• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mixed and augmented reality

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A Basic Study to Apply Augemented Reality on Construction Industry (건설업계에 Augmented Reality(증강현실) 적용을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Chang, Byung-Chul;Jun, Young-Joon;Park, Eun-Soo;Lee, Tai-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.748-752
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    • 2008
  • Through the past decades variable researches on Virtual Reality(VR) has been performed and acceptable by the computer and information technology development. VR has been used usefully also on construction industry It can visualize the construction process and simulates the construction operation considering environment and resources. However, VR has hardness to expressing the real world reality. Therefore, Mixed reality which is the blend of real world and virtual world is being emerged. Specially researches on Augmented Reality is actively performed. This study will focus on Augmented Reality technologies and research trend. Finally, the study will suggest schemes to apply Augmented Reality on Korean Construction Industry.

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How to create mixed reality educational contents using Hololens (홀로렌즈를 활용한 혼합현실 교육 콘텐츠 제작 방법)

  • Song, Eun-Jee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.391-397
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    • 2020
  • Realistic content such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality is emerging as an innovative technology in the education field in that it allows people to safely and efficiently experience dangerous, expensive or impossible situations, such as disaster training or space travel. Recently, as government agencies have supported a lot for producing virtual augmented reality contents about education, various educational contents using virtual augmented reality technology have been developed through the Edutech industry. Many virtual augmented reality-based educational contents are being developed, but mixed reality-based educational contents are very limited which could be more effective for education. This study examines the basic method of producing mixed reality educational contents using Hololens and, on the basis of this, it proposes the method for producing scientific experiment contents. Hololens made it possible to share information in real time without a regular desktop PC, and it is effective for teachers to manage and evaluate students in real time.

The Current Status and Development Direction of Mixed Reality Content (혼합현실 콘텐츠의 현황과 발전방향)

  • Kim, Hee-young
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.46
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    • pp.181-206
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    • 2017
  • In the near future, we are expected to live in a Mixed Reality environment where reality and virtuality coexist as today we live using the Internet and smartphones in our daily lives. The relevant content based on the idea of Mixed Reality crystallizing is currently expanding, and it is time for research on it. This study examines the current situation and the development direction of mixed reality contents. Typical mixed reality contents can be classify by wearability. We analyzed HoloLens, a mixed reality wearable device that is worn on a head, which is a example of wearable device. As an example of unwearable device, we also analyzed the Room2Room which is a communication system that combines video with augmented reality-based telepresence avatar. Mixed Reality content will develop in the direction of implementing expanded use of information and more natural realism through the interactive combination of Reality, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality. As head-mounted wearable technology develops, Mixed Reality content is expected to become popular by increasing the number of Mixed Reality device users if convenience and price competitiveness are secured. The way of unifying Mixed Reality wearable devices must be established in order to increase convenience, and the environment based on Mixed Reality will be created through diversifying leisure activity content. Telepresence Avatar is expected to develop into Mobile Hologram Avar as Mixed Reality content accessible anywhere and at anytime beyond space limits. Another potential for development of Telepresence Avatar is the combination of Avatar moving on user's thought, Augmented Human technology and Mixed Reality.

Standard Model for Live Actor and Entity Representation in Mixed and Augmented Reality (혼합증강현실에서 라이브 행동자와 실체 표현을 위한 표준 모델)

  • Yooa, Kwan-Hee
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.192-199
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    • 2016
  • Mixed and augmented reality technique deals with mixing content between real world and virtual world containing augmented reality and augmented virtuality excluding of pure real and pure virtual world. In mixed and augmented reality, if a live actor and entity moving in real world can be embedded more naturally in 3D virtual world, various advanced applications such 3D tele-presence, 3D virtual experience education and etc can be serviced. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a standard model which is supporting to embed the live actor and entity into 3D virtual space, and to interact with each other. And also the natural embedding and interaction of live actor and entity can be performed based on the proposed model.

Ubiquitous Marine Structure Inspection System based on Mixed Reality (해양구조물을 위한 유비쿼터스 기반의 혼합현실 유지보수 지원 시스템)

  • Lee, Kyung-Ho;Lee, Jung-Min;Kim, Dong-Guen;Han, Young-Soo
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.571-578
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    • 2008
  • Ubiquitous has spotlighted in the industry in these days, and automotive industry has tried to build ubiquitous environment like as 'intelligent driver assistance system' in BMW Inc. even though in shipbuilding industry. As the part of Ubiquitous Technology for visualization, Mixed Reality has been adopted in this paper. Augmented reality, a part of mixed reality, could show the mixed real world, overlapping virtual objects. Therefore, it is more realistic than virtual reality that all generated by computer and it is very useful for displaying information. For this reason, we tried to apply augmented reality to inspect marine structure and we developed the inspection assistance system based on mixed reality

Analysis of the Research on Augmented Reality Using Knowledge Domain Visualization based on Co-Citation Analysis (동시인용분석 기반 지식영역 가시화 기법을 활용한 증강현실 연구 분석)

  • Lee, Jeonghwan;Lee, Jae Yeol
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.309-320
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    • 2013
  • Augmented reality (AR) is considered to be an excellent user interface to a 3D information space embedded within physical reality. For this reason, it has been applied to various applications such as design, medical service, interaction, and collaboration. However, there is no formal way of analyzing the research trend and evolution of augmented reality. This paper identifies the research trend and change in augmented reality (AR) via co-citation analysis. The co-citation analysis provides how the AR research has evolved, who are main contributors, and which papers suggest essential and influencing impact. To systematically analyze the cocitation, we have retrieved 1,145 papers from the Web of Science and applied a scientomertric analysis using CiteSpace. Based on the co-citation analysis of authors and documents, it is possible to analyze the evolution of augmented reality, key authors and papers, and breakthroughs. We have also compared the proposed approach with survey papers written by experts so that the result of the co-citation analysis can compromise the qualitative result done by experts, and thus it can provide a different view and insight for visualizing the research on augmented reality.

The Study of Stable Child English Education Content Using Augmented Reality Solving the Hide of Marker (마커의 가려짐을 해결하여 증강현실을 이용한 안정적 영어 학습 컨텐츠에 대한 연구)

  • Jeon, Soo-Jin;Kim, Young-Seop
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.99-102
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the 3- dimensional (3-D) learning contents are suggested using 'Augmented Reality' instead of existing 2-dimensional (2-D) learning methods. At the present, there are some 2-D learning methods using texts, image, pictures, and videos called e-learning. However, these one-way 2-D methods have some disadvantages such as declining learner's immersion and concentration. Thus, the 3-D learning contents using 'Augmented Reality' are suggested to compensate the disadvantages. According to the development of information technology (IT), the augmented reality has many applications to the era of ubiquitous. However, there are some disadvantages when learners use these contents as following; non-augmenting by partially hiding from makers and declining concentration by patterns of the makers. In this study, the beneficial marker which can solve this non-augmenting phenomenon is suggested.

3DARModeler: a 3D Modeling System in Augmented Reality Environment (3DARModeler : 증강현실 환경 3D 모델링 시스템)

  • Do, Trien Van;Lee, Jeong-Gyu;Lee, Jong-Weon
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes a 3D modeling system in Augmented Reality environment, named 3DARModeler. It can be considered a simple version of 3D Studio Max with necessary functions for a modeling system such as creating objects, applying texture, adding animation, estimating real light sources and casting shadows. The 3DARModeler introduces convenient, and effective human-computer interaction to build 3D models. The 3DARModeler targets nontechnical users. As such, they do not need much knowledge of computer graphics and modeling techniques. All they have to do is select basic objects, customize their attributes, and put them together to build a 3D model in a simple and intuitive way as if they were doing in the real world.

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Augmented Reality Board Game Framework (증강현실 보드게임 프레임워크)

  • Kim, jin-guk;Lee, jong-weon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.639-643
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    • 2007
  • The paper presents a framework for developing real-time multi-user board games and applications in augmented reality. Recently, increase the environment to playing game in augmented reality with advancement of computing ability improvement and wireless networking technique of mobile device. While the trend of utilizing this kind of games is creasing, the facts that there is a shortage of games whose contents are attractive to users. In this paper we propose a framework that enables game content developers to develop new game contents base on augmented reality easily and quickly. This framework is an automatic service that can augment in various methods by using the supported marker recognition service. Therefore game contents developers do not need to know about either augmented reality technique or the inner process structure. The framework also supports special functions and various interaction interfaces for augmented reality board game and components of the board game we can implement. These enable developers to accomplish all the necessary components and structures of the board game more easily.

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Study on the Characteristics of Media Environment of MRS (혼합현실공간(MRS)의 미디어환경 특성연구)

  • Han, Jung-Yeob;Ahn, Jin-Keun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2010
  • In these days, space design is evolving to the mixed reality space where fused on-line and off-line. But, standard and measure of mixed reality space has not been suggested and there has been little research about media environment and expression method as a mixed system either. That's why here I suggest four media environments and their characteristics that act not only as a critical point in the mixed reality space based on ubiquitous technology but also as a standard for spatial discerning. 1) Real space that is a media environment only seen by human visual and tactical sense is evolving using expression methods like new materials based on digital technology and LED. 2) Augmented reality space is a media environment using information instruments is expressed with diverse 2D and 3D contents. 3) Cyber Space is a environment depends totally on media instruments is produced by perfect graphic information without any spatial and physical limitations. 4) Augmented cyber space is realized only through the displays in cyber studio and is a space where real objects and graphic information are mixed. Depending on the purpose of the experience, media environment and expressional characteristics of mixed reality space can be fused, blended, and mixed, and that can be realized to the intelligent information space where one can experience without spatial, visual, informational limitations. In the future, studies on physical characteristics of contents according to the media environment characteristics are necessary.