• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multiple People

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The Effects of Social Participation Attitude, Social Support, and Empowerment on Ageism Experience in the Elderly Using Welfare Centers (노인복지관을 이용하는 노인의 사회참여 태도, 사회적 지지, 역량이 노인차별경험에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Doo Ree;Ryu, Ju Hui;Moon, Hyo Won;Min, Su Hyeon;Jeong, In Young;Park, Shin Suk;Lee, Gi Ran
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.300-309
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the factors affecting the discrimination of the elderly using welfare centers. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 217 elderly people from a welfare center in D city. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire survey consisting of ageism experience, social participation attitude, social support, and empowerment. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression were performed using SPSS/WIN 21.0 program. Results: As a result of analyzing the correlations among the variables, the discrimination experience of the elderly showed negative correlations in social participation attitude and child relationship support. The factors affecting the discrimination experience of the elderly include gender, job, smartphone use, and child relationship support had a significant effect. The explanatory power of the discrimination experience of these factors was 15.4%. Conclusion: This study found that gender, job, social support, and smartphone use were factors influencing the discrimination experience of the elderly. It is hoped that public relations and policy measures should be considered.

Fusion research is the degree of participation leisure sports physically disabled persons on the objectified body consciousness(OBC) (지체장애인의 생활체육 참여정도가 객체화된 신체의식(OBC)에 미치는 융합 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.247-254
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the degree of participation sport for how this affects the objectified body consciousness of the Physically Disabled. The subjects were enrolled in the members participating in the sport for the disabled, while 221 people living in the city A. Data processing was carried out frequency analysis, factor analysis using SPSS 21.0 program, the analysis of the specific factors independent t-test and the way analysis of variance and multiple regression analysis was carried out. All statistical significance level was set at .05. First, population, gender (male), age of the sociological characteristics of the handicapped (40, 50), the objectification of the body consciousness level of the disability rating (Level 4) showed that a positive effect. Second, there are life sports participation rate (exercise duration, exercise time, exercise intensity) has positive effects on the body shame of objectification of the body consciousness of the handicapped, the body monitoring Exercise Period, the body shame, the intensity of exercise, control beliefs this exercise showed that each time a positive impact.

Convergence of Relationship between Obesity and Periodontal Disease in Adults (성인의 비만과 치주질환과의 융합적 관계)

  • Lee, Yu-Hee;Choi, Jung-OK
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between oral health behaviors and periodontal diseases in adult obese people. Using the original data of the second phase of the 6th National Health and Nutrition Survey, the final 4381 adults were extracted. We analyzed frequency and technical statistics and chi - square test and multiple logistic regression analysis using SPSS statistical program to confirm the association between body mass index, number of brushing, drinking, smoking and oral health status and behavior. As a result, the prevalence of periodontal disease decreased as the number of toothbrushing increased, and the prevalence of periodontal disease increased as the body mass index increased. Through this study, obesity, a global health issue, should be more concerned with oral care and develop oral health management programs.

Effects of Life Review-Narrative Group Therapy Program to Increase Ego-Integrity in the Elderly (생애회고적 이야기치료 집단프로그램이 노인의 자아통합감 증진에 미치는 효과)

  • Yeo, In-Suk;Kim, Choon-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.5 s.219
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the effectiveness of a life review-narrative group therapy program aimed at increasing ego-integrity in the elderly. The life review-narrative group therapy program was organized according to the tfe course from childhood to old age. The objectives of the program were for the elderly to enhance their self-worth, become aware of their individual self existence, accept aging and death, accept the past and present life, and to make the most of their experiences of overcoming difficulties. The counseling techniques used in the program were mainly reminiscence and re-authoring of the narrative therapy. Thirty-two elderly people aged 60 years and over (16 in each of experimental and control groups) were selected randomly from the Daegu Metropolitan City General Welfare Center for the research. The two groups were identified as equivalent for the study in a pre-test. The program of the experimental group was implemented twice a week for 90 minutes per session over a 6-week period (Sep. 8th - Oct. 14th. 2005). The pre (Sep. 8th 2005), the post (Oct. 14th. 2005) and follow-up (Nov. 14th. 2005) tests were implemented in ordo, to verify the effectiveness of the program. The instruments used in the study were the Ego-Integrity Scale. The data were analyzed using t-test, and Ore-Factor Repeated Measures ANOVA. The findings of the study were as follows. The experimental group evidenced significant effects on enhancing ego-integrity. The result of the post hoc multiple comparisons showed that the effects of the life review-narrative group therapy Program were maintained for one months. Meanwhile the control group did not show any significant change in ego-integrity. Based on these findings, the limitations of the study were discussed, and further research was suggested.

The oral status of the elderly in some states difference between oral health-related quality of life (일부 노인의 구강내 상태에 따른 구강건강관련 삶의질 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: Recently our country is rapidly aging population is growing. In the oral cavity of the elderly status of oral health-related quality of life to evaluate any impact. Methods: The survey used structured self administered questionnaires from April to May in 2011 in Daejeon and Chungcheong provinces to 277 people, analysis of the general characteristics of a frequency analysis method, the difference between the quality of life T/F test, whether oral self-according to the quality of life healthy oral health effects of the multiple regression analysis. Results: Award comes on the number of residual value, lower age all the more, smaller monthly income was small, but significant difference between them was no difference between gender. Residual value according to the number of differences in the quality of life of physical pain upper, physical disability, the lower the physical pain, physical disability, psychological disability were significant differences in degradation. Depending on oral maxillary prosthesis fitted to physical pain, psychological discomfort, physical disability, the lower the functional limitation, physical pain, there was a significant difference in physical disability. Conclusion: Status of the oral cavity of the elderly factors affecting the quality of life remaining in the lower dimensions, upper and lower prosthetics, self-aware state of oral health in order to improve the quality of life of elderly oral health education to be strengthened to increase the residual value, reducing their own prosthetic perceived oral health is health, so they feel it should be for the development of health education programs for the elderly should be.

Effect of Demographic and Attitudinal Factors on Annoyance Responses in the Vicinity of Kimpo Airport in Seoul, Korea (김포공항 주변 거주민의 소음에 대한 성가심(annoyance) 반응에 영향을 미치는 변수에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Jin-Hee;Oh, Seung-Hwan;Chang, Seo-Il;Lee, Kun
    • Survey Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this study was to determine principal non-acoustical factors for noise annoyance in the vicinity of Kimpo Airport in Seoul, Korea. Noise annoyance was estimated using self-reported annoyance scale. We have conducted a social survey aiming to identify the main sound sources, evaluate the annoyance and analyse the main effects of noise on people. Acoustical and non-acoustical variables are expected to greatly affect annoyance responses. This study divided acoustical variables into aircraft, road traffic and neighboring noises, and non-acoustical variables into demographic, situational and attitudinal variables. The study performed multiple regression analysis to determine the influences each variable has on annoyance responses. Acoustical variables affect noise annoyance to aircraft and neighboring noise except road traffic noise. For road traffic and neighboring noise annoyance was affected by non-acoustical variable, insulation by housing type. For aircraft noise, main noise source of this area, annoyance was affected by acoustical variable and some non-acoustical variables, mainly exposure time.

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Factors Influencing Suicidal Ideation in Male Baby Boomers (베이비붐세대 남성의 자살생각에 미치는 영향요인)

  • Kim, Hee Sook;Yu, Kwang Za;Park, Gyeong Ran
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.347-358
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing suicidal ideation in male baby boomers. Methods: This was a descriptive survey study. Data were collected from December, 2012 to June, 2013 from 194 participants. The instruments used included a suicidal ideation questionnaire, somatic symptoms scale, spiritual well-being scale, communication with spouse scale, and social support scale. Data were analyzed using t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results: Suicidal ideation was influenced by learning needs on psychological coping, somatic symptoms, existential spiritual well-being, and communication with spouse. Somatic symptoms (${\beta}$=.39, p<.001), existential spiritual well-being (${\beta}$=-.20, p=.009), learning needs on psychological coping (${\beta}$=.16, p=.008), and communication with spouse (${\beta}$=-.15, p=.031) accounted for 37% regarding suicidal ideation in male baby boomers. Conclusion: We found an association of lower levels of existential spiritual well-being and communication with spouse, higher suicidal ideation. Higher suicidal ideation was also observed in people who had no learning needs on psychological coping compared with those who had. Based on the outcomes of this study, design of an intervention program that emphasizes existential spiritual well-being and communication with spouse is necessary in order to decrease suicidal ideation in male baby boomers.

Influences of Knowledge, Self-efficacy, and Social Support on Sick Role Behavior in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease (관상동맥질환자의 질병관련 지식, 자기효능감, 사회적 지지가 환자역할행위에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Soonhee;Lee, Sunhee
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.228-240
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was conducted in order to determine the influences of knowledge, self-efficacy, and social support on sick role behavior in patients with coronary artery disease. Methods: The participants were 192 patients with coronary artery disease in D city. Data were collected from January 1, 2014 to April 30, 2014 using a questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using SPSS/WIN 19.0 using ANOVA, t-test, Pearson correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. Results: Factors having an influence on sick role behavior were age (70 years old ${\beta}$=.275, p<.001), occupation (Office job ${\beta}$=-.230, p<.001), knowledge (${\beta}$=.204, p<.001), self-efficacy (${\beta}$=.188, p<.001), underlying disease (stroke ${\beta}$=.142, p=.008), and family type (live with their children ${\beta}$=-.128, p=.038). These factors explained 56% of the variance in sick role behavior. Conclusions: More positive knowledge and self-efficacy are needed for the sick role behavior. In addition, results of the study indicated that age, occupation, underlying disease, and family type were very important in predicting health behaviors of patients with coronary artery disease. Thus, it would be necessary to include patients' characteristics in designing an education program for people with coronary artery disease.

Prevalence and Related Factors of Dementia in Elderly People in Jeju Island (제주도 노인들의 치매유병률과 관련요인)

  • Hong, Seong-Chul;Lee, Chang-In;Ko, Keum-Ja;Kang, Moon-Jung;Hyun, In-Sook;Jung, Min;Chu, Min-Sun;Chae, Soo-Gyung;Lee, Hye-Sook;Park, Eun-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.221-237
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    • 2003
  • As the population ages, health problems of the elderly, including functional disorders and cognitive impairment, have become some of the most important social issues in Korea. The purpose of this study is to discover the rate of prevalence and factors related to dementia among the elderly in Jeju Province. 2405 elderly in Jeju Province were interviewed, using a questionnaire consisting of sociodemographic characteristics: health behavior, quality of life, and MMSE-K. Prevalence of dementia was 9.4%(11.7% of females, 4.1% of males). Factors related to dementia, analyzed by multiple logistic regression, were age, working status, subjective health status, social support, and subjective economic status. In community health care for the elderly, factors relating to dementia have to be considered. When planning community health care, priority should be given to the elderly who: need care but live alone; lack social support; have a low standard of living; believe they are not in a good state of health; or whose life satisfaction is low.

A Study on Relationship between House Rental Price and Macroeconomic Variables (주택 전세가격과 거시경제변수간의 관계 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Woo;Chin, Kyung-Ho;Lee, Kyo-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.128-136
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we investigated the macroeconomic variables that affect housing prices thus creating a large impact on people's lives as well as the real estate market. For the study, the macroeconomic variables able to influence the House Rental Price (housing price by lease or deposit) were used for an analysis as follows: housing sales price index, household loans rate, total household savings, the number of employees and a multiple regression analysis was performed using a time series for each macroeconomic variable. As a result of the analysis, the House Rental Price was affected by all of four macroeconomic variables. The House Rental Price increased as each variable enlarged. In conclusion, this study may be useful for finding a solution for stabilizing the House Rental Price as well as for the establishment of efficient and sustainable policies for the housing market.