• Title/Summary/Keyword: Matrix Equation

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3-Dimensional Performance Optimization Model of Snatch Weightlifting

  • Moon, Young-Jin;Darren, Stefanyshyn
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2015
  • Object : The goals of this research were to make Performance Enhanced Model(PE) taken the largest performance index (PI) through artificial variation of principle components calculated by principle component analysis for trial data, and to verify the effect through comparing kinematic factors between trial data (Raw) and PE. Method : Ten subjects (5 men, 5 women) were recruited and 80% of their maximal record was considered. The PI is a regression equation. In order to develop PE, we extracted Principle components from trial position data (by Principle Components Analysis (PCA)). Before PCA, we made 17 position data to 3 row matrix according to components. We calculated 3 eigen value (principle components) through PCA. And except Y (medial-lateral direction) component (because motion of Y component is small), principle components of X (anterior-posterior direction) and Z (vertical direction) components were changed as following. Changed principle components = principle components + principle components ${\times}$ k. After changing the each principle component, we reconstructed position data using the changed principle components and calculated performance index (PI). A Paired t-test was used to compare Raw data and Performance Enhanced Model data. The level of statistical significance was set at $p{\leq}0.05$. Result : The PI was significantly increased about 12.9kg at PE ($101.92{\pm}6.25$) when compared to the Raw data ($91.29{\pm}7.10$). It means that performance can be increased by optimizing 3D positions. The difference of kinematic factors as follows : the movement distance of the bar from start to lock out was significantly larger (about 1cm) for PE, the width of anterior-posterior bar position in full phase was significantly wider (about 1.3cm) for PE and the horizontal displacement toward the weightlifter after beginning of descent from maximal height was significantly greater (about 0.4cm) for PE. Additionally, the minimum knee angle in the 2-pull phase was significantly smaller (approximately 2.7cm) for the PE compared to that of the Raw. PE was decided at proximal position from the Raw (origin point (0,0)) of PC variation). Conclusion : PI was decided at proximal position from the Raw (origin point (0,0)) of PC variation). This means that Performance Enhanced Model was decided by similar motion to the Raw without a great change. Therefore, weightlifters could be accept Performance Enhanced Model easily, comfortably and without large stress. The Performance Enhance Model can provide training direction for athletes to improve their weightlifting records.

Modeling and Digital Predistortion Design of RF Power Amplifier Using Extended Memory Polynomial (확장된 메모리 다항식 모델을 이용한 전력 증폭기 모델링 및 디지털 사전 왜곡기 설계)

  • Lee, Young-Sup;Ku, Hyun-Chul;Kim, Jeong-Hwi;Ryoo, Kyoo-Tae
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.1254-1264
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    • 2008
  • This paper suggests an extended memory polynomial model that improves accuracy in modeling memory effects of RF power amplifiers(PAs), and verifies effectiveness of the suggested method. The extended memory polynomial model includes cross-terms that are products of input terms that have different delay values to improve the limited accuracy of basic memory polynomial model that includes the diagonal terms of Volterra kernels. The complexity of the memoryless model, memory polynomial model, and the suggested model are compared. The extended memory polynomial model is represented with a matrix equation, and the Volterra kernels are extracted using least square method. In addition, the structure of digital predistorter and digital signal processing(DSP) algorithm based on the suggested model and indirect learning method are proposed to implement a digital predistortion linearization. To verify the suggested model, the predicted output of the model is compared with the measured output for a 10W GaN HEMT RF PA and 30 W LDMOS RF PA using 2.3 GHz WiBro input signal, and adjacent-channel power ratio(ACPR) performance with the proposed digital predistortion is measured. The proposed model increases model accuracy for the PAs, and improves the linearization performance by reducing ACPR.

Multiple Regression Equations for Estimating Water Supply Capacities of Dams Considering Influencing Factors (영향요인을 고려한 댐 용수공급능력 추정 회귀모형)

  • Kang, Min Goo;Lee, Gwang Man
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.45 no.11
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    • pp.1131-1141
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    • 2012
  • In this study, factors that influence water supply capacities of dams are extracted using factor analysis, and multiple regression equations for estimating water supply capacities of dams are developed using the analysis results. Twenty-one multi-purpose dams and twelve Municipal and Industrial (M&I) water supply dams are selected for case studies, and eight variables influencing water supply capacities of dams, namely: watershed area, inflow, effective reservoir storage, grade on amount of M&I water supply, grade on amount of agricultural water supply, grade on amount of in-stream flow supply, grade on river administration, and grade on average rainfall, are determined. Two case studies for multi-purpose dams and M&I water supply dams are performed, employing factor analysis, respectively. For the two cases, preliminary tests, such as reviewing matrix of correlation coefficient, Bartlett's test of sphericity, and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test, are conducted to evaluate the suitability of the variables for factor analysis. In case of multi-purpose dams, variables are grouped into three factors; M&I water supply dams, two factors. The factors are rotated using Varimax method, and then factor loading of each variable is computed. The results show that the variables influencing water supply capacities of dams are reasonably selected and appropriately grouped into factors. In addition, multiple regression equations for predicting the amounts of annual water supply of dams are established using the factor scores as explanatory variables, it is identified that the models' accuracies are high, and their applications to determining effective storage capacity of a dam during dam planning and design steps are presented. Consequently, it is thought that the variables and factors are useful for dam planning and dam design.

Non-Local Plasticity Constitutive Relation for Particulate Composite Material Using Combined Back-Stress Model and Shear Band Formation (비국부 이론을 이용한 입자 강화 복합재 이중후방응력 소성 구성방정식 모델 및 전단밴드 분석)

  • Yun, Su-Jin;Kim, Shin Hoe;Park, Jae-Beom;Jung, Gyoo Dong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.38 no.10
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    • pp.1057-1068
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    • 2014
  • This paper proposes elastic-plastic constitutive relations for a composite material with two phases-inclusion and matrix phases-using a homogenization scheme. A thermodynamic framework is employed to develop non-local plasticity constitutive relations, which are specifically represented in terms of the second-order gradient terms of the internal state variables. A combined two back-stress evolution equation is also established and the degradation of the state and internal variables is expressed by continuum damage mechanics in terms of the damage factor. Then, deformation localization is analyzed; the analysis results show that the proposed model yields a wide range of shear band formation behaviors depending on the evolution of the specific internal state variables. The analysis results also show good agreement with the results of simplified Rice instability analyses.

Analysis of Research Trends in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Using Topic Modeling (토픽모델링을 활용한 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics의 연구 동향 분석)

  • Kim, Sung-Yeun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.607-615
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the research status and trends related to the industrial mathematics based on text mining techniques with a sample of 4910 papers collected in the SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics from 1970 to 2019. The R program was used to collect titles, abstracts, and key words from the papers and to analyze topic modeling techniques based on LDA algorithm. As a result of the coherence score on the collected papers, 20 topics were determined optimally using the Gibbs sampling methods. The main results were as follows. First, studies on industrial mathematics were conducted in a variety of mathematics fields, including computational mathematics, geometry, mathematical modeling, topology, discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, with a focus on analysis and algebra. Second, 5 hot topics (mathematical biology, nonlinear partial differential equation, discrete mathematics, statistics, topology) and 1 cold topic (probability theory) were found based on time series regression analysis. Third, among the fields that were not reflected in the 2015 revised mathematics curriculum, numeral system, matrix, vector in space, and complex numbers were extracted as the contents to be covered in the high school mathematical curriculum. Finally, this study suggested strategies to activate industrial mathematics in Korea, described the study limitations, and proposed directions for future research.

Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis on Low-Tension Towed Cable by Finite Difference Method (유한차분법을 이용한 저장력 예인케이블의 비선형 동적해석)

  • Han-Il Park;Dong-Ho Jung
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.28-37
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    • 2002
  • In this study nonlinear dynamic behaviors of towed tow-tension cables are numerically analysed. In the case of a taut cable analysis, a bending stiffness term is usually neglected due to its minor effect but it plays an important role in a low-tension cable analysis. A low-tension cable may experience large displacements due to relatively small restoring forces and thus the effects of fluid and geometric non-linearities become predominant. The bending stiffness and non-linearity effects are considered in this work. In order to obtain dynamic behaviors of a towed low-tension cable, three-dimensional nonlinear dynamic equation is described and discretized by employing a finite difference method. An implicit method and Newton-Raphson iteration are adopted for the time integration and nonlinear solutions. For the calculation of huge size of matrices. block tri-diagonal matrix method is applied, which is much faster than the well-known Gauss-Jordan method in two point boundary value problems. Some case studies are carried out and the results of numerical simulations are compared with those of a in-house program of WHOI Cable with good agreements.

Mean Square Projection Error Gradient-based Variable Forgetting Factor FAPI Algorithm (평균 제곱 투영 오차의 기울기에 기반한 가변 망각 인자 FAPI 알고리즘)

  • Seo, YoungKwang;Shin, Jong-Woo;Seo, Won-Gi;Kim, Hyoung-Nam
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.177-187
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    • 2014
  • This paper proposes a fast subspace tracking methods, which is called GVFF FAPI, based on FAPI (Fast Approximated Power Iteration) method and GVFF RLS (Gradient-based Variable Forgetting Factor Recursive Lease Squares). Since the conventional FAPI uses a constant forgetting factor for estimating covariance matrix of source signals, it has difficulty in applying to non-stationary environments such as continuously changing DOAs of source signals. To overcome the drawback of conventioanl FAPI method, the GVFF FAPI uses the gradient-based variable forgetting factor derived from an improved means square error (MSE) analysis of RLS. In order to achieve the decreased subspace error in non-stationary environments, the GVFF-FAPI algorithm used an improved forgetting factor updating equation that can produce a fast decreasing forgetting factor when the gradient is positive and a slowly increasing forgetting factor when the gradient is negative. Our numerical simulations show that GVFF-FAPI algorithm offers lower subspace error and RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) of tracked DOAs of source signals than conventional FAPI based MUSIC (MUltiple SIgnal Classification).

Dynamic Control Allocation for Shaping Spacecraft Attitude Control Command

  • Choi, Yoon-Hyuk;Bang, Hyo-Choong
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.10-20
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    • 2007
  • For spacecraft attitude control, reaction wheel (RW) steering laws with more than three wheels for three-axis attitude control can be derived by using a control allocation (CA) approach.1-2 The CA technique deals with a problem of distributing a given control demand to available sets of actuators.3-4 There are many references for CA with applications to aerospace systems. For spacecraft, the control torque command for three body-fixed reference frames can be constructed by a combination of multiple wheels, usually four-wheel pyramid sets. Multi-wheel configurations can be exploited to satisfy a body-axis control torque requirement while satisfying objectives such as minimum control energy.1-2 In general, the reaction wheel steering laws determine required torque command for each wheel in the form of matrix pseudo-inverse. In general, the attitude control command is generated in the form of a feedback control. The spacecraft body angular rate measured by gyros is used to estimate angular displacement also.⁵ Combination of the body angular rate and attitude parameters such as quaternion and MRPs(Modified Rodrigues Parameters) is typically used in synthesizing the control command which should be produced by RWs.¹ The attitude sensor signals are usually corrupted by noise; gyros tend to contain errors such as drift and random noise. The attitude determination system can estimate such errors, and provide best true signals for feedback control.⁶ Even if the attitude determination system, for instance, sophisticated algorithm such as the EKF(Extended Kalman Filter) algorithm⁶, can eliminate the errors efficiently, it is quite probable that the control command still contains noise sources. The noise and/or other high frequency components in the control command would cause the wheel speed to change in an undesirable manner. The closed-loop system, governed by the feedback control law, is also directly affected by the noise due to imperfect sensor characteristics. The noise components in the sensor signal should be mitigated so that the control command is isolated from the noise effect. This can be done by adding a filter to the sensor output or preventing rapid change in the control command. Dynamic control allocation(DCA), recently studied by Härkegård, is to distribute the control command in the sense of dynamics⁴: the allocation is made over a certain time interval, not a fixed time instant. The dynamic behavior of the control command is taken into account in the course of distributing the control command. Not only the control command requirement, but also variation of the control command over a sampling interval is included in the performance criterion to be optimized. The result is a control command in the form of a finite difference equation over the given time interval.⁴ It results in a filter dynamics by taking the previous control command into account for the synthesis of current control command. Stability of the proposed dynamic control allocation (CA) approach was proved to ensure the control command is bounded at the steady-state. In this study, we extended the results presented in Ref. 4 by adding a two-step dynamic CA term in deriving the control allocation law. Also, the strict equality constraint, between the virtual and actual control inputs, is relaxed in order to construct control command with a smooth profile. The proposed DCA technique is applied to a spacecraft attitude control problem. The sensor noise and/or irregular signals, which are existent in most of spacecraft attitude sensors, can be handled effectively by the proposed approach.

An efficient 2.5D inversion of loop-loop electromagnetic data (루프-루프 전자탐사자료의 효과적인 2.5차원 역산)

  • Song, Yoon-Ho;Kim, Jung-Ho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.68-77
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    • 2008
  • We have developed an inversion algorithm for loop-loop electromagnetic (EM) data, based on the localised non-linear or extended Born approximation to the solution of the 2.5D integral equation describing an EM scattering problem. Source and receiver configuration may be horizontal co-planar (HCP) or vertical co-planar (VCP). Both multi-frequency and multi-separation data can be incorporated. Our inversion code runs on a PC platform without heavy computational load. For the sake of stable and high-resolution performance of the inversion, we implemented an algorithm determining an optimum spatially varying Lagrangian multiplier as a function of sensitivity distribution, through parameter resolution matrix and Backus-Gilbert spread function analysis. Considering that the different source-receiver orientation characteristics cause inconsistent sensitivities to the resistivity structure in simultaneous inversion of HCP and VCP data, which affects the stability and resolution of the inversion result, we adapted a weighting scheme based on the variances of misfits between the measured and calculated datasets. The accuracy of the modelling code that we have developed has been proven over the frequency, conductivity, and geometric ranges typically used in a loop-loop EM system through comparison with 2.5D finite-element modelling results. We first applied the inversion to synthetic data, from a model with resistive as well as conductive inhomogeneities embedded in a homogeneous half-space, to validate its performance. Applying the inversion to field data and comparing the result with that of dc resistivity data, we conclude that the newly developed algorithm provides a reasonable image of the subsurface.

A Comprehensive Groundwater Modeling using Multicomponent Multiphase Theory: 1. Development of a Multidimensional Finite Element Model (다중 다상이론을 이용한 통합적 지하수 모델링: 1. 다차원 유한요소 모형의 개발)

  • Joon Hyun Kim
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 1996
  • An integrated model is presented to describe underground flow and mass transport, using a multicomponent multiphase approach. The comprehensive governing equation is derived considering mass and force balances of chemical species over four phases(water, oil, air, and soil) in a schematic elementary volume. Compact and systemati notations of relevant variables and equations are introduced to facilitate the inclusion of complex migration and transformation processes, and variable spatial dimensions. The resulting nonlinear system is solved by a multidimensional finite element code. The developed code with dynamic array allocation, is sufficiently flexible to work across a wide spectrum of computers, including an IBM ES 9000/900 vector facility, SP2 cluster machine, Unix workstations and PCs, for one-, two and three-dimensional problems. To reduce the computation time and storage requirements, the system equations are decoupled and solved using a banded global matrix solver, with the vector and parallel processing on the IBM 9000. To avoide the numerical oscillations of the nonlinear problems in the case of convective dominant transport, the techniques of upstream weighting, mass lumping, and elementary-wise parameter evaluation are applied. The instability and convergence criteria of the nonlinear problems are studied for the one-dimensional analogue of FEM and FDM. Modeling capacity is presented in the simulation of three dimensional composite multiphase TCE migration. Comprehesive simulation feature of the code is presented in a companion paper of this issue for the specific groundwater or flow and contamination problems.

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