Applied Biological Chemistry
- Volume 26 Issue 4
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- Pages.205-210
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- 1983
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- 2468-0834(pISSN)
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- 2468-0842(eISSN)
Characteristics of Amino Acid Fortified Tofu Manufactured by Coprecipitation of Whey and Soybean Proteins
유청(乳淸)과 대두(大豆) 단백질(蛋白質) 공동침전(共同沈澱)에 의해 제조(製造)된 아미노산 강화두부(强化豆腐)의 특성(特性)
- Wee, Jae-Joon (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University) ;
Lee, Hyong-Joo
(Dept. of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University)
- Published : 1983.12.31
To investigate the characteristics of amino acid fortified tofu manufactured by coprecipition of cheese whey and soybean proteins, experimental tofus were made from various mixtures of whey, whey powder, and soy milk, and general and amino acid compositions and physical properties were analyzed. Physical characteristics such as elasticity, hardness, and brittleness of the whey-soybean tofu were very similar to those of traditional tofu but color of the whey-soybean tofu was lighter than that of soybean tofu. The contents of total solids and protein of traditional tofu were about 19% and 13%, respectively, while those of the whey-soy bean tofus were 17.3%
유청(乳淸)과 대두(大豆) 단백질(蛋白質) 공동침전(共同沈澱)에 의해 제조된 아미노산 강화두부(强化豆腐)의 특성(特性)을 조사하기 위하여 유청(乳淸)또는 유청분말(乳淸粉末)과 두유(豆乳)를 혼합하여 두부를 제조하고 이때 얻어지는 강화 두부의 일반조성, 아미노산 조성을 분석하고 물리적 특성도 비교하였다. 강화 두부는 외관이나 특성(特性)에서 재래식 두부와 큰 차이가 없었다. 전고형분 함량은 재래식 두부가 약 19%, 강화 두부가 17.3