• 제목/요약/키워드: Nitrogen monoxide

검색결과 211건 처리시간 0.027초

활성탄소와 이산화 타이타늄을 활용한 폼 복합체의 질소산화물의 제거 성능 평가 (Evaluation of the Removal Performance of Nitrogen Oxides of Foam Composites Using Activated Carbon and Titanium Dioxide)

  • 최현철;최영철
    • 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집
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    • 제26권6호
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    • pp.120-127
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    • 2022
  • 질소산화물(NOx)은 대기오염의 주요 인자로 일산화질소와 이산화질소의 형태로 존재하며 인체에 유해하다. 최근 대기 중 NOx를 제거하기 위한 많은 연구가 진행되고 있으며, 이러한 노력은 건설재료 분야에서도 동일하다. NOx는 광촉매 반응을 이용하여 효율적으로 제거할 수 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 활성탄(AC)과 이산화타이타늄(TiO2)을 이용한 폼 복합재의 NOx 제거성능을 조사하였다. AC는 폼 복합체의 비표면적을 증가시켜 TiO2의 광촉매 반응 효율을 향상시켰다. 본 연구에서는 AC의 혼합율을 주요 변수로 하여 폼 복합체를 제조하였다. 제조된 시험체를 이용하여 ISO-22197-1에 제시된 시험방법에 따라 NOx 제거성능을 평가하였다. 폼 복합체의 비표면적은 AC 함량에 따라 증가하는 경향을 나타내었으나 15% 이상에서는 감소하였다. 또한 AC 혼입률이 15%일 때 NOx 제거 효율이 가장 높았다.

종이 기록물의 대기 중 유해물질에 의한 가속 열화 특성 연구 (Study on Accelerated Aging Characteristics of Paper-Records by Air Pollutants)

  • 박미선;정소윤;황지현;김형진;김신도
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제46권4호
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2014
  • Preventive conservation is one of most important issues in the field of conservation for paper-records. Many researchers have been studied environmental factors such as effects of humidity, temperature, biological attack and air pollutants. Air pollutants strongly associated with oxidative and hydrolytic degradation of cellulose. It is important to control air pollutants in storage environment to improve stabilities of conservation environment. Four paper samples have been analyzed for their accelerated aging characteristics by air pollutants, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, carbon monoxide. Physical and optical properties and weight molar masses(Mw) showed that interactions between air pollutants and paper sample. Nitrogen dioxide, ozone caused severe damage to cellulose in paper by hydrolytic and oxidative decompositions during aging.

n-heptane 연료 혼합비에 따른 n-butanol 연료의 연소 특성 (Effect of Mixing Ratio of n-heptane Fuel on the Combustion Characteristics of n-butanol Fuel)

  • 임영찬;서현규
    • 한국연소학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2015
  • This study was performed to provide the information of the combustion characteristics of n-butanol fuel in accordance with the n-heptane fuel mixing ratio. The closed homogeneous reactor model was used for the analysis. The analysis conditions were set to 800 K of the initial temperature, 20 atm of initial pressure and 1.0 of equivalence ratio. The results of analysis were compared in terms of combustion temperature, combustion pressure, CO, Soot and $NO_X$ emissions. The results of combustion and exhaust emission characteristics showed that ignition delay was decreased and the combustion temperature was increased as the n-heptane mixing ratio was increased. Also, the carbon monoxide(CO) was slightly decreased however, the soot and nitrogen oxides($NO_X$) increased a little in accordance with the n-heptane fuel mixing ratio. In addition, the pressure difference was almost the same in any conditions.

Performance and emission characteristics of biodiesel blends in a premixed compression ignition engine with exhaust gas recirculation

  • Kathirvelu, Bhaskar;Subramanian, Sendilvelan
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.294-301
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    • 2017
  • This paper is based on experiments conducted on a stationary, four stroke, naturally aspirated air cooled, single cylinder compression ignition engine coupled with an electrical swinging field dynamometer. Instead of 100% diesel, 20% Jatropha oil methyl ester with 80% diesel blend was injected directly in engine beside 25% pre-mixed charge of diesel in mixing chamber and with 20% exhaust gas recirculation. The performance and emission characteristics are compared with conventional 100% diesel injection in main chamber. The blend with diesel premixed charge with and without exhaust gas recirculation yields in reduction of oxides of nitrogen and particulate matter. Adverse effects are reduction of brake thermal efficiency, increase of unburnt hydrocarbons (UBHC), carbon monoxide (CO) and specific energy consumption. UBHC and CO emissions are higher with Diesel Premixed Combustion Ignition (DPMCI) mode compared to compression ignition direct injection (CIDI) mode. Percentage increases in UBHC and CO emissions are 27% and 23.86%, respectively compared to CIDI mode. Oxides of nitrogen ($NO_x$) and soot emissions are lower and the percentage decrease with DPMCI mode are 32% and 33.73%, respectively compared to CIDI mode.

양자교환막을 이용하여 생산된 수소의 불순물 분석 (Hydrogen Impurities Analysis From Proton Exchange Membrane Hydrogen Production)

  • 이택홍;김태완;박태성;최운선;김홍열;이홍기
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.288-294
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    • 2013
  • This gas analysis data come from the hydrogen which is produced by proton exchange membrane. Main impurities of hydrogen are methane, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. The concentration of impurities is ranged between 0.0191 to $315{\mu}mol/mol$ for each impurity. Methane contamination is believed from the electrode reaction between carbon doped electrode and produced hydrogen. Nitrogen contamination should take place the sampling process error, not from PEM hydrogen Production system.

A Study on the Usability of Biodiesel Fuel Derived from Rice Bran Oil as an Alternative Fuel for IDI Diesel Engine

  • Ryu, Kyunghyun;Oh, Youngtaig
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.310-317
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    • 2003
  • The world is faced with a problem of air pollution due to the exhaust emissions from automobile. Recently, lots of researchers have been attracted to develope various alternative fuels and to use renewable fuels as a solution of these problems. There are many alternative fuels studied in place of diesel fuel made from petroleum. Biodiesel fuel (BDF) is a domestically produced. renewable fuel that can be manufactured from vegetable oils, used vegetable oils, or animal fats. In this study, the usability of BDF, one of the oxygenated fuels as an alternative fuel for diesel engines was investigated in an IDI diesel engine. Emissions were characterized with a neat BDF and with a blend of BDF and conventional diesel fuel. Since the BDF includes oxygen of about 11 %, it could influence the combustion process strongly. Therefore, the use of BDF resulted in lower emissions of carbon monoxide and smoke emissions with some increase in emissions of oxides of nitrogen. It is concluded that BDF can be utilized effectively as a renewable fuel for IDI diesel engines.

Flow Visualization of Flowfield Structures around an Aerospike Nozzle using LIF and PSP

  • NIIMI Tomohide;MORI Hideo;TANIGUCHI Mashio
    • 한국가시화정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국가시화정보학회 2004년도 Proceedings of 2004 Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Particle Image Velocimetry
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 2004
  • Aerospike nozzles have been expected to be used for an engine of a reusable space shuttle to respond to growing demand for rocket-launching and its cost reduction. In this study, the flow field structures in any cross sections around clustered linear aerospike nozzles are visualized and analyzed, using laser induced fluorescence (LIF) of nitrogen monoxide seeded in the carrier gas of nitrogen. Since flow field structures are affected mainly by pressure ratio, the clustered linear aerospike nozzle is set inside a vacuum chamber to carry out the experiments in the wide range of pressure ratios from 75 to 200. Flow fields are visualized in several cross-sections, demonstrating the complicated three-dimensional flow field structures. Pressure sensitive paint (PSP) of PtTFPP bound by poly- IBM -co-TFEM is also applied to measurement of the complicated pressure distribution on the spike surface, and to verification of contribution of a truncation plane to the thrust. Finally, to examine the effect of the sidewalls attached to the aerospike nozzle, the flow fields around the nozzle with the sidewalls are compared with those without sidewalls.

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플라즈마 침질탄화처리된 순철의 화합물층 특성 (The Characteristics of Compound Layers Formed during Plasma Nitrocarburising in Pure Iron)

  • 조효석;이상윤
    • 열처리공학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 2000
  • Ferritic plasma nitrocarburising was performed on pure iron using a modified DC plasma unit. This investigation was carried out with various gas compositions which consisted of nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon monoxide gases, and various gas pressures for 3 hours at $570^{\circ}C$. After treatment, the different cooling rates(slow cooling and fast cooling) were used to investigate its effect on the structure of the compound layer. The ${\varepsilon}$ phase occupied the outer part of the compound layer and ${\gamma}^{\prime}$ phase existed between the ${\varepsilon}$ phase and the diffusion zone. The gas composition of the atmosphere influenced the constitution of the compound layer produced, i.e. high nitrogen contents were essential for the production of ${\varepsilon}$ phase compound layer. It was found that with increasing carbon content in the gas mixture the compound layer thickness increased up to 10%. In the gas pressure around 3 mbar, the compound layer characteristics were slightly effected by gas pressure. However, in the low gas pressure and high gas pressure, the compound layer characteristics were significantly changed. The constitution of the compound layer was altered by varying the cooling rate. A large amount of ${\gamma}^{\prime}$ phase was transformed from the ${\varepsilon}$ phase during slow cooling.

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저 발열량 가스 연료의 예혼합 연소시 NOx 발생 특성에 관한 실험적 연구 (Experimental Study on the NOx Emission Characteristics of Low Calorific Value(LCV) Gas Fuel at Premixed Combustion Condition)

  • 김용철;이찬;윤용승
    • 한국에너지공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국에너지공학회 1999년도 추계 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 1999
  • Experimental studies are conducted to investigate the flame stability and the thermal/fuel NOx formation characteristics of the low calorific value (LCV) coal derived gas fuel. Synthetic LCV fuel gas is produced by mixing carbon monoxide, hydrogen, nitrogen and ammonia on the basis that the thermal input of the syngas fuel into a burner is identical to that of natural gas. The syngas mixture is fed to and burnt with air on flat flame burner. With the variation of the equivalence ratio for specific syngas fuel, flame behaviors are observed to identify the flame instability due to blow-off or flashback and to define stable combustion range. Measurements of NOx content in combustion gas are made for comparing thermal and fuel NOx from the LCV syngas combustion with those of the natural gas one. In addition, the nitrogen dilution of the LCV syngas is preliminarily attempted as a NOx reduction technique, and its effects on thermal and fuel NOx production are discussed.

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고질소 에너지 물질 Hydrazinium 5-aminotetrazolate (HAT)의 제조 (Preparation of Hydrazinium 5-aminotetrazolate(HAT) with High Nitrogen Content and Energetic Material)

  • 이웅희;김승희
    • 한국추진공학회지
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2019
  • 고체연료는 추진제 연소 시 산화제와 반응하여 추진제 성능을 증가시키는 역할을 한다. 대표적인 고체연료는 Al, RDX, HMX 등이 있다. 이들 물질은 연소 시 수분과 만나 흰색 연기를 발생시키고, 일산화탄소, 이산화탄소, 메탄가스 등의 환경유해 물질을 다량 발생시킨다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 본 연구에서는 고체 연료로 사용 가능한 고질소 에너지 물질인 hydrazinium 5-aminotetrazolate(HAT)를 제조하였다. 분광분석(NMR)을 통해 HAT의 구조를 분석하였으며, DSC를 이용하여 열특성 분석을 하였다. 또한, EXPLO5 프로그램을 이용하여 비추력, 가스발생량 등을 계산하였다.