• Title/Summary/Keyword: Marketing promotion

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An Analysis of the Current Practice of E-book Management and Services in Academic Libraries : Focused on A and B Academic Libraries (대학도서관 전자책 관리 및 서비스 실태 분석: A와 B 대학도서관을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Soojung;Lee, Ji-Won
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.167-190
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to analyze the current status of e-book management and services in academic libraries and identify related issues in the provision of the services. To do that, it performed case studies with A and B university libraries. E-book usage statistics was collected from each library and interviews were conducted with librarians responsible for e-book management and services. The interviews included questions regarding obstacles to e-book management and services and current issues as well as budget and acquisition, access and catalogues, usage, and marketing for e-books. The results show that in both libraries, the usage of e-books is low compared with that of printed books and the usage of e-books has declined recently. This is because of lack of new books with shortage of budget. Also, the most important issue surrounding e-book services is academic library evaluation, enacted by Academic Library Promotion Act in 2015. This study discussed how the criteria for academic library evaluation influence the way the academic libraries acquire and manage e-books.

Data and reliability evaluation in industry (산업체에서의 데이터와 신뢰성평가)

  • Baik, Jai-wook
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2017
  • In the case of manufacturing companies, various types of data are collected. Many of these data can be used as useful information for product reliability evaluation. In this study, we first look at data that can be collected by a manufacturing company and related to products, technology, finance, and customers. Next, we will look at the company's business management system, scientific journals, test and marketing survey data, etc., as sources of data. Next, look at what kind of data is collected over the product life cycle to evaluate the reliability of the product. In the development stage of the product, reliability test is performed for each component, and reliability data is collected by performing reliability test at the subsystem and system level. On the other hand, at the manufacturing stage, data on the functional test and the design change test of the product are collected, and at the field stage, the problem of the product is detected in the field and collected in the form of data. Finally, let's look at what you need to do to make a reasonable analysis later in your data collection.

Effects of Message Sidedness of Fashion Salespersons on Consumer Behavior -Focusing on the Mediating Effects of Salespersons' Trust and Cognitive Effort- (패션점포 판매원 메시지의 측면성이 소비자 행동에 미치는 영향 -판매원 신뢰와 인지노력의 매개효과를 중심으로-)

  • Kwon, Ki Yong;Choo, Ho Jung;Lee, Mi Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.88-103
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    • 2018
  • Message sidedness of fashion salespersons on consumer behavior with the consideration of the mediating roles of trust and cognitive efforts, and the moderation of a regulatory focus of consumers. Two scenarios were devised, a single message in which a salesperson explains only the advantages of a product to customers, and the second with a double message that explains both the advantages and drawbacks of the product. The results showed that participants trusted a fashion salesperson more and perceived stronger cognitive effort for two-sided messages. The two-sided messages mediated the consumer's trust in the salesperson and cognitive effort, and influenced consumers' buying behavior. This study also found that salesperson trust was stronger in the two-sided messages scenario than in the one-sided message scenario, regardless of consumers' focused preference, and that it was more effective for promotion focus customers. The analysis of the results on consumers' cognitive effort indicated that prevention focused customers did not exhibit any difference in cognitive effort concerning two-sided messages. However, promotion focused customers exhibited an increased cognitive effort in the two-sided message scenario than in the one-sided message scenario. Marketing implications were discussed based on the findings.

A Study on the Export Priority Indicators of Rice Processed Food for Export Business

  • Kang, Kyung soo;Son, Chan soo;Jung, Jong min;Park, Sang youn;Kim, Hyo Eun
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2018
  • As the trade among the countries increases, domestic agriculture is facing a crisis. Especially domestic rice industry is suffering from the rice market opening problem and the domestic rice industry itself. As a counter measure against this, despite the promotion of the rice processing food industry, the export of rice processed food has decreased by an average annual rate of 12.3% since 2011 due to the lack of customized export strategy, such as low price competitiveness, insufficient quality and brand management. As a measure, we selected indicators to prioritize establishment of export strategy of rice processed food business and used AHP methodology to draw the weight for each indicators. The selection of export strategy prioritization indicator was based on the marketing mix theory, various previous research reviews and expert consulting. Five higher level indicators and nineteen detailed indicators were derived, and a weighted value of them was analyzed using a professional package. As a result, the relative importance of higher level indicators was 45.5% for product differentiation, 18.4% for management competence, 13.0% for export infrastructure, 12.0% for product pricing, and 11.1% for product distribution. The relative importance of the lower level indicators was 17.3% for product safety, 15.3% for product quality, 9.1% for management expertise, and 7.0% for product brand. This result is expected to be used as export strategy indicators of rice processed food export business.

Factors Affecting Savings Deposit Decision of Individual Customers: Empirical Evidence from Vietnamese Commercial Banks

  • VUONG, Bui Nhat;TUNG, Dao Duy;GIAO, Ha Nam Khanh;DAT, Ngo Tan;QUAN, Tran Nhu
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.7
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    • pp.293-302
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    • 2020
  • Capital mobilization is a traditional business of commercial banks and is one of the core foundations for the development of a bank. Capital mobilization is the main input in the operation of a bank, and this is also the basis for generating output for credit activities as well as other banking activities. This study aims to determine the main factors that affect the decisions of individual customers to put savings deposit in Vietnamese commercial banks. Survey data collected from 403 individual customers were analyzed to provide evidence. The results from the multiple regression analysis by using SPSS software revealed that all scales in this study were reliable, and there were six components impacting the savings deposit decision of individual customers from the strongest to the weakest in the following order: the form of promotion, bank brand, service quality, interest rate policy, and employee knowledge and attitude. Besides, the finding showed customers who have high income tend to have a stronger decision on savings deposits in commercial banks. The main findings of this article provide some empirical implications for marketers in banks and serve as a suggestion to improve these factors in order to retain and attract individual customers' savings deposit decisions.

Case Study of Appling Customer Information and Customer Management in Fashion Merchandising Process (패션머천다이징 프로세스에서의 고객정보 활용 및 고객관리에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Ko Eun-Ju;Yun Sun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.5 s.153
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    • pp.788-799
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze fashion merchandising process, to apply customer information in merchandising process and to examine customer management strategies of fashion industry in on-line and off-line channel. In depth, face to face interviews with structured questionnaires were conducted with MD and customer managers from selected 4 brands, one from each categories of men's, women's, casual and sports wear. Key findings of the study were as follows: First, they followed fashion merchandising process of 18 steps and collected trend information and sales data were applied to planning, selling/promoting process to plan season concept, design, and promotion activity. Second, commonly applied customer information types in fashion merchandising process were all from indirect information collected from sales data and forecasting companies. However, casual and sports wear conducted consumer monitoring activity f3r collecting customer data directly from customer participation. Third, in off-line channel, customers are segmented by amount of purchase they make in a specific time period and all the categories show high interest in valuable customers. However, only men's and woman's wear conducted promotion activities for valuable customers as a differentiated marketing strategy. In on-line channel, companies were interacting with the customers through internet web site to determine their demands. In conclusion, this study has significance in that it propose the necessity and strategy of differentiated customer management approaching by analyzing and comparing fashion merchandising activity process cases.

The Analysis on Job Satisfaction of Personnel Engaged in Contract Food service Management Company (위탁급식전문업체 종사자와 직무만족도 분석)

  • 양일선;박문경;차진아;이해영
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.519-527
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    • 2004
  • This study was designed firstly to measure the job satisfaction (JS) levels of personnel engaged in contract food-service management company (CFMC), secondly to compare the job satisfaction levels by personal and company-related characteristics, and thirdly to identify the effects of JS facets on overall job satisfaction. Of 1135 respondents, there were 712 employees in the headquarters and 423 in the branch office. From an analysis on job satisfaction, overall job satisfaction level was 3.22 out of a maximum 5 and the co-worker (3.71) facet of JS was the highest job satisfaction followed by supervision (3.32), work itself (3.26), working condition (3.15), promotion (2.95) and payroll (2.74). In comparison of job satisfaction by personal characteristics, the personnel who were male (p < .01), had associate degrees (p < .01) or long-term careers in foodservice field (p < .05), or were regular employees (p < .01) perceived significantly higher than others for overall JS. In comparison of the job satisfaction by company-related characteristics, overall JS was significant by company scale (p < .01) and by work place (p < .05), but it was not significant by operating group. Finally, on the regression analysis for the effects of JS facets on overall JS, adjusted R2 was 0.534 (p < .001) and all six JS facets, especially payroll, had a positive effect on overall JS significantly (p < .001). Considering that the goal of enterprise on profit-making through customer satisfaction (CS) and the role of personnel on CS at moment of thrust (MOT), the findings confirmed the necessity for continuous internal marketing and human relation management focusing on the lower level of JS facets.

Influencing Factors of Sales Process and Task Education on Sales of Health Functional Food in Door-to-door Saleswomen (건강기능식품 여성 방문판매원의 판매과정, 직무교육 요인이 건강기능식품 매출에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Nam, Minyoung;Yoon, Sun;Lee, Hae-Young;Chung, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.326-335
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing sales of health functional foods by door-to-door saleswomen. A total of 450 women who worked as door-to-door salespersons in Seoul were enrolled. The survey questionnaire was composed of five parts as follows: general characteristics, factors related with door-to-door sales process, task education, competency required for door-to-door salespersons, and customer relationship beliefs. The survey was conducted in October 2011. Finally, data on 302 subjects were statistically analyzed using the SPSS 17.0 package program. Reason for sales of health functional foods (p<0.01), time required for sales promotion (p<0.001), difficulties during sales of health functional foods (p<0.05), satisfaction of task education (p<0.01), and failure of salesperson's memory as problems of task education (p<0.01) were significantly associated with sales of health functional foods. However, means of sales promotion, frequency and time of task education, and competency required for door-to-door salespersons were not significantly related with sales of health functional foods. Customer relationship beliefs did not show significant association with sales of health functional foods either. In conclusion, certain factors were associated with sales of health functional foods by door-to-door saleswomen. These results provide an understanding for sales of door-to-door health functional foods and provide basic information for preparation of task education for health functional food saleswomen and marketing.

Starbucks Growth Background Analysis: Based on STEEP analysis (스타벅스의 성장배경분석 : STEEP을 기초하여)

  • Lee, Jong-Hyeon;Park, Sang-Hyeon
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2022
  • This study tried to analyze the growth background of Starbucks, a competitive company in the Korean coffee industry. Therefore, by using the STEEP analysis technique, each company's competitiveness was analyzed and the results were used to derive competitive factors. And the research results are as follows. Looking at the social aspect, economic activity has been a catalyst for women as the standard of living has increased due to economic growth. In addition, in the case of coffee culture in the past, Starbucks' response strategy, which has seen the transformation from vending machine mixed coffee culture to a consumer market that emphasizes cultural and spatial aspects, was effective. Looking at the technical aspect, the deviation has been reduced by securing uniform standardization of the taste of coffee beans at franchise stores, and the operation of a standardized operating system was possible by operating the store directly. And looking at the economic aspect, as the coffee consumption market continues to expand, the overall size of the market has also grown proportionally, creating a stable growth environment. Lastly, looking at the environmental and policy aspects, it is that the marketing strategy direction based on the policy activities as an eco-friendly company as a market leader has been the main focus of the recent policy direction emphasizing eco-friendliness.

A Study on the Current Status and Directions in Development of Local Food Federation of Heterogeneous Cooperatives: In Case of Daegu & Gyeongbuk (로컬푸드 이종협동조합연합회의 실태와 발전방향 모색 - 대구경북을 사례로-)

  • Park, Chan-Soo;Heo, Deung-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.129-149
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    • 2022
  • In March 2020, the National Assembly revised the Framework Act on Cooperatives, allowing a federation of heterogeneous cooperatives, and in October 2020, the Daegu Gyeongbuk Federation of Local Food Cooperatives was launched as the first federation of heterogeneous cooperatives in the country. The local food movement, which has been promoted upward in the local community as an alternative to the existing global food system, seems to be being activated by the government's food plan policy, but critics say that the government's policy goals are not fully achieved due to the top-down policy promotion and lack of communication. In response, this study first examines the role and significance of the local food federation of heterogeneous cooperatives in solving the problems raised in the process of establishing a food plan. In addition, the current status of the federation was investigated for the successful settlement and development of the Daegu Gyeongbuk Federation of Local Food Cooperatives. A survey of affiliated cooperatives, focus group interviews with managers and experts and related literature surveys were conducted. Based on this, the direction of activities was presented, such as the role of an intermediary in Daegu and Gyeongbuk and the role of an intermediary in the public and private sectors etc. In addition, six joint project tasks were specifically presented, including an integrated information sharing system & a logistics network, a planned production system & a joint processing center, an online sales system & a co-marketing promotion, a joint education system, a management of direct stores & restaurants, a sustainable public-private cooperation system etc.