• 제목/요약/키워드: Nourishment

검색결과 99건 처리시간 0.023초

XBEACH 모형에 의한 해운대 해수욕장 양빈후의 해빈류 특성 변화 (Wave-induced Currents using XBEACH Model after Beach Nourishment at Haeundae Beach)

  • 강태순;박명원;김진석;이종섭
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.498-504
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    • 2016
  • In this study, to predict the effect of beach nourishment at Haeundae Beach, the waves and wave-induced currents were compared before and after beach nourishment using the XBEACH model. Representative wave conditions were determined for the data observed during 2014 (KHOA). Then, the Hs,max and Hs,1/10 values, and their prevalent directions, were used in the numerical modeling input data. A variable grid system was used for the $5km{\times}2.5km$ model areas, and irregular waves based on the JONSWAP spectrum were given as incident wave conditions. In the summer season, eastward wave-induced currents were developed along the beach by the incident wave direction. Before the beach nourishment, the maximum speed around the surf zone was 1.2-1.5 m/s in the central zone of the beach, whereas the maximum speed increased to 1.4-1.6 m/s at the same areas when the currents toward Mipo Harbor were blocked as an effect of the groins after the beach nourishment. In the winter season, westward wave-induced currents were developed along the beach by the incident wave direction. After the beach nourishment, the maximum current speed increased slightly around the surf zone in the central area of the beach, and the littoral current speed decreased at the submerged breakwaters located at Dongbaek Island. As a result, after the beach nourishment, the maximum wave-induced currents increased about 10% in the surf zone of the central area of the beach.

양빈 후 지형변화에 따른 해운대 이안류 수치모의 (A numerical study on rip currents at the Haeundae coast changed after the beach nourishment)

  • 최준우
    • 한국수자원학회논문집
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    • 제55권9호
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    • pp.669-678
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    • 2022
  • 연안정비사업으로 추진된 해운대 해수욕장의 대규모 양빈(2013~2015)으로 해운대 해변의 해안선 및 수심지형에 급한 인위적 변동이 있었다. 기존 연구에서는 양빈 직, 전후의 수심지형을 입력 조건으로 Boussinesq 방정식 모형인 FUNWAVE를 이용하여 수치모의를 수행, 수심지형 변화에 따른 이안류 발생 특성을 분석하였다. 양빈 직후 쇄파대 폭의 감소로 이안류의 강도 및 발생정도가 감소하였다. 본 연구에서는 대규모 양빈 후 수년이 지난 2017년 및 2020년에 다시 측량된 수심지형을 이용하여 동일한 조건으로 수치모의를 수행하여 결과를 제시하였다. 그리고 양빈 전 및 직후, 그리고 수년이 지난 후의 해운대 이안류를 비교하였다. 시간이 지남에 따라 단면경사가 완만해 지고 쇄패대 폭이 증가되어 이안류의 강도와 발생정도가 다시 증가하고 있다고 판단된다.

군산주변해역에 있어서 자원조성용 방류어종의 선정에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Select of Releasing Fishes for the Nourishment of Fisheries Resources around the Gunsan Coastal Seas)

  • 김종화;김민석
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.576-585
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study is to indicate that how to select the releasing fishes for the nourishment of fisheries resources in small ranching area around the Gunsan coastal seas. The collected data were analysed, and revealed that the proper fisheries for releasing around the seas are Limanda Yokohame, sebastes schlegeli, paralichthys olibaceus, black porgy and little clam.

인공양빈공법에 관한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on the Beack Nourishment Method of Beach)

  • 민병형;옥치율;김가현;최도식
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 1988
  • A beach nourishment method can be used as one of the beach. The beach nourishment is affected br a natural condition and an artificial condition; a natural condtion include conditions of bottom slope, diameter of bottom materials and wave, and an artificial condition include deposit position, method, diameter and quantity of the nourishing sand. To obtain and the best diameter of the nourishing sand a two-dimensional hydraulic model test, which simulates the erosional beach, has been accmplished. In this study the protection of the beach erosion can be maximized when the nourishing sand of 0.84mm in diameter, which is about 2.5-3.5 times of the natural bottom materials in diameter.

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Cell Group을 이용한 파랑저감 및 양빈사 유실방지에 관한 실험적 연구 (Experimental Study on Effectiveness of Wave Reduction and Prevention Erosion of Nourishment Sand Using the Cell Group)

  • 박상길;박홍범;김영환
    • 한국해안·해양공학회논문집
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.269-277
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    • 2017
  • 최근, 해변모래의 침식을 방지하기 위해 잠제를 설치하고 있다. 잠제설치는 모래 침식의 손실을 최소화하기 위해 만들어졌다. 이런 이유로, 잠제를 무분별하게 전국적으로 계획하여 건설하고 있다. 그러나 해안선 유지를 위해 설치된 잠제는 상당히 문제가 있는 방법이다. 고가의 건설비, 해양공간이용, 해수수질, 해안선 변화 등의 단점도 있다. 특히, 해양 레저를 즐기는 이용자들은 해상공간이 단절되기 때문에 이를 좋아하지 않는다. 광안리와 같은 해수욕장은 인위적으로 양빈모래를 공급하여 해수욕장을 유지하는 곳이다. 연성공법이란 양빈모래의 유실방지를 위해 수중에 잠재를 대신하여 유동성 재질로 폭 넓은 연성구조물을 설치하는 공법을 말한다. 본 연구는 해변 침식을 완화할 수 있는 연성공법의 일환으로 cell group을 설치하였다. 즉, 양빈모래의 유실을 막기 위해 잠제 대신에 cell group을 사용하여 사빈침식의 정도를 완화 할 수 있는 공법을 적용한 것이다. 2차원 고정상 실험에서 cell group의 설치로 인한 파고감소효과 및 저반사율을 제시하였고, 이동상 수리모형실험에서, cell group 설치로 인한 양빈모래의 포착률과 양빈 모래의 침식방지율을 제안하였다. 따라서 수리모형실험의 결과에 의하면 침식해안의 사빈에 cell group을 설치하면 파고감소효과, 저반사율과, 양빈사의 침식방지율, 양빈사의 높은 포착률에 의해 양빈사의 유출이 방지되어 안정된 해안을 유지할 수 있었다.

인공양빈해안의 해빈특성에 관한 연구 (A Study of the Behaviors of Nourishing Sand on the Artificial Nourishment Beach)

  • 민병형;김가현;김진생
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 1987
  • The object of this study is to investigate behaviors of beach fill replenished at three coasts of different configurations by analyzing successively measured beach profiles. The main results obtained in this study are summarized as follows; 1) The amount of nourishing sand moved in the longshore direction surpasses the amount of nourishing sand transported in the cross-shore direction regardless of shapes of the coasts and types of the structures. 2) A clear correlation between displacements of shoreline and changes of sectional areas can be found soon after the placement of beach fill in the fields. This implies that the deformation of the artificial nourishment and dissipation or remaining rate of nourishing sand can be predicated by the one-line theory. 3) The patterns of sediment movements in the artificially nourished beaches are clearly found by the analysis of empirical eignfuncitions.

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화순항내 준설토사의 양빈재 유효활용을 위한 적합성 평가 (An Adaptedness Assessment for Beach Nourishment Utilization of Dredged Materials in Hwasun-Port)

  • 최진환;이상혁
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.2940-2944
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    • 2015
  • 화순항에서 유효활용을 위한 준설토의 오염도 분석결과, Ni이 기준치를 전지점에서 초과하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 개정된 유효활용기준에 의하면 기준치를 초과하더라도 인위적인 오염원이 없고 펄의 평균 무게 비율이 10%미만이며 생태독성 시험을 통과하였을 경우 양빈재로 활용이 가능하다. 따라서 연구방법으로 해양환경공정시험법에 의한 펄의 평균무게 비율조사와 생태독성실험을 실시하였다. 펄의 평균 무게 비율은 5.37%로 기준치인 10%을 하회하는 것으로 조사되었다. 발광 박테리아를 이용한 생태독성실험 결과는 상대발광저해율이 0~9.13%로 독성없음으로 판정되었으며 저서성 단각류를 이용한 시험에서도 대조구와 시료의 상대평균생존률이 0%로 독성없음으로 판정되었다 따라서, 개정된 유효활용기준을 모두 만족하므로 양빈재로 사용이 가능한 것으로 적합성이 평가되었다.

해운대 해수욕장에 있어서의 양빈공법에 관한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on the Beach Nourshment Method of HAE UN DAE Beach)

  • 민병형;옥치율;유상호
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 1987
  • A beach nourishment method can be used as one of the beach erosion protection methods which may keep coastal environments whithout constructing coastal structures on the HAE UN DAE beach. The beach nourishmens is affected by a natural condition and artificial condition;a natural condition includes conditions of bottom slope, diameter of bottom materials and waves, and artificial conditions include deposit position, method, diameter and quantity of the nourishing sand. It has accomplished to obtain the deposit position and the best diameter of the nourishing sand from a two-dimensional hydraulic model test, which simulates the erosional HAE UN DAE beach. In this study, the protection of the beach erosion can be maximized when the nourishing sand of 3.3mm in diameter, which is about 5.5.times of the bottom materials in diameter, is deposited layerly in front of the breaker zone which has a water depth of 4.6m.

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부산 송도해수욕장의 해안선변화 특성 분석 (Characteristic Analysys of Songdo Beach, Busan, Shoreline Changes)

  • 김명규;윤종성
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2010
  • In this study, an investigation of the shoreline changes at Song-do beach in Busan was carried out for a coastal improvement project to prevent damage from coastal disasters. From the results of the observed data, it is seen that the shoreline moves seaward under extreme wave conditions and moves leeward under normal wave conditions. The reason for this is wave run-up when wave conditions are extreme in summer. In addition, nourishment sand is moved seaward by wave run-up. Thus, the shoreline's slope is gently decreased. Therefore, the shoreline is moved seaward.

모발 염색 전후의 역학적·영양학적 및 형태학적 변화 (Variations of Mechanical·Nourishment (Amino Acid Cystine)·Shape of Cuticle Characteristics according to Hair Coloring Manipulation)

  • 정연;성수광
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제1권4호
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    • pp.393-396
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest the knowledge and scientific information of the damage and improvement according to hair coloring manipulation. The study investigated variations of mechanical, nourishment(amino acid cystine) shape of cuticle characteristics according to hair coloring during 40, 50 minute. The results were as follows; Tensile strength was decreased variations of 6.62%, 13.68%, extension rate was increased variations of 10.58%, 12.28%, thickness was increased variations of 9.15%, 15.64% in 40 min. and 50 min. hair coloring. Content of amino acid cystine was lowered variations of 23.00%, 30.49% according to time of manipulation. A shape of cuticles was disfigured and brocken by reason of hair coloring manipulation.

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