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Volatility of Urban Housing Market and Real Estate Policy after the IMF crisis (도시 주택시장의 변동성과 부동산 정책의 한계 : IMF 위기 이후 서울을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.138-160
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    • 2009
  • The urban housing market in Korea, especially in Seoul and the Capital region, has been revitalized with massive urban (re)developments and expanding real estate finance after the IMF crisis. This brought about a boom of housing price during the mid-2000s, which has been virtually stabilized by strong regulation policies of the previous government. But with impacts of the recent international financial crisis together with some inherent problems, the housing market of Korea faces with a worry of collapse in relation with the financial market volatility and the serious depression of real economy, and hence the current government attempts to implement strong deregulation policies on the housing market. In this paper it is argued that this kind of volatility of urban housing market seems to be caused by strategies of capital which involve continuous massive urban (re)development, residential segregation and appropriation of monopoly rent(or capital gain), and fictitious capitalization of real estates and integration of real estate market and financial market. In these reasons, the current tendency of urban housing price shows a slow downward, which seems to give the current neoliberal government a rationale for deregulation policies to prevent the downward tendency. But this paper suggests that such a slow downward of housing price shift would have positive effects on the housing market in particular and social and economic situations in general, and hence an alternative housing policy is required to realize such positive effects.

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Seasonal Onset and Duration in South Korea (우리나라 사계절 개시일과 지속기간)

  • Choi, Gwang-Yong;Kwon, Won-Tae;Robinson David A.
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.4 s.115
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    • pp.435-456
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    • 2006
  • This study examines the long-term spatial patterns and recent trends of seasonal onsets and durations defined by daily temperatures in South Korea for the period 1973-2004. Spatially, spring and winter onset dates show approximately 44 day and 63 day maximum difference respectively between south and north (Seongsanpo to Daegwallryeong) attributable to the impacts of latitudes and altitudes. In contrast, summer onset, which is more affected by proximity to oceans and altitudes than by latitudes, begins earlier in interior low elevated areas than in the coastal areas but earliest at higher latitudes than Jeiu Island. Five climatic types regarding the seasonal cycles in South Korea are spatially clustered according to the combination of longer seasonal durations. As a reflection of recent climate changes on seasonal cycles in South Korea, winter duration was shortened by 10 days during the post-1988 period due to a late winter onset of 4 days and an early spring onset of 6 days. The winter reduction began in the southern regions of the Korean Peninsula in the mid-1980s and spread northward during the 1990s period, ultimately appearing everywhere. In urbanized cities, where much of the surface is covered with asphalt or concrete, the winter reduction was intensified and summer duration was locally incremented. The reduced winter duration in recent decades shows significant teleconnections with variations of geopotential height (925hPa) in the eastern Arctic region (090E, 6585N) during the cold season. The reduction in winter duration in South Korea agrees with results in overall global warming trends as a climate change signal.

A Study on the Measures to Install of Management Organization for the Sustainable innovation Creation in Innovation City (혁신도시의 지속가능한 혁신창출을 위한 관리기구 설립방안 조사 연구)

  • Kim, Hong-Joo;Kim, Lyun-Hee;Lee, Young-Hwan;Kim, Kyong-Sik
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2012
  • The Korean government designated 10 innovation cities throughout the country in 2005 in order to resolve concentration on the capital region and to promote balanced development of localities. An innovation city is a future-type city equipped with environment for innovation and high-quality settlement environment in terms of residence, education and culture by accommodating public institutions and facilitating close cooperation among companies, universities and research institutes. Thus, for the early settlement and activation of innovation cities, this study suggested a plan to operate the current innovation city business centers from a mid- and long-term viewpoint rather than for a limited time. Through this study, we attempt to establish the roles of the centers so that they can play central roles in the move of public institutions, the development of industry-university-research institute clusters, the creation of innovations, and the spread of innovations, which are the goals of the development of public institutions, after the sites have been prepared.

Evaluation of Basin-Specific Water Use through Development of Water Use Assessment Index (이수평가지수 개발을 통한 유역별 물이용 특성 평가)

  • Baeck, Seung Hyub;Choi, Si Jung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.367-380
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    • 2013
  • In this study, sub-indicators, and thematic mid-indexes to evaluate the water use characteristics were selected through historical data analysis and factor analysis, and consisted of the subject approach framework. And the integrated index was developed to evaluate water use characteristics of the watershed. Using developed index, the water use characteristics were assessed for 812 standard basins with the exception for North Korea using data of 1990 to 2007 from the relevant agencies. A sensitivity analysis is conducted for this study to determine the proper way through various normalization and weighting methods. To increase the objectivity of developed index, the history of the damage indicators are excluded in the analysis. In addition, in order to ensure its reliability, results from index with and without consideration of the damage history were compared. Also, the index is also applied to real data for 2008 Gangwon region to verify its field applicability. Through the validation process this index confirmed the adequacy for the indicators selection and calculation method. The results of this study were analyzed based on the spatial and time vulnerability of the basin's water use, which can be applied to various parts such as priority decision-making for water business or policy, mitigations for the vulnerable components of the basin, and supporting measures to establishment by providing relevant information about it.

Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary Deposits in the Southeastern Continental Shelf, Korea (한국 남동 대륙붕 후 제4기 퇴적층의 시퀀스 층서)

  • 유동근;이치원;최진용;박수철;최진혁
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.369-379
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    • 2003
  • Analysis of high-resolution seismic profiles and sediment data from the southeastern continental shelf of Korea reveals that the late Quaternary deposits consist of a set of lowstand (LST), transgressive (TST), and highstand systems tracts (HST) that corresponds to the sea-level change after the Last Glacial Maximum. LST (Unit I) above the sequence boundary consists of sandy mud or muddy sand deposited during the last glacial period and is confined to the shelf margin and trough region. TST (Unit II) between transgressive surface and maximum flooding surface consists of sandy sediments deposited during the postglacial transgression (15,000-6,000 yr BP). Although TST is widely distributed on the shelf, it is much thinner than LST and HST. On the basis of distribution pattern, TST can be divided into three sub-units: early TST (Unit IIa) on the shelf margin, middle TST (Unit IIb) on the mid-shelf, and late TST (Unit IIc) on the inner shelf, respectively. These are characterized by a backstepping depositional arrangement. HST(Unit III) above the maximum flooding surface is composed of the fine-grained sediments deposited during the last 6000 yrs when sea level was close to the present level and its distribution is restricted to the inner shelf along the coast.

Development of Engineering Checklist Model for Case-based Evaluation of Plant EPC Project (플랜트사업 설계사례의 체크리스트기반 평가모델에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Youb;Son, Jae-Ho;You, Young-Hun;Han, Choong-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.146-152
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    • 2008
  • Since the year of mid 2000, the EPC industry in Korea has the highest amount of orders received due to tremendous need form middle east asia region. However, the quality requirement from the owner is getting critical, which lead to the more competitive engineering capacity equipped. In order to do so, the development of objective and quantitative evaluation model of engineering process is essential. In order to develop the engineering checklist model for case-based evaluation of EPC project, first, the general description of worldwide EPC industry as well as the literature review of prior study have been performed. Then, the survey interview with experts in the engineering area of EPC project was performed In order to Identify the engineering work tasks and the critical check items, which should be checked during engineering process. Based on these checklist, the weights of check items as well as engineering work tasks also have been defined. The developed checklist model evaluated the two EPC project cases of S company in Thailand in order to explore its applicability. From the analysis of evaluation results, it is expected that the continuous implementation of evaluation based on checklist model can help the EPC practitioner check the critical items in engineering process more efficiently and take an appropriate action for better engineering performance, which finally can lead to the Korea EPC industry being more competitive.

A Study on the Construction Method of Stone-wall Fortresses in the Recently Surveyed Gyeongsang Province (최근 조사된 경상도 지역 석축산성(石築山城)의 축성법 검토)

  • Park, Jong-ik
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.126-143
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    • 2013
  • Myeonghwalsanseong Fortress and Namsansinseong Fortress in Gyeongju are one of the few that have accurate records of when and who constructed the structures. Based on the monument commemorating the construction of Myeonghwalsanseong Fortress and the construction technique and structure of the fortresses confirmed through excavation survey, it can be induced that Myeonghwalsanseong Fortress was built prior to the 7th century. Meanwhile, Namsansinseong Fortress is believed to have been erected in 679, with the exception of one part of the wall found in the northwestern valley that was built during the first construction period of 591. Referring to the construction method of these fortresses in the royal capital, Gyeongju, various recentlystudied fortresses were reviewed to estimate the construction periods. As a result, Haman Seongsansanseong Fortress, which takes similar form with Myeonghwalsanseong Fortress, is believed to have been built during the mid-6th century based on the construction method and supplementary work method(i.e. Bochuk). Yangdongsanseong Fortress in Gimhae and Singisanseong Fortress, similar in their construction method, are also believed to be from the same period. Meanwhile, Jusanseong Fortress of Goryeong, despite the similar construction technique used, the construction technique used for Bochuk or limited Bochuk imply a time gap. Separately, most of the remaining walls of Namsansinseong Fortress appear to date back to the additional construction period, and Sageunsanseong Fortress in Hamyang and Dadaesanseong Fortress in Geoje that show similar construction method are set for the same period. Such conclusion was drawn from straight layer piling using the refined rectangular stones found in the fortress and the supplementary part remaining thereof. In addition, the study discovered a cross-section triangular water hole at Yangdongsanseong Fortress in Gimhae and Sageunsanseong Fortress in Hamyang and the trace of wooden fences constructed before the construction of stone-wall, reaping outcomes rarely found in this region.

The Relationship between Thermal Preference and Hibernation Strategies in Endangered Plecotus ognevi (멸종위기 야생생물 II급 토끼박쥐 Plecotus ognevi의 온도선호도와 동면 전략)

  • Kim, Sun-Sook;Choi, Yu-Seong;Kim, Lyoun
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.345-353
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    • 2018
  • Hibernation is regarded as a physiological and behavioral adaptation that permits the survival of animals such as bats during seasonal periods of energy shortage. This study investigated the hibernation period of Plecotus ognevi in the temperate climate zone and the relationship between the thermal preference and hibernating process of bats. We hypothesized that the hibernation period of bats is closely related to the external temperature and temperature preference of bat species in the temperate region. To verify this hypothesis, we surveyed the distribution of the P. ognevi population in South Korea, and the temperature preference and the characteristics of hibernacula of P. ognevi. We predict that hibernation in the bat will begin when the external temperature drops below the thermal preference of the species and will leave from hibernation when the external temperature is higher than the thermal preference. P. ognevi hibernated in roosts maintained in low temperature ambient conditions with 3.57.5C). The body temperatures (averaged 3.01±1.30C, ranged 0.17.8C) of hibernating bats were closely related to the rock surface temperatures rather than the ambient temperatures. The bats began to hibernate in late November and final arousals occurred in mid-March, so that the total length of the hibernation was 115~120 days. The period of hibernation was strongly influenced by fluctuations in the external mean temperature. This study suggests that the onset and termination of P. ognevi hibernation is due to the interaction between the temperature of the hibernacula and that of the external environment and is based on the thermal preference of the bats. The study also suggests that the hibernation strategy such as thermal preference and hibernation periods of this species affect to distribution as bat species adapting to a severely climate.

On the Colonial History of African Continent : From France to China (아프리카 대륙의 식민 역사 : 프랑스부터 중국까지)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.541-551
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    • 2018
  • This paper is on the colonial history of the African continent. It was the origin of mankind, which was called "Hometown of humanity" or "Warm region" since ancient Greece and ancient Egypt. However, the place came to be the invasion target of Western powers. Western nations, based on strong military and economic power, slaughtered sturdy African men and stripped off major resources for their own interests, devastating many parts of the African continent since the 15th century. This unfortunate history seems to have met a happy ending in the mid-twentieth century, after the independence of many African nations that have been committed to national self-determination since World War II. However, African countries have not been recognized as equal partners in the international arena. They were only poor and powerless countries that could be maintained only through the aid of advanced nations like France, as before. Of course, in the 21st century, Africa has begun to be thought to be a new market with high potentiality for development. Various countries, including India, China, Russia and Brazil, as well as major European countries, which have traditionally maintained friendly relations with France, are making efforts to increase their influence in Africa. Therefore, to understand this new trend, it is necessary to give a top priority to grasp the colonial history surrounding African continent.

Measurement of Sulfur Dioxide Concentration Using Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy With Optical Multi-Absorption Signals at 7.6 µm Wavelength Region (7.6 µm 파장 영역의 다중 광 흡수 신호 파장 변조 분광법을 이용한 이산화황 농도 측정)

  • Song, Aran;Jeong, Nakwon;Bae, Sungwoo;Hwang, Jungho;Lee, Changyeop;Kim, Daehae
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.293-303
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    • 2020
  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution is a typical health hazard, resulting in about 7 million premature deaths each year. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is one of the major air pollutants, and the combustion process with sulfur-containing fuels generates it. Measuring SO2 generation in large combustion environments in real time and optimizing reduction facilities based on measured values are necessary to reduce the compound's presence. This paper describes the concentration measurement for SO2, a particulate matter precursor, using a wavelength modulation spectroscopy (WMS) of tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS). This study employed a quantum cascade laser operating at 7.6 ㎛ as a light source. It demonstrated concentration measurement possibility using 64 multi-absorption lines between 7623.7 and 7626.0 nm. The experiments were conducted in a multi-pass cell with a total path length of 28 and 76 m at 1 atm, 296 K. The SO2 concentration was tested in two types: high concentration (1000 to 5000 ppm) and low concentration (10 ppm or less). Additionally, the effect of H2O interference in the atmosphere on the measurement of SO2 was confirmed by N2 purging the laser's path. The detection limit for SO2 was 3 ppm, and results were compared with the electronic chemical sensor and nondispersive infrared (NDIR) sensor.