• Title/Summary/Keyword: Method coping with stress

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Measurements of Stress and Coping with Stress Among School-Aged Children in the Chon-buk Area (일부지역 초등학생의 스트레스와 대처행위 측정)

  • Chung, Young Sook;Chung, Seung Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.185-195
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    • 1996
  • This study attempts to discover ways to prevent and cope with stress m primary school students, Specific, ally, we wish to investigate the sources of stress and to identify the variance and frequency of coping methods which have been used by the subjects. After examining the school children's list of items about stress and coping strategies by on open structure method, subjects ranked the seventy of stressor's and frequency of a coping strategies by closed structure method. A survey was done of 720 students who were from the 4th to 6th grade in 4 primary schools in the Chonbuk area from April 1st to May 30th, 1995. The major results obtained from this study were the following. 1. The sources of stress bad were classified in 57 items Among the 57 items, 'were school records' 'illness of parents' 'death of family members' 'meetings with trouble makers' ranked high ranking in the stress ratings. 2. Severity of stress. the mean total stress scores were 186.4 with 285 as the highest score. 3. The kinds of coping with stress using were classified in 35 items, Among the 35 items, 'wandering and walking alone' 'mood getting out of the in any way' 'trying to forget the stressor' 'were among the highest scored. 4. Frequency of coping with stress: mean total stress coping scores were 67.9 with 140 as the highest score. 5. Difference m stress and coping strategies between sex, age, living district and religion groups were examined. 1) Significant variables influencing stress scoring were sex (t=-2,29, p<.001) and grade (F=6.33, p<.001). 2) Significant variables influencing stress coping practice were residence (t=1.94, p<.05), sex (t=-3.17, p<.002) and religion (F=5,95, p<.0001).

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Symptoms, Depression, and Coping Behaviors of University Students (대학생의 자각증상과 우울 및 스트레스 대처행동에 관계)

  • 최미경
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.433-439
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among subjective symptoms, depression, and stress coping behavior of university students. Method: The survey was carried out on a convenience sample of 298 university students. The questionnaire consisted of each scale for symptoms, depression, and stress coping behaviors. Data analysis procedure included the factor analysis for stress coping behaviors, and the correlation analysis describing a relationship among symptoms, depression, and stress coping behaviors. Result: There were significant correlations between depression and the three types of symptoms: general, psychological, and somatic symptom. Subjects using the negative-emotional-response coping and the self-control coping showed a more severe depression, and those using the problem-solvingㆍreappraisal coping and the positive-emotional-response coping showed a milder depression. Subjects using the negative-emotional-response coping complained of all 3 types of symptoms severely, and those using the positive-emotional-response coping complained of general symptoms mildly. Of five stress coping methods, the negative-emotional-response and the positive-emotional-response coping methods were related to both symptoms and depression significantly. Conclusion: This study suggests that the emotional-oriented coping method has more important role for university student’s depression and their subjective symptoms than the problem-oriented coping or social supports seeking coping. Further study needs to be conducted to help students effective coping mechanism for good mental health. Also it is necessary for university students to recognize that their symptoms are associated with depression.

Test Stress and Coping Style of High School Students (고등학생의 시험 스트레스와 대처 유형에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Jeong-Yee
    • Korean Parent-Child Health Journal
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.158-171
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the degree of test stress and coping style and their relationship of high school students. Method: A descriptive and correlative study has been conducted to report adolescents' test stress and coping style. Nine hundred fifty four high school students were participated in this study and collected data by visit-survey with an organized questionnaire. Results: The mean score of perceived test stress was 2.98. High school students were more frequently use the affective regulation coping style than problem focused coping style. The relationship between perceived test stress and affective regulation coping was statistically significant. Conclusion: Through this study, investigator found coping styles were important factors influencing test stress of high school students. This study also shows that a number of characteristics of the high school students significantly affect levels of test stress, the most notable of these factors being grade, sex, and academic performance. Therefore, consideration of test stress and coping style should be included in the development of a stress management program for high school students.

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A Study on Acculturation Stress and Stress-coping among North Korean Defectors (북한이탈주민의 문화적응 스트레스와 대처기전)

  • Kim, Jong-Kyung;Yang, Young-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.50-59
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study investigated the degree of acculturation stress among North Korean Defectors and the coping method that they used to deal with it. Methods: Ninety-nine participants of this study were North Korean Defectors in Seoul and Daejeon. The tools of survey for this study were acculturation stress and stress-coping. Results: The score for acculturation stress among North Korean Defectors was $2.97{\pm}0.47$ which was a moderate level of stress. The score of problem-solving coping was $3.10{\pm}0.47$ and emotional coping got $2.85{\pm}0.52$. On acculturation stress, there were higher scores among people who were old-aged, married, low educational levels, dissatisfied with job, low monthly income, and living alone. On problem-solving coping, there were higher score among people who have jobs. Regarding emotional coping, there were higher score in people who have jobs, dissatisfaction with job, and living alone. The higher the problem-solving coping skill, the less the acculturation stress. Conclusion: Reducing of acculturation stress and increasing adaptation mechanism of North Korean Defectors are very important due to the results of this study. Therefore, adaptation programs like psycho-social counseling should be created for North Korean Defectors.

Stress Coping Process in Elderly People: Grounded Theory Approach (노인의 스트레스 대처과정에 대한 근거 이론적 접근)

  • Kim Ae-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.345-353
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the stress-coping process used by elderly people. Method: This study was based on the grounded theory methodology of Strauss & Corbin. The participants were 15 elders selected by theoretical sampling. Over a period of 3 months, in-depth interviews using audiotape recording were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed simultaneously by a constant comparative method in which new data were continuously coded in categories and properties according to Strauss and Corbin's methodology, Result: Stress in elderly people is caused by illness, family conflict, and loss of economic power. Stress occurred in connection with aging and limitation of social activity. The central incidents for stress were fear, alienation and anxiety. It was found that action/interactional strategies of stress-coping behavior were related to social support and mobility disorders. Action/interactional strategies to stress-coping in elderly people were dependent on medical treatment, mind control, participation of social activity, and renunciation of offensive behavior. Stress-coping in elderly people resulted in stability or instability in body and mind. Conclusion: It is suggested that the results of this study may contribute to the development stress-coping strategies for elderly people. There is need to develop social support systems and a positive environment to avoid negative coping strategies.

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Effects of Self-efficacy on Job Stress Symptoms and Coping Strategies among Workers in a Manufacturing Company (일개 제조업 근로자의 자기효능감이 직무스트레스 증상과 대처기술에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Su Young;Jung, Hye-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to find out the effects of self-efficacy on job stress symptoms and coping strategies depending on perceived job stress. Method: The subjects were 447 workers employed in a manufacturing company. Demographic characteristics, self-efficacy, job stress, job stress symptoms and coping strategies were assessed by a self-administered questionnaire. Each envelope to keep the secret sealed completed questionnaires. Result: Job stress and job stress symptoms in workers with a high level of self-efficacy were lower than those of a low level of self-efficacy. Active coping strategies in workers with a high level of self-efficacy group were higher than those of a low level of self-efficacy. In multiple regression analysis, job stress symptoms were significantly higher in increasing job stress, increasing self-efficacy, office workers, manager group and increasing age. Active coping strategies were significantly higher in increasing self-efficacy, increasing career, males and decreasing job stress. Whereas passive coping strategies were significantly higher in females, increasing job stress and increasing self-efficacy. Conclusion: This study suggests that self-efficacy is a significant factor on job stress, job stress symptoms and coping strategies. Therefore, developing a job stress management program to increase self-efficacy and verifying its effects are needed.

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The Basic Research on Depression and Anxiety according to Stress Coping by Age Group

  • Cho, Jung-Yeon;Kang, Byeol-Nim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2022
  • Before examining stress and physiological variables (immunity, inflammation), this study conducted a pilot test to provide basic data by analyzing depression and anxiety symptoms by age group for stress coping and coping methods. As a non-face-to-face method, BDI and STAI by age group (20s to 70s) and face-to-face survey were conducted concurrently and as follow-up surveys. In 20s to 60s, according to the coping method, there was a significant decrease after stress relief, and in all age groups, anxiety decreased significantly after stress relief, and in the 50s, stress coping with exercise was the lowest after stress relief. Based on the results of this study, through basic research according to psychological variables, physiological variables according to actual stress coping methods were further verified, and subjects with high stress levels were treated with long-term exercise therapy for depression and anxiety symptoms by exercise therapy. It will be necessary to additionally verify the appropriate stress coping method for each age group and subject, such as the correlation between improvement and immunity and inflammatory response.

A study on perception of stress and coping patterns of family members of the hospitalized in patients (가족구성원의 입원으로 인한 가족의 스트레스와 대처방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon Eun-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.35-52
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the degree of stress and patterns of coping for that Stressful events on family members because of the hospitalization of the patients. Stress and coping were measured with a tool on the basis of Volicer and Bell's questionnaire. In data collection, the modified 38 items of Volicer's stress scale and Bell's 18 item coping scale were administered. The subjects consisted of 259 family members of general ward-patients in Seoul National University Hospital during April in 1990. They were randomly selected on the basis of relationship of patients; patient's spouse, patient's daughters or sons. The stressors of the family members were ranked as follows; The first rank Stressful events was related to the patient's diseases and pain, the second ones was related ·to caring of their patients and family's psychosocial life. Families used long term coping method significantly more than short term ones. The results indicated that there was no difference in use of coping method between pre and post hospitalization. Finding out more about situation and optimism were the most common coping methods, and the least frequent coping method was the use of drugs. In conclusion, the identification of perceived stress and coping patterns of family members provides useful information for family nursing and aimes at better nursing care for the hospitalized in patients.

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Ego-Resilience, Stress Coping Styles and Disposition to Delinquency in Middle School Students (중학생의 자아탄력성과 스트레스 대처방식 및 비행성향)

  • Kim, Mi-Ye;Park, Wan-Ju
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.415-422
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of ego-resilience, stress coping styles and disposition to delinquency in middle school students. Method: The data were collected from October 15 to October 30, 2005. The subjects were 223 middle school students in 2nd grade in G city. To determine the most effective variable of ego-resilience to stress coping styles and disposition to delinquency, the dada were analyzed using Canonical correlation with SAS 9.1 TS, and Pearson's correlation with percentages, means, standard deviations with SPSS 14.0 K. Result: Ego-resilience showed a significant positive correlation with active coping styles and a significant negative correlation with passive coping styles, and disposition to delinquency. Canonical correlation analysis of 5 sub-domains of ego-resilience showed that curiosity made the highest contribution to predicting stress coping styles and vitality made the highest contribution in predicting disposition to delinquency in middle school students. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the development of ego-resilience for adolescents is important to improve stress coping strategies and decrease delinquency. Therefore, to increase ego-resilience, Stress Coping Programs should include curiosity and Delinquency Intervention Programs should include vitality.

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A Study on Stress and Coping Methods of Mothers of Children with Brain Disease (뇌질환아 어머니의 스트레스와 대처방법)

  • 윤정희;조결자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.389-412
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    • 1994
  • This study was done to investigate stress and coping methods of mothers with brain disease children. The subjects for this study were obtained by taking a sample of mothers with brain disease children hospitalized in neurosurgery ward of K medical center in Seoul from Nov. 20, 1992 to Mar. 10, 1993. The collected date were analized by S.P.S.S. program(frequency, percentage, mean, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation). The results of the study were as follow. 1. The mean of the degree of mothers' stress was 3.681. Of the stress categories, illness treatment (4.216) was highest, and the next were in order of ill-ness status and prognosis(4.154) , family relation-ships and personal roles(3.202), interpersonal relationships(2.916). 2. The mean of the degree of mothers' coping method was 2.930. Of the coping method categories, communication with medical team or parents in similar situations(3.332) was highest, and the next were in or-der of family cooperation and optimistic thought about the situation(3.241), reforcement of self esteem and maintenance of psychological stability(2.538). 3. There was not seen a stastically significant correlation between stress factors and coping methods of mothers. But with categories, the higher the stress to illness status and prognosis was, the hight coping methods' degree of communication with medical team or parents in similar situations was shown a positive correlation, if not high (r=.2776, P=.046) . And the higher the stress to illness treatment was, the higher coping methods' degree of communication with medical team or parents in simial situations was shown a positive correlation, if not high (r=.2727, P=.049). 4. With the difference of stress according to mothers' general characteristics, religion and monthly income shew a statically significant difference. The mothers' group who have a religion shew the higher degree of stress(t=-3.17, P=.003), The group who get the most income shew highest degree of stress (F=.4693, P=.0156). With the difference of coping according to mothers' general characteristics, the most support-ing person, satisfaction with husbands and mothers' own health status shew a statistically significant difference. The group who get the most support from parents-in-law(F=3.7508, P=.013), the group who are much satisfied with husband(F=3.589, P=.016), and the group whose health status are good(F=3.3675, P=.046), shew the highest coping degree. 5. There were no significant difference in degree of stress and coping by children's characteristics The significance of the study will be concluded as follows. 1. Investigating the stress factors, which mothers are perceiving, it will be utilized as the basic materials of nursing plan so as to reduce the stress of mothers. 2. In searching for the ways of mothers' more helpful coping methods, it shows the necessity of the active nursing intervention for the mothers in the process of coping with their stress. That is, the nurse should serve the earnest nursing as counselor, supporter, educator, and information - provider. 3. Recogning mothers as well as children with brain disease as a client, the nurse will be able to help the mother, who is taking care of the children, cope with the stress situation well, and to make a contribution to the recovery, rehabilitation, and health of the children and to the enhancement of the family' health.

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