• Title/Summary/Keyword: Meaning of the Park

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A Study on Pursuing Benefit and Satisfaction at Casual and Official Wear of Fashion Outlet Users (패션아울렛 소비자의 캐주얼 및 정장 의류제품 추구혜택과 만족도 연구)

  • Park Hye Won;Park Ju Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.29 no.3_4 s.141
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    • pp.523-534
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    • 2005
  • This study was to examine the factor structure of pursuing benefit and satisfaction at casual and official wear, to analyze the differences of pursuing benefit, satisfaction, and clothing purchase behavior among the consumer groups segmented by store pursuing benefits, and to provide useful information for establishment of marketing strategies. The subjects were 500 female consumers experienced in purchasing clothes at fashion outlet stores. A total of 500 questionnaires were analyzed with $X^2$-test, ANOVA, factor analysis and Duncan's multiple range test. The results were as follows: 1. Pursuing benefit and satisfaction at casual wear and official wear were composed of 5 factors. 2. Pursuing benefit and satisfaction at casual and offcial wear, and clothing purchasing behavior variables such as informants, frequency of purchase, shopping time, and average monthly expenditure on clothes were significantly different among the 3 segmented groups. Product pursuing group was shown to seek higher level of esthetic feeling, suitability for self image and body, fsshion and symbolic meaning of brand than other groups in casual and official wear and to be most satisfied at symbolic meaning of brand, social recognition, and practicality in casual wear of outlet and at suitability and social recognition in official wear of outlet. Store convenience pursuing group was shown to seek higher level of suitability for self image and body, quality, and practicality than other groups in casual and official wear and to be most satisfied at quality and practicality in casual wear of outlet and at practicality and suitability in of cial wear of outlet. Price pursuing group was shown to seek and to be most satisfied at practicality in casual and official wear of outlet.

Spiritual Care Guide in HospiceㆍPalliative Care

  • Kyung-Ah Kang;Do-Bong Kim;Su-Jin Koh;Myung-Hee Park;Hye Yoon Park;Deuk Hyoung Yoon;Soo-Jin Yoon;Su-Jeong Lee;JI-Eun Choi;Hyoung-Suk Han;Jiyoung Chun
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.149-159
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    • 2023
  • The Spiritual Care Guide in HospiceㆍPalliative Care is evidence-based and focuses on the universal and integral aspects of human spirituality-such as meaning and purpose, interconnectedness, and transcendence-which go beyond any specific religion. This guide was crafted to improve the spiritual well-being of adult patients aged 19 and older, as well as their families, who are receiving end-of-life care. The provision of spiritual care in hospice and palliative settings aims to assist patients and their families in finding life's meaning and purpose, restoring love and relationships, and helping them come to terms with death while maintaining hope. It is recommended that spiritual needs and the interventions provided are periodically reassessed and evaluated, with the findings recorded. Additionally, hospice and palliative care teams are encouraged to pursue ongoing education and training in spiritual care. Although challenges exist in universally applying this guide across all hospice and palliative care organizations in Korea-due to varying resources and the specific environments of medical institutions-it is significant that the Korean Society for Hospice and Palliative Care has introduced a spiritual care guide poised to enhance the spiritual well-being and quality of care for hospice and palliative care patients.

A Study on Educational Methods of Nature-Study for Science Education through Nature ('자연을 통한 과학학습'을 위한 Nature-Study 교육방법 고찰)

  • Park, Sangmin;Park, Jongseok
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2015
  • This research aims to study on educational methods of Nature-Study extracted through a wide body of literatures and meaning of Nature-Study toward today's science education. For this, viewpoints of Nature-Study were drown by previous historical study about Nature-Study. And educational methods of Nature-Study based on viewpoints of Nature-Study were abstracted by collecting and analyzing of literatures. Meaning of Nature-Study toward today's science education was considered. The research resulted in the following; First, Nature-Study emphasize the sympathy with nature, aim for integrated subject study and include non-formal study from a viewpoint of 'studying with nature'. Second, Nature-Study aim for outdoor activities, emphasize experiences than texts, value fundamental observation from a viewpoint of 'study through first-hand experiences'. Third, Nature-Study value interest of students, support the study for all students, emphasize the teachers' role as a helper from a viewpoint of 'learner-centered education'. Nature-Study is suggested to change view of point over to science education through nature toward today's science education.

Practical Strategies for Urban Regeneration through an Application of Landscape Urbanism (랜드스케이프 어바니즘 관점에서 본 도시재생 전략 연구)

  • Cho, Se-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to propose practical strategies for the new urban ideal of regeneration. A book review highlights the emergence of new trends of urbanization in knowledge-information industrial society beyond the new town Ideal of the industrial society. The meaning of ‘landscape’ in landscape urbanism represents not the visual and decorative pictures, but the dynamic process in the context of changes and evolutions. Also, knowledge-information industrial society and landscape have a meaning in the same context of flow and process with changes of velocity. Finally, these key words convey a meaning with the new urban trends of urbanization in knowledge-information industrial society in the context of value-oriented characteristics of dynamics and process. Urban regeneration is emerging as the new urban ideal in the knowledge-information industrial society, beyond the new town ideal of industrial society. It is in the same context as landscape urbanism with respect to green infrastructure buildings and designs for the transformation of urban surfaces covered with concrete and asphalt into the ecological surface, and of the ecological surfaces into the cultural surface that could be communicated with human beings. This research revealed the six strategies for urban regeneration as follows. The First, the strategies for the transformation of urban surfaces into ecological surfaces, the second, the strategies for the transformation of ecological surfaces into cultural surfaces, the third, the introduction of mixed and convergence land use, the forth, the transformation of former sites(e.g. military and factory) into urban parks, the fifth, the introduction of waterfront park zones that have the function of ecological and park-oriented mixed land use and, the sixth, the building and design of green infrastructure in the residential and commercial complex in CBD. These strategies call for the reforms of development laws and regulations to restrict building coverage ratio, building heights, and the introduction of park-oriented mixed zoning regulations. Another method for implementating the above listed strategies was the introduction of a strategic planning system instead of the traditional master plan system. This system uses a value planning approach and brand making by imagery. It is able to construct the meaning of an image and its creativeness directly.

Health Promoting Lifestyle and Self-Empowerment in Climacteric Women (갱년기 여성의 건강증진 생활양식과 자아힘돋우기(self-empowerment))

  • Park, Myeung-Hee
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.201-211
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between self-empowerment and a health promoting lifestyle in climacteric women, and to provide the basic data for health promoting intervention. The subjects were 246 women who visited the sports center in Taegu, Korea and ranged in age from 40 to 59. The data was collected during the period from December 2nd to December 15th, 2001. The instruments were the revised health promoting lifestyle scale developed by Park, In Suk(1997) Originally the instruments were developed by Spreitzer(1995) and Jung Hea Joo(1998), who translated it into Korean. The data was analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression. The results of this study were as follows : 1. Mean score of total empowerment was 3.76 and the subcategory 'meaning', had the highest score at 4.08. 2.Mean score of total health promoting lifestyle was 2.83 and in the subcategory, the highest degree of performance was 'sanitary life', followed by 'harmonious relationships' and 'self actualization'. The lowest degree was 'professional health management'. 3. A significant statistical difference between age, education and self-empowerment was found. 4. A significant statistical difference between age, marital status, leisure time activity (hobbies/community service) and a health promoting lifestyle was found. 5. Health promoting lifestyle was positively related to self-empowerment(r=.4592). A health promoting lifestyle was the highest positively related to the subcategory 'impact' (r=.4329). 6. The most important variable affecting the health promoting life style was impact which accounted for 19% of the total variance in stepwise multiple regression analysed. Five variables, impact, age, meaning, marital status and leisure time activity(hobbies/community service) accounted for 26% in promoting a healthy life style. From the results of the study, the following recommendations are presented : 1) Adopting the concept of self-empowerment is required in broad nursing fields. 2) Using and making a self-empowerment promoting program which can cause positive effects on a health promoting lifestyle are required. 3) It is required to check the rank of the subcategories such as meaning, competence, self determination and impact according to the subjects. 4) It is required to check the effects of all variances of self-empowerment, self-efficacy and self-esteem variances through the repeated studies.

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The Search for Study on the Construction Process and Changes in the Landscape Plants of the Pasanseodang ('파산서당'의 영건과정과 조경식물 변화상 탐색)

  • Joo, Been;Choi, Hayoung;Shin, Sangsup
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.48-65
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    • 2018
  • The authors of this paper aim to make a record of the construction process, its symbolic meaning, and the changes in the status of the landscape plants at the Pasanseodang according to the Report on the Pasanseodang written by Park Gyu-hyun in 1874. First, the construction of Samgahun Pavilion, which is located in Myo-ri, Habin-myun, Dalsung-gun, Daegu, took about 90 years and spanned the lifetimes of Park Sungsoo, an 11th-generation descendant of Park Paengnyun (1417~1456) through to Park Kyuhyun, a 14th-generation descendant. It was called the shape of dragon, with its head facing the tail (回龍顧尾形), in feng shui. Second, the village of Pahwoe was founded in 1769, the 45th year of the reign of King Yeongjo, by Park Sungsoo for the purpose of socializing with his friends at his thatched home, and was named after his own courtesy name (Samgahun). Park Kwangseok, the second son of Park Sungsoo, built the sarangchae in 1826 and the anchae in 1869 after his marriage (in 1783). Then, Park Kyuhyun, the grandson of Park Kwangseok, built the pond and planted it with lotus flowers, and built the Hayeopjeong in 1874. The Pasanseodang, as the precursor of the Hayeopjeong, may be related with the name of the hillside region behind Samgahun. Third, a quadrangular-shaped pond with a length of 21m and a width of 15m was also built and planted with lotus flowers. In the center of the pond is a small round island that reflects the world view of the Chosun dynasty, i.e. that the sky is round and the landmass is quadrangular. Meanwhile, the name of the Hayeopjeon reflects the value system of aristocrats who lived a life of leisure and artistic indulgence. They called the eastern room "Yeeyeonhun" (怡燕軒) and the western room "Mongyangjae" (蒙養齋), names which embody their wishes for a good life as a member of the nobility and a bright future for one's descendants. Fourth, in Confucian terms, the authors infer the points of view reflected in the kinds of trees that were planted according to Confucian norms (pine tree, lotus, bamboo), the living philosophy of sustainability (willow), the ideology of seclusion and the search for peace of mind (bamboo), and relief efforts for the poor and a life of practicality (chestnut, oak, wild walnut, lacquer). The authors assert that this way of planting trees was a highly effective design feature of landscape architecture that drew on the locational and symbolic significance of the Seodang. Fifth, the majority of the trees that were initially planted withered and were replaced with different species, except for the locust and lotus, at this point. Nevertheless, a review of the process of construction, symbolic meaning, and original architectural landscape of the Samgahun is of value in demonstrating the extended symbolic meaning of their descendants in terms of the practical loss of the function of the Seodang, the values of Feng Sui (red in the east, white in the west, based on the principles of Feng Sui), the function of repelling evils spirits (kalopanax, trifoliate orange), aesthetic and practical values (sweetbrier, apricot, pear, peach, and oriental oak trees), and the prosperity of the family and the timeless value of honest poverty (silk, crape myrtle, and yew trees).

Natural Landscape of the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland;Its Conservation and Tourism

  • Lee, Duk-Jae;Mitchell, C. Paul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture Conference
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    • 2007.10b
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 2007
  • Ecotourism has a concept of conservation as a basis, for economic and social values are derived from the sustainable use of natural resources. This study aims to introduce natural landscape of the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland and to describe its conservation and tourism in the Park, in order to provide the implication of landscape conservation of National Parks in Korea. Although the National Parks of Scotland were officially established long after those of England and Wales, their important features had already been internationally recognised and designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest(SSSI), National Nature Reserve(NNR), or National Scenic Area(NSA). These focus on landscape conservation and are managed by Scottish Natural Heritage(SNH). The Cairngorms National Park focuses on landscape conservation and recreation, and has been the subject of a number of initiatives attempting to assess landscape resource potential and its current and future management. This implies that a carefully preserved landscape has the effect of a tourism resource in which tourists look for novelty embedded in the typicality of the landscape of the National Park. The typical landscape which is conserved in the Cairngorms National Park is understood as both an objective representative and a subjective ideal involving the meaning of the landscape. This is implicit in the tourist booklet that promotes the sightseeing activities of tourists. It is thus important that National Parks should be focused both on managing landscape as well as promoting tourism.

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De Morgan's view on the development of algebra (대수 발달의 단계에 관한 드모르간의 관점 연구)

  • Yu, Mi-Kyung;Kim, Jae-Hong;Kwon, Seok-Il;Park, Sun-Yong;Choi, Ji-Sun;Park, Kyo-Sik
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.61-78
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we discuss about De Morgan's view on the development of algebra according to following distinctions: arithmetic, universal arithmetic, symbolic algebra, significant algebra. De Morgan thought that the differences between arithmetic and universal arithmetic lie in the usage of letters and the immediate performance of computation. In his viewpoint, universal arithmetic is a transitional phase, in which absurd phenomena occur, from arithmetic to algebra and these absurd phenomena call for algebra. The feature of De Morgan's view on the development of algebra is that symbolic calculus which consist of symbol system without symbol's meaning is acquired, then as extended meanings are furnished to symbols, symbolic calculus become logical so significant calculus is developed. For example, Single algebra is developed, as an extended meaning is furnished to a symbol -1, and double algebra is developed, as an extended meaning is furnished to a symbol $\sqrt{-1}$. According to De Morgan, a symbol system is derived from the incompleteness of a prior symbol system.

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Research on Recognition of Graphic Symbols in Amusement Park: A Case Study of Taiwan's Theme Amusement Park

  • Hsu, Yao-Wen;Chung, Yi-Chan;Chen, Ching-Piao;Tsai, Chih-Hung
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2008
  • Each amusement park has a wayfinding system, while symbols are important mediums to guide tourists to find their destinations. It is very important that whether the meanings of symbols recognized by tourists immediately. This paper mainly discusses the recognition of graphic symbols in amusement park, and proposes the improvement suggestions. Materials for this study were drawn from 20 different graphic symbols of a theme amusement park in Taiwan. The testees were required to evaluate the design of graphic symbols based on symbolic meaning and graphics recognition to summarize the confusion matrix. The results show that there are three groups of graphic symbols easy to be confused, and five symbols not meeting a criterion of 67% correct responses. The reasons were discussed, and improvement and relevant suggestions have been proposed, which may be helpful to redesign of symbols.

An Analysis of Planning elements and Case study of Sustainable Mixed-use Industrial Park (지속가능한 복합산업단지 계획요소 도출 및 적용 사례분석)

  • Sung, Jae-Wook;Oh, Deog-Seong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.4058-4067
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    • 2013
  • In the course of the 20th century, a separation of industrial and residential areas issued several urban problems due to the industrialization, also new industry growth needed mixed-use industrial park. Also, necessity to make up sustainable industrial complex is emphasized. This paper attempts to make a conceptual understanding on mixed-use industrial park through the theoretical background, and chose planning elements through precedent studies and expert FGI. The analysis framework drawn from precedent studies and theories, implications were drawn from domestic and foreign case studies's actual conditions and comparison. With these Contents, there is meaning of study that projected sustainable mixed-used industrial park's plan direction to be formed in domestic hereafter.