• Title/Summary/Keyword: Milk compositions

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Characteristics of Amino Acid Fortified Tofu Manufactured by Coprecipitation of Whey and Soybean Proteins (유청(乳淸)과 대두(大豆) 단백질(蛋白質) 공동침전(共同沈澱)에 의해 제조(製造)된 아미노산 강화두부(强化豆腐)의 특성(特性))

  • Wee, Jae-Joon;Lee, Hyong-Joo
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.205-210
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    • 1983
  • To investigate the characteristics of amino acid fortified tofu manufactured by coprecipition of cheese whey and soybean proteins, experimental tofus were made from various mixtures of whey, whey powder, and soy milk, and general and amino acid compositions and physical properties were analyzed. Physical characteristics such as elasticity, hardness, and brittleness of the whey-soybean tofu were very similar to those of traditional tofu but color of the whey-soybean tofu was lighter than that of soybean tofu. The contents of total solids and protein of traditional tofu were about 19% and 13%, respectively, while those of the whey-soy bean tofus were 17.3%$\sim$18.1% and 10.9$\sim$11.3%, respectively. The 5$\sim$15% of lactose in whey-soymilk mixture was transferred into the tofus. The Content of sulfur-bearing amino acids in the fortified tofu from 3 : 1 mixture of whey and soymilk was 3.8g/100g protein which indicated about 50% fortification of the amino acids as compared to the traditional tofu which contained 2. 54g/100g protein of the sulfur-bearing amino acids.

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Effects of Dietary $\omega3$ and $\omega6$ Fatty Acids on the Fatty Acid Composition of RBC and Brain Synaptosomal, Microsomal and mitochondrial Phospholipids and on Behavioral Development of Rats (식이 $\omega3$$\omega6$계 지방산 조성이 제 2세대 쥐의 RBC과 뇌조직 Synaptosome, Microsome 및 Mitochondria의 인지질 및 행동발달에 미치는 영향)

  • 엄영숙
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.849-860
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    • 1996
  • The supply of different fatty acids during the development period has significant effects. This study examined the effects of dietary $\omega$3 and $\omega$6 fatty acid compositions on phospholipids (PLs) of RBC and rat brain subcellular fractions (synaptosome, microsome, mitochondria), and on learning ability of the 2nd generation rat. Rats were fed experimental diets 3-4 wks prior to the conception. Early in the lactation period, the feeding mothers were exchanged. Diets consisted of 10% fat(by weight), which was either safflower oil('S') poor in $\omega$3 fatty acids or computer-searched mixed oil('M') with P/M/S ratio, 1/1.4/1 and $\omega$6/$\omega$3 ratio, 6.1/1. The 'S' and 'M' rats were subdivided further into SS, SM, MS & MM rats according to their lactation stauts. At 3 (weaning) & 9 wks of age, the percentage of total $\omega$3 fatty acids to their lactation status. At 3 (weaning) & 9 wks of age, the percentage of total $\omega$3 fatty acids and the ratios of $\omega$3/$\omega$6 fatty acids in PLs of RBC and brain subcellular fractions in SM and MM groups fed milk from the mixed oil-fed mothers for 2 wks tended to be higher than those in SS and MS groups respectively. In contrast, the concentrations of $\omega$6 fatty acids, especially 22:5$\omega$6 in all fractions, were significantly lower in the SM & MM groups compared to those of the SS & MS groups respectively. In contrast, the concentration of $\omega$6 fatty acids, especially 22:5$\omega$6 in all fractions, were significantly lower in the SM & MM groups compared to those of the SS & MS groups, The values for the DHA$\omega$3/22:5$\omega$6 ratios after the lactation period were markedly higher in the groups (SM & MM) which were reared by mixed oil(MO) fed mothers. In carring out Y-water maze at 9th wk of age, the SM(4.2$\pm$0.5) & MM (5.3$\pm$0.5) groups made significantly less errors compared to the SS(6.2$\pm$0.6, p<0.05 compared with SM) & MM (7.2$\pm$0.5, p<0.05 compared with MM) groups which were lactated by the safflower oilfed mothers. Therefore, by feeding a balanced fatty acid diet from the lactation period up to 9 wks of age as compared with the groups fed $\omega$3 fatty acid-deficient diet regardless of mother's diet given before parturition. The levels of DHA(synaptosome) and 22:5$\omega$3 (mitochondria) were positively correlated not only with these values in RBC but also with visual discriminating ability. The levels of DHA and 22:5$\omega$3 in RBC can, therfore, reflect visual discriminatng ability in the rat.

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Nutritional Evaluation, Stability of Cereals and Sanitation Status of Processing Utensils and Environments Based on Hygiene Education (위생교육에 따른 선식 제조기구와 작업장의 위생상태변화 및 일부 선식제품의 안정성과 영양적 평가)

  • 김은미;김현숙
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.833-843
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of hygiene education on the microbiological changes of processing utensils and the environmental in the manufacture of cereals and to evaluate the Cd, Pb contents and nutrient compositions of 11 cereals. The result of microbiological evaluation was that fungi, coliforms and staphylococcus species were detected in employees, on equipment, utensils and environments in the first inspection. Fungi were detected in most of the cereals, staphylococcus species were detected in soybeans, perilla seeds and sea tangle How, and bacillus cereus was detected in sorghum and black sesame seeds. The water content of rice, barley, glutinous rice, brown rice and carrot flour in packaged products, and in carrot flour, angelica keiskei, carrot, sea mustard and potato in bulk products was in excess of 8.0%. The Pb content of cereals was 0.14-0.51 mg/kg and Cd was not found. The acid value of Job s tears flour and black sesame seed flour was higher than 5.0 mg/g oil. Cereals were manufactured from 41 different cereals and grains, legumes, seeds and nuts, vegetables, potatoes, seaweeds, fruits, glucose and salt. The average content of cereals and grains, legumes, and seeds and nuts in cereals was 75.75%, 16.19% and 4.93%, respectively. The mean nutrient content per 100 g of cereals was calories 365.8kcal, protein 13.3 g, fats 5.9 g, carbohydrates 63.4 g, Ca 91.8 mg, p 269.9 mg, Fe 3.15 mg, Na 76.2 g, K 421.8 mg, Zn 2.33 mg, Vit. A 12.5 R.E., Vit. B$_1$0.23 mg, Vit. $B_2$ 0.16 mg, Vit. $B_6$ 0.46 mg, Niacin 3.5 mg, Vit. C 1.36 mg, folic acid 62.3 $\mu$g and Vit. E 1.24 mg. When nutrients value of 48 g of cereals and 200 $m\ell$l of milk was compared to 1/3 of the RDA, the values were below than 60% of 1/3 of the RDA except Na, K, Vitamin $B_1$ and C contents. The average carbohydrate : protein : fat ratio of energy intake was 54.27 : 17.45 : 28.28, respectively. Therefore, a training program consisting of the education of the staff in surveillance and standard operating procedures, the elimination of dangerous procedures, sanitation checklist, the implementation of Preparation methods and standard recipes for cereals is required.

Effects of Dietary Energy Levels on the Physiological Parameters and Reproductive Performance of Gestating Gilts

  • Jin, S.S.;Jung, S.W.;Jang, J.C.;Chung, W.L.;Jeong, J.H.;Kim, Y.Y.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.1004-1012
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    • 2016
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary energy levels on the physiological parameters and reproductive performance of gestating first parity sows. A total of 52 F1 gilts ($Yorkshire{\times}Landrace$) were allocated to 4 dietary treatments using a completely randomized design. Each treatment contained diets with 3,100, 3,200, 3,300, or 3,400 kcal of metabolizable energy (ME)/kg, and the daily energy intake of the gestating gilts in each treatment were 6,200, 6,400, 6,600, and 6,800 kcal of ME, respectively. During gestation, the body weight (p = 0.04) and weight gain (p = 0.01) of gilts linearly increased with increasing dietary energy levels. Backfat thickness was not affected at d110 of gestation by dietary treatments, but increased linearly (p = 0.05) from breeding to d 110 of gestation. There were no significant differences on the litter size or litter birth weight. During lactation, the voluntary feed intake of sows tended to decrease when the dietary energy levels increased (p = 0.08). No difference was observed in backfat thickness of the sows within treatments; increasing energy levels linearly decreased the body weight of sows (p<0.05) at d 21 of lactation and body weight gain during lactation (p<0.01). No significant differences were observed in the chemical compositions of colostrum and milk. Therefore, these results indicated that high-energy diets influenced the bodyweight and backfat thickness of sows during gestation and lactation. NRC (2012) suggested that the energy requirement of the gestation gilt should be between 6,678 and 7,932 kcal of ME/d. Similarly, our results suggested that 3,100 kcal of ME/kg is not enough to maintain the reproductive performance for gilts during gestation with 2 kg feed daily. Gilts in the treatment 3,400 kcal of ME/kg have a higher weaning number of piglets, but bodyweight and backfat loss were higher than other treatments during lactation. But bodyweight and backfat loss were higher than other treatments during lactation. Consequently, an adequate energy requirement of gestating gilts is 6,400 kcal of ME/d.

Evaluation of high nutrient diets on litter performance of heat-stressed lactating sows

  • Choi, Yohan;Hosseindoust, Abdolreza;Shim, YoungHo;Kim, Minju;Kumar, Alip;Oh, Seungmin;Kim, YoungHwa;Chae, Byung-Jo
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.30 no.11
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    • pp.1598-1604
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    • 2017
  • Objective: The present study investigated the litter performance of multiparous sows fed 3% and 6% densified diets at farrowing to weaning during summer with mean maximum room temperature of $30.5^{\circ}C$. Methods: A total of 60 crossbred multiparous sows were allotted to one of three treatments based on body weight according to a completely randomized design. Three different nutrient levels based on NRC were applied as standard diet (ST; metabolizable energy, 3,300 kcal/kg), high nutrient level 1 (HE1; ST+3% higher energy and 16.59% protein) and high nutrient level 2 (HE2; ST+6% higher energy and 17.04% protein). Results: There was no variation in the body weight change. However, backfat thickness change tended to reduce in HE1 in comparison to ST treatment. Dietary treatments had no effects on feed intake, daily energy intake and weaning-to-estrus interval in lactating sows. Litter size, litter weight at weaning and average daily gain of piglets were significantly greater in sows in HE1 compared with ST, however, no difference was observed between HE2 and ST. Increasing the nutrient levels had no effects on the blood urea nitrogen, glucose, triglyceride, and creatinine at post-farrowing and weaning time. The concentration of follicle stimulating hormone, cortisol and insulin were not affected by dietary treatments either in post-farrowing or weaning time. The concentration of blood luteinizing hormone of sows in ST treatment was numerically less than sows in HE2 treatment at weaning. Milk and colostrum compositions such as protein, fat and lactose were not affected by the treatments. Conclusion: An energy level of 3,400 kcal/kg (14.23 MJ/kg) with 166 g/kg crude protein is suggested as the optimal level of dietary nutrients for heat stressed lactating sows with significant beneficial effects on litter size.

The Effects of Tofu (Soybean curd) Containing Mushrooms on the Immune Activities (버섯첨가 두부의 면역활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Bong;Lee, Yong-Ho
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.961-966
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    • 2011
  • This research was carried out to evaluate the value of tofu containing mushroom as a immunomodulator. Tofu was made using $CaSO_4{\cdot}2H_2O$ or Lactobacillus extract as a coagulant after adding powder of fruit bodies or mycelia of Letino edodes and Lepista nuda to soybean milk. Proximate compositions of tofu and tofu containing mushroom were analyzed. Levels of interferon ${\gamma}$ (IFN-${\gamma}$), interleukin 4 (IL-4) and tumor necrosis factor-${\alpha}$ (TNF-${\alpha}$) in culture media of lymphocytes collected from mouse spleens after being injected with mushroom, regular tofu, or tofu made with mushroom were measured by sandwich ELISA. In addition, concentrations of IgG1, IgG2a and IgE in plasma or lymphocyte culture media were analyzed. Crude protein, crude lipid and crude ash were decreased in tofu containing mushroom but phosphorus was increased significantly. IFN-${\gamma}$ concentration was significantly decreased in mice injected with fruit body or tofu alone. IL-4 level was decreased significantly in mice injected with tofu containing fruit body of L. edodes. However, TNF-${\alpha}$ was increased in mice injected with tofu containing fruit body of L. edodes. Plasma levels of IgG1 were increased in almost all groups, while there was no significant change in IgG2a levels among treated mice groups. Concentrations of IgG1 and IgG2a were increased significantly in lymphocyte culture media of mice injected with tofu containing mushroom. Plasma levels of IgE level was significantly increased in mice injected with tofu or fruit body of L. edodes, but not in mice treated with tofu containing mushroom. These results showed that tofu with mushroom affected immune activities, and it seems valuable to consider developing the mixture of tofu and L. edodes as an immunomodulator.

Effect of Harvest Stage on Forage Yield and Quality of Silage Corn at Late Planting (만기파종에서 수확시 숙기가 사일리지용 옥수수의 사초수량과 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, J.D.;Kwon, C.H.;Kim, S.G.;Park, H.S.;Ko, H.J.;Kim, J.K.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.251-260
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    • 2002
  • The corn (Zea mays L) planting date in a double-cropping system is delayed until mid-May due to delayed rye harvest on May. This experiment was conducted to determine the optimum harvesting time for high yield and the best quality of silage corn at late planting date after harvesting winter rye. Corns were planted on 21 May and harvested at eight different maturity stage at Seoul National University Experimental Livestock Farm, Suwon in 1997. Maturities were B (blister; 16 days after silking), M (milk; 20 days), LM (late milk; 24 days), SD (soft dough; 28 days), ED (early dent; 33 days), FD (full dent; 38 days), LD (late dent; 44 days) and PM (physiological maturity; 53 days) stages. The percentage of whole plant dry matter (DM) showed optimum range for silage making (29.0 to 38.5%) when corn plant was harvested at between ED and LD stages. Maximum whole plant DM (14,831 kg/ha) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) yields (10,675 kg/ha) reached at full dent stage. The percentage of whole plant acid detergent fiber (ADF) was decreased from 35.4 to 22.1%, and that of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) was also decreased from 63.8 to 46.0% as harvest stage progressed. These changes in chemical compositions were associated with changes in plant part composition. A progressive increase in total ear, and the decrease in stover portion in the plant were observed with advance in harvest stage. Calculated on net energy for lactation (NEL) and TDN values based on ADF percentage of stover plant decreased by ED stage and then increased by PM stage. But NEL and TDN values of ear and whole plant increased as harvest stage progressed. While in vitro dry matter digestibility of stover was decreased from 61.1 to 49.7%, whole plant was increased from 58.3 to 65.7% as maturity advanced (P$<$0.05). The results of this study indicate that corn can be harvested for silage at full (1/2 milkline) and late dent (2/3 milkline) stages for maximum yield and optimum quality at late planting. And days after silking at late planting was 38 and 44 days.

The development of resources for the application of 2020 Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (2020 한국인 영양소 섭취기준 활용 자료 개발)

  • Hwang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Yangha;Lee, Haeng Shin;Park, EunJu;Kim, Jeongseon;Shin, Sangah;Kim, Ki Nam;Bae, Yun Jung;Kim, Kirang;Woo, Taejung;Yoon, Mi Ock;Lee, Myoungsook
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2022
  • The recommended meal composition allows the general people to organize meals using the number of intakes of foods from each of six food groups (grains, meat·fish·eggs·beans, vegetables, fruits, milk·dairy products and oils·sugars) to meet Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (KDRIs) without calculating complex nutritional values. Through an integrated analysis of data from the 6th to 7th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (2013-2018), representative foods for each food group were selected, and the amounts of representative foods per person were derived based on energy. Based on the EER by age and gender from the KDRIs, a total of 12 kinds of diets were suggested by differentiating meal compositions by age (aged 1-2, 3-5, 6-11, 12-18, 19-64, 65-74 and ≥ 75 years) and gender. The 2020 Food Balance Wheel included the 6th food group of oils and sugars to raise public awareness and avoid confusion in the practical utilization of the model by industries or individuals in reducing the consistent increasing intakes of oils and sugars. To promote the everyday use of the Food Balance Wheel and recommended meal compositions among the general public, the poster of the Food Balance Wheel was created in five languages (Korean, English, Japanese, Vietnamese and Chinese) along with card news. A survey was conducted to provide a basis for categorizing nutritional problems by life cycles and developing customized web-based messages to the public. Based on survey results two types of card news were produced for the general public and youth. Additionally, the educational program was developed through a series of processes, such as prioritization of educational topics, setting educational goals for each stage, creation of a detailed educational system chart and teaching-learning plans for the development of educational materials and media.

Preparation and Characteristics of Drinkable Yoghurt Added Water Extract of Omija(Schizandra chinensis Baillon) (오미자(Schizandra chinensis Baillon) 추출물 첨가 Drinkable Yoghurt의 제조 및 특성)

  • 홍경현;남은숙;박신인
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2004
  • A new type of drinkable yoghurt was prepared to develop a functional yoghurt. Skim milk containing 0.4-1.0%(w/v) water extract of omija(Schizandra chinensis Baillon) was fermented by the mixed strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Quality characteristics of the drinkable yoghurts were evaluated in terms of compositions, keeping-quality(pH, titratable acidity, number of viable cells) and sensory properties. The drinkable yoghurts added with water extract of Schizandra chinensis were composed of 2.92-3.03% protein, 9.98-10.23% lactose, 0.81-1.08% fat, 16.21-16.64% total solid, and 14.57-15.17% solid-not-fat. The L values(brightness) were significantly lower in the yoghurts containing water extract of Schizandra chinensis than that of the control which had no water extract of Schizandra chinensis, while the a values(redness) and b values(yellowness) were significantly higher than those of the control. The pH, titratable acidity and number of viable cells of the lactic acid bacteria of all yoghurts were not changed during the storage at 4$^{\circ}C$ for 15 days, while the pH and titratable acidity were remarkedly changed during the yoghurts stored at 20$^{\circ}C$ for 15 days. The drinkable yoghurts containing 0.4%(w/v) water extract of Schizandra chinensis added 15%(w/v) oligosaccharide, or 0.6%(w/v) water extract of Schizandra chinensis added 20%(w/v) oligosaccharide had the highest sensory score in taste and overall acceptability among the treatments. From the results, Schizandra chinensis was a useful natural additive with the bioactive effect by provision of a acceptable physicochemical and sensory properties in the drinkable yoghurt.

On-site Output Survey and Feed Value Evaluation on Agro- industrial By-products (농산업부산물들에 대한 배출 현장 조사 및 사료적 가치 평가)

  • Kwak, W. S.;Yoon, J. S.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.251-264
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to make on-site survey on the output pattern and utilization situation of 19 by-products selected, to evaluate their nutritional characteristics, to find out a reliable index with which digestion of by-products can be predicted on the basis of chemical compositions analyzed and to diagnose the risk of using book values in the absence of the actual values analyzed for diet formulation. Production and utilization situations of by-products were quite various. Nutritionally, fruit processing by-products such as apple pomace (AP), pear pomace (PP), grape pomace (GP), and persimmon peel (PSP), and bakery by-products (BB) were classified as energy feeds. Soybean curd meal (SCM), animal by- products such as blood (BD), feather meal (FM) and poultry by-products (PB), and activated milk processing sludge (AMS) were classified as protein feeds. Soy hulls (SH), spent mushroom compost (SMC), barley malt hulls (BMH), waste paper (WP) and broiler litter (BL) were classified as roughage. Rumen contents (RC) and restaurant food waste (FW) were nutritionally analogous to complete diets for cattle and swine, respectively. Compared to soybean meal (SBM), BD and FM contained high (P<0.05) levels of amino acids and barley malt sprouts (BMS), AMS and FW contained low (P<0.05) levels of amino acids. Enzymatic (pepsin) digestibilities of proteinaceous feeds ranged between 99 and 66%. In vitro DM digestibility was high (P<0.05) in the order of FW, BB, AP, SH, PP, PSP, BMH, BMS, SCM, GP, RC, PB, BL, WP, SMC, AMS, FM and BD. In vitro DM digestibility had the highest correlation (r=0.68) with nonfibrous carbohydrate among chemical components. Differences between analyzed values of chemical components and book values were considerable. Caution is required in using book values when large amount of by-products are used in diets.