6 at the begining of August, 3.4 around the end of August, and 2.6 at the begining of September. 8) It is found that the saturaton quantity of 30 mm per day is decreased to 20mm per day through the use of vinyl covering. 9) The husking rate shows 75 per cent which is considered better.

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The New Conflict of Laws Act of the Republic of Korea (개정 국제사법(國際私法)의 소개 : 국제거래(國際去來)에 미치는 영향을 중심으로)

  • Suk, Kwang-Hyun
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    • v.20
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    • pp.23-62
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    • 2003
  • The Law amending the Conflict of Laws Act of the Republic of Korea ("Korea"), which had taken two years to prepare, was promulgated on April 7, 2001 and finally took effect as of July 1, 2001. Accordingly, the old earlier Conflict of Laws Act which was called "Seoboesabeop" in Korean ("Prior Act"Old Act) was replaced by the new Conflict of Laws Act called "Gukjesabeop" in Korean ("New Act"). In fact the Old Act Prior Act was promulgated in 1962, but it was regarded as outdated from the moment of its promulgation. However, since the Old Act because it was modeled after the chapter of the Private International Law of the Einfuehrungsgesetz zum Buergerlichen Gesetzbuch (EGBGB) of the Federal Republic of Germany ("German PIL") and the Japanese Private International Law ("Japanese PIL") which had been promulgated toward the end of the 19th century., the Old Act was viewed as outdated from the moment of its promulgation. As a result of the drastic change of the environment for international trade of which that has taken took place in parallel with the global information technology revolution on a global basis, the scope of issues to be addressed which should be resolved by the conflict of laws principles has been remarkably expanded, and various new issues of an entirely which are quite new in its type and nature have arisen been raised. In the field of conflict of laws in its narrow sense, a revolution or crisis of the traditional conflict of laws has been brought about by the advent in the United States rise of a the new methodology for of the conflict of laws, of the United States of America and in the process of overcoming the such crisis the conflict of laws of the European continent has undergone substantial changes such as the diversification of the connecting principles, the expansion of the principle of party autonomy and the consideration of the value of the substantive law to protect socio-economically weaker parties of. The Prior Act, which was based on However, with the mechanical connecting principles and contained various outdated the inappropriate provisions, the Old Act could not cope with the issues raised by the internationalization and globalization of the Korean society. Furthermore In addition, the Old Act Prior Act was regarded as insufficient in that it lacked rules on international jurisdiction to adjudicate, or international adjudicatory jurisdiction, whereas the expectation of the public was that the Conflict of Laws a Act should function as the "Basic Law of the International Legal Relationships"encompassing rules on international jurisdiction given the increase of international disputes. Furthermore the private international law has also attracted more attention from the Korean At the beginning of the new Millennium, thanks to the promulgation of the New Act, I believe that Korea has succeeded in achieving the modest goal of reflecting in the its codification substantial parts of the major developments of the private international law which the leading advanced continental European countries had achieved during the last century. The New Act has followed the approach of the traditional conflict of laws of the European continent. It is a product of the efforts to eliminate the then existing problems of the Prior Old Act and to adapt the Korean private international law regime to the standard of international conventions and national laws of advanced countries. Unlike the Prior Old Act which was heavily dependent upon the prior Japanese PIL and the prior German PIL, the New Act has been prepared by taking into full account the Rome Convention, the Swiss PIL, the new German PIL which took effect in 1986 and various conventions adopted by the Hague Conference. Therefore, the New Act has substantially reduced dependence upon the Japanese PIL and the German PIL, and has gained relatively greater universal validity. The fact that the New Act expressly declares that the determination of international jurisdiction is a matter of conflict of laws is a clear sign that it has departed from the German tradition which confines the conflict of laws principles to choice of laws rules, and moved toward a broader and more practical approach widely accepted in the area of conflict of laws. It is hoped, and I am personally confident, that the New Act will be able to achieve its intended objectives in the 21st century as the basic law for the ever-increasing legal relationships with a foreign element.

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