• Title/Summary/Keyword: Negative image

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A Study on Relationship among Attributes of Ramen Package Design, Ramen Image and Chinese Customer's Choice of Ramen (한국 라면 포장지 디자인 속성과 라면포장지 이미지, 그리고 중국 소비자의 한국 라면 선택간의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Jeong Yeol;Ha, Heon-Su
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.156-169
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to verify relationships among attributes of ramen package design, ramen image, and chinese customer's choice of ramen. We chose, as a sample, ramen 'sour ramen', 'squid jjambbong', 'tasty ramen', 'noodle beef soup', and 'seasame ramen'. The findings and implications can be summarized as follows. first, while chinese customers chose 'sour ramen' as the most favorable ramen, followed by 'tasty ramen', 'squid jjangbbong', 'noodle beef soup', and 'seasame ramen', for ramen image they most highly evaluated 'sour ramen' followed by 'squid jjangbbong', 'tasty ramen', 'seasame ramen', and 'noodle beef soup'. Second, there is a significant difference in popularity and reliability of quality, but no significant difference in attractiveness and healthiness among most attributes of ramen package design. Third, compared to 'seasame ramen', the popularity and reliability of quality for 'sour ramen', reliability of quality for 'squid jjangbbong', reliabilty of quality, and healthiness for 'tasty ramen' had positive effect on choice, while attractiveness for 'noodle beef soup' had a negative effect on their choice.

The Study on the Development of the Measurement Tool and Analysis of Self Images for Teacher Librarians (사서교사의 자아상 검사 도구 개발과 자아상 분석)

  • Byun, Woo-Yeoul;Lee, Byeong-Ki;Song, Gi-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.31-47
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a measurement tool for self-image of the teacher librarian by semantic differential meaning scale and to analyse the correlation between their self-image and individual characteristics. This study suggests that the teacher librarians have regarded themselves as friendly, planned, sensitive and cooperative persons as well as persons with discernment. On the other hand, there are some negative self-images such as partial, poor and uninfluential persons plus disregarder and a reserved persons. The educational career of teacher librarians' background has influence on evaluation area of the self-image. This result shows that senior teacher librarians' role performance as a adviser or a leader is very important. So mediator role of KLA and KSLA has to be reinforced to beat the exchange and collaboration between the senior and the junior teacher librarians. It is necessary to appoint the teacher librarians obligatorily in oder to feel their professional security and sense of achievement, also to appreciate expertise of them through role clarification among the human resources of the school library.

A Relevance Feedback Method Using Threshold Value and Pre-Fetching (경계 값과 pre-fetching을 이용한 적합성 피드백 기법)

  • Park Min-Su;Hwang Byung-Yeon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.7 no.9
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    • pp.1312-1320
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    • 2004
  • Recently, even if a lot of visual feature representations have been studied and systems have been built, there is a limit to existing content-based image retrieval mechanism in its availability. One of the limits is the gap between a user's high-level concepts and a system's low-level features. And human beings' subjectivity in perceiving similarity is excluded. Therefore, correct visual information delivery and a method that can retrieve the data efficiently are required. Relevance feedback can increase the efficiency of image retrieval because it responds of a user's information needs in multimedia retrieval. This paper proposes an efficient CBIR introducing positive and negative relevance feedback with threshold value and pre-fetching to improve the performance of conventional relevance feedback mechanisms. With this Proposed feedback strategy, we implement an image retrieval system that improves the conventional retrieval system.

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Korean Version of Body Image Dysmorphic Disorder Examination Self Report(BDDE-SR) with College Students (한국판 신체 이형장애 자가 평가척도의 표준화 연구 : 대학생들을 대상으로)

  • Lee, Hye-Jin;Choi, Eun-Young;Do, Jin-A;Lim, Myung-Ho;Paik, Ki-Chung;Lee, Kyung-Kyu;Kim, Hyun-Woo
    • Anxiety and mood
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.112-119
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    • 2009
  • Objective : Recently, there is an increasing trend of attachment to physical appearance of individuals in many persons with spread of social concern through mass communication. Domestically, several studies has been performed, but they were limited to obesity mainly for juveniles or female college students. Therefore, purpose of this study were to standardize Body image dysmorphic disorder examination self report with male and female college students in Cheonnan area. Methods : This study were total 825 college students in Cheonan area. Subject group are consist of 393 males (47.6%) and 427 females (51.8%), and the mean age was $22.28{\pm}3.24$ years old. Results : The BDDE-SR had adequate internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha=.93) and test-retest (r=.82) and interator reliability. Four factors were extracted by factor analysis with the Varimax rotation. They were 'the camouflage and comparison factor', 'the self-consciousness and negative self-evaluation factor', 'the avoidance factor', and 'the distressing and embarassment factor'. The total score of BDDE-SR was $50.8{\pm}27.1$, female's score ($59.2{\pm}25.5$) was statistically higher than male's score ($41.85{\pm}25.84$). Conclusion : It is considered that BDDE-SR is reliable instrument for body image dissatisfaction, provided correct information in predicting clinical status of Body dysmorphic disorder that is most largely influenced by individual psychologic factor and family system.

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Development of Compression and Transmission Technology of GIS-based High Resolution Image Data in Flood Disaster Situation (홍수재난 상황에서 GIS 기반의 고해상도 영상데이터의 압축 및 전송 기술 개발)

  • Lee, Seung Hyeon;Lee, Eung Joon;Choung, Yun Jae
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.1038-1045
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    • 2017
  • The increase in frequency and scale of natural disasters is the typical negative examples of the global climate change and the change of the human living environment. The damage caused by natural disasters in particular including human and physical damage is directly linked to the safety and properties of citizens. Besides, damage occurs directly or indirectly to the SOC facility, and the damaged SOC facility violates the citizens' safety rights. Therefore, a plan to provide prompt and effective risk map information by linking a 3D disaster information display system, which handles the information of the damage that may occur to SOC facilities at the time of disasters, with an on-site assistance application is suggested in this study. The prompt provision of risk map information is defined as a dynamic expression technology in this study. It also processes and compresses the system to display disaster information, a spreading system that can utilize on-site information, and a module developed to organically link with the DB system that builds information and relationships. Based on the module, the effective disaster information compression plan will be prepared, and the prompt information transmission system will be secured.

Detection of Traumatic Cerebral Microbleeds by Susceptibility-Weighted Image of MRI

  • Park, Jong-Hwa;Park, Seung-Won;Kang, Suk-Hyung;Nam, Taek-Kyun;Min, Byung-Kook;Hwang, Sung-Nam
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.365-369
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    • 2009
  • Objective : Susceptibility-weighted image (SWI) is a sensitive magnetic resonance image (MRI) technique to detect cerebral microbleeds (MBLs). which would not be detected by conventional MRI. We performed SWI to detect MBLs and investigated its usefulness in the evaluation of mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) patients. Methods : From December 2006 to June 2007, twenty-one MTBI patients without any parenchymal hemorrhage on conventional MRI were selected. Forty-two patients without trauma were selected for control group. According to the presence of MBLs, we divided the MTBI group into MBLs positive [SWI (+)] and negative [SWI (-)] group. Regional distribution of MBLs and clinical factors were compared between groups. Results : Fifty-one MBLs appeared in 16 patients of SWI (+) group and 16 MBLs in 10 patients of control group [control (+)], respectively. In SWI (+) group, MBLs were located more frequently in white matters than in deep nucleus different from the control (+) group (p<0.05). Nine patients (56.3%) of SW (+) group had various neurological deficits (disorientation in 4, visual field defect in 2, hearing difficulty in 2 and Parkinson syndrome in 1). Initial Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)/mean Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) were $13.9{\pm}1.5/4.7{\pm}0.8$ and $15.0{\pm}0.0/5.0{\pm}0.0$ in SWI (+) and SWI (-) groups, respectively (p<0.05). Conclusion : Traumatic cerebral MBLs showed characteristic regional distribution, and seemed to have an importance on the initial neurological status and the prognosis. SWI is useful for detection of traumatic cerebral MBLs, and can provide etiologic evidences for some post-traumatic neurologic deficits which were unexplainable with conventional MRI.

The Cognitive Dimensions of A Eroticism and the Constructive Peculiarities of Clothing - Focused on Clothing of Versace - (에로티시즘의 인지차원과 의복의 구성적인 특징)

  • 이수인;정혜영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.28 no.910
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    • pp.1329-1340
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to survey about the images of the sexy clothes that young women sympathize in modern society, that is, to make a research into the cognitive dimensions of 'Sexy image' and the constructive peculiarity of clothing. The researches into dimension of image by sexy clothing make that female mainly consist of in their twenties during May to October in 2003. The independent variables were: 1) The physical beauty dimension, 2) The negative estimate dimension, 3) The characteristic devaluation dimension,4) The elegance/ high grade dimension,5) The freshness/ beauty dimension,6) The sex appeal/ exposure dimension. Judging from each characteristic of costume in classified by articles, that is, colors, texture, shapes, details, and others-phenomenon of outerization of under clothing, print. We can know the clothes showing up our nice figures are the sleeveless design tied with strap, soft texture as silk chiffon and the colors that are not strong. And there were no embarrassed, ugly and pitiful clothing. Expressing sexy beauty by clothing is the result that the wearer produces intentionally by compounding design factors, it's the ideal when the observer's reaction and the wearer's intention correspond. Therefore, it will be helpful in expressing ideally if the subject, what kinds of sexy beauty the compounding design factors express, is studied carefully. Also it is expected to be used in grasping modem consumers' desires that want to look sexy, finding out how to express, dealing with the consumers' desires correctly, and the reference materials of the planning goods, sales promotion, and selecting of a medium of advertisement according to the consumers' desires.

The Effects of Perception of Body Shape, Self-esteem, Body Cathexis, and Body Image on Fashion Leadership by Korean and Japanese Female College Students (한국과 일본여대생의 체형인식과 자아존중감, 신체만족도 및 신체이미지가 유행선도력에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Su-Jin;Sato, Mariko;Chu, Mi-Seon
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.713-721
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    • 2013
  • This study compares the perceived body image of female college students in Korea and Japan as well as explains the difference in the level of self-esteem, body cathexis, body image and fashion leadership based on nationality and body. The sense of fashion leadership affected by these factors was also analyzed. A high ratio of Korean and Japanese female students perceived themselves as obese compared to actual body physique. It was shown that body was highly distorted. They showed a comparatively low level of satisfaction with appearance in contrast to their high interest in their appearance and weight. Thin bodied individuals showed a high level of self-esteem and body cathexis; however, persons with an obese body showed a low level of body cathexis. They showed high interest in appearance regardless of body physique; however, they remain unsatisfied with their appearance. Individuals with an obese body and a standard somatotype showed a high concern with weight. A high fashion opinion leadership was reciprocal to a high interest in appearance and satisfaction with appearance. Korean female students showed an indirect positive effect on fashion opinion leadership through body cathexis, self-esteem, interest in appearance, and satisfaction with appearance. A thin body showed a positive effect on fashion opinion leadership and an obese body had a negative effect. Fashion innovativeness was directly influenced persons with a high degree of self-esteem and interest in appearance. Japanese female students were directly affected by fashion innovativeness; however, Korean female students were indirectly affected by fashion innovativeness through self-esteem and interest in appearance.

An Appraisal of Drama 'KAIST' As an Informal Science Learning (비정규 과학학습으로 본 드라마 '카이스트' 평가)

  • Hwang, Sung-Won;Choi, Jae-Hyeok;Yoon, Hye-Gyoung;Yoo, June-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.316-327
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    • 2001
  • KAIST' is the TV drama which has portrayed modem science & technology and the life of scientists & engineers for about one and half year. The purpose of this study is to appraise the drama 'KAIST' as an informal science learning. Using the interesting materials such as soccer robots, computer systems and satellites, the drama arouse students' interest and frequent watching. In general, the drama 'KAIST', as a source for informal science learning, played a positive role: it showed the image of scientists who have humane and sociable character being different from the students' image of real scientists, and changed positively the students' science-technology related attitudes, especially the attitudes towards scientists/engineers, science/technology, and the social nature of science/technology. Teachers commented that the drama 'KAIST' might arose students' interest in science, but the made-up contents and the genius-like characters could cause negative educational effects.

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Study on Fashion Sensibility and Emotion through Tattoo Fashion (타투 패션에 따른 패션감성과 감정연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Young;Lee, Kyoung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.31 no.3 s.162
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    • pp.331-342
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this study is to provide the basis to planning the design of commercial products and effective image coordination for various situation in investigating the existence of Tattoo with an examination of fashion sensibilities and emotions as well as in analyzing Tattoo fashions which have an effect on the unique image coordinations in the fashion collection. Stimulus pictures have collected from fashion photographs appeared Tattoo expression released on the fashion collection and selected 35 pieces of pictures out of total through the analysing process in many times. Valuation tools have used with 19 pairs of adjective as fashion sensibilities valuation tool and 13 questionnaire as emotion valuation tool. Data has been collected from August 30th to September 17th on the subject of 20's men and women who live in Busan city area and those data has been analyzed by using SPSS statistics package program. The summary and conclusion of verified outcomes on this study are as follows: 1. Main factors of fashion sensibilities about Tattoo fashion are composed of three factors, such as Attractiveness, Visibility, Maturity and those factors have explained by 60.9%. On the other han, the fashion emotions are composed of negative emotion and positive emotion and explained by 66.3%. 2. The image of Tattoo fashion has shown four groups; Sexy, Romantic, Grotesque, Natural. 3. The positioning according to the image of Tattoo fashion has interpreted that X-axis as Grotesque-Romantic, Y-axis as Simple-Dazzling according to design features.