• 제목/요약/키워드: Opinion analysis

검색결과 1,270건 처리시간 0.032초

The Trend of Cigarette Design and Tobacco Flavor System Development

  • Wu, Jimmy Z.
    • 한국연초학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2002
  • In light of addressing consumer health concern, coping with anti-tobacco movement, and promoting new product, tobacco industry is actively pursuing to make a new generation of cigarettes with low tar and nicotine deliveries, and less harmful substances. Low tar and low nicotine cigarettes increases their market shares dramatically world wide, especially in KT&G, multinational tobacco companies, EU countries, even in China regulated by CNTC to set up yearly target to lower tar and nicotine deliveries. On the other hand, to design a new cigarette with reduced harmful substances begins to gain speed. The "modified Hoffmann list" publishes thirty plus substances in tobacco leaf and main smoke stream, which is the prime suspect causing health problems. Various ways and means are developed to reduce such components including new tobacco breeds, new curing method, tobacco leaf treatment before processing, selected filtration system, innovated casing system to reduce free radicals, as well as some non conventional cigarette products. In TSRC held this year, the main topic is related to reduce tobacco specific nitrosamines in tobacco leaf. The new generation of cigarette is in the horizon. It still needs a lot help to produce commercial products with satisfied taste and aroma characters. The flavor industry is not regulated by many governments demanding which ingredients might or might not be for tobacco use. However, most of the cigarette companies self impose a list of ingredients to guide flavor suppliers to design flavors. Unfortunately, the number of ingredients in those lists is getting shorter every year. It is understandable that the health is not the only reason. Some cigarette companies are playing safe to protect the company from potential lawsuit, while others are just copying from their competitors. Moreover, it is obvious that it needs more assistance from casings and flavors to design new generation of cigarettes with missing certain flavor components in tobacco leaf and main smoke stream. These flavor components are either non-existed or at lower level at new form of cured tobacco leaf or filtered in the main smoke stream along with reduced harmful substances. The use of carbon filters and other selected filtration system poses another tough task for flavor system design. Specific flavor components are missing from the smoke analysis data, which brings a notion of "carbon taste" and "dryness" of mouth feel. It is ever more demanded by cigarette industry to flavor suppliers to produce flavors as body enhancer, tobacco notes, salivating agents, harshness reducer, and various of aromatic notes provided they are safe to use. Another trend is that water based flavor or flavor with reduced ethanol as solvent is gaining popularity. It is preferred by some cigarette companies that the flavor is compounded with all natural ingredients or all ingredients should he GMO free. The new generation of cigarettes demands many ways of new thinking process. It is also vital for tobacco industry. It reflects the real needs for the consumers that the cigarette product should be safe to use as well as bearing the taste and aroma characters smokers always enjoyed. An effective tobacco flavor system is definitely a part of the equation. The global trend of tobacco industry is like trends of any other industries lead by consumer needs, benefited with new technology availability, affected by the global economy, and subjected for various rules and regulations. Anti-tobacco organizations and media exceptionally scrutinize cigarette, as a legal commercial product. Cigarette is probably the most studied commercial product for its composition, structure, deliveries, effects, as well as its new developmental trend. Therefore, any new trend of cigarette development would be within these boundaries. This paper is trying to point out what it would be like for tobacco industry in the next few yews and what concerns the tobacco industry. It focuses mostly on the efforts to produce safer cigarettes. It is such a vital task for the tobacco industry and its affiliate industries such as cigarette papers, filters, flavors, and other materials. The facts and knowledge presented in this paper might be well known for the public. Some of the comments and predictions are very much personal opinion for a further discussion.

라이프케어의 피부미용 NCS기반 자격 L3수준의 교육 중요도 연구 (An Importance Analysis on the NCS-Based Skin Care Qualification L3 Level of Education in Life Care)

  • 박채영;박정연
    • 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지
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    • 제13권5호
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2019
  • 최근 교육훈련기관과 산업체의 수요에 필요한 지식이 불일치하는 인력 미스매치(miss match)의 현상은 신입 직원의 재교육과 취업을 위한 사교육 비용 증가로 전이되어 결과적으로는 개인의 직무수행 능력 저하와 취업 역량 저조는 물론 국가 차원에서도 경제적, 물질적 낭비의 원인이 되고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 보완하기 위해 실무에서 바로 활용이 가능하고 산업체에서 추구하는 인재양성을 목표로 국가에서 지정하는 직무 능력의 표준점을 구한 국가직무능력표준(NCS: National Competency Standards)이 개발되었으며, 이러한 시대적 흐름과 맞물려 NCS를 기반 한 자격제도까지 등장하게 되었다. 따라서 본 연구는 교육기관에서 NCS와 NCS기반 자격에서 제시하고 있는 수준에 맞춰 학교급별로 교육과정을 편성 운영하고 있는 현 시점에서 NCS기반 자격에서 제시하고 있는 수준의 전반적인 점검을 위하여 피부미용 분야 NCS기반 자격 중 피부관리 L3수준의 능력단위와 능력단위 요소의 중요도 및 우선순위를 도출하였으며, 이를 통해 산업계에서 요구하는 직무 수준별 전문인력 양성에 필요한 교육과정 개발의 기초자료로 제공하고자 시도되었다. 본 연구는 현장 전문가집단, 교육 전문가집단으로 구성하였으며, L3수준의 능력단위와 능력단위 요소에 대한 요구분석을 위해 AHP 설문 기법을 실시하였다. 또한 AHP 분석을 위한 통계처리는 데이터 코딩(data coding)과 데이터 크리닝(data cleaning) 과정을 거쳐, SPSS(Statistical Package for Social Science) ver. 21.0 통계 패키지 프로그램과 AHP전용 솔루션인 Expert Choice 2000을 활용하였다. 그 결과 현장 전문가집단, 교육 전문가집단의 의견이 부분적으로 차이를 보였다. 이는 전문적인 능력을 갖춘 현장맞춤형 인재 양성을 목표로 변화하고 있는 현 시점에서, 교육훈련기관과 산업현장의 불일치를 해소해야함을 시사하고 있으며, 해결 방안으로는 산업현장에서 요구하는 인재상과 접목시켜 산업현장의 직무와 교육기관의 표준화된 교육이라 할 수 있다.

선(善)의 보편성(普遍性)과 실현근거 관한 우담(愚潭)과 녹문(鹿門)의 이해 - 리통기국(理通氣局)에 대한 해석을 중심으로 - (Woo-dam(愚潭) and Nok-mun(鹿門)'s understanding about the ground of universality in the pure goodness and its bases on the realization - Focusing on the analysis of Yul-gok(栗谷)'s all penetrating Li and defining Ch'i)

  • 손흥철
    • 한국철학논집
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    • 제28호
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    • pp.267-296
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    • 2010
  • 인간에게는 다양한 이해(利害)관계가 존재하고 다양한 사유가 존재한다. 이러한 다양성으로 인하여 세상에는 매우 복잡한 갈등관계가 형성된다. 계층·지역·학제·문화 등에서 단순 내지 복합적으로 형성되는 갈등관계는 그것이 해결가능성이 없다고 하면, 인간의 보편적 가치나 그 가치의 실현은 불가능하다. 이러한 논리를 종합적으로 나타내는 명제가 정이(程頤, 1033-1107)의 리일분수(理一分殊)와 율곡(栗谷, 1536-1584)의 리통기국(理通氣局)이다. 성리학의 리기론에서 리는 순선(純善)인데 어떻게 이 순선을 구체적으로 실현할 수 있느냐가 문제이다. 리 스스로 자신의 순선을 드러낸다는 주장이 있고, 기를 통하여 드러낼 수 밖에 없다는 입장이 있다. 퇴계(退溪, 1501-1570)나 우담(愚潭, 1625-1707)은 리 스스로가 자신을 드러내지는 못할지라도 적어도 자신을 드러내는 주동성은 리에 있다고 보며, 율곡은 어디까지나 기를 통하여 드러나며, 리는 기를 통하여 드러나도록 하는 주재성을 가지고 있다고 본다. 그러나 녹문(鹿門, 1711-1788)은 순선은 리와 기의 합일로서 실현된다고 보며, 이때 주동성이 리에 있는가 기에 있는가는 문제가 아니라, 공동주재로 리는 자연으로 기는 생의(生意)로 드러난다고 주장한다. 율곡이 선의 보편성과 그 실현근거에 대한 이론적 토대를 정립하였다면, 우담은 선의 실천과 실현에 좀 더 적극적 의미를 부여하기 위하여 리의 주재성과 주동성을 강조하였다. 이와 반면에 녹문은 리기불상리의 전제하에서 리의 선(善)을 구체적으로 실현하는 기의 담일성과 능동성 즉 생의(生意)를 강조, 리의 자연성으로 설명하였다. 그러나 인간이 선을 실천하지 않으면 안 되는 당위성을 어떻게 구체적으로 설명할 것인가? 이것이 문제다. 이것은 성리학 뿐만 아니라, 철학의 본래 문제이기도 하다.

연명의료결정법에서 무연고자 규정미비 등에 관한 법적 고찰 (A Legal Analysis on the Absence of Provisions Regarding Non-relative Patients in the Act of Decisions-Making in Life-Sustaining Medicine)

  • 문상혁
    • 의료법학
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.103-128
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    • 2023
  • 현행 연명의료결정법에 따르면 연명의료를 시행하지 않거나 중단하는 결정은 임종과정에 있는 환자의 의사가 우선적으로 적용된다. 이러한 환자를 대상으로 하는 연명의료의 의사결정은 환자가 의식이 있는 경우에는 환자 본인이 연명의료에 대한 의사를 직접 서면이나 구두로 표시하거나 사전연명의료의향서와 연명의료계획서를 작성하는 것으로 자기결정을 행사할 수 있다. 반면에, 환자가 사전연명의료의향서나 연명의료계획서를 작성하지 않은 경우에는 환자 가족의 진술로 환자의 의사를 확인하거나 환자가족 전원의 동의로 연명의료중단등결정을 할 수 있다. 그러나 가족이 없거나 가족을 알 수 없는 무연고 환자인 경우에는 입원하기 전에 사전연명의료의향서와 연명의료계획서를 작성하지 않은 상태에서 의사표현을 할 수 없는 의학적 상태로 되면 환자의 의사를 알 수가 없어 환자에 대한 연명의료를 지속해야 할지 중단해야 할지에 대한 결정을 해야 하는 상황이 발생한다. 본 연구는 무연고환자의 경우에 연명의료결정을 위한 정책적 방안을 제시하고자 현행법상 무연고 환자에 대한 논의와 방안 검토했다. 첫째로, 성년후견인제도의 적용을 살펴보았지만, 성년후견인은 신체를 침해하는 의료행위에 대한 동의를 대신할 수 있지만 의료행위의 직접적인 결과로 사망할 수 있는 경우에는 가정법원의 허가를 필요로 하기 때문에 임종과정에 있는 급박한 환자에게는 적절한 방안이라고 할 수 없다. 둘째로, 연명의료결정법 제14조에 따라 의료기관윤리위원회에서 무연고 환자에 대한 연명의료중단등결정에 관한 심의에 대해 살펴보았다. 현행법상에서는 의료기관윤리위원회에서 무연고 환자에 대한 연명의료중단등결정을 할 수 없기 때문에, 개정을 통하여 무연고 환자에 대한 연명의료중단등결정에 대한 사항을 동법 제14조에 반영하거나 무연고 환자에 대한 규정을 따로 신설하여 개정하는 것이 필요하다. 또한 의료기관윤리위원회에서 무연고 환자에 대한 결정해야 하지만, 그런 결정을 하는 것에 대해서 해당 의료기관에서 할 수 없다면, 공용윤리위원회에서 무연고환자의 연명의료중단등결정을 할 수 있도록 법률을 개정할 필요가 있다.

쌀빵에 대한 인식 및 학교급식 적용 가능성 분석: 교육청 학교급식 담당자를 중심으로 (Perception of School Foodservice Officials on Rice Bread as School Foodservice Menu)

  • 양일선;이민아;차성미;조윤희;이소영;이소정;이해영
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제37권6호
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    • pp.729-737
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구에서는 교육청 학교급식 담당자를 대상으로 쌀빵을 학교급식에 적용하는데 있어서의 가능성 타진을 목적으로 학교급식 담당 실무자의 입장에서 쌀빵에 대한 인식 및 학교급식에의 적용가능성에 대해 분석 조사하였다. 응답한 33부의 설문지를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조사대상자의 대부분(93.9%)은 여자였으며, 교육청 근무경력은 평균 2년 3.5개월, 학교급식관련 근무경력은 평균 8년 8.4개월이었다. 교육청 관할 하에 있는 학교로는 시 도 교육청 그룹에서는 초등학교의 경우 농어촌형 직영 272.3개교, 중학교의 경우 농어촌형 직영 115.5개교, 고등학교의 경우 농어촌형직영 73.0개교로 가장 많은 유형으로 나타났다. 지역교육청의 관할 하에 있는 학교 유형으로는 초등학교의 경우 도시형 직영 23.3개교, 중학교에서는 도시형 직영 11.6개교, 고등학교의 경우 도시형 위탁 5.3개교로 가장 높은 값으로 나타났다. 둘째, 교육청의 학교급식 지원 분야에 대해 복수응답하게 한 결과, 응답한 교육청 모두에서 저소득층 급식비를 지원하고 있었고 식품비 분야에서는 친환경농산물 12개청(50.5%), 우리농산물 5개청(20.8%), 지역농산물 4개청(16.7%)순으로 지원하고 있었다. 시 도 교육청에서는 저소득층 급식비(중앙값 839.0개교)에, 지역교육청에서는 지역농산물 식품비(중앙값 37.5개교)에 가장 많은 학교를 지원하고 있었다. 지원 금액으로는 시 도 교육청이 저소득층 급식비에 평균 168억원, 지역교육청이 급식종사자 인건비가 평균 10억 5천만원을 지원하고 있었다. 셋째, 학교급식에서의 쌀 이용현황을 살펴보면 초등학교에서는 평균 91.26%가 정부미, 40.64%가 지역쌀을 사용하고 있었고, 중학교와 고등학교 역시 정부미와 지역쌀을 주로 사용하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 쌀 이용 증진에 대한 교육청의 관심도는 평균 5.00점(Likert 7점 척도)이었고 쌀 이용을 위한 교육청의 지원의지는 평균 4.66점으로 관심이 있다고 조사된 반면, 교육청이쌀 이용 증진을 위한 방안 및 정책을 시행한 경험은 평균 3.31점으로 나타나 상대적으로 정책 시행 경험이 적은 것을 알 수 있었다. 넷째, 학교급식에 쌀빵 메뉴 적용을 위한 방안 및 정책에 대해 교육청의 인식을 조사한 결과, 관심도는 평균 4.35점, 쌀빵 지원의지는 평균 4.14점, 급식에 쌀빵 적용의 바람직성은 4.71점, 급식에 쌀빵 적용 실현가능성은 4.69점으로 높은 점수를 나타낸 반면, 쌀빵 적용 방안 및 정책의 시행 경험은 2.18점으로 낮은 수준으로 조사되었다. 쌀빵을 학교급식에 적용하기 위한 바람직한 지원방법은 '관련 조리기기 지원'(예: 오븐) 19명(57.6%), '보조금 지급', '납품가 할인' 각 9명(27.3%), '현물(쌀빵)제공' 8명(24.2%)의 순으로 조사되었다. 쌀빵을 학교급식에 적용할 때의 장점으로는 다수가 '쌀 소비 촉진' 24명(72.7%)이라고 응답하였고, '영양적우수성' 18명(54.4%), '건강 지향적인 학교급식 이미지 제고' 17명(51.5%), '제공메뉴의 다양성' 12명(36.4%) 등의 의견이 있었다. 반면, 장애요인으로는 '조리시설(오븐 등)의 부족' 24명(72.7%), '비교적 높은 원가' 18명(54.5%), '식단 적용의 한계', '제한적인 조리방법'은 각 13명(39.4%), '급식정책의 미흡' 5명(15.2%), '업체의 홍보부족' 4명(12.1%) 등의 순으로 응답하였다. 다섯째, 교육청의 학교급식에서의 쌀 이용에 대한 의견과 쌀빵 적용에 대한 의견과의 상관성을 분석한 결과, 학교급식에서의 쌀 이용 증진에 대한 '관심'과 '지원의지'는 매우 유의한 상관관계가 있었으며(p<0.001), 또한 '관심'과 '지원의지'는 쌀 이용을 증진시키기 위한 방안 및 정책을 시행한 '경험'과 관련성이 있다고 조사되었다(각 p<0.05, p<0.01). 또 학교급식 메뉴에의 쌀빵을 적용하는 것에 있어서도 쌀빵 적용에 대한 '관심'과 '지원의지'는 유의한 상관관계가 있었으며(p<0.001), 쌀빵 적용의 '바람직성'과 '지원의지', 쌀빵 적용의 '실현가능성' 역시 매우 유의한 상관관계를 보여주었다(p<0.001). 쌀 이용에 대한 관심이 적은 그룹과 관심이 많은 그룹 간에는 학교급식 메뉴에 쌀빵을 적용하는 것에 대한 인식의 모든 항목에서 유의한 차이가 없다고 나타났으며, 쌀 이용 증진을 위한 지원의지가 높은 그룹과 낮은 그룹 간에는 쌀빵 적용을 위한 정책을 시행한 경험에 대한 문항을 제외하고는 유의한 차이를 보였다. 또한 쌀 이용 증진을 위한 정책을 시행한 경험 여부에 따른 두 그룹 간 학교급식 메뉴의 쌀빵 적용에 대한 인식을 비교한 결과, 쌀빵 적용에 대한 관심, 지원의지, 정책 시행 경험 문항에 있어서 경험 많은 군이 경험 적은 군에 비해 유의하게 높은 점수를 보여주었다(p<0.01). 이상의 연구 결과는 쌀빵을 학교급식에 적용 및 확대하는데 앞서 정책실행의 주체가 되는 교육청 담당자들의 인식을 파악한 것으로 앞으로의 쌀빵 적용 증진 계획을 효율적으로 세우는 것에 도움이 될 것이라고 판단된다. 연구결과와 같이 대부분의 교육청 급식 담당자들이 쌀 소비 촉진 및 영양과 건강증진 등의 이유로 쌀뿐만 아니라 쌀빵을 학교급식에 적용하는 것에 의지와 관심이 높음을 알 수 있었으나 실제로 실행에 옮기는 경우는 상대적으로 적은 것을 파악할 수 있었다. 따라서 앞으로 쌀빵을 학교급식에 확대 적용하기 위해서는 교육청 담당자들의 이런 의지와 관심을 더욱 확고히 하고 현실적인 지원, 예를들어 오븐 및 현물 지원 등의 적극적인 지원 방안이 수립되어야 한다고 사료된다. 본 연구는 조사대상자인 교육청 급식담당자의 표본수 확보에 한계를 보였고, 아직까지 상용화 및 급식현장에서 제공되는 비율이 미미한 쌀빵이 조사의 주제어였기에 응답자의 인지도 및 인식 부족이 연구의 한계점으로 작용하였다. 향후 급식현장에서의 목소리를 담아낼 수 있는 영양(교)사, 학생을 대상으로 하는 쌀빵관련 연구가 진행된다면 쌀빵 사용 확대에 현실적인 지원책 마련에 일조할 것으로 사료된다.

한국(韓國)의 의료기사(醫療技士) 교육제도(敎育制度)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究) (A Study of Educational System for Medical Technologists in Korea)

  • 송재관;이건섭;김병락;김정락;조준석;허준;이준일
    • 대한방사선기술학회지:방사선기술과학
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.131-181
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    • 1983
  • After the investigation on, and the analysis of, the educational system for medical technicians and the present educational situation for medical technologies in this country, the following conclusions were drawn. 1. As of March 1983 the current academic system for education in medical technologies included the regular 4-year college courses and those of the 2-year professional junior college courses. But except in the cases on clinical pathology and physical therapy, there were no college-level departments. Particularly, no educational institutions, at whatever level, had a department for working therapies. 2. The total number of credits needed for graduation from a department of medical technologies was 150 points at a regular 4-year college and 85 to 96 points at a 2-year professional college. The obligatory minimum number of credits for a student at a professional college was set at 80 points and above. 3. As for the number of the educational institutions for medical technologies in this country, there were one regular college and 14 professional colleges, a total of 15 institutions. As many as 14 colleges had departments of clinical pathology, 12 had departments of Radiotechnology, 11 had departments of physical therapy, 12 had departments of dental technology, and eight had departments of dental hygiene. 4. The total capacity of the professional colleges in admitting new enrollment each year were 1,920 for clinical pathology, 1,552 for radiology, 1,012 for physical therapy, 1,334 for dental technologies, 828 for dental hygiene, an aggregate of 6,646 for all of the professional college departments. 5. The total number of graduates from the 12 professional colleges by department during the period of 1965-83 were 7,595 for clindical pathology, 4,768 for radiology, 2,821 for physical therapy, 3,000 for dental technologies, and 1,787 for dental hygiene, totalling 19,971 for all departments in the professional colleges. 6. In the state examination for licensed medical technicians, 12,446 have passed from among the total of 26,609 participants, representing a 45% passing ratio. By departments the ratios showed 44% for clinical pathology, 39.7% for radiology, 51.2% for physical therapy, 42.5% for dental technology, 72.5% for dental hygiene and 73.1% for working therapy. 7. As for the degree of satisfaction shown by the people in this field, 52.2 percent of the teaching staffs who responed to the questionaires said they were satisfied with their present profession, while the great majority of medical technicians(66%) replied that they were indifferent to the problem. 8. The degree of satisfaction shown by the students on their enrollment in this particular academic field was generally in the framework of indifference(43.7%), but mere students(36.5%) were satisfied with their choice than those were not satisfied(14.4%) 9. As for the student's opinions on the lectures and practicing hours, a good many students replied that, among such courses as general science and humanities courses the basic medical course, the major course and practicing hours, the hours provided for the general courses(47.1%) and practicing(47.6%) were insufficient. 10. When asked about the contents of their major courses, comparatively few students (23.6%) replied that the courses were too difficult, while a convincing majority(58.5%) said they were neither difficult nor easy. As for the appropriateness of the number of the present teaching staffs, a great majority(71.0%) of the students replied that the level of the teaching personnel in each particular field was insufficient. 11. Among the students who responded to the poll, good part of them(49.5%) wanted mandatory clinical practicing hours, and the the majority of them(64.6%) held the view that the experimental and practicing facilities of their schools were insufficient. 12. On the necessity of the attached hospitals, 71.1% of the teaching staffs and 58.0% of the medical technicians had the opinion that this kind of facility was indispensable. 13. As for the qualifications for applicants to the state examination in the licensing system for medical technicians, 52.2% of the teacher's and 36% of the medical technicians replied that the present system granting the qualifications according to the apprenticeship period should be abolished. 14. On the necessity of improving the present system for education in medical technologies, an overwhelming majority(94.4% of the :caching staffs, 92.0% of the medical technicians and 91.9% of students) of these polled replied that the present system should be changed for the better. 15. On the method of changes for the present educational system, a great majority(89.4% of the teaching staffs, 80.4% of the medical technicians and 90.1% of the students) said that the system must be changed so that it fits into the reality of the present day. 16. As for the present 2-year program for the professional colleges, 61.6% of the teachers, 72.0% of the medical technicians and 38.8% of the students expressed the hope that the academic period would be extended to four regular years, hemming a full-fledged collegelevels program. 17. On the life-long eductional system for medical technicians, there was a considerable number of people who expressed the hope that an open university system(38.9% of the teaching staffs, 36.0% of the medical technicians) and a graduate school system would be set up. 18. As for the future prospects for medical technicians as professionals, the optimists ana pessimists were almost equally divided, and 41.1% of the teaching staffs 36.0% of. the technicians and 50.5% of the students expressed an intermediate position on this issue.

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일부(一部) 중학생(中學生)의 성(性)에 대한 의식행태조사(意識行態調査) (A study on the Awareness and Behavior about Sex of Middle School Students -from middle school students in Taegu area-)

  • 김상옥;남철현
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.42-65
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    • 1992
  • A survey was made of 976 students who were selected among students of 5 middle schools at Taegu so that it could furnish basic knowledge about sex education of adolescents by analyzing students recognition of sex, acquaintance with the opposite-sex, sex-education, The survery took a month from Nov. 1, to Nov 30, 1991. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. The general characteristics of the surveyed students. The survey consisted of 332 boys middle school student & 325 girls middle school students, 157 male & 162 female students of coeducational middle schools. 32.9% of them were from the first grade, 33.2% from the second grade & 33.9% from the third grade. 35.7% of them believed in Buddhism, 19% Christianism and the mode of their living standard, 86.7%, fell on 34.7% of their parents engaged in commerce and they were followed by salary man and public officals, 93.1 % of the students, parents were alive. 44.9% of their fathers were graduates of high school and 42.2% of their mothers middle school. 2. Sexual maturity 89.1 % of the surveyed girls had experienced menstruation. The mode of first menstruation, 48.2%, was at the age of 13 and the mean of it was 12.9, 3.7% the surveyed boys had exprienced a wet drem before. The mode of the first wet dream, 40.0%, was at the age of 14 and the mean was 13.4. 21.3% of surveyed students had the experience of masturbation but the number of girls fell far short of that boys. The mode of the first masturbation, 37.0%, was at the age of 14 and the mean was 13.4. 3. The acquaintance and sexual relations with the opposite sex 1) Analyzing the students actual conditions with the opposite, I found out that 52.3% of them wanted to have any kind of relations with the opposite and that 30.25 had already had some kind of relations. 73.2% of the students having relations with the opposite thought the other sex merely as a friend and the number of students who were thinking that way was distributed evenly among schools. 28.8% of the students had got acquainted with the other sex through their frieds and there were not much difference between boys and girls in the method of getting acquainated with the opposite. About 35.2% of the students having relations with the opposite came from the third grade. 47.8% of them answered that the meeting place was not fixed and 26.4% answered that they were meeting their parthers outdoors. 60.7% replyed that they were not disturbed in their studies by the relations with the other sex. 2) Most of the students 79.4%, answered that they had never had sexual relations and 16.3% of the rest said that thery were expressing their feelings by grasping each other's hand. 3) 16.6% of the surveyed students asid that they had the exprience of smoking, 1.1 % of an illusion caused by inhaling chemical addhesives, 44.0% of drinking and 41.4% of warching pornographic films. 4. The knowledge and attitude about the sex 1) The distribution and analysis according to schools and grades : 64.8% of the surveyed students answered correctly to the questions about mensturation, 49.3 % did so about wet dreams, 94.3 % did so about conception, 60.6% did so about child birth, 73.9% did so about AIDS and 50.1 % did so about sexual diseases. Roughly speaking, they had not much knowledge of sexual diseases. 2) The recognition of sex according to schools and grades : 39.0% of the students said that they had worries about sex. 33.1 % of what they worried was concerned with their bodies and 26.8% was about the acqaintance and relationship with the opposite sex. The girls were much more concerned about the former and the boys the latter. 51.1 % of the students asid that they had no specific opinion of masturbation but 19.2% said that's alright if self-restrained. About the sexual intercourse before marriage, 75.7% said negatively. 5. The need for sex education most of the students, 99.4% said they needed sex education and there was not much difference in that thought among schools. And 49.7% answered that schools, families, and societies were equlally important in sex education. About half of the students, exactly 50.2%. considered it as the main reason of sex education to prevent accidents cauesd by ignorance of sex. 81.4% said that they had had some kind of sex education. Most of the educations, 87.0%, had taken place at schools but 5.2% said they were getting most of the knowledge about sex from therir friednds, juniors and seniors. 59.5% of the students who had ever had a sex education said "Just so, so" when asked of the level of their contentment but the number of students who said "satisfied" was only a few, 16.1 %. 20.7% of the survered answered that thery wanted sex education to be made in the course of home life, and 26.6 % of the students most wanted to know about the acquaintance and relationship with the oppostie sex, 29.0% preferred nurse teachers as proper councellors of sex education. The mode of their present councellors, 42.0%, was friends but only 7.6% answered they dicussed with teachers. 6. The correlation analysis between general characteristcs and sexual behaviors of the surveyed students revealed that sex had a signigicant(P<0.001) positive correlation with parents' love toward students(P<0.01), the experience of masturbation, smoking, an illusion caused by inhaling chemical adhesives and the experience of watching pornographic films. And the standard of living had a significant(P<0.01) positive correlation(P<0.01) with grade point average, parents' existence(P<0.01) and parents' love, but a significant(P<0.01) negative correlation with sexual worries. grade point average had a significant(P<0.01)negative correlation with the experience of an illusion caused by chemical adhesives(P<0.01) and smoking. Parents' existence had significant(P<0.01) positive correlations with parents' love and smoking but a significant(P<0.01) negative correlation with the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives. There was a significant(P<0.01) negative correlations between parents' love and the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives, and a significant(P<0.001) positive correlation among masturbation and sexual worries, smoking, an illusion by chemical adhesives and the experience of watching pornographic films. There was a significant(P<0.001) positive correlation among acquaintance with the opposite sex, smoking, the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives and watching pornographic films. Sexual worries had significant(P<0.01) positive correlations with smoking, the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives and watching pornographic films. smoking had a significant positive correlation with drinking the experirence of, an illusion by chemical adhesives and watching pornographic films. Finally, there was a significant(P<0.01) positive correlation between the drinking experience and the illusion experience by chemical adhesives. According to the results mentioned above, the fact is certain that there is a great need for sex education of adolescents. Therefore, it is desirable that the schools teach sexual physiology and normal positively and that sex education including hygien education be an independant course in the curriculums. Furthermore, it is essential that the schools should have enough nurse teachers to take up sex education, expand training opportunities for them and that they develop educational materials. Considering the unbalance of the level of sex educations between boys and girls, I want to suggest that all boys and girls have sex education evenly and lead happy lives by correction irrational thought about sex, that is to say, sex discrimination, Sex education programs, especially of middle school students, should be reexamined if it is to give the students effective and profitable knowledge about sex. In addition, the government should establish a policy of adolescents' sex education to have healthy opinions of sex settled nationwide.

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Information Privacy Concern in Context-Aware Personalized Services: Results of a Delphi Study

  • Lee, Yon-Nim;Kwon, Oh-Byung
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.63-86
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    • 2010
  • Personalized services directly and indirectly acquire personal data, in part, to provide customers with higher-value services that are specifically context-relevant (such as place and time). Information technologies continue to mature and develop, providing greatly improved performance. Sensory networks and intelligent software can now obtain context data, and that is the cornerstone for providing personalized, context-specific services. Yet, the danger of overflowing personal information is increasing because the data retrieved by the sensors usually contains privacy information. Various technical characteristics of context-aware applications have more troubling implications for information privacy. In parallel with increasing use of context for service personalization, information privacy concerns have also increased such as an unrestricted availability of context information. Those privacy concerns are consistently regarded as a critical issue facing context-aware personalized service success. The entire field of information privacy is growing as an important area of research, with many new definitions and terminologies, because of a need for a better understanding of information privacy concepts. Especially, it requires that the factors of information privacy should be revised according to the characteristics of new technologies. However, previous information privacy factors of context-aware applications have at least two shortcomings. First, there has been little overview of the technology characteristics of context-aware computing. Existing studies have only focused on a small subset of the technical characteristics of context-aware computing. Therefore, there has not been a mutually exclusive set of factors that uniquely and completely describe information privacy on context-aware applications. Second, user survey has been widely used to identify factors of information privacy in most studies despite the limitation of users' knowledge and experiences about context-aware computing technology. To date, since context-aware services have not been widely deployed on a commercial scale yet, only very few people have prior experiences with context-aware personalized services. It is difficult to build users' knowledge about context-aware technology even by increasing their understanding in various ways: scenarios, pictures, flash animation, etc. Nevertheless, conducting a survey, assuming that the participants have sufficient experience or understanding about the technologies shown in the survey, may not be absolutely valid. Moreover, some surveys are based solely on simplifying and hence unrealistic assumptions (e.g., they only consider location information as a context data). A better understanding of information privacy concern in context-aware personalized services is highly needed. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to identify a generic set of factors for elemental information privacy concern in context-aware personalized services and to develop a rank-order list of information privacy concern factors. We consider overall technology characteristics to establish a mutually exclusive set of factors. A Delphi survey, a rigorous data collection method, was deployed to obtain a reliable opinion from the experts and to produce a rank-order list. It, therefore, lends itself well to obtaining a set of universal factors of information privacy concern and its priority. An international panel of researchers and practitioners who have the expertise in privacy and context-aware system fields were involved in our research. Delphi rounds formatting will faithfully follow the procedure for the Delphi study proposed by Okoli and Pawlowski. This will involve three general rounds: (1) brainstorming for important factors; (2) narrowing down the original list to the most important ones; and (3) ranking the list of important factors. For this round only, experts were treated as individuals, not panels. Adapted from Okoli and Pawlowski, we outlined the process of administrating the study. We performed three rounds. In the first and second rounds of the Delphi questionnaire, we gathered a set of exclusive factors for information privacy concern in context-aware personalized services. The respondents were asked to provide at least five main factors for the most appropriate understanding of the information privacy concern in the first round. To do so, some of the main factors found in the literature were presented to the participants. The second round of the questionnaire discussed the main factor provided in the first round, fleshed out with relevant sub-factors. Respondents were then requested to evaluate each sub factor's suitability against the corresponding main factors to determine the final sub-factors from the candidate factors. The sub-factors were found from the literature survey. Final factors selected by over 50% of experts. In the third round, a list of factors with corresponding questions was provided, and the respondents were requested to assess the importance of each main factor and its corresponding sub factors. Finally, we calculated the mean rank of each item to make a final result. While analyzing the data, we focused on group consensus rather than individual insistence. To do so, a concordance analysis, which measures the consistency of the experts' responses over successive rounds of the Delphi, was adopted during the survey process. As a result, experts reported that context data collection and high identifiable level of identical data are the most important factor in the main factors and sub factors, respectively. Additional important sub-factors included diverse types of context data collected, tracking and recording functionalities, and embedded and disappeared sensor devices. The average score of each factor is very useful for future context-aware personalized service development in the view of the information privacy. The final factors have the following differences comparing to those proposed in other studies. First, the concern factors differ from existing studies, which are based on privacy issues that may occur during the lifecycle of acquired user information. However, our study helped to clarify these sometimes vague issues by determining which privacy concern issues are viable based on specific technical characteristics in context-aware personalized services. Since a context-aware service differs in its technical characteristics compared to other services, we selected specific characteristics that had a higher potential to increase user's privacy concerns. Secondly, this study considered privacy issues in terms of service delivery and display that were almost overlooked in existing studies by introducing IPOS as the factor division. Lastly, in each factor, it correlated the level of importance with professionals' opinions as to what extent users have privacy concerns. The reason that it did not select the traditional method questionnaire at that time is that context-aware personalized service considered the absolute lack in understanding and experience of users with new technology. For understanding users' privacy concerns, professionals in the Delphi questionnaire process selected context data collection, tracking and recording, and sensory network as the most important factors among technological characteristics of context-aware personalized services. In the creation of a context-aware personalized services, this study demonstrates the importance and relevance of determining an optimal methodology, and which technologies and in what sequence are needed, to acquire what types of users' context information. Most studies focus on which services and systems should be provided and developed by utilizing context information on the supposition, along with the development of context-aware technology. However, the results in this study show that, in terms of users' privacy, it is necessary to pay greater attention to the activities that acquire context information. To inspect the results in the evaluation of sub factor, additional studies would be necessary for approaches on reducing users' privacy concerns toward technological characteristics such as highly identifiable level of identical data, diverse types of context data collected, tracking and recording functionality, embedded and disappearing sensor devices. The factor ranked the next highest level of importance after input is a context-aware service delivery that is related to output. The results show that delivery and display showing services to users in a context-aware personalized services toward the anywhere-anytime-any device concept have been regarded as even more important than in previous computing environment. Considering the concern factors to develop context aware personalized services will help to increase service success rate and hopefully user acceptance for those services. Our future work will be to adopt these factors for qualifying context aware service development projects such as u-city development projects in terms of service quality and hence user acceptance.

가맹본부의 리더십 행동유형과 가맹사업자의 관계결속에 관한 실증적 연구 - 가맹사업자의 자기효능감의 조절효과를 중심으로 - (An Empirical Study in Relationship between Franchisor's Leadership Behavior Style and Commitment by Focusing Moderating Effect of Franchisee's Self-efficacy)

  • 양회창;이영철
    • 한국유통학회지:유통연구
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.49-71
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구는 가맹사업자의 자기효능감에 주목하여 정부가 예비가맹사업자들을 보호하기 위해 가맹본부에 다양한 규제와 정책을 사용하는 것이 최선의 방법이 아니라는 것에 관심을 두고 있다. 본 연구에서는 경로-목표이론(path-goal theory)에서 제시한 가맹본부의 리더십 행동 유형과 가맹사업자의 관계결속의 영향관계에 있어서 가맹사업자의 특성으로 자기효능감의 조절효과를 규명하고, 실증 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 연구의 시사점을 발견할 수 있었다. 첫째, 가맹본부의 리더십 행동유형이 관계결속에 긍정적 효과를 가져 온다는 사실이 확인됨으로써 가맹본부는 가맹사업자에게 맞는 리더십 행동유형을 적용할 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 둘째, 가맹사업자의 자기효능감이 관계결속에 긍정적 효과가 있을 뿐만 아니라, 리더십 행동유형과 관계결속 사이에 상당한 조절효과가 있기 때문에 가맹본부는 가맹사업자들의 개인차(individual difference) 관리가 필요하다. 셋째, 정부는 가맹본부를 규제할 것만이 아니라 가맹본부가 가맹사업자들의 특성을 확실하게 파악하고 기업의 목표달성을 위한 정당한 통제가 가능하도록 제도적 지원을 해야 할 것이다.

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수도집단재배의 기술체계에 관한 연구 (Study on the Technological System of the Cooperative Cultivation of Paddy Rice in Korea)

  • 조민신
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.129-177
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    • 1970
  • 수도작에 있어서 수량성의 향상과 경영의 합리화률 기하기 위한 집단재배의 기술체계를 확립하고자 지역과 지대별로 임의선정된 18개소에서 집단재배와 개별재배를 한 수도에 대하여 경종 및 생육ㆍ수량구성요소의 변이를 조사연구하였으며 460개소의 집단재배와 개별재배에 대하여 경종ㆍ경영 및 조직운영등을 비교조사하고 집단재배와 개별재배의 경제성을 분석하여 그 결과를 요약하면 아래와 같다. 1. 집단재배와 개별재배의 경종 및 생육ㆍ수량형질에 관하여 연구한 결과는 다음과 같다. (1) 육묘에 있어서 집단재배가 비료의 3요소 특히 인산과 가리의 사용량이 많았고 약제살포의 횟수도 많았다. (2) 본답에 있어서의 경종기술은 집단재배가 개별재배보다 ${\circled1}$ 이앙기가 빨랐고 ${\circled2}$ 재식밀도에 있어서 1주당 재식묘수는 적으나 단위면적당의 포기수는 많으며 \circled3 시비량은 질소, 인산, 가리 및 퇴비의 시용량이 현저히 많았고 ${\circled4}$ 분시횟수도 많았으며 ${\circled5}$ 살충제 및 살균제의 살포횟수도 역시 집단재배에서 많았다. (3) 도북의 정도는 집단재배가 약간 더 하였고 병해충의 발생정도는 잎도열병, 목도열병 그리구 멸구, 이화명충 1화기 및 2화기의 발생이 집단재배가 적었다. (4) 집단재배를 한 수도의 간장 및 수장은 길고 고중도 무거웠다. 그리고 조고비율은 집단재배에 있어서 80.9%, 개별재배가 69.9%로서 높은 유의차가 있었다. (5) 수량구성요소인 수수와 1수평균영화수가 집단재배에서 현저히 많았고 현미 1000립중도 무거웠으며 등숙율은 개별농가의 벼와 차이가 없었고 그 변이계수는 집단재배가 개별재배에 비하여 모두 작은 값을 보였다. (6) 현미수량은 평균 10a당 집단재배 459.0kg, 개별재배 374.8kg으로서 84.2kg이나 전자가 많았으며 그들간의 변이계수는 집단재배에서 작게 나타났다. (7) 기간재배기술과 수량구성요소의 상관관계에 있어서 고도의 유의상관을 보인 것은 파종기와 1수영화수, 못자리 약제살포횟수와 1수영화수, 이앙기와 1수영화수, 본답의 인산시용량과 수량, 본답의 가리시용량과 등숙율, 분시횟수와 수량등에서 정(+)상관을 보였고 파종기와 등숙율간에는 부(-)상관을 보였다. 2. 집단재배와 개별재배의 경종\ulcorner경영 및 조직운영에 대하여 종합적으로 조사비교한 결과는 다음과 같다. (1) 집단재배의 품종수는 13개이고 개별재배에서는 47품종으로서 개별재배가 품종의 단순화를 기하지 못하고 있다. (2) 육묘기술에 있어서 비료3요소 특히 인산과 가리의 시용량이 많았고 약제살포횟수가 많다는 것은 1ㆍ의 실험결과와 같으며 이밖에 집단재배의 경우에는 종자소특이 100% 실시되었으며 파종량도 3.3$m^2$당 표준파종량인 3.6~5.4이 파종이 많이 실시되었으나 개별재배에서는 박파와 밀파가 많아 파종량의 변이가 컸었다. (3) 이앙기, 재식밀도, 병충해방제, 약제살포횟수, 시비량 및 분시횟수등은 1.의 결과와 같으며 추경 및 객토와 동력경운기의 사용은 집단재배에서 많았으며 이앙방식은 종전의 정방형식에서 극단적인장방형식으로 많이 바뀌었으며 물관리에 있어서는 중각낙수와 간단관수가 비교적 많이 실시되었다. (4) 현미수량은 평균 10a당 집단재배가 466kg이고 개별재배는 380kg으로서 전자가 86kg 많았다. (5) 병충해방제작업이 집단재배에서 집단방제로 많이 실시되었고 종자소독도 80% 이상의 공동으로 이루어 졌으며 수확, 수확물의 운반, 탈곡, 논갈이 작업등도 개별재배에서 보다 많이 공동으로 이루어졌다. (6) 집단재배에서 객토 및 퇴비의 사용이 현저히 많았으며 그 작업도 공동으로 이루어진 비율이 높고 또한 노동력의 투입도 많았다. (7) 육묘 및 본답의 물관리작업은 집단재배가 개별재배보다 노동력의 투입이 적었다. (8) 비료, 농약 및 노동력등의 비용가액은 집단재배가 개별재배보다 많았으며 약 2배에 가까웠다. (9) 경영규모는 3ha로부터 7ha 이상의 범위에 있으며 5ha내외의 것이 많았고 1개소의 집단재배는 10~20개 정도의 필지로 되어있는 것이 대부분이었다. (10) 경영자 및 경작자의 학력은 집단재배의 회장, 재배반장, 방제반장 및 수리반장 모두 국민학교졸업 이상이 93.7%이며 개별재배는 83%를 보였고 그들의 연령은 40~45세가 가장 많으며 이러한 경향은 양자가 비슷하였다. (11) 집단재배의 운영에 관한 주요설문에 대한 경작자들의 반응은 집단재배를 함으로서 확실히 수량은 증가하였는데 이것은 시비법개선과 병충해방제의 효과가 가장 컸다고 생각하는 사람이 많았고 집단재배를 함으로서 영농자재의 입수와 모든 작업이 적기에 이루어 졌다고 하는 것이 많았다. 또한 경작노력은 적게 들었다는 것이 66.8%이며 이앙노력은 집단재배가 오히려 더 들었다는 것 그리고 관의 간섭이 많았다는 것 등이 특이한 것이며 집단재배의 계속을 원하는 농가가 74.5%이고 원치 않은 농가가 25.5%였었다. 3. 집단재배와 개별재배의 경제성을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. (1) 경영비의 비용가액중 퇴비, 금비, 농약대 및 고용노임은 집단재배에 있어서 개별재배보다 각각 335원, 199원, 388원 및 303원이 더 투입되어 큰 차이를 보였으나 기타생산비목들은 집단재배와 개별재배간에 큰 차이가 없었다. (2) 총수익에서 경영비를 뺀 소득은 집단재배에서 24,302원이였고 개별재배에서는 20,168원으로 집단재배에서 10a당 4,134원의 소득증대를 나타내었다. 본 연구에서 수도집단재배는 새로운 기술의 적용도를 높이고 경영의 합리화를 기하여 안전다수확으로 개개 농가의 소득증대에 기여하였을 뿐만아니라 농민에게 새 기술의 적용이 유익했다는 실증을 보여 줌으로서 농민 스스로의 생산과정에 파급적이며 영속적인 변화를 촉진시킬것이라는 또 하나의 결론을 얻었다.

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