A study on perception of stress and coping patterns of family members of the hospitalized in patients

가족구성원의 입원으로 인한 가족의 스트레스와 대처방안에 관한 연구

  • Kwon Eun-Ok (School of Public Health Seoul National University)
  • Published : 1991.02.01


The purpose of this study was to assess the degree of stress and patterns of coping for that Stressful events on family members because of the hospitalization of the patients. Stress and coping were measured with a tool on the basis of Volicer and Bell's questionnaire. In data collection, the modified 38 items of Volicer's stress scale and Bell's 18 item coping scale were administered. The subjects consisted of 259 family members of general ward-patients in Seoul National University Hospital during April in 1990. They were randomly selected on the basis of relationship of patients; patient's spouse, patient's daughters or sons. The stressors of the family members were ranked as follows; The first rank Stressful events was related to the patient's diseases and pain, the second ones was related ·to caring of their patients and family's psychosocial life. Families used long term coping method significantly more than short term ones. The results indicated that there was no difference in use of coping method between pre and post hospitalization. Finding out more about situation and optimism were the most common coping methods, and the least frequent coping method was the use of drugs. In conclusion, the identification of perceived stress and coping patterns of family members provides useful information for family nursing and aimes at better nursing care for the hospitalized in patients.
